#126 Old 4th Sep 2012 at 11:54 PM
is this challange going to get an update now that Supernatural is out?
Field Researcher
#127 Old 5th Sep 2012 at 3:16 AM
cant wait to get Supernaturals. tried this challenge without it, was fun, but needs zombies.
Test Subject
#128 Old 8th Sep 2012 at 2:04 PM
I've tried this challenge a few times before but i was super excited for real zombie with SN. but now that I'm playing it again with zombies, I'm quite disappointed. i had four zombies show up on my lot and they just kinda stood around. :/ I'm going to continue and hope something more interesting will happen, zombie wise.
Test Subject
#129 Old 21st Sep 2012 at 4:44 AM
Default Zombie solution
Quote: Originally posted by pinkfishegg
I've tried this challenge a few times before but i was super excited for real zombie with SN. but now that I'm playing it again with zombies, I'm quite disappointed. i had four zombies show up on my lot and they just kinda stood around. :/ I'm going to continue and hope something more interesting will happen, zombie wise.

Seems the zombie issue is some kind of bug on EA's part. They over multiply and come everyday, not just a full moon, one day I had 8 of them standing around my fenceline. There are a couple good zombie mods that do a pretty good job of reducing the percentage of zombies that spawn. I'm using one and it's made it a lot more manageable.
Test Subject
#130 Old 19th Oct 2012 at 9:05 AM
I've been playing this! I'm still at stage zero. My couple has a toddler daughter named Olivia. So far she has good traits! I added a bath tub to my house. I feel like I can pretend they boil water from thier pond on the fire pit and use that. Also my male works at the graveyard. I pretend that he's helping the military clean up bodies or something. I felt that since the sims would be having kids and needed beds that it was unrealistic to not have a job. Also, to make sure your daughter has the family-oriented trait, just teach them how to walk, talk, and use the potty. When they age up you'll be able to choose a trait for them. It's really not that hard to insure that they get that trait. I'll update more when something happens. (:
Space Pony
#131 Old 19th Oct 2012 at 12:48 PM
Quote: Originally posted by WildcatCait
I've been playing this! I'm still at stage zero. My couple has a toddler daughter named Olivia. So far she has good traits! I added a bath tub to my house. I feel like I can pretend they boil water from thier pond on the fire pit and use that. Also my male works at the graveyard. I pretend that he's helping the military clean up bodies or something. I felt that since the sims would be having kids and needed beds that it was unrealistic to not have a job. Also, to make sure your daughter has the family-oriented trait, just teach them how to walk, talk, and use the potty. When they age up you'll be able to choose a trait for them. It's really not that hard to insure that they get that trait. I'll update more when something happens. (:

Yes. I do the same in my games with the bath tub except I don't use it until someone is able to make it unbreakable. Now about being unable to buy furniture and stuff without a job... With my money I buy some fish to stock the pond and during the day while hanging around waiting for the crops to finish. You can also cook said fish on the fire pit. I've had no issue with money when doing that.
Test Subject
#132 Old 19th Oct 2012 at 7:13 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Enirei
Yes. I do the same in my games with the bath tub except I don't use it until someone is able to make it unbreakable. Now about being unable to buy furniture and stuff without a job... With my money I buy some fish to stock the pond and during the day while hanging around waiting for the crops to finish. You can also cook said fish on the fire pit. I've had no issue with money when doing that.

Yeah, I fish but I generally just fish until they catch five. I sell some fruit and vegetables. I roast them and the fish on the fire pit also. I usually make my sim go a day being dirty before I use the tub.
Space Pony
#133 Old 20th Oct 2012 at 1:13 AM
Quote: Originally posted by WildcatCait
Yeah, I fish but I generally just fish until they catch five. I sell some fruit and vegetables. I roast them and the fish on the fire pit also. I usually make my sim go a day being dirty before I use the tub.

Ah. Usually I have the wife go fishing while the husband reads the first two handiness books (buy before challenge starts), once he gets to 6 tube becomes unbreakable.

i found fishing good because when the sims are fishing around the same hole they socially interact as well. So their social and fun motives both go up, plus they get things to sell.
Test Subject
#134 Old 20th Oct 2012 at 3:31 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Enirei
Ah. Usually I have the wife go fishing while the husband reads the first two handiness books (buy before challenge starts), once he gets to 6 tube becomes unbreakable.

i found fishing good because when the sims are fishing around the same hole they socially interact as well. So their social and fun motives both go up, plus they get things to sell.

