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#1 Old 12th Oct 2019 at 1:09 PM Last edited by Victor_tor : 12th Oct 2019 at 1:25 PM. Reason: Added info about Halloween
Default Twotches story continues [TS4]

I was made facade design based on Crowkeeper's Twotches. And now I has few questions. Can I upload this at MTS and does it break any rules of author's copywrite. Am I stealing when will upload this or not&
I don't know how to represent it. Could this one be represented as siquel house? Or its overlook says more about alternative universe?
Also a question about name because I want to mention original in any case. Now I have a scratch name Twoches too (I fetched those from one Disney film called Twitches too)
I wish to resolve those questions before Halloween. I want to share this as Halloween dedicated
Thanks. Vic ^_^

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Mad Poster
#2 Old 12th Oct 2019 at 6:48 PM
You can simply send Crowkeeper a pm to ask for permission

Rebuilds like this are fairly common, I did one myself a long time ago. As said, just ask the creator for permission and you should be good.

I come in peace
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#3 Old 12th Oct 2019 at 10:51 PM
Sent. Thank you. My parents said this is looking more like two black Conference pears. Ewww. Absolutely not of spooky theme LoL

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#4 Old 13th Oct 2019 at 8:04 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Johnny_Bravo
You can simply send Crowkeeper a pm to ask for permission

She said this house is entirely different. If so, I would rather name it another way. Completely different from Twotches. As i know name Twotches was suggested by cutsocks. I need another one for this thing

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Top Secret Researcher
#5 Old 14th Oct 2019 at 3:47 AM
Victor, this is quite a creative lot, two thoughts:
It is hard to tell from the pictures, but it seems the two halves are not connected (as you say "cracked in two). Sometimes moderators pull lots back to the queue if the sections of a house are not connected. Perhaps add some furnishings that make it clear it is a separate building- like recreation items or gym or art equipment, or at least add this info to the lot description.

I like the name Twitches or Twitches too or even Twinning, which is similar to Crowkeeper's lot name, but yet different too.

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#6 Old 14th Oct 2019 at 11:29 AM Last edited by Victor_tor : 14th Oct 2019 at 12:31 PM. Reason: Splitted not cracked
Quote: Originally posted by attuned
Victor, this is quite a creative lot, two thoughts:
It is hard to tell from the pictures, but it seems the two halves are not connected (as you say "cracked in two). Sometimes moderators pull lots back to the queue if the sections of a house are not connected. Perhaps add some furnishings that make it clear it is a separate building- like recreation items or gym or art equipment, or at least add this info to the lot description.

Oh thank you for reply!
I decided to show you my way of searching path routes here and represent how they are connected. Since Sims 4 don't supports CFE cheats I need made a connection outdoors. Walls in TS4 in different levels are working same as other games and need 2+ tile gap to connect them. That was caused such loong route to 2nd floor room that I was decided to fill from one side with harvestable plants row. All house structure is tends to stackable split house but with all stairs outdoors.
Guess I need to remove "cracked". It's better to say "splitted"

I was made some cuts of rooms to donate them to facade slopes and reduce the house price to place at least one more chair.
Meh, annoying and now there are two carvings in room with red flower tiles potential for chest with drawers or desk.
Quote: Originally posted by attuned
I like the name Twitches or Twitches too or even Twinning, which is similar to Crowkeeper's lot name, but yet different too.

Twinning what? Twinning towers, twinning sisters, twinning pears? Looks like a verb that needs to name those thing needs to be twinned.
I like Cutsocks's name Twotches but it's too much unique to repeat it

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Top Secret Researcher
#7 Old 16th Oct 2019 at 10:29 PM
I see that you can get into each part from the outside. You may want to make it clear that each side is independent from the other, either by giving them different functions- for example: one is a house, one is for hobbies, or simply by stating this in the description.

Twinning doesn't need a noun with it, but you can add one (Twinning Tumblers, Twinning Time, Twinning Two), or how about Twine (pieces of string twisted together to make it stronger).

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#8 Old 17th Oct 2019 at 12:33 PM Last edited by Victor_tor : 17th Oct 2019 at 12:48 PM.
Thank you. I was tried to follow your advices and moved volin to right to make room with red flower tiles serve as fully functional hobby room. It also has two chairs for sims to sit and listen or read a book. Rooms to left are for sleep and entertainment. Hope that's enough. I have now for newbies just 20$ to spend.

Changed colour indoors to red to make make this one more spooky/bloody

As for name. I asked friends and decided to choose completely different. Without pointing any "two". Because they seems to pay attention that there are two houses and that's not right. So I chase "Newborns Nook". Especially I liked word "Newborns" because this is vampire sims featured and means a person who just moved to vampire. I was stuck at that great word because this house has all to support life for vampires: blood fruits tree and wolven vine they eat, PC for buy pockets with fresh blood and vampires featured readings, and vampires guild lot trait for all those they send you additionly in mailbox daily for free. Also this house is free from any garlic.

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