#76 Old 19th Oct 2011 at 12:05 AM Last edited by PhenethyaSim : 19th Oct 2011 at 12:17 AM.
So a lot of stuff that doesn't work has been mentioned. But I think it would be more benificial to the comunnity to make a list of whats NOT affected so we don't have to uninstall that content. I understand its objects with slots but I don't know what objects don't contain slots and there for don't need to be removed.
#77 Old 19th Oct 2011 at 12:18 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Captain THPS4
It says in the patch notes that there's new photo collections for the photography skill related to expansion packs. Has anyone checked out what they are? I'm kind of curious but I'm not installing the patch until I get Pets in a couple of days.

There's five new photo collections:
  • Career - Requires Ambitions, includes photos like firefighter on duty and tattoo artist.
  • Nightlife - Requires Late Night, photos range from dancing, to celebrities.
  • Generations - Requires Generations, includes photos like pillow fighting, new playground equipment (seesaw, slippy slide), etc.
  • Pets in action - Requires Pets. Self-explanatory.
  • Animal Kingdom - Requires Pets. Self-explanatory.
Lab Assistant
#78 Old 19th Oct 2011 at 1:53 AM
has anyone found a work around the sims not aging thing? its pretty much ruined my game, (i don't know what else to do. i actually went out into the real world tonight and hung out with a friend! must fix this... xD )

<- My Simself, Kelly Ovenden. Life Stage: YA Traits: Computer Whiz, Bookworm, Couch Potato, Grumpy, Nurturing
Test Subject
#79 Old 19th Oct 2011 at 2:38 AM Last edited by Denim : 19th Oct 2011 at 5:08 AM.
Twallan's story progression mod usually does the trick. He's updated almost every mod he has. He still needs to update the story progression mod so we'll have to wait a little while for that still. Or you can use awesomemod, but I don't know anything about that mod and I prefer the twallan's story mode anyways. I don't even know if the creator for awesomemod had to update his mod too or what. I would just look on their websites for more info.
#80 Old 19th Oct 2011 at 4:36 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Sims MX
There's five new photo collections:
  • Career - Requires Ambitions, includes photos like firefighter on duty and tattoo artist.
  • Nightlife - Requires Late Night, photos range from dancing, to celebrities.
  • Generations - Requires Generations, includes photos like pillow fighting, new playground equipment (seesaw, slippy slide), etc.
  • Pets in action - Requires Pets. Self-explanatory.
  • Animal Kingdom - Requires Pets. Self-explanatory.

Sounds great! Looks like my photography sims will have plenty to do (neither the Generations or Town Life patch seemed to mess up the photography skill for me). Thanks for that!

I agree that a list of what CC is not broken with the new patch would be nice. I was going through the sims3pack CC I have (which is thankfully not much), but I was still confused if there's anything I can keep aside from paintings and other decor.
Forum Resident
#81 Old 19th Oct 2011 at 6:50 AM
I know that Srikandi already posted this in the meshing forum, but I figured I'd post it here too just in case people don't check the create forums.

Custom Content Fix For Pets --- BETA

There still needs to be testers for it, but at least people are looking for solutions.
Eminence Grise
#82 Old 19th Oct 2011 at 6:50 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Captain THPS4
I agree that a list of what CC is not broken with the new patch would be nice. I was going through the sims3pack CC I have (which is thankfully not much), but I was still confused if there's anything I can keep aside from paintings and other decor.

Well, there isn't going to be a list like that, since there are thousands, maybe millions of TS3 mods :O

However, Granthes now has a tool out that will fix your CC if it needs it, and won't do anything if it doesn't. It works by drag and drop... just drop your CC on the icon. It only works on .package files atm, but if you have installed sims3packs, you could use the tool on the amalgamated file in dccache (the dcdb0.dbc file).

Won't work on store CC though (different format).

Edit: beaten by Birdyfly it's the link she gives above.
Lab Assistant
#83 Old 19th Oct 2011 at 7:21 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Srikandi
you could use the tool on the amalgamated file in dccache (the dcdb0.dbc file).

Just to clarify, the tool works on COMBINED files?
Eminence Grise
#84 Old 19th Oct 2011 at 7:41 AM
Combined package files, yes And you can drop multiple files on it too... can do all your CC in one go.

Note that it is still being tested though... there may still be issues with some more complex modded objects. However, not likely to corrupt your save... worst that will happen is you'll get an object with some funky behavior.
Field Researcher
#85 Old 19th Oct 2011 at 8:11 AM
Good to hear that people are trying to get custom content working again correctly for those who use custom content.. does anyone know if modthesims is going to make a category for pets in the download section of the site?
#86 Old 19th Oct 2011 at 8:15 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Srikandi
However, Granthes now has a tool out that will fix your CC if it needs it, and won't do anything if it doesn't. It works by drag and drop... just drop your CC on the icon. It only works on .package files atm, but if you have installed sims3packs, you could use the tool on the amalgamated file in dccache (the dcdb0.dbc file).