The wife does the gardening. They both work on the logic skill. And the husband also works on the athletic skill. He hasn't really worked on the handiness skill, That sounds like a good idea.
Test Subject
#135 Old 21st Oct 2012 at 5:30 AM
I just started playing this yesterday and it's going pretty good. I gave my starting couple both the slob trait so they don't mind that they stink and the toilet is dirty.

They mostly spend their time gardening and taking care of the kids. Only the father goes fishing though I'm thinking about adding a pond to my land and see if I can like, put some fish there and hope they reproduce. Before they had kids I made my couple go out once a week to a rec area to bathe (I justify it because there's a big pond and a watterfall in the grounds and assume that's where they get the uncontaminated water). Now that they have kids they have to go more often because the oldest, who's not a slob, is constantly disgusted by their smell (only the father goes with her though, mom stays at home with the toddlers and goes alone when they return).

I haven't had to kill anyone so far, but then, I'm the one choosing the traits. All bets are off when they age from kids to teens and from teens to young adults though, since they're not going to school 'cuz I deleted it I probably won't be able to choose the rest.

I've had no trouble with feeding them and keeping them happy. They eat their veggies and cook fish in the fire pit, and they read, play chess and exersice to kill their time. It's really fun.
Test Subject
#136 Old 21st Oct 2012 at 7:12 AM
Starting it now. I figure I'd use Moonlight Falls. (Those lots are pretty big!)
I wanna try and make this house something different than what I've done before (obviously) maybe play around some more with sliders or whatever.

The most difficult thing for me will be with the looters and robbers. I usually don't do the criminal career. Hope all goes well

"If the square root of a potato is a potato, then a potato is a potato... >:O I WANT POTATOES!!!"
Test Subject
#137 Old 11th Nov 2012 at 6:32 AM
Default My version of this awesome challenge!
I started this challenge a few days ago, I'm still in stage zero but I'm really enjoying it! I did some modifications to the rules though, adapted them a little to be more fun to me, and I wanted to share them with everybody just in case anyone wants to give them a try.

For example I removed the rule about the starting family having to be a marriage. My starting family is composed by three complete strangers that fatefully find each other while running away from the zombies and find an abandoned house with a high fence where they hide and start their isolated life together. They're my simself (the one from my avatar), a hot guy with his dog (hey, let a girl dream ok?) and a child whose parents where turned into zombies (real drama here). Of course my simself and the hottie get together soon enough , and they kind of adopt the kid. The three had trust issues in the beggining but after they got sure no one had zombie bites they started to trust each other.

Other minor modification, the rule about no money cheats. I cheated a little about money because I really wanted them to live in this trashy post-apocalypse home I found over the internet, and they didn't have enough cash to get it so I used freerealestate, but I guess it goes well with the story because they FOUND the abandoned house anyway so they didn't actually pay for it. After that I cheated to remove almost all their money (left them only with $50, just some change they could have had in their pockets before the zombie outbreak).

This is how their house looks like at sunset:

I did delete all the indicated items from the lot except for the trashcan (but it's inside the fence perimeter and they don't use it anyway) and the bathtub (left it only for decoration, they don't actually use it). I did find a way around the no running water thing anyway, because it didn't convince me that they couldn't wash themselves; since they do have a small pond in their yard (where they fish) there's no reason why they couldn't grab a bucket and a piece of cloth and wash themselves with the pond's water. So I downloaded a mod to unlock the "sponge bath" interaction for any sim, and a sink that looks like a bucket on a table, and created a little fenced "washing area" outside. That' all the water they'll ever use if it were up to me (I couldn't find a way to make them stop flushing the toilet, if you know of one please let me know!) I don't let them get too clean though, only halfway the hygiene bar, because well, they're using a cloth and a bucket not a real shower!

My guy taking his sponge bath, sorry for the censorship, but I'm using some "realistic" mods and want to preserve my hunk's intimacy

They can't cook since there's no working fridge or oven (no electricity or gas service), so they live on raw vegetables they harvest and fish they catch. I let them have a firepit though, because its the first thing any survivor would have, and they sit around it a lot and grill their food there.

And of course, they can't buy dog food (and you shouldn't either if you plan to play with pets in this challenge), so their dog drinks water from the pond and eats raw fish that my sims throw at her.

