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Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#1 Old 3rd Apr 2010 at 12:23 AM Last edited by FurryPanda : 1st Jul 2010 at 3:31 AM.
Default Escape From the Nerot: A Space Pirates RP: New Situation May 19
The Story
The year is 2330. The galaxy has known an era of peace and prosperity heretofore unseen under the beneficent hand of the United Confederation of Planets (UCP). The Confederation's borders extend for thousands of light years in every direction from anywhere worth noting, and all planets in that space are, after many decades of hard work, at peace.

The Confederation still seeks to bring new peoples in of course, as trading partners, as fountains of technology, as sources of new and exciting natural phenomena to explore and understand, and as way points for new bases from which further exploration can occur.

One of these planets on the far border of the Confederation's space is the humble Arcsine Theta, which the Confederation eagerly sought to take over in the hopes of getting access to the planets massive reserves of fresh water, gaseous hydrogen, and many valuable substances, including gold.

The Confederation sent out the ship the Edelfrak, and its crew to continue establishing diplomatic contact with the people of Arcsine Theta, and to begin mining the precious resources located there. As the ship's mission concluded, it had taken on millions of latins worth of goods, and several Arcsine Thetan Ambassadors to Earth.

But all is not as good in the Confederation as things would appear. In the dark recesses of the galaxy, in areas with only a tenuous Confederation presence, there is a ship, the Nerot. The Nerot is one of those things that has attained an almost mythical stature. High levels of the Confederation do not believe that this infamous pirate ship exists. Merchants will attribute losses of every kind, from true pirate attacks to dishonesty to clerical errors, to the ravages of the Nerot. Children tell stories of this feared ship and how it will take over the Confederation.

And the Edelfrak has been boarded and taken over by the pirates of the Nerot.

The Game
Situation One: The Capture of the Edelfrak
Situation Two: A Means of Escape
Situation Three: Loose in the Corridors
All of the players are crew members of the Edelfrak, which was recently boarded and taken over by the crew of the Nerot.

Your objective is to get yourselves and as much of your cargo off of the Nerot as possible, and to take back over the Edelfrak so you can get back to friendly space.

For each section of the game, which shall be for a length of time yet to be determined, the crew members shall be in a situation which they must attempt to get out of. At the end of each situation, the players must vote on the course of action that will be taken, which will then determine what the next situation will be. This will become clearer once the game begins. There will be time for free forming and allowing characters to socialize safely and easily.

I will leave applications (see below) open for one week, and then I will post the first situation.

In your app, please include the following:
Age: (no one under the age of 14)
Position: (job on the Edelfrak, such as captain, engineer, diplomat, scientist, etc)
Species: (If not human, please specify your species, and tell a little about the species, such as appearance, culture, home planet, or anything else)
Bio: (things to consider including: How the character got into space exploration, Their opinions of the confederation, Their education and home life, What, if anything, they left behind on earth, Or anything at all else that you think is relevant)
Anything else you'd like to include: (what it sounds like)
Picture or physical description: (one or the other is necessary)

Character List
1. Magda Lux- Chief of Security/Guard- kiwisun
2.Arkin Melasparat- Chief Medical Officer- FurryPanda
3.Kisara Jungold- First Officer- NKP1994
4.Nine May-Security- Zela
5.Almidi- Navigation- Starphyre77
6.Zulu-Engineering refox_14

Inactive/Dropped Out
1.Bale Westman- Mechanical Engineer- ProlificStorm
4.Dania Ka'Flath - Engineering- elpemmy

-I tried to leave the world building as ambiguous as possible, so that the RPers would be creating the world of the Confederation and the dynamics of the Nerot and Edelfrak. If you would like a bit more structure, I can post a detailed description of what life is like on a ship like the Edelfrak.

-It's often a lot of fun to create backstories and drama in roleplays by talking in private messages to other RPers and coming up with a shared history for the characters.

-I didn't make a rules section in this post, but if one seems necessary, I'll put it up. Basically, don't be a jerk, follow the forum rules, and no godmodding or any such things unless you are the game mod.

-If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
Test Subject
#2 Old 6th Apr 2010 at 3:17 AM
Name: Bale Westman
Age: 35
Position: Mechanical Engineer

Bale was pretty much raised on a ship, as the only child of parents who own a ship and their own space travel business, which gives space tours and transports rich passengers between the nearby planets. From a young age, Bale showed a natural talent for fixing things and often assisted his father in repairs around the ship as needed. When Bale became a teenager, he took on the job as the mechanical engineer on his family's ship. As an adult, Bale wanted to take on more challenging work than that of a space tour guide. Striking out on his own, Bale soon found himself hired by the Confederation as an engineer, and going wherever they needed him. He has been a Confederate Engineer for the past seventeen years and has traveled extensively in that time.

Bale just wants to travel through space and fix things that need fixing. He is much more comfortable with machines than people--a trait that is shown in his lack of tact when dealing with others--and he doesn't have much of an opinion on anything not somehow mechanically related.

Anything else you'd like to include:
Bale doesn't see much of Earth, only stopping by the planet in between jobs. His parents live on Earth but their space travel business keeps them away from the planet for the most part as well. Bale has never found someone to tie him down to Earth and he likes it that way.