Won't work on store CC though (different format).

Thanks for the update and thank you for helping fix this huge mess EA left us all in. You guys are awesome!! I have lots of store CC and I never got the store patch, would I need to go get that patch as well?

Quote: Originally posted by LadyKombucha
has anyone found a work around the sims not aging thing? its pretty much ruined my game, (i don't know what else to do. i actually went out into the real world tonight and hung out with a friend! must fix this... xD )

OMG!!! LadyKombucha I actually did the same thing this evening and it's hubby's double shift night too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I tried playing earlier but I just couldn't get into it. I'm doing a challenge and everytime I go into build/buy mode I'm thinking "Collections would really be helpful finding stuff right now... " sigh

Life is short, insecurity is a waste of time. ~Diane Von Furstenburg
You don't get out of life alive. ~Jimmy the Hand

♥ Receptacle Refugee ♥
Lab Assistant
#87 Old 19th Oct 2011 at 8:23 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Srikandi
Combined package files, yes

Glad to know this - saves a lot of trouble.
Field Researcher
#88 Old 19th Oct 2011 at 9:25 AM
does anyone know if cars are working okay?? I was going to download some and make a collection file of fresh prince's cars.
Forum Resident
#89 Old 19th Oct 2011 at 9:42 AM
The cars do not work apparently. I think there is something about the wheels no longer moving. I don't have any CC in my game at the moment, so I can't test this out personally, but dogs and cats are able to get into the taxi with the Sim.
#90 Old 19th Oct 2011 at 11:40 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Srikandi
Granthes now has a tool out that will fix your CC. Won't work on store CC though (different format).

Hmmm, what about store content converted to package?
Thanks for the update too Srikandi

Can't find stuff in build and buy mode?
Lab Assistant
#91 Old 19th Oct 2011 at 12:04 PM
Quote: Originally posted by tizerist
Hmmm, what about store content converted to package?
Thanks for the update too Srikandi

At the moment I'm trying this. Dashboard Tool doesn't show any problems - I'll see whether it works in game tomorrow when I get pets.
Mad Poster
#92 Old 19th Oct 2011 at 2:21 PM
Apparently, that patch gave out free roof patterns. Asphalt Shingles, Distressed Shingles and standing Seam. ^_^
Thanks EA. :D

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Test Subject
#93 Old 19th Oct 2011 at 2:24 PM
Hey guys ^^

I tried to use the tool on my DCCache File (dcdb0.dbc) and a saw a black window popping up and apparently doing something. After it finished i closed it and ran sims 3 to check out wheter it fixed my cc, but nothing changed.

Did I do something wrong or forget something?
Or do i have to run it on all the files in DCCache? I am just afraid I will make things worse, because I am such a noob when it comes to those things :P
I will be grateful for your help

Oh, by the way, for trying i used a new game in Sunset Valley and chose one of the premade households. If this makes any difference x)
#94 Old 19th Oct 2011 at 2:31 PM
Do we need to also fix custom tents? I mean, sims sleep in them, yeah, but they're still out of sight, so to speak.
#95 Old 19th Oct 2011 at 2:33 PM
There is supposed to be a black window popping up, that is perfectly fine. Just make sure you right click on your folders with stuff you are fixing on them, click copy and past your folders somewhere where they will be safe, otherwise you could lose everything
Test Subject
#96 Old 19th Oct 2011 at 2:44 PM
Oh, of course. I have a backup of my whole sims 3 folder and a seperate folder for my downloads. But I only have the dcdb0.dbc file that I can fix, do I? Because all of my custom content is in sims3pack format.
Hmm, maybe should just try to fix it again?
#97 Old 19th Oct 2011 at 3:43 PM
Probably the best option if you haven't already converted your 3rd party CC in Sims 3 Packs to pkg files is to wait for TSR (as much as I hate recommending anything TSR) to come up with their tool, since all TS3 content on their site is in Sims 3 Packs their tool will deal with Sims 3 packs which Granthes tool currently does not.
Test Subject
#98 Old 19th Oct 2011 at 3:54 PM
You're right... I better wait for a program that can deal with sims3pack, otherwise i might fully destroy my game x)
Thank's for your help
Is Claeric
#99 Old 19th Oct 2011 at 8:19 PM
Does the tool work for converted store stuff, I have so much of it.......
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
#100 Old 19th Oct 2011 at 8:21 PM
If you have Store stuff, you need the Store Content Patch from EA.

Sandranym - The Dashboard doesn't show all possible issues. Just because it says it's okay doesn't mean your CC doesn't have problems.
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