I wanted to add my own version of the challenge here. I made this version for myself to add some randomness and difficulty to the challenge and to organize the rules in an easier-to-reference way. It is essentially still the same challenge, but will have a higher death rate because of the additional limitations on choosing traits and a higher number of non-surviving traits.
Everyone around you is a zombie. Literally. You managed to survive due to the self sustaining trait(s) you happened to have.
Traits List
Green Thumb
Light Sleeper
Heavy Sleeper
Mean Spirited
No school
Delete all pre-existing families/homes
Suppress opportunities
Make sure your world has:
-Military Base
-Science Facility
-Criminal Warehouse
-City Hall
Create a married couple. Each of them needs to have at least one of the surviving traits and no more than one non-surviving trait.
If at any time a sim has more than one non-surviving trait, he must be killed.
If a sim of YA or older does not have at least one surviving trait, he must be killed.
Create a house/shack that is 10x10 squares. You may have two floors, if you can afford it. Your house must be surrounded by a stone fence, placed on the first day and not moved thereafter.
Optional Mini-Challenge: You may never use the Moodlet Manager.
You may never move anyone out of the house.
You may cheat to kill a sim (or age a sim up to kill him) or to delete an item; otherwise not.
Stage Zero: Zombie Infestation
--Before beginning, set up your lot. On the first day, you may send sims to grocery store and bookstore and buy what you want with remaining money. You may also call to stop newspapers from coming.
--Must eat only food that is produced on the home lot (or bought from the grocery store on the first day).
--All traits in this generation must be randomized. A Mid-Life Crisis allows you to re-roll random traits; this could result in death for the sim.
--May not buy anything from the Buy/Build menu. May not sell anything with monetary value.
"Battery Operated" items may be used until broken, then deleted. A battery-operated item is any device which can function on a battery and is capable of breaking.
You may not buy or use anything that uses electricity. (All reward items are considered electrical.)
No phones, including cell phones.
No running water (includes swimming pools).
One cheap toilet. May not be upgraded, flushed, or repaired.
Any sim that leaves the fenced area must be killed.
May not interact with anyone besides housemates.
Any female that gives birth without the Family-Oriented trait must be immediately killed. The child survives.
Birth control is available.
Sims may not give birth at the hospital.
Stage One: Military Takeover
Your family toiled away, made their own food and managed to raise kids while avoiding zombie infestation. Now the military is moving into town, taking up shop and killing zombies.
--Begins when the first child of the founders survives to Young Adult.
--Sims at YA or older have all been drafted! Everyone YA or older must join the Military or Law Enforcement careers, may not quit, and must re-join them immediately if fired. They may miss work and stay home to take care of children if necessary, but they must always be employed.
--Traits gained at the toddler-to-child birthday may be chosen. All others must be randomized. A Mid-Life Crisis allows you to re-roll random traits, then replace one of those traits with a chosen trait. If you are unlucky, this may kill the sim.
Two items that use electricity are allowed. (All reward items are considered electrical.)
May use cell phone, but only to call co-workers or call the police, or to adopt a child.
No running water (includes swimming pools).
One cheap toilet.
Your family has gotten better at maintaining their primitive outhose. Choose one of these two options:
1. You may not repair or upgrade your toilet, but you may replace it with any toilet made on the sculpting station by a Sim living on the lot.
2. You may not upgrade your toilet, but you may have a sim with at least 5 Handiness skill repair it. You may not place or use any toilets made on the sculpting station (they may still be sold).
Any sim that leaves the fenced area except for approved reasons must be killed.
Sims may leave the fenced area to visit a sim in the Military or Law Enforcement careers if they are at the 5th level in their jobs or have 10 points in Athletic.
Any Romantic Interest of any Sim on the lot may be invited over.
May only interact with, marry, and move in sims that are working in the Military or Law Enforcement careers.
Any female that gives birth without the Family-Oriented trait must be immediately killed. The child survives.
Sims may not give birth at the hospital.
Sims may not use birth control ("Try for Baby" option must be chosen if available.)
If there are no potential spouses available, Sims may adopt. Adopted children are subject to the same trait rules as all other sims.
Stage Two: Crime
The military has been overworked lately with killing mass numbers of zombies. They’re thinking about just nuking the whole town. To make matters worse, other survivors have come into town to loot. Everyone that doesn’t join their gang will be robbed.
--Begins when the first grandchild of the founders survives to Young Adult.
--When this stage begins, the military begins to lose its hold on the town and nobody but the bravest and most skilled can survive the pressure. All Sims who are at level 10 of Military or Law Enforcement careers, or who have the Brave trait, may keep their jobs or retire. All others must immediately quit.
--YA or older may join the Criminal career. No one may join any other career (but may remain in another career if they are already in it at the beginning of this stage).
--If no one on the lot is at level 5 or higher of the Criminal career, you must either force a burglar every night at midnight, or remove an item on the lot worth $100 or more.
--Any sim that goes to jail must be killed.
--At least one child in this generation must survive to YA with the Kleptomaniac or Evil trait (in addition to having a combination of traits that allows survival).
--You may not have any alarms or call the police.
--Traits gained at birth may be chosen, if allowed. All others must be randomized. Buying a Mid-Life Crisis allows you to re-roll random traits, then replace two of those traits with a chosen traits. If you are very unlucky, this may kill the sim.
Three items that use electricity are allowed. (All reward items are considered electrical.)
May use cell phone, but only to call Sims in the Criminal, Military, or Law Enforcement careers, or to adopt a child.
Limited running water is available. You may own one sink, which you may repair, clean, and upgrade as desired.
