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Do you like to see what others have done to the different Maxis houses? I know I do. I also like to see what the builders come up with in the various contests. In seeing the recent foundation contest it got me to thinking that it might be neat to combine the two elements - of remodeling the Maxis houses and the rule that the original footprint must be maintained.
What this means it NO adding or deleting any exterior walls, foundation or decking that is part of the original Maxis lot. Separate foundation or decking may be used to create a back building, gazebo, or some such so long as it does not connect with the original.
Roofs, windows, doors, floors, and wall coverings may all be changed. If you've not yet remodeled one of the Maxis houses now's a good time to start. If you already have a remodeled one Maxis house (and has kept the original footprint) we'd love to see what you did.
This is a social group and not a contest there are no judges, no scores, and no little blue ribbons :p, it is purely to have fun and show your take on Goth Manor, the Broke Trailer or any one of the Sims 2 Maxis created houses from any of the Neighborhoods or Lot Bin. Please remember to follow all of MTS rules in regards to posts and pictures.
I figure the easiest way to see all the same houses would be to put them all in one thread. As such I've started off a few threads and if others would be so kind as you do other houses to follow suit to make it easy for all.
Thanks ya'll and have fun.