Field Researcher
#26 Old 20th Mar 2011 at 8:45 AM
i'm trying to figure out how to feed children in a family without a fridge. i havent had any luck getting them to garden. it almost looks like they might, for just a second, then nope...i have the firepit, but that seems pretty grownups only.

any suggestions, ideas, anything? i've bought a "larder" yeah i know, it's a fridge that looks old timey and non electric from the sims store for like 100 points, and since they have no stove they cant cook anything good, and i have the grownups eat fruit and fried fish from the firepit. but the lot is getting messy with the autumn salad dishes, and with no sink they cant wash them. no one is a slob, so they cant lick them clean...

i did however discover i dont have to kill off a twin. i double checked, she's not absent minded, just easily impressed. not an automatic death sentance. and i think she's the one who's a genius.
the other is a daredevil and brave... either way i knew there were 3 really good, and 1 questionable.

i did kinda wonder why never nude would help. i've never chosen it for a sim. is there something odd that goes along with it? besides the wearing of formal clothing i've heard about in the shower? i'd think being uncomfy with yer nekkie ness would be a hinderance in a zombie apocolipse, but that could just be me...
Test Subject
#27 Old 20th Mar 2011 at 12:25 PM
actually,you were swimsuit in the shower
Field Researcher
#28 Old 21st Mar 2011 at 6:39 AM
that makes sense. i do remember that being mentioned in "glitches" or something when i think harder.

i try not to do that alot. it hurts sometimes.
Test Subject
#29 Old 24th Mar 2011 at 5:09 AM
My fam definitely wouldn't have survived without that fishing hole during the first couple of days! They have a HUGE lot, with a small section fenced in. I started off buying 2 of every fruit & vegetable. (sidenote, I also bought a bunch of the mood-lite candles....don't do that. LOL. it doesn't improve anything)

The fam now has a huge garden. There were six kids at first, had to drown one teenager . The seventh baby is on the way. Small things like going over to the fire to gain the 'cozy' moodlet.....and winding up the music box and dragging it wherever my sim goes help out immensely. There were a couple of simdays where the father was in such a bad mood he wouldn't do anything........until he had the music box by his side

As long as I don't have to kill off any more kids, hopefully I'll get to Stage One soon.
Field Researcher
#30 Old 24th Mar 2011 at 7:29 AM
i cant get the kids to farm and harvest though. best i was able to manage was have an adult harvest stuff, and drag it out of their inventory, and into the childrens. the fishing hols comes in handy for the adults and fertaliser, but if you're really trying to go "non electric" which probally ought to count out "unfortunately kinda" fridges and ovens that have been "skinned" to look woodburning, or more like a pie safe (for the fridge).

i avoided using those as long as i could, only figured out the grownups harvesting and dragging to the kids inventory later.

i'm almost looking at this family as a preparation family. i think my first successfull young adult who doesnt hate her life will be generation 0. have her marry a highschool sweetheart with some decent characteristics.

i have them set on "oh my gawd wont you pixels ever freakin grow the hell up?!?" lifespan setting. if i start letting my children socialise with classmates only maybe they can hook up with someone decent. someone i can twist to my will

i'm considering everyone but law, emergency personel, science, and military "zombied" dont call them to help you, they have better things to do than worry about your burgalers, or your stupid birthday cake that caught fire. the grocery and bookstore people dont count either as long as you go and get back durring daylight hours and dont go abusing it. i forgot to buy any books of any kind. and i forgot to buy more than only things i can plant RIGHT NOW. i forgot you get to plant that other stuff later.

does anyone know where in barnacle bay you can find "random" seeds?
Test Subject
#31 Old 24th Mar 2011 at 7:42 PM
Quote: Originally posted by cannibalcupcake
Anyway, interesting observation. I wonder if (drowning a child in ts3) is a fluke...

Nope. No fluke. The seventh kid turned out to be a clumsy, absent minded I aged her up on the spot and sent her into the pool 'til she drowned. No social worker.

I think it's only starvation and neglect that attracts the social worker. I had the game warn me to give a kid some freakin' attention one time.