The only big modification I did to the challenge is, since with Supernatural we can have actual zombies walking around, and with Twallan's Vector Mod we can make the infestation into a real plage; and since there are killing mods out there, I couldn't resist myself about making my sims go out of the fence perimeter and have some sweet zombie killing! But I did set some rules to do it:

- There has to be a reason to go out, not just because they want to. They can go out only in order to get survival supplies (things that are necessary and can't be found in their lot, like wood for the firepit or materials to repair the fence and improve their defenses) and hunt (because it wasn't very realistic to me that they could survive only on their small garden and the sad little fish and toads they catch on their yard's pond). So, they can go to the junkyard to search for materials (great also for the kid that wants to be an inventor and needs tons of junk), they are allowed to harvest any plants they find, collect any seeds, metals or stones, and hunt small animals (minor pets). Just that, and they must be really quick about it, because they can be out only for 3 hours a day. Longer would be too dangerous; if they don't manage to get back in that time I assume they were killed by zombies (and actually kill them).

- Only YA, adult or teenage sims can go out, and only one sim at a time (it's too dangerous out there for children or elders and there's no point to risk more than one sim's life to get supplies).

- Any sim that wants to go outside must be in good shape (no skinnies or fatties) and MUST have at least 5 athletic skill (to run faster) and 5 martial arts skill (to have faster reflexes and defend themselves if needed).

- They HAVE to be armed (this can be done by using "Weapon System Mod" or "Dexter the Bear Mod") and if they happen to encounter a zombie that is close enough, they must kill it. If they fail to notice the zombie before it's too close, they're killed by it. If they spot the zombie from far away they can run instead.

- No cars or any other transportation, only walking and running until phase 1 (military gives supplies to keep vehicles running). I use a mod to supress all kind of vehicles, so when my sims go out the only moving things they see are animals and zombie infected sims (residents infected by Vector Mod's "Scourge" disease) roaming about the town at all times. It's really cool actually.

No other modifications and so far in my story, the only one qualified to leave the fence perimeter (armed to the teeth of course) is my hunk; my simself likes martial arts, but hates to do push-ups and other proper exercise so her atlethic skill isn't catching up with her martial arts skill and is still too low to go out. I don't think I'll send her anyway, she's too busy gardening and taking care of the kid and after all, what kind of a guy would my hunk be, if he let the woman take the risk? Hehehe. I know it sounds outdated but in a zombie apocalypse time I think we are allowed to become a little primitive . And for the kid, we'll see after he hits puberty :p

That's it, so what do you think about this somehow altered version of the challenge? Come on, don't tell me you don't want to go out and kill the crap out of some zombies, because I know you do

Soon I'll tell you how Cain did with all the zombie killing!
Space Pony
#138 Old 11th Nov 2012 at 11:09 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Pandorita
No cars or any other transportation, only walking and running until phase 1 (military gives supplies to keep vehicles running). I use a mod to supress all kind of vehicles, so when my sims go out the only moving things they see are animals and zombie infected sims (residents infected by Vector Mod's "Scourge" disease) roaming about the town at all times. It's really cool actually.

Can you tell us the mods you used?
Test Subject
#139 Old 12th Nov 2012 at 12:31 AM Last edited by Pandorita : 12th Nov 2012 at 12:56 AM. Reason: add info
Default Mods
I use several different mods, but the ones that are specific for this challenge are:

- Twallan's Vector Mod (Base and Zombies module, to spread the zombie disease, I use the Scourge disease because it's permanent, the other one is curable)
- Shimrod's No Cars Mod
- Shimrod's Zombies More Biting (this makes zombies more agressive)
- Ani's Dexter the Bear (killing mod)
- Desecrate's Weapon System (killing mod) (although I'm having problems with the zombie killing with this mod, I'm only able to put them to sleep with sleeping darts so far)

Other mods that aren't essential but are great for immersion:

- Twallan's Traffic Mod (to remove city cabs, ice cream and food trucks, which I'm not sure if Shimrod mods does)
- Shimrod's No Martial Arts Clothes (since I think it's unreallistic that the survivors would have packed their martial arts outfits and carried them around while running away from zombie infestation) This should be disabled at the beginning of stage 1 if you want them to wear the Military career outfits
- Twoftmama's Sponge Baths Unlocked
- dDefinder's Outdoor Lighting Tweaks (to make pitch black nights, so it's creepier out there)

That's it I guess. I'm using Twallan's Story Progression as well, helps me control the zombie population (not allowing them to get jobs or move out of town, for example)
Field Researcher
#140 Old 12th Nov 2012 at 1:11 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Pandorita
I use several different mods, but the ones that are specific for this challenge are:

- Twallan's Vector Mod (Base and Zombies module, to spread the zombie disease, I use the Scourge disease because it's permanent, the other one is curable)
- Shimrod's No Cars Mod
- Shimrod's Zombies More Biting (this makes zombies more agressive)
- Ani's Dexter the Bear (killing mod)
- Desecrate's Weapon System (killing mod) (although I'm having problems with the zombie killing with this mod, I'm only able to put them to sleep with sleeping darts so far)

