Zombie Aftermath Challenge (Updated 10/26/12)
Zombie Aftermath Challenge V 1.2
Note: For those of you that are still playing the original, or that hate my changes, you can find it
Preparing for the challenge
1. Find or create a suitable world. You can download a blank world on the Sims 3 Exchange without much effort. Alternatively you can modify an existing one.
How to modify an existing world:
-Delete the school
-Delete all pre-existing families
-Delete all workplaces and buildings except those mentioned below
Regardless of what you do, make sure your world has:
-Military Base
-Science Facility
-Criminal Warehouse
In addition,
- Suppress opportunities
- Set lifespan to normal
- Call before the game "officially" starts and stop newspapers from coming.
- Send your sims to the grocery store and to the book store once and buy what you want to start the game with.
Your Lot
Buy an empty lot. If you want to play a hard game, choose a large lot.
Create a small house on it. The size of the house does not matter, but be sure to leave yourself a little bit of money.
You may not have anything in the house that uses electricity, (lights, oven, tv, etc) as the power grid has been turned off due to the deterioration of society.
You MAY have an outdoor grill, a fireplace, and candles, as well as anything non electric. Anything that you can justify as 'battery operated' you can own, such as a radio, but once it is broken you may not fix it. (no more batteries) and must delete it.
Unfortunately there is no running water either. You may have one toilet that you may not flush or repair, and no showers.
You must create a full size fence surrounding your property to protect your sims from zombie attacks. It can be as small or big as you want, but after you begin the challenge your sims may not go outside the fence unless otherwise specified. I suggest deleting the gate when appropriate.
You also need to move the mailbox and garbage can inside the fence. All mailmen and NPCs that show up are zombies.
Create your founders.
Create a married couple. Each of them (and their children for the duration of the challenge) needs to have at least one of the following "survival" traits:
-Green Thumb
-Light Sleeper
-Never Nude
-Family Oriented (Founder female sim
must have)
-Disciplined (World Adventures only)
-Perceptive (Ambitions only)
-Gatherer (Supernatural only)
No one in your family can have
ANY of the following “non-survival” traits for the duration of the challenge. These are the traits I thought would probably get you killed in a zombie apocalypse:
-Absent minded
-Heavy Sleeper
-Couch Potato
Game play
If your sims leave the secured fenced area when they are not allowed, assume they have been bitten by a zombie and kill them. You may cheat, use fire, starvation or drowning to do so.
You may not use cheats to give yourself extra money or take care of your sim’s needs. You may only cheat to delete the things that need to be deleted or kill any sim that is zombified throughout the game.
Stage Zero: Zombie Infestation
(begins with your founding couple)
Everyone around you is a zombie. Literally. You managed to survive due to the self sustaining trait(s) you happened to have.
This generation
-Must Grow their own food
-Each child they have must have at least one survival trait.
-Anyone that develops a non-surviving trait must be killed by the time they are young adults.
-All female sims that plan to have babies must have the family oriented trait. If your sim does not have this trait when she gets pregnant, she does not survive the birth due to complications and no medical help. The child, however, will survive.
This Generation May not:
-Interact with ANYONE besides housemates (they are all zombies)
-Use electricity of any kind
-Use the phone
-Use running water
-Leave the fenced lot
-Give birth at the hospital
-Move anyone out of the house
Stage One: Military Takeover
(begins when the last child from generation one grows into young adulthood)
Your family toiled away, made their own food and managed to raise kids while avoiding zombie infestation. Now the military is moving into town, taking up shop and killing zombies.
This generation
-May join the Military or Law Enforcement career. Only those old enough to have a job can leave the secured area however, and only to go to work.
-May only marry coworkers (everyone else is a zombie)
-Your sim may not leave to visit their romantic interest until they are at the 5th level of their profession or until they have 10 athletic points. Their romantic interest may visit them.
-Must have at least one child with one survival trait. If the child develops a non-survival trait, they got themselves killed by zombies.
-If no one of the opposite sex is available to marry in these careers, your sim may adopt a child. (save an orphaned child from attacking zombies) However, you must kill off your adopted child if s/he has (or develops) no surviving traits, or any of the non-surviving traits.
-The military has been kind enough to give your family a back up generator, however it can only support 2 items that use electricity. The military also has given you a cell phone. You may only use it to call other non-zombie sims (unless of course you want to talk to zombies about “braaaiiinss....”
-All female sims that plan to have babies must have the family oriented trait. If your sim does not have this trait when she gets pregnant, she does not survive the birth due to complications and no medical help. The child, however, will survive.