Picture or physical description:
Bale is 5'8", with a small yet muscular frame. The muscles come solely from his lifetime of turning a wrench and are most notable in his arms and chest, which are muscles often exercised in the course of his career. His smaller build, however, keeps him from being bulky and allows him to fit into tight spaces within the ship, which comes in handy when needing to repair tricky areas. Bale has dark brown hair that is often messy, tan complexion and brown eyes. He often forgets to shave for a few days, especially when working. His most notable facial feature is his high bridged nose.

(((I hope this is ok. If there is anything I need to change please let me know.)))
Test Subject
#3 Old 8th Apr 2010 at 11:39 PM Last edited by kiwisun : 9th Apr 2010 at 4:45 AM. Reason: So I don't double post
Name: Magda Lux
Age: 26
Position: Head of Security and Captain's personal guard.
Amethyrian from Planet Amethyra, a class M planet able to support humanoid life. It is very similar to Earth in every aspect. As such, Amethyrians closely resemble humans, except for the color of their skin- which comes in a wide range of purples- and for their eyes- which lack pupils. Their home planet became uninhabitable due to a xenovirus accidentally released from a research facility three decades ago, so the Amethyrian people dispersed throughout the system. Most have made their new homes on Earth due to the similarity.
Amethyrian culture values swordsmanship as a meditative and spiritual art form, but prohibits the use of physical violence; they usually resort to biological and chemical warfare. The life of a regular Amethyrian is composed of heavy scientific study, grueling swordsmanship practices, and tending to family.

Although Magda is of an alien race, she was born on Earth. Thanks to her Amethyrian upbringing, she is agile and skilled in every type of weapon available,most notably, swordsmanship. But since she was raised all her life on Earth, she sees herself as human and rejects her own culture. She became interested in space exploration as a way to escape her mundane home life. Rejecting the studious and peaceful values of her upbringing, she enlisted to work for the Confederation as a soldier. Over the years, her advanced fighting skills allowed her to rise up through the ranks to head of security and the honor of being the Captain's personal guard.

Magda is engaged to a human and they are set to marry when she returns to Earth from her current mission. She is very much excited to marry a human, as it has only been done a few times amongst her people. Though she can hardly wait to get back to her fiancee, she is grateful to the Confederation for providing her with the opportunity to get away from her family's expectations.

((ProlificStorm: Good job on your character! Your bio was well written.
FurryPanda: Thanks for answering my questions.))
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#4 Old 8th Apr 2010 at 11:53 PM
((OOC: Kiwisun: I am going to be making my character this weekend, and then if I don't get anything from doomhaik, who also said they would apply, then I'll poke them on Wednesday. Whichever way that goes, the RP will start April 16th. Three players is just enough.

You are absolutely welcome to ask questions or post comments in the thread, if OOC chatter becomes a problem (like, more posts per page that are OOC than that have RPing) then I will ask people to rein it in, and I also would like it if people did not double post. So if you want to put in some OOC chatter complimenting someone's post, that's fine. If you then put up an RP post right afterwards, delete the OOC post and just add it as an OOC comment at the bottom of the RP post.

And please put all OOC in italics, so that when people want to flip back through the thread to reference people's apps, its easy for them to recognize what's OOC and skip over it if they want to, or, if they want to read the OOC, to find it.

As for back story planning, I do not want that in the thread. Work it out in PMs with the involved party, and let the history show through in how you roleplay. If it becomes super interconnected and awkward, I'll consider letting it trickle into the thread, but until then, lets have that kind of planning take place out of the thread.

And I would think that a guard's title would be guard, or security, or mercenary.))

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
Field Researcher
#5 Old 9th Apr 2010 at 1:21 PM Last edited by elpemmy : 12th Apr 2010 at 10:13 PM.
Name: Dania Ka'flath
Age: 16
Position: Apprentice Engineer
Species: Ka
The Ka are a formidable race, the girls pretty and delicate, the men, almost in their entirety, are butchers. In appearance, they resemble tall, long legged, grey skinned humans. Every Ka has a tribal tattoo addorning their face, drawing attention to the patterns of scales that surround their eyes.
The Ka originate from the planet Ka'Flath, and led lives of relative simplicity until the humans found them. Since then, they have attempted to conquer the neighbouring planets, resulting in the culling of many of their species. The Ka's are now a dying race, but a race with many traditions. The most dominant tradition, that even those Ka who migrated to other planets still keep by, is that the royal family rules. The royal family of the Ka are strict, and have been ruling for as long as the history has been written. There has never been any attempt of revolt against them, because, to put it simply, the people they rule over have never known any semblance of freedom.
The Ka'Flath family are aptly named. They are the rulers of the Ka race, named after their home planet. Dania is the youngest of nine siblings, and was homeschooled her entire life by her overbearing, opinionated parents. Aged just 14, she realised that her existence served them no purpose, and set about planning an escape. Three days after her fifteenth birthday, she boarded a ship off the planet, to planet Earth. She found the world a bizarre place, but lived there anyway, planning her future. Over the next year, she began building a network of connections, using her surname's boundless influence, and eventually talked her way into a position on the Edelfrak. She is a humble apprentice, but she is determined to work her way up and now that she's started on that ladder, she intends to hide her surname, and, indeed, her royal past, as much as possible.