Other mods that aren't essential but are great for immersion:

- Twallan's Traffic Mod (to remove city cabs, ice cream and food trucks, which I'm not sure if Shimrod mods does)
- Shimrod's No Martial Arts Clothes (since I think it's unreallistic that the survivors would have packed their martial arts outfits and carried them around while running away from zombie infestation) This should be disabled at the beginning of stage 1 if you want them to wear the Military career outfits
- Twoftmama's Sponge Baths Unlocked
- dDefinder's Outdoor Lighting Tweaks (to make pitch black nights, so it's creepier out there)

That's it I guess. I'm using Twallan's Story Progression as well, helps me control the zombie population (not allowing them to get jobs or move out of town, for example)

I also use the vector mod, can you tweak how a sim can get infected, some how? I tried this challenge, but the zombie infection spread to my sims without them getting bit.
Test Subject
#141 Old 12th Nov 2012 at 4:31 AM
I also use the vector mod, can you tweak how a sim can get infected, some how? I tried this challenge, but the zombie infection spread to my sims without them getting bit.

There's an option in City Hall/Nraas/Vector/Outbreak/Allow Active Sims, it must be always in False, so your active family can't get the disease. At least that's what I think, so far none of my sims has gotten the disease.

If this doesn't work for you you should ask directly in Nraas wiki forums, Twallan may be able to help you more than I do
Field Researcher
#142 Old 12th Nov 2012 at 5:15 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Pandorita
There's an option in City Hall/Nraas/Vector/Outbreak/Allow Active Sims, it must be always in False, so your active family can't get the disease. At least that's what I think, so far none of my sims has gotten the disease.

If this doesn't work for you you should ask directly in Nraas wiki forums, Twallan may be able to help you more than I do

The "Allow Active Sims" option only makes it so that your sims aren't choosen as patient zero.

I may have to ask on the forums, but that not a problem, everyone there is super nice and helpful.
Test Subject
#143 Old 12th Nov 2012 at 11:44 PM
Ok, I have bad news about the zombie killing. Maybe is just my game, but so far I'm not able to succesfully kill any zombies with any of the mods. The freakish things just won't die (maybe because they're already dead?) LOL

With Weapon System I was able to put them to sleep with the sleeping darts, but any other type of bullet had no effect on them whatsoever.

With Dexter the Bear it's even worse. My sim stabs them and he immediately gets all the negative murder moodlets, but the damn thing just stands there like nothing happened. And he gets the red evil aura from that moment on, so now his family hates him! That's just not cool.

I wasn't able to find any solution to this, so I guess I'll load a previous save (before the zombie killing) and settle for shooting sleeping darts at the zombies until there is a working zombie killing mod. Come on, somebody has to make one!

If anyone finds a way to sucessfully kill a zombie, please let me know!
Field Researcher
#144 Old 13th Nov 2012 at 8:45 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Pandorita
Ok, I have bad news about the zombie killing. Maybe is just my game, but so far I'm not able to succesfully kill any zombies with any of the mods. The freakish things just won't die (maybe because they're already dead?) LOL

With Weapon System I was able to put them to sleep with the sleeping darts, but any other type of bullet had no effect on them whatsoever.

With Dexter the Bear it's even worse. My sim stabs them and he immediately gets all the negative murder moodlets, but the damn thing just stands there like nothing happened. And he gets the red evil aura from that moment on, so now his family hates him! That's just not cool.

I wasn't able to find any solution to this, so I guess I'll load a previous save (before the zombie killing) and settle for shooting sleeping darts at the zombies until there is a working zombie killing mod. Come on, somebody has to make one!

If anyone finds a way to sucessfully kill a zombie, please let me know!

That is odd about the Dexter the bear mod not killing them, before 1.42 patch I killed a couple of them and my sims that were turned, and they died. I think it's the ptach screwing things up maybe. I would contact the creater of both mods and explain what's happening.
Field Researcher
#145 Old 17th Nov 2012 at 5:48 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Pandorita
Ok, I have bad news about the zombie killing. Maybe is just my game, but so far I'm not able to succesfully kill any zombies with any of the mods. The freakish things just won't die (maybe because they're already dead?) LOL

With Weapon System I was able to put them to sleep with the sleeping darts, but any other type of bullet had no effect on them whatsoever.

With Dexter the Bear it's even worse. My sim stabs them and he immediately gets all the negative murder moodlets, but the damn thing just stands there like nothing happened. And he gets the red evil aura from that moment on, so now his family hates him! That's just not cool.