This Generation May Not:
-Interact with anyone outside of work
-Use contraception. They ran out and theres no one left to make it. (must ‘try for baby’ every time they woohoo)
-Use more than 2 electrical items
-Move anyone out of the house.
-Use running water
-Leave the fenced lot (outside of work or visiting romantic interests)
Stage Two: Crime
(begins when the last child from generation two grows into young adulthood)
The military has been overworked lately with killing mass numbers of zombies. They’re thinking about just nuking the whole town. To make matters worse, other survivors have come into town to loot. Everyone that doesn’t join their gang will be robbed.
This generation:
-Must have at least one person in level 5 of the criminal career or level 10 in athletic. Otherwise once everyday you must use the testingcheats cheat to force a burglar to come. You can also delete something of value.
-If your sim goes to jail for any reason, they must be killed. Laws don’t apply any more.
-Your sims may only get jobs and marry within the Criminal career. Sims that are already in other jobs at the beginning of this stage may keep them.
-Must have at least one child that develops the kleptomaniac or evil trait in addition to survival traits. If the child has any traits not prone to survival, they got themselves killed by zombies.
-If no one of the opposite sex is available to marry in this career, your sim may adopt a child. (save an orphaned child from attacking zombies) However, you must kill off your adopted child if s/he has (or develops) no surviving traits, or any of the non-surviving traits.
-May use 2 electrical items.
-May use the phone to call other, non-zombie sims.
-All female sims that plan to have babies must have the family oriented trait. If she does not have this trait and gets pregnant, she does not survive the birth due to complications and no medical help. Her child will survive.
This Generation May Not:
-Have any alarms or call the police.
-Use running water.
-Join the Military or law enforcement careers.
-Move anyone out of the house
Stage Three: Vaccine
(begins when the last child from generation three grows into young adulthood. This stage will last as many generations as it takes to create a vaccine successfully)
The military has done a good job of cleaning up the city. They’ve gotten control of the looting problems. There are still zombies around, but not nearly as many. With military escort around, the remaining scientists and medical professionals have been called in to create a vaccine for zombism.
This Generation:
-At least one of your sims must go into the medical or science careers now and help create the vaccine…
-However, by doing this they are volunteering themselves as guinea pigs. Every Friday you must roll a die or use a random generator to determine if your sim will live or be zombified. If you roll an even number they live, an odd number they must be killed. The only exception to this is during pregnancy. After 3 positive rolls, the vaccine is successfully created.
-Your household can give birth at the hospital, and use contraception. Female sims that are not family oriented may have children.
-The science career is working on making the water safe to drink again. Your household may now use running water.
-During this stage, your sims can still enter the military or law enforcement careers.
-May use 2 electrical items.
-May use the phone to call other, non-zombie sims.
-Your sims can only marry other sims within the military, law enforcement, criminal, medical or science careers. (Everyone else is a zombie)
-Must have at least one child with one survival trait and not more than one trait not prone to survival.
-If no one of the opposite sex is available to marry in these careers, your sim may adopt a child. (save an orphaned child from attacking zombies) However, you must kill off your adopted child if s/he has (or develops) no surviving traits, or any of the non-surviving traits.
-Once the vaccine is created, sims may walk the streets freely.
This Generation May not:
-Interact with anyone outside of work
-Leave the fenced lot (outside of work or visiting romantic interests) until a vaccine is created.
-Move anyone out of the house
-I would suggest having at least 2 children each generation, that way you have a back up if one of them develops a non-surviving trait.
-You may cheat to age up a child and kill them, or you may choose to wait.
- X out automatic actions (such as cleaning a toilet when its not allowed) and it won't count against you.
-You are allowed to delete (sell) the veggies you grow and fish you catch, write novels, paint and hack after the beginning of stage one.
- Sims that leave your lot due to bugs in the game will not count against you.
Expansion Packs:
Pets are allowed in this challenge if they were a part of the family before the apocalypse started. You cannot adopt pets from the outside world because they are contaminated (think resident evil), so if you would like to breed them, you must have had at least two already. Having the Pets expansion pack may also make it more difficult for your sims to go into town, as now they must avoid NPCs, random zombified townies, and wild animals/strays. Coming into contact with any of them will result in the sim's death.
Zombies in the Supernatural expansion pack will not actually kill your sims, nor will they disturb sleeping sims. They are very toned down and might not work for this challenge at all, but you are welcome to try. All other rules apply. Absolutely NO changing zombies back into regular sims.
World Adventures
No travelling, sorry
Special thanks to chaoticidealism for the updated version they posted on the forum. And to Pinstar for the inspiring Apocalypse Challenge.