Anything else you'd like to include:
Amongst the crew, she is a shy girl. She is the apprentice of Bale and her opinion of him is high, although she lacks respect for humans. She admires Arkin, albeit from a distance, although she realises that he would never go for a 16 year old. She never regained contact with her parents after running away, and doubts that they miss her.

Physical Appearance:
Dania has long, tawny brown hair, that reaches at least to her hips when she leaves it down, which she rarely does. She mostly wears it tied in a loose pony tail. Her skin is grey, and the scales around her eyes aren't very prominent (much to the chagrin of her parents, when she lived with them). She has a few tattoos on her face- there are three black dots above her left eyebrow, and a curved line on her right cheek, parallel with her jawline. Her figure is lithe and surprisingly strong for it's feminine shape, although she hides it under her overalls. Her eyes are her best feature- they're strikingly emerald green, and almond shaped.

((OOC: Here's my app. Hope it's okay ))
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#6 Old 10th Apr 2010 at 4:30 AM Last edited by FurryPanda : 19th May 2010 at 2:08 AM.
Default Arkin Melasparat App
Name: Arkin Melasparat

Age: 24

Position: Chief Medical Officer

Species: Part-Saverian
Saveris is a planet uninhabitable to earthlings due to its low gravity, and as such it was not discovered to be inhabited until approximately one hundred years ago. That discovery was not a good one for the Confederation, as it started the last major war in the galaxy. The Saverian culture values isolation and art above all else, and they viewed the humans as violent boors and oafs. So they raised war to an art form and brought specially modified ships to invade earth- as Earth was just as uninhabitable to them due to the high gravity there. The Saverians destroyed many major cities and thousands of Earthling women were inseminated with Saverian seed, in an effort to convince the Earthling government that the Saverians were not a species to annoy. They succeeded, and the war ended with a treaty that simply had the Confederation stay out of Saveris's solar system.

The half-Saverians which came from the insemination had shiny, greenish black skin and vertical pupils with no whites in their eyes. They tended to be heavy for their apparent size, and, despite a large amount of intermarriage among humans, even after five generations the skin tone and odd pupil shape are obvious, and there is a culture among part-Saverians of isolation and dislike of humans, due to the ill treatment they received after the war, and the long memory the species had, due to a half Saverian being expected to live to 100 earth years with no health concerns, and life expectancies estimated to be around three centuries.

Bio: Arkin was born in a Saverian community to Abe Smith, a human male, and Korsina Melasparat, a fourth generation part-Saverian. After experiencing a great deal of trouble due to the faint, translucent green that identified him as a part Saverian, he got accepted into the training program for the Confederation Space Corp. He did very well there, winning over people of all species, including humans, with his natural charm and wit.

In his third year at the training program though, on a drunken bender he and a number of other students were thrown out of the program for exploding a building named after a professor no one liked. Arkin did not take this set back well, and stowed away on the next ship out to the far reaches of the galaxy. The ship he chose happened to be going to mediate a centuries old war between two planets, one with a very medieval feudal culture and the other with an annoyingly idealistic republic. He was able to personally settle the war by seducing the princess of the medieval planet, and dumping her in a strategic manner so that she wound up with the prime minister of the republic. Tthings rippled from there as the princess, with Arkin's disguised advice, manipulated her lover and father to make peace. As a result of his actions Arkin received a service medal, the first of many, and became a low level ambassador as he studied his true passion, medicine. A result he was less pleased with was that through the entire Confederation "having a Melasparat" became slang for a relationship where one of the parties has a strong ulterior motive, and despite the fact that his methods work, he gained an only somewhat deserved reputation for unorthodoxy. Though he is usually able to prove himself quickly with his natural competency, he greatly resents any insinuation that he isn't doing his job well.

He received the rank of medical officer, but has a great deal of familiarity with diplomacy from his initial training, and from his work as an ambassador. He came aboard the Edelfrak as few credentialed diplomats wanted the job, and the Edelfrak was in need of a medical officer. He has enjoyed the mission thus far, though he would like a more prestigious mission. He is a rabid supporter of the Confederation and its policies, even when they conflict with his beliefs, since he's known happiness and success as a result of his dealings with them, and no where else, and he knows enough of Earthling, Saverian, and various other planet's history to recognize that the Confederation has so far not done anything abnormally stupid.

Anything else you'd like to include: Arkin is a very successful lady's man, and has a mistress in every space port on Earth, and one on most ships in the Confederation's fleet. Most of them are aware of this fact, though it is not common knowledge for people he is not intimately involved with, and he does not start off relationships with that information. The majority of the women he is involved with are having a Melasparat, in that they just want to have some fun before they start seriously seeking a mate, or hope to gain some advantage in the Confederation through their efforts. Arkin generally foils the latter Melasparat, and is always having one too, in that he is very uninterested in settling down, and likes all the attention.

