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#1 Old 13th Apr 2020 at 10:01 PM Last edited by Victor_tor : 13th Apr 2020 at 10:32 PM.
Default Somethin under water tower
Hello. I was made a water tower for Riverview few time ago. First it was just a landmark to fill in the gap, but then I decided to make it useful. I was was started to make it as a laundry, but I haven't enjoyed with result. Sims were rarely spawned to this location so I was not enjoyed to see one sim per day that use this laundry. It is empty underground space now. And I decided to ask you. What community space can be placed here in uderground? I was read in Sims 3 lot placement infuences on its density. Maybe something depends on location?

It's placed on 303, Cypress Lane. There is a red farm of Joy Family you can see at screenshots. Joy family has high gardening and fishing skills, both Norman and Elaine are Green Thumb. Lorraine Cantina lives in other side of street. She is having 3 points of charisma and she is a vampire in my game. What lot assignment can be placed here to suit their interest and make them spawn here?

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#2 Old 14th Apr 2020 at 7:42 AM
I would maybe make this a hangout type of lot. i would add more objects(painting +fishing+possibly late night bar) your sims can use. I have been told that fencing on the edges of lots can prevent sims from spawning on lot correctly(you have space in front) but not sure if fences on side are causing issues.
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#3 Old 14th Apr 2020 at 1:23 PM
Hey, thank you. I've tried to furnish this space as bar before wait for your answer. Was furnished it with proffesional bar, dancefloor, TV and two arcada games. Just few words about results. Bar was spawned one sim (Dean), and also was pointed as hot spot. Certaintly that's not I want for this place LoL. Because I want to attract here sims who is nearby.
I had the same with Norn's Northeney. Not sure actually but guess all Late Night lot assignments work fine with town-styled neighborhoods with flats, high rising houses and skyscrapers, but not suburban.

I will surely follow your advice and test it as hangout. Painting? Probably. Not sure about fishing. Because there is not enough land space to make here a pond. Puzzled and don't know where can I place here a fish spawning point.
I was pointed the lot facade. All sim seems to be arrive from those facade side with vehicles. There are no points nearby that would make sims to teleport. But your advice is important because I need to avoid big enclosed spaces. I has this one between fence and water tower. Thank you for this warning.

I have an idea to put somewhere your favourite palette with blue and pink. Just need to think a bit where.

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#4 Old 15th Apr 2020 at 11:57 AM
I was followed your suggestion, F.hater. Finally the design looks like a Art Barn in cellar. There are places for sculting and painting, grill, table soccer and small bar for visitors were placed here. No TVs and electronics cause Joy famlily, who are potential visitors, are technophobe. I placed a little music box there. It boosts entertainment wondering fast. I had no any idea how to make a fishing available in cellar so placed there omni plant that produces fish.

Was sadly to see Elain from Joy family was not visit this place. Norman is already deceased. Usually this place was spawned by whole families, not by sims from different families. I failed to make it as a place where sims woud be spawned by interests. Same way as clubs works in Sims 4. There were three families Shallow, Lobos and Bagley, who visited this place. All families has evil traits in its members and Agel Lobos is cleptomaniac. The whole picture of family retreat with evil traits makes this place look more antisocial like maifia's hideout! I want this place to provide a good vibes based on green thumb trait, so evil sims gathering makes me upset.

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#5 Old 15th Apr 2020 at 11:22 PM
I am an idiot! After some plan edits and swiching lot assignment to small park I finally trapped there Luke McDermott and his son who are angler, love nature and green thumb. Yay! But that was only on third day after switching. Other days came some anonimous sims characters with nothing common in nature and also not evil.
This probably prove sims.fandom information that says small parks has a chance to attract anglers, love nature and green thumbs. LoL, Helaine still was not attracted there even she is a green thumb who lives next to this lot.

I was left this lot with easel, grill and bar. Was added a fireplace. If I ever share, it would be made for base game only without any ad-ons.

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#6 Old 17th Apr 2020 at 11:01 AM
I had another idea. Maybe there is a chance to make it as residential? With all features (painting, gardening snd bar) that was mentioned by F.hater. Something like a shelter with pool. Something like Shady's behind the junkyard But. Behind the water tower. I don't know what about water tower cause it is special for community spaces. Is there a chance to place it on residential lot?

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#7 Old 18th Apr 2020 at 12:09 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor
I had another idea. Maybe there is a chance to make it as residential? With all features (painting, gardening snd bar) that was mentioned by F.hater. Something like a shelter with pool. Something like Shady's behind the junkyard But. Behind the water tower. I don't know what about water tower cause it is special for community spaces. Is there a chance to place it on residential lot?

You could always create your own water tower on a residential lot. It would probably have to be an octagon with a conical roof because I don't think you can make a completely rounded roof on all sides using just CFE. You could also make a custom water tower on a community lot with a lower standard building be decorated as a water treatment plant with actual other functions( fishing hole/swimming pool/etc).
Original Poster
#8 Old 19th Apr 2020 at 10:16 AM
Quote: Originally posted by fascisthater
You could always create your own water tower on a residential lot. It would probably have to be an octagon with a conical roof because I don't think you can make a completely rounded roof on all sides using just CFE. You could also make a custom water tower on a community lot with a lower standard building be decorated as a water treatment plant with actual other functions( fishing hole/swimming pool/etc).

I would rather make all Riverview filled with water towers with such level of fantasy as yours. I surely need to calm down your ideas brainstorm caused by wish to concentrate on this appearance with water tower as decorative item.

There is fourth sample upcoming and this assignment will probably be the final one. I try to make it elixir consignment store. I find there is some kind of logic exists when make water tower to be used as something that share waters. Even if those waters are potions. There would be, as you wish, a cellar with juice bar, easel and lot of art. Althougt without point for fishing (just had not found a place for that). It will share all amenities from elixir consignment that exists already in Riverview (rocking chair, broom holder, elixir producing station, stone cutting machine etc.) and also a place where would rest technophobe

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#9 Old 25th Apr 2020 at 10:34 AM
I placed the result here:
It has some info for you, fascisthater, there under spoiler.
Never thought such a small lot can make me feel so tensed when make it. Phew!

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