Another random sidenote...
This challenge finally got a little more encouraging now that 2 of the kids are teens and have NO non survival traits and only one trait left to develop. I.E., they get to live.
At first it looked as if I'd have to kill off every other kid. :/
Field Researcher
#32 Old 24th Mar 2011 at 8:05 PM
that family oriented trait really comes in handy for raising them up right i guess. cuase they WANT to do all that tedious stuff, snuggly brat, tickle brat, pottytrain brat, teach brat this, or that...

i wonder if the game takes the parents traits into account when chosing new ones for the aging and new children?

cause my adult sims have all survivaly traits
Test Subject
#33 Old 24th Mar 2011 at 9:02 PM
Quote: Originally posted by somethingelse
does anyone know where in barnacle bay you can find "random" seeds?

Since you have family oriented sims, they should be really happy everytime they have a child. Every time that a wish popped up for wanting to have a baby, or to have a boy or girl, I locked it in. After 7 kids, the parents have a LOT of lifetime happiness points. You could use those to get the collection helper and find the seeds that way.

You can also get some seeds by fishing. My family has a money tree and a death flower bush planted now.

Also with the kids not being able to garden, that's normal, unfortunately. I don't know what EA was thinking can't garden and can't even read a skill book!!? BS. D:<

I always had the kids fishing as soon as they were well rested & fed. Then drag & drop the fish onto the parents so the garden can be fertilized.
Field Researcher
#34 Old 25th Mar 2011 at 2:15 AM
seeds by fishing. nifty. ok, i'll get all the kids hooked on fishing. i've been using my "happiness points" for things that'll help in the NOW. first thing i got them was "no bills ever". cause avoiding that lil zombie girl who brings a newspaper every day gets old... (yes i keep forgetting i can call and cancell it) i didnt want to need to avoid the mail carrier zombie anymore, but still pay the bills. besides, money is TIGHT.

like i said, this is turning out to be more of a "setup" family for this challenge. the poor kid was raised by survivalists, and now KNOWS what to do about the zombies.
Test Subject
#35 Old 26th Mar 2011 at 12:07 AM
Okay Cupcake, I wanna know if we can modify something.... (I know you take the view that everybody can play the game how they want, but you can decide if you want to put this in the official rules or not)

Do you realize how rare it is to stumble upon a female sim who has the family oriented trait in the careers? This is coming from a player who only had 1 daughter born who didn't have to be killed off. So, if the sons don't find a woman with the right trait, their kids die automatically? In the midst of battling zombies, I'd take what I can get as far as a zombie-free spouse goes.

How about ... you MUST have at least one sim; Teen or older who is family oriented to act as a midwife.....if anyone plans to have babies?
To make it more difficult, maybe add in that the midwife sim must be at least Level 5 Logic?
During Stage Three, the sim(s) in the medical/science career paths could assist with the birth if needed?
Field Researcher
#36 Old 26th Mar 2011 at 1:31 AM
i'm not positive, but i think just the mother sim needs to die. the baby sim can live, and he's free to re marry, he'll just be sads. the way this challenge seems to work, there are a buttload of people around to take care of babies. even if they're not specifically "family oriented".

but the way i read it, (i could easily be wrong, it happens alot) the mother sim HAS to die, but nothing was mentioned about the lil pixelated bundle of joy. so non family oriented female sims can have 1 offspring, but they'll die doing so till the later generations of the challenge.

i mentioned in another thread, i type all tough, but i have a hard time killing off my pixels. it makes me sad and i feel sad about their lil pixelated families and feelings
Test Subject
#37 Old 27th Mar 2011 at 10:07 AM
OK! I wanna know if anyone else is having this issue, or has had it happen in the past.

I have an Adult Female sim; she has 5 moodlets which add up to +115, all her needs are VERY green, and her overall mood is STILL uncomfortable.

Compared with her daughter, a Teen, who has 4 moodlets. Two moodlets add up to -25, and two add up to +45. Her needs bars? 4 are bright green. One is just regular green (bladder) and one is as red as can be (hygiene). Yet this girl's overall mood is HAPPY.


This issue is also happening with the father, who is an Adult as well. I've had a good amount of sim families in TS3, and I've never seen this happen before. Granted, they've never been completely shut in before, but still! I've been using the Moodlet Manager on the parents fairly often to get rid of the Stir Crazy moodlet. I just don't get how a majority of their needs can be green, they can have 5+ positive moodlets to balance out the negative ones, and yet their overall mood is still bright red. Anybody got a tip or 2?