He is very sensitive about his Saverian heritage, and though he will calmly take an insult to his women, his behavior or most anything else, he will not hesitate to attack anyone, even a superior officer, who insults his parents, or brings up the Saverians in a negative, non-academic light.

Picture or physical description: Arkin is very tall compared to a full blooded human, and he keeps his black hair longer than regulation to curl slightly below his ears. His eyes are a solid shade of gray, with a mostly rounded pupil. His skin is tinged green, in a manner similar to a green suntan on a white person. There is a vague hint of vestigial scales, though none are detectable to the touch, and this lends him a slight shimmer in direct sunlight from most stars, and in bright shipboard lighting.

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#7 Old 13th Apr 2010 at 12:04 AM
((OOC: Great app elpemmy, I'll add you to the list.
I PM'd doomhaik a couple of days ago and haven't heard anything back.
Since we have four people at this point, which is what I wanted to start with, I am willing to start the RP now, rather than waiting for Friday.
If I don't hear anyone speak in favor of starting earlier, we'll start on Friday, as planned.
I'll want at least two people to speak up, since for all I know someone was having the Friday start date as a convenient time based on their schedule.
Lemme know.))

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
Test Subject
#8 Old 14th Apr 2010 at 3:01 AM
((I love all the characters so far. Great apps from everyone. I'm good with starting whenever. Looking forward to it.))
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#9 Old 16th Apr 2010 at 8:56 PM Last edited by FurryPanda : 16th Apr 2010 at 9:07 PM.
Default Situation One: The Capture of the Edelfrak
Captain's Log: Nerot {edited to place Earth date, with 2010 conventions:} February 27th, 2330

Pickings have been slim in this sector for several sleep cycles now, and the crew was getting restless. I deemed it necessary to find a ship to take as soon as possible, regardless as to what was on it, or who controlled it. Drawing the ire of the Confederation is always a concern, but a mutiny would happen far faster, and leave things far worse for me. Such are the woes of captaincy with these roustabouts.

I acquired the flight plan of a convenient, wealthy target through my resources with the Confederation, which I of course do not document here. This ship, the Edelfrak, don't you love Confederation names?, is on a diplomatic and trade mission, so is packed with valuable cargo, and, much to my surprise, was very lightly defended.

We were able to cut through their shields in a matter of minutes, ignoring their requests to communicate. The hull was breached moments later, and a junior officer, for reasons which baffle me, beamed the crew into a hold. He has been sorely reprimanded, and confined to the brig until we figure out what to do with the crew. Another crewman was aware enough of the situation to flood the hold with knock-out gas, and it is reasonable to assume that they will be out cold until we decide how to get rid of them. We towed the ship into another hold to look over the cargo at a later date. To be on the safe side, a number of junior crewmen were sent to tie them to gurneys- the Conferderation is a large area of space, and there may well be species which will not be knocked out for many hours by tri barium nanochlorizine.
/Captain's Log

Where you find yourselves
The first crewman to awaken from the knock out gas was a Wramian cadet. He observed the pirates of the Nerot enter the hold and untie the captain and drag him away. Once he became certain that the coast was clear, he was able to escape from his bonds due to a peculiarity of the Wramian species in being able to redistribute the position of much of their mass.

He freed the others and, due to the new rigorous standards of Confederation immunization and training, the knock out gas lasted for well under an hour.

Now the entire crew is free to wander around the hold of the Nerot, in terms of physical restraints, though the after effects of the knock out gas are affecting many quite adversely. They have no idea where they are, merely that their ship was destroyed and they were beamed somewhere.

Game notes
-This is a safe time, unless something very strange happens, there will be no interference in this situation from the crew of the Nerot.
-All crew members would have been beamed aboard carrying whatever portable items they were holding at the time.
-This situation will be RPed for three weeks, or until three people, myself excluded, wish to move on.

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
Field Researcher
#10 Old 16th Apr 2010 at 9:30 PM
Default Dania, Awakening
Dania's eyes flicked open, her head muzzy from who-knows-what. Her vision was blurry, but she was able to make out the shapes of her fellow crew members. How had she got here? She could barely remember.

There was something about another ship, and then... nope, nothing.

Dania dazedly sat up, and noticed that some sort of binding had been put on her, and then taken off, presumably by two different people, as she slept. She glanced around, noting the prone bodies of most.

"Whoa." She muttered, quietly. What the hell HAD happened?

She glanced sidelong at the body next to her, and her brow furrowed. Arkin.

She nudged him, awaiting a reaction. She was hunched up against a wall on the otherside, so it was the logical thing to do. He was the only one around, he might as well be the one she ask what happened. Yes, it was the logical thing. It couldn't possibly be construed as... well, as anything that it wasn't. That was precisely what she was going for.

Dania frowned. It must be whatever drug they filled me up with, she decided. Her brain was not normally this addled.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#11 Old 16th Apr 2010 at 9:49 PM
Default Dania and Arkin- Hold
Arkin had been with his lover for this voyage, Myrna, when a klaxon sounded through the ship. She was certainly willing to let him ignore his duty, but it took only a matter of moments for him to convince himself to start getting dressed and head down to the infirmary to deal with any casualties. After that he could reassure Myrna of his undying (until the next pretty thing) affections, and find out what had happened to the ship, in that order.