One cheap toilet or one home-made toilet of any kind. You may repair, clean, and upgrade the toilet at will.
Any sim that leaves the fenced area except to go to work must be killed.
Sims may leave the fenced area to visit a sim in the Criminal career if they are at the 5th level in their jobs or have 10 points in Athletic.
Any Romantic Interest of any Sim on the lot may be invited over.
May only interact with, marry, and move in townies that are working in the Criminal career.
Any female that gives birth without the Family-Oriented trait must be immediately killed. The child survives.
Sims may not give birth at the hospital.
Sims may not use birth control ("Try for Baby" option must be chosen if available.)
If there are no potential spouses available, Sims may adopt. Adopted children are subject to the same trait rules as all other sims.
Stage Three: Vaccine
The military has done a good job of cleaning up the city. They’ve gotten control of the looting problems. There are still zombies around, but not nearly as many. With military escort around, the remaining scientists and medical professionals have been called in to create a vaccine for zombism.
--Begins when the first great-grandchild of the founders survives to Young Adult; lasts as long as it takes to successfully create a vaccine.
--YA or older may join the Medical, Law Enforcement, Criminal, or Military careers.
--If there are YA or older sims living on the lot, at least one must be in the Medical career.
--Every Friday, all sims in the Medical career serve as guinea pigs. Roll a die for each sim: If an even number is rolled, they survive and contribute to the research. If an odd number is rolled, they die. After three successful rolls, the vaccine is successfully created.
--Traits gained at birth and at the toddler-to-child birthday may be chosen. All other traits must be randomized. Buying a Mid-Life Crisis allows you to re-roll the traits and replace three of them with chosen traits. If you are extremely unlucky, this may kill the sim.
Four items that use electricity are allowed. (All reward items are considered electrical.)
May use cell phone, but only to call Sims in the Medical, Criminal, Law Enforcement, or Military careers, or to call the police, or to adopt a child.
Running water is available and unlimited.
Any sim that leaves the fenced area except for approved reasons must be killed.
Pregnant sims and their spouses may leave the lot to give birth at the hospital.
Sims may leave the fenced area to visit a Sim in the Medical, Criminal, Law Enforcement, or Military careers if they are at the 5th level in their jobs or have 10 points in Athletic.
Any Romantic Interest of any Sim on the lot may be invited over.
May only interact with, marry, and move in sims that are working in the Medical, Criminal, Law Enforcement, or Military careers.
Any Sim who has 10 Athletic points may leave the lot to go to the bookstore or grocery store.
Sims who give birth at the hospital survive even without the Family-Oriented trait.
Birth control is available.
If there are no potential spouses available, Sims may adopt. Adopted children are subject to the same trait rules as all other sims.
Once a vaccine has been created, the challenge is over.
Q: May I own pets?
A: Yes. They are subject to the same restrictions as Sims.
Q: What is an "electrical item"?
A: If it needs electricity in real life, it's an electrical item. Use your judgment; just stay consistent. Refrigerators and stoves are electric, but the cheap grill and fire pit are not. Washing machines are both water-based and electric. Torches and candles can be used to provide light. All "Big Inventions" from the inventing bench are electrical items, but the bench itself and smaller inventions are not. All Lifetime Reward objects are considered electrical. Cars and motorcycles are not electrical.
Q: How long may my Sims stay at the houses of Sims they are visiting? Can they stay overnight? Can klepto Sims steal items?
A: They may not stay overnight, lest the family start worrying. Your Sims may use any object at the house they are visiting--though of course they may be kicked out for using them unless you have taken the appropriate rewards and/or traits. Kleptos may steal, but remember the items may be unusable due to restrictions when they get them home.
Q: What do I do about the zombie mail carrier?
A: The original challenge had you delete the mailbox, but this causes a few bugs and I removed that rule. Instead, move the mailbox inside the fenced area and keep gates locked to outsiders at all times. I highly recommend the "No Bills Ever" LTR. If you do not have access to this LTR, you may keep the mailbox outside the fence, and pay bills via the pop-up that comes up when they are late. Basically, just do anything you like with the mailbox, so long as your Sims do not exit the fenced area and the zombie mail carrier cannot come in.
Q: How do I feed my Sims?
A: Initially, you will be feeding them only fruits and vegetables grown on the lot, and fish from a pond inside the fence. It is possible to roast them at a fire pit, or to roast marshmallows at the fire pit if you can't get any fish or vegetables. Once you have access to electrical items, you can buy a refrigerator and cook on a grill, or buy a refrigerator and stove/microwave/etc. The "Hardly Hungry" reward helps if you are short on food, but in my experience this is rare.
Q: Help! My sim is Neat and won't use my nasty toilet!
A: Poor Sim.

Unfortunately, they will have to wet their pants until you can buy them the Steel Bladder reward, or wait until you are allowed to upgrade the toilet to be Self-Cleaning.
Q: My Sim has just been eaten by zombies. How do I kill them off?
A: Any way you like. You may cheat to age them up and cheat to kill them.
Q: A bug made me break a restriction or made a Sim leave the fenced area! What now?
A: Fix the bug and pretend it never happened. For example, it is known that babies occasionally "teleport" outside the walls when born, or glitched sims being re-set may end up outside the walls. Put them back in and play as normal. Only if your Sims wander outside on their own do they get eaten by zombies. Note that it is perfectly acceptable to turn off free will, lock gates, or simply not have a gate.
Edits made:
8/13: Clarified visiting rules. Added "No Moodlet Manager" mini-challenge.
8/26: Relaxed Water restrictions during "Criminal". Added Q&A.
8/27: Added clarification re. bugs.