Oh, and just in case it means anything, the father has fulfilled his Lifetime Want.

On a positive note for this challenge, Generation 3 will be arriving soon. Technically it already arrived, but....I moved that father/son pair out to a 'safe house'....I just didn't wanna kill 'em...
Field Researcher
#38 Old 27th Mar 2011 at 11:08 PM
that stir crazy one is rough. never seems to go away. i decided to let my mother sim go out and "jog" a lil bit. collected some ore a saw lying around grabbed a butterfly or 2... that seemed to help.

i'm seriously considering downloading another world without all the things i hesitate to delete in the stock worlds, like the schools... i've got myself convinced they all go to a secure "military" school, because i dont want the social worker... but 1 day i looked up and the twins had missed the bus HOME from school... i justified not killing them by looking at their traits. brave, genius, daredevil, family oriented, easily impressed, and... another brave, i think... something good... i figured they were together, they're brave, just GO HOME... dont forget to doubletap... they both have teddybears in their inventory, maybe they fought the zombies off with them
Test Subject
#39 Old 28th Mar 2011 at 5:24 AM

*beats zombie with a teddy bear* DIE!!! JUST FREAKIN' DIE!!!!*%&!!!!$&#&#!!!!!! .....RUN!!! LEAVE ME AND JUST GO!!! TELL MOMMY I DIED FIGHTING!!!
Field Researcher
#40 Old 28th Mar 2011 at 9:16 AM
the other trait was athletic. she could outrun them if nothing else. you dont always need to be faster than the enemy, just faster than a few friends.

2 more babies born to the family. 2 more girls. i think they both got brave and athletic as traits.

i'm having really good luck with children being born with good traits.
watch, now that i typed that outloud, it'll stop.
Lab Assistant
#41 Old 28th Mar 2011 at 9:47 PM
Hey everyone, this is my first post and this challenge sounds like alot of fun.
I just stumbled over the weapons system mod that allows you to shoot people, and the Dexter the bear mod with weapons for killing and wondering how I can use these to defend against "Zombie" attacks.. :P
Anyways, if anyone has pic/screen shots I would LOVE to see them...
Test Subject
#42 Old 29th Mar 2011 at 6:11 AM Last edited by fawkes411 : 29th Mar 2011 at 6:27 AM.
Here's a view of the O'Connors' enclosure:

An outside area for skilling, eating & relaxing:

The living room (which will soon have to be remodeled) I LOVE the tv on milk crates!

Shaun's bedroom (with the desk) & Jill's tiny bedroom. I tried to make 'em look homey despite their cramped space.

Jude & Stefanie's bedroom:

I thought this made a very appropriate front door for this challenge:

Family time. Before Stefanie moved in:

OK- top row, left to right; Shaun, Jude, Stefanie (Jude's wife)
bottom row- Gary, Tasha (the original couple) & Jill

Grim is Jude's mortal enemy XD. Every time a death occurs, he rages around in his undies.

I'd rather not have the fridge until I can have running water! I don't want them getting upset by a bunch of dirty dishes. They do perfectly fine with their raw foods, fishing hole & fire pit.
I got the tv so they could keep a track on what zombies are putting in the media....try to listen in to what is going on as much as possible, so they'll be better fighters.
Similar reasons for the computer....Jude is writing books that chronicle his familys' time in hiding and the zombie infestation & war. That is, when he isn't doing Military stuff.

Zachary, Craig & Grace had to be killed.
Barry, the oldest son, moved to a 'safe house' right after the birth of his son, Zacharias. His son is with him. I killed off the mother because I couldn't stand her....AND she kept trying to seduce Gary.
Field Researcher
#43 Old 30th Mar 2011 at 1:21 AM
how RUDE! the dirty seductress...

i'd have offed her too... actually, no, i probally wouldnt, i'd have called it an "expanded genepool posibility" if i could manage to get someone enough happy points to buy the "no jealousy" trait i'd do it in that case... but thats just me
Lab Assistant
#44 Old 30th Mar 2011 at 2:03 AM
Wow fawkes love the pics, nice family
I love your front door it works perfectly, hehe!