As he got back into his pants and started buttoning his shirt the klaxon changed in tone, and he swore aloud. Myrna looked frightened as she started preparing to go to the escape pod, and Arkin just grabbed his medical bag and started running out the door. That alarm, if he remembered correctly, meant there was a hull breach. That was engineering's problem, but he had to deal with everyone who got vacuum sickness, or anyone they could save that got pulled out of the ship by the pressure difference.

He took two steps and all of a sudden everything went black.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

He awoke to a single, insistent poke in the small of his back. His eyes flicked open almost instantly, to see a featureless gray expanse which he realized after a moment was taken up by a gurney, and not a Confederation model. His mouth was very dry and his head hurt, and the hospital surroundings were unfamiliar. Odd, very odd... he'd been with Myrna when there was a hull breach klaxon...


If he was in a hospital, who was taking care of the sick? He sat bolt upright and called out, "Myrna?" Most of the others around were in some state of illness and unconsciousness, and a quick glance around quickly showed that, if not the entire crew of the Edelfrak was here, most of them were, there were about ten rows of twenty narrow beds. And this was no hospital, there would be someone up and about other than some cadet, and there wouldn't be this harsh of a chemical odor.

He turned over on his own cot to see if his medical bag had managed to arrive with him, and was relieved to note it had. He swung his legs off of the gurney, absently noting that his shirt was still wide open. He grabbed the bag and put it next to him to disguise the temporary dizziness, doubtless caused by whatever the knock out gas that he still could smell was.

Once the dizziness passed he found a girl looking at him, in an engineering uniform. Cute, he noticed in passing, and scared sh*tless unless he missed his guess. He started buttoning his shirt and asked her, a bit more brusquely than he intended, "D'you know what happened here?"

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
Field Researcher
#12 Old 16th Apr 2010 at 10:25 PM
Default Dania and Arkin
Dania watched Arkin wake quickly, and was dismayed when he immediately cried out some woman's name. She didn't expect him to be... no, let's not go down that path, she thought.

Enough, she mentally reprimanded herself, and watched him check his bag. His eyes flicked up to her, evidently realising she had been the one to awaken him. He was buttoning his shirt, Dania noted with some disappointment, but that train of thought vanished when he rapidly spoke a sentence to her.

"D'you know what happened here?" Arkin asked. He wasn't unkind about it, but it was short, sharp, and to the point.

Dania blinked. She'd been just about to ask him the same thing. Damn. "I was hoping you knew." She offered a weak smile, and shrugged, hoping to maintain her casual demeanor.

Having a flash of insight, Dania gestured to the bonds. "Somebody took those off. And, being that he's the only person wandering around, it was probably, um, him." She said, pointing at a young Wramian cadet.

"D'you wanna call him over or something?" She said quietly, quickly resuming her shy persona.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#13 Old 17th Apr 2010 at 4:28 PM
Default Dania and Arkin- Hold
Arkin relaxed once he realized that Myrna was not actually present. She was a wonderful screw, but, when it came down to it, she was absolutely crazy, and a bit of an idiot as well. But it didn't look like he was going to have to calm her down about the thus-far unknown fate of the Edelfrak, and that was a relief.

The girl from engineering hadn't gotten up yet, and Arkin took a quick, appreciative look at her over-alled form. Junior officer, young, female, a Ka if he didn't miss his guess. A fairly frail species, their women even more so, though she wouldn't be too weak if she had gotten into engineering.

Apparently his brusque manner had upset her slightly, if he correctly interpreted the slow, obvious blink she gave. "I was hoping you knew." That certainly wasn't a good sign, and he did his best to maintain a professional demeanor as he got to his feet and another wave of dizziness came over him, which would have made him stagger and sit back down had he allowed himself to. He didn't though, and through the knock-out drug induced fog, he heard her say, "Somebody took those off."

A quick glance downward revealed scarred and pitted leather-looking ropes hanging off the side of the gurneys. They had clearly seen some use, but he wouldn't jump to the conclusion that they'd been on them- he didn't feel any tightness of have any red marks that would indicate such a thing. A quick glance behind him showed that there were other, less hardy species that had those red marks. For the first time, he felt nervous, if they had been bound then wherever they were was not a mere rescue from a hull breach.

There was one person wandering around, and Arkin was reassured to note that whatever the knockout gas was hadn't caused hallucinations that most part-Saverians were susceptible to, since the engineer commented on the other clearly awake person.

He was a Wramian, which explained how he had gotten up and about- the Wramians were a very sturdy group of sentients, and he doubted that any amount of knock-out gas would put one down for long. He grabbed his bag to go see about waking up some of the others, finding the captain and getting orders, when she spoke again, reminding him guiltily that there was someone right here who needed his help.

And apparently wasn't very bright. "D'you wanna call him over or something?"

"I don't think I want to risk waking everyone up at once, even if just a few panic, it'll be a disaster." he said, calmly, and then stepped over to her gurney and calmly took her wrist to take a pulse. "First thing's first. Are you alright?"

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
Test Subject
#14 Old 28th Apr 2010 at 3:47 AM
Default Magda, Awakening- Hold
Magda awoke slowly. She was groggy and her eyes kept closing. For a second, she considered going back to sleep, but something was wrong, she could feel loosened bindings around her and she felt the presence of many others. She sat upright and looked around, but she did it too fast and it gave her a small throbbing ache on the sides of her head. "Oh, bad idea," she said softly to herself and closed her eyes again. But that quick glance was enough for her to see that there were far too many people in one area for things to be alright. After a minute, she opened her eyes and was able to take in the whole scene.There were only a few people awake, one of them must be a medic because he seemed to be checking on a crew member.

Magda got up and reached for her confederation issued guns, but found them missing. She wasn't surprised however; if things were indeed wrong as she suspected, missing weapons fit the situation. But Magda always had something up her sleeve, or in her boot to be precise. She knelt down and felt for the special dagger she had hidden there. Nobody ever thought of looking for a non-confederation issued weapon on a confederation soldier, so it had been overlooked. Next to her, a fellow soldier seemed to be waking. Magda decided to look for other soldiers and wake them up to assemble a small unit. Whatever was going on, she and her soldiers had to be ready for the Captain's orders. But where was the Captain? she wondered. As the medic seemed busy, she decided to ask the Wramian for any information he had.
Test Subject
#15 Old 30th Apr 2010 at 12:42 AM Last edited by NKP1994 : 30th Apr 2010 at 10:18 AM.
Default New Player (Yeahy!!)
((OOC I would like to join the RP - It's really good so far XD Here's my caracter))

Name: Kisara Jungold
Age: 26
Position: Second in command
Species: Fati from the planet Fatia.
The Fati are a warlike nation. They fought the earthlings for many years before, finally, becoming a member of the Confederation – about 200 years ago.
Fatia is mostly covered in rainforests but otherwise the planet is very similar to earth. The Fati is a strong race who value physical strength. They are small and their skin ranges in many red tones. Also thair bodys a resistent to most kinds of naturally-based toxince.
Despite of the long peace with earth, the Fati hold a strong aversion against the earthlings and interaction between the two species are minimal.

Bio: Kisara was raised like every other Fati, learning to hate the earthlings for their peace-loving nature. However, unlike the rest of the Fati, she was curious to learn about other species. After many years of being bullied for her lag of strength (from a Fatian perspective) she decided to run away from home.At an age of 13 she boarded a ship and ended up on earth. Here most people treaded her even worse than on Fatia, because of her clear Fatian looks.
But Kisara managed to get by, and while living in a big city, she got to study many deferent species. After about half a year of getting by with whatever jobs she could get, she got a solid position in a bar near the Confederation Space Academy. Here she met many students and after hearing their stories, she decided to join the academy herself.
She completed the training with excellent remarks, especially for the way she wielded a gun. Kisara is an expert with almost every existing firearm.
She has spent her last years serving on deferent vessels, under deferent captains slowly rising in the ranks.

Kisara has served on the Edelfrak for three years and been the second commander in to. She is known to be a strict but good leader, although also infamous for having a big temperament.

Anything else you'd like to include: In most situations Kisara is open-minded and she considers everyone’s opinion. But she does not like Arkin because of his, in her opinion, lose way around women. She respects him as a medic and takes his advice when it’s needed, but she tries to avoid him as much as possible.

Physical description: Kisara is not very tall compared to a human – about 5’1, with broad hips and shoulders, and a smaller waist; giving her a clear, “hourglass-shape”. Her face looks a lot like a cat’s, with a small, bridgeless, nose. Her skin is pale pink, and she has big, almond-shaped, brown eyes. She has a scar on the left side of her face, running from the forehead, down through the eye. Her hair is black and it reaches to her lower back. She mostly wears it in a tight braiding.
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#16 Old 30th Apr 2010 at 1:41 AM
((OOC: Welcome to the RP NKP1994!
Your app was lovely, I will add it to the list now.
May I request that you edit your post so that the RP is seperate from the app? That way if people need to reference your app later in the RP, they can see just the app, rather than getting slightly confused realizing that the first RP post is in there too.
I'll get a reply for Arkin up sometime soon.

kiwisun It seems that most of the players are congregating in one spot. If you do not want to have a four way RP, I can RP the Wramian, which I had planned on doing anyway a little later to get a bit more information out to the players. Your choice as to whether your character interacts with the others and hears what the Wramian has to say with them, or if she talks to him first and then tells the others whatever she sees as being relevant.))

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
Test Subject
#17 Old 30th Apr 2010 at 7:41 AM
((OOC: Welcome NKP1994: I really like your character, it adds a much needed commanding figure. Maybe I can PM you later since my character will be closely related to yours as your guard?

furrypanda:I had been planning on talking to the Wramian on my own (maybe while you and the others talk for a little bit) and then joining all of you to tell you what I had learned from him.
I will be back later with my post.))
Test Subject
#18 Old 30th Apr 2010 at 10:20 AM
((OOC: I did'nt want to dubble post, and since i am still new to this forum i could'nt think of an other way. I hope this is fine XD))

Kisara felt dissy. Something had happend... She slowly opened her eyes, but everything was just blurry. Where was she? What was going on? She closed her eyes again and started thinking back...