I've been busy playing the tribal challenge for the past week or so, had 4 tribes going and was just about to have my third generation when I didn't back up my save and now its corrupt. Ah well too many mods will do that I suppose.
well I guess this give me the chance to try this challenge now.. I haven't decided how I plan on making my lot yet or if I should make some kind of venturing out lot to collect supplies...
I'll post screen shots when I get it all figured out!
Test Subject
#45 Old 23rd Apr 2011 at 10:49 PM Last edited by Ermac10 : 26th Apr 2011 at 10:53 PM.
I think I'll play this, but frankly I think I will change some little things.

And a question: Won't deleting the mailbox + the trash ton cause problems with the game?
Test Subject
#46 Old 26th Apr 2011 at 11:10 PM Last edited by Ermac10 : 27th Apr 2011 at 12:35 AM.
I modefied it a little bit:
1. I bought a gas grill (chepest outdoor grill), but just the second generation won't be able to buy battery-objects like a radio, and I use the fridge as a shelter so I can prepare salad.
2. Babys wich don't have the right traits don't dy, but can't leave the safe lot, so they won't be able to get jobs and do not count as a new generation.
3. the handy can just be used to call a love interest wich you know from work (like a beeper wich just functions for people from work wich have these beepers)
4. i didn't ereased all the other houses in my city, my sims can just not life there because they are virus-infectet

Here some pictures of my entire lot:

I made it a little bit smaller and added a cellar:

And here my sims:
James Shepherd and his wife Trish Tarantel (now Shepherd)

and their first little baby Jill, the second one is on the way
Test Subject
#47 Old 15th May 2011 at 12:25 AM
Well, if I play this again, looks like I'm starting from scratch. I uploaded the O'Connor fam (and lot) to; but they aren't there anymore. My computer crashed & I just got it back a few days ago. I'm re-installing the games right now. I'm kinda pissed because I even checked & looked at my own page to see if the upload was successful.....the O'Connors were there, but now they aren't. What's weird is that it says I have 6 creations, but no matter what category I click on, I can only see 4 of them. :/
Test Subject
Original Poster
#48 Old 20th May 2011 at 5:21 AM
Hey thought I'd check back on this thread... great screenshots everybody!

Quote: Originally posted by fawkes411
Okay Cupcake, I wanna know if we can modify something....
How about ... you MUST have at least one sim; Teen or older who is family oriented to act as a midwife.....if anyone plans to have babies?
To make it more difficult, maybe add in that the midwife sim must be at least Level 5 Logic?
During Stage Three, the sim(s) in the medical/science career paths could assist with the birth if needed?

I really like the idea about the medical career path.
Test Subject
#49 Old 21st May 2011 at 10:36 PM Last edited by PurpleLotus : 22nd May 2011 at 5:00 AM.
I'm starting this challenge today, and I'm totally psyched about it. In a minute I'll take a pic of my starting lot and show it to you all. It's pretty scarce, a tiny one room house with basically a closet sized toilet room. I couldn't figure out how to delete the trashcan and mailbox, so I just stuck them outside the fence and deleted the gate. I've also cheated just a little bit and gave them a bathtub - but hang on, I can justify this! They pull water from the pond, boil it in buckets over the campfire, then wait til it cools and pour it into the bathtub. However, because I do want it to be difficult and I don't think people would do that very often, I'm only letting them bathe every three days.

My starter couple are both a bit scary to me... very dark hair and freakishly blue eyes. They are Genesis and Darius Wolfsbane.

In addition, I made all their clothes just a little bit off - I didn't figure people would have perfectly coordinated things in a zombie apocalypse.Other personal touches - I randomized the color of all furniture I put in the house. They must have had to go out and find it all, so of course it wouldn't all match either.

Now time to plant a garden and make a baby!

Edit: Several hours later, the first child is born - a boy named Tawny. He is easily impressed and loves the outdoors. So far so good! And Genesis is pregnant again, hoping for a girl this time.

2nd edit: Baby #2 is born! Another boy, and this time, since Genny actually had sufficient food for the pregnancy, I got to pick one of the traits. Baby Bastian got auto-assigned Athletic (awesome!) and I picked Brave for his second trait. Tawny apparently is a slow grower and hasn't aged to toddler yet, so we'll see if he lives through his childhood in a little while. I didn't count on needing two cribs though, so I sold the kitchen table and a couple chairs so I could get one. That's not cheating, right?
Test Subject
#50 Old 27th May 2011 at 5:55 PM
This sounds really funny, I just got to try it :D
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