They had been attacked. an unknown enemy vessel had appeard out of nowhere and opend fire, without givving them enny warning signal. The alarm was activadet by the first blow, and then... Black.

She opened her eyes once more. This time she saw clearly. She tried to turn her head and get a look around and a thumping headache hit her. "Arhw..." She moned and stopped moving.
She had a terrible taste in her mouth...

Slowly her eyes scanned the room. It was some kind of hold. There where a lot of people in here with her, and she recognized most of them as members of the crew. What had happened?
Ignoring the headache, she sad up. She had to find the captain. Again she looked around. Most of the people in the hold was a sleep, but there was movement in one corner. It semed to be Arkin and the young Apprentice Engineer - what was her name..?

Kisara stood op and had to wait for a minute as an other wave of dizzyness came over here.
Jugeing from her symptomps and the bad taste in her mouth, they all had been knokced out by some kind off gass.
-mayby He knows what it is, she thought to herself and started walking towards Arkin and The Engineering Girl
Top Secret Researcher
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#19 Old 30th Apr 2010 at 9:32 PM
Default Kisara and Arkin- Hold
The engineer didn't say anything as he quickly took her pulse and a few other vital signs. She was fine, and likely to stay that way. He was about to ask her to open her mouth to breathe so he could see if there were any characteristic smells indicating what the knock out gas might be, but before he could he saw a flash of movement out of the corner of his eye, and he peered behind him for a second to see Kisara getting up from her gurney. He breathed a sigh of relief and distractedly told the engineer to take it easy for a few minutes until her system took care of the toxin.

Kisara was wending her way towards them and he took a few steps forward to meet her, hoping that the young engineer wouldn't do anything stupid. If he didn't know what the vast majority of earth-based engineers thought of him, and if he didn't know she was drugged, he would have thought that she was looking at him like a number of women in space ports. But he knew full well that he tended to interpret every female's slightest deviation from normal behavior as such a thing.

Excepting Kisara of course. He had every respect for her competence as a commander, and he deeply appreciated both hers and the captain's willingness to let him run his sick bay differently than Confederation standards, but he still got the impression that she didn't like him at all. Not that he had a problem with that, he tried to keep out of command's way as much as possible.

"Commander, I am so glad to see you. I'd hate to be the officer in charge in this mess!" he said, not bothering to hide his relief and running a hand distractedly through his hair. He then remembered who he was talking to, and stood to attention. "Any orders, or should I continue making sure that everyone is alright? Are you alright?"

Normally he would start a quick examination right after a statement like that, but not here when the chain of command was likely to be very important to maintain. A little decorum did him no harm.

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
Test Subject
#20 Old 30th Apr 2010 at 10:35 PM
Kisara contenued to study the room as she walked through it. She was looking for any possible way to escape, but not expecting to find anything.

As she came closer she could se that Arkin was examining the young engineer. Had the siduation been less critical, she would probably have made some kind of remark about him "getting his hands of the young women." But she knew that this was'nt the right time to be sarcastic.

Arkin got up when he saw her approaching.
"Commander, I am so glad to see you. I'd hate to be the officer in charge in this mess!"
He said it with one of hes nasty smiles. Then he contenued, in a mor appropriate tone, to ask for orders and asked: "Are you allright?"
Kisara took a deep breath before answering:
"I'll be fine, i think the gass was plant-based..." She took a short break looking around. There where others slowly comming about and also, a cadet who semed to be fully conscious, had just noticed her and Arkin and was comming towards them.
"Please, check up on the rest of the crew." She said to Arkin and then turned to speak with the approacher.
Test Subject
#21 Old 1st May 2010 at 1:17 PM
Default Magda, Kisara, Arkin, Dania- Hold
Magda spoke with the Wramian and the news was not good. He had seen the captain being dragged away and the rest of the crew had been bound until the Wramian started releasing them. That meant they were captives, as she had suspected.

"Thank you," Magda said to him. "You may go on untying the rest of the crew. As the Wramian walked away, Magda mentally beat herself. "It was my job to protect the captain and I've let him down," she thought to herself. Though there was nothing she could have done, she still blamed herself for the captain's disappearance. "With the captian gone, Kisara will be in charge, I must find her and try to wake her up," she told herself as she looked around. But fortunately, she found Kisara was already awake and was even talking to the medical examiner she had seen earlier.

As Magda walked towards the group, she recognized who the medic was. It was Arkin, the hotshot chief medical examiner. "Ugh, what anyone sees in him is beyond me," she thought to herself. Though she respected him for his medical and diplomatic skills, she had never felt any romantic interest towards him and so was annoyed by the fuss other women made over him.
She also saw a small girl, looked like engineering, who was awake but resting on the gurney next to them.

"Please check up on the rest of the crew," Kisara commanded Arkin as Magda arrived.

"Commander Jungold, wait, may I suggest you let him stay? As chief examiner and diplomat,it might be good for him to know of the situation as well," Magda told Kisara. Although Kisara and Magda were very good friends due to their mutual skills and their shared dislike for Arkin, Magda always referred to her as Commander when in a professional setting.

"Commander, I have learned that the captain is missing. He seems to have been dragged out of this hold. A Wramian who happened to awake first witnessed him being taken away. This leaves you charge. He was also the one who started unbinding us, which indicates that we are being held captive. Most of the soldiers and the crew, as well as the ambassadors, are still under the effect of the knock out gas," he summarized for Kisara. "However, I have assemble a small unit of soldiers who have waken and we await your command."

((OOC: I wasn't sure if this was godmodding or not because I seem to be deciding for NKP whether she allows Arkin to stay or not, but since I needed to give my report, I went along and kept it. I thought it was a good way to update all the characters on the situation. Let me know if I should change it.))
Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#22 Old 2nd May 2010 at 10:42 PM Last edited by FurryPanda : 2nd May 2010 at 10:52 PM.
((OOC: I've decided to be pretty generous with the roleplay's definition of GMing, since it is one that I'm trying to make approachable for newbies. I know that no one (excepting elpemmy) PM'd me about their characters having a non-standard relationship with my character, e.g. strong dislike. As I was not asked about it, I assume that you guys want him to have no idea. It's a little bit unbelievable both because he is a perceptive diplomat, goes out of his way to be discreet, and would try very hard to avoid any sort of unpleasantness with his commanding officer, but I can deal with it. I just want to say that it is bad form in most places.

Please don't take the above as being whiny about backstory for my character being created without my say. As I said, this is a new person freindly RP, and I'm going to assume, that for others plot lines I see forming, it was discussed to both participants satisfaction. If it wasn't, feel free to comment or to ask me to step in.

As to the situation that kiwisun made, that is completely fine, since its possible that Magda arrived before Arkin even left. The way the conversation went "ask for orders" no real pause "do your job" no real pause "chief of security says wait up, lets debrief". It would have been Arkin's decision whether or not to have stayed, and, since kiwisun would have no way of knowing what the others would do in response to what happened in the middle of her post (her arrival and interaction about disregarding kisara's orders), she wouldn't react to it until after NKP and I posted saying what that action was. If this were something where even the slightest change in another character's action would radically alter what the first character did, then all of the posts would be much shorter and cover less time in game.

I hope that that cleared up some issues, and I will get a post up by Wednesday at the latest.))

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
#23 Old 3rd May 2010 at 4:41 PM
((Is it too late to join? I post this just in case. If not, I'll be happy lurking. If so, I should have my first post up by tomorrow, Tuesday. Thanks.))

Name: Nine May
Age: 20
Position: Guard and entertainer
Species: Human
Bio: Nobody really knows how and why Nine got into this kind of situation. She had always been an outgoing girl. She started out as a, well, a show girl. Entertaining the men of her local town. A bit of singing, a bit of dancing. She got a fare bit of money from it. However, when her father fell ill, Nine believed that keeping her father's legacy going on as a great space explorer would keep him going for a little bit longer. So, at the age of 19, Nine left her home to get a job on a spaceship doing odd bits and pieces. Nine is still a strong character, she doesn't mind speaking her mind.
Nine was born as, almost, as a omen to her father. Her mother had died during childbirth but Nine's father didn't hold that against her. Nine and her father, Frederick, were best of friends. He accepted all of her decisions, but Nine always felt like she had disappointed him. With two older brothers, Nine grew up around guys but, even though putting on a tough face, she will always have a soft spot for makeup, dresses and her lovely long hair.
Anything else you'd like to include: Nine is quite interested in the medical career but can't stand blood. However, she wouldn't ever admit to that. She is also is a hopeless romantic. And, again, she wouldn't want to admit that.
Picture or physical description: Tall, slim and curvy with sparkling green eyes. Long dark hair and thick fringe. Very pretty, but has a large bold scar from above her left eye, to across her cheek (from her first year on a ship). She loves the whole 'steam punk' look and likes to, when not in her leather work clothes, dress up in dresses.

Darkness thrives in the void,
but always yields to purifying light.

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Top Secret Researcher
Original Poster
#24 Old 3rd May 2010 at 8:21 PM
((OOC: Zela, new players are always welcome. I'll add her to the list, and looking forward to her first post. All characters are waking up in the hold of the Nerot, referencing post #9))

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
#25 Old 4th May 2010 at 4:57 PM
Nine felt bad. Worst than the night she had drunken her way through her Dad’s storage of Rum. As she lifted herself off of the floor she could see several others waking up or, already awake. Nine was, even though still slightly sleepy, ready for action. Looking around, however, Nine couldn’t see any attacker. The whole crew seemed to have been lump together in an unknown place. Nine, automatically reached for her spare dagger, located in her back pocket. Holding the dagger tightly, Nine slowly stood up, her head swirling and thumping as she continued to surveyed the room they were being held. She saw a few crew members awake but didn’t move towards them, and instead looked around for the Captain who was no-where to be seen. Still Nine didn’t approach the other members, but made her wall across the hall. Nine hadn’t been a guard long and didn’t know what to do in these kinds of situations. Usually, she would have curled up in the corner and sung. Something happy. Something hopeful.

((Sorry it isn't long, but it is just an intro into the scene.))

Darkness thrives in the void,
but always yields to purifying light.

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