I wasn't able to find any solution to this, so I guess I'll load a previous save (before the zombie killing) and settle for shooting sleeping darts at the zombies until there is a working zombie killing mod. Come on, somebody has to make one!

If anyone finds a way to sucessfully kill a zombie, please let me know!

I fixed the problem I had making Dexter the bear not work. The zombies bite more mod was making it not work for some reason.
Test Subject
#146 Old 18th Nov 2012 at 2:46 AM Last edited by Pandorita : 18th Nov 2012 at 3:33 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by dedreav0531
I fixed the problem I had making Dexter the bear not work. The zombies bite more mod was making it not work for some reason.

Great, thank you for sharing this info, I will try without the zombies bite more mod. Personally I'd like to make the Weapon System work more than Dexter because I think killing zombies with a Sniper Rifle is just the way it should be done!

(Added a while later)

I could just kiss you, it worked! So it was the more biting zombies mod after all that was conflicting with the killing mods! My sim could fiinally kill zombies with the sniper rifle, killed them good and dead!

Pictures soon! Now I'm off to do more zombie killing
Field Researcher
#147 Old 18th Nov 2012 at 10:23 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Pandorita
Great, thank you for sharing this info, I will try without the zombies bite more mod. Personally I'd like to make the Weapon System work more than Dexter because I think killing zombies with a Sniper Rifle is just the way it should be done!

(Added a while later)

I could just kiss you, it worked! So it was the more biting zombies mod after all that was conflicting with the killing mods! My sim could fiinally kill zombies with the sniper rifle, killed them good and dead!

Pictures soon! Now I'm off to do more zombie killing

Glad it works for you now

I need to build a proper tower for the prison my surviving sims are in(uploading pictures soon, after making up good stories for them all)
Test Subject
#148 Old 19th Nov 2012 at 3:43 AM Last edited by Pandorita : 19th Nov 2012 at 4:08 AM.
Default My Zombie Diaries
Ok, I'm feeling in a story-telling mood today, plus I've got some screenshots I wanted to share, so, this is the little story of my zombie outbreak survivors.

Stage Zero

Prelude, or the founding family and how they met each other

This is Natalia, she's my simself (I just couldn't resist the idea of putting a little "me" to live in a zombie apocalypse world). Her personality is kinda based on my own (she's an animal lover, family oriented gal, who doesn't sleep very well, likes to read a lot and loves the outdoors). She used to be a hot-tempered person, but after she discovered buddhism she set her mind and life to find enlightment and inner peace. After graduating from university (getting a Psychology degree) she decided to move into a small rural town to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city; she was planning to work at the local hospital, start a little family, do lots of yoga and meditation, grow a garden, write some psychology papers, maybe even a few sci-fi novels as well, read A LOT, and live a peaceful and stress-free life.

But you know what they say about plans and making God laugh right?

This one is Cain. He's a little grumpy and reserved guy who likes to be on his own, he never had any close friends and never felt at home anywhere, so he's kind of a hitchhiker, always moving from one place to another. The only company he enjoys is Dakota, his dog, who has been by his side for a few years now and is his always cheerful, always loyal companion. He likes to light-travel , so he only carries a few camping items in his backpack (a tent, a sleeping bag, some canned food, materials to build a firepit), and he's never happier than when he is alone in the wilderness. Before the zombie madness started, he was walking through the countryside looking for rare bugs. Oh, didn't I tell you? He has this weird obsession about collecting bugs, small animals and stones. Some day, when he grew old and got tired of travelling around, he wanted to open a little museum to show the world the treasures he collected over the years.

Natalia and Cain never met each other until they were running for their lives with a bunch of zombies at their backs. She was returning town from visiting her parents in the big city when she realized from afar that people were looking really strange. When she was close enough to see what was wrong with them, she couldn't go back and had to run for it. When she saw the guy with the dog, she thought "I have to stick with those two!". Mostly with the dog anyway; since the guy could barely defend himself against the zombies, but the dog's teeth oddly seemed to keep the dead things at bay, at least a little.

Cain reluctantly accepted her company for the moment, because as much of a loner and a grump he was, it didn't seem right to abandon a woman on her own in the middle of a zombie chaos.

It was Dakota who first spotted the kid. They found an seemingly abandoned house with a high fence, and were trying to climb it to get inside when they almost got shot by a distressed child with a large rifle. Lucky for them, the kid had no aim and missed them. With the zombies approaching and only a few moments to spare, Natalia used all her psychology training to calm the kid down and talk him into letting them go inside the fence perimeter, and make Cain stop shouting insults and threats to the kid, but in the end it was Dakota who made the difference.

The kid was pointing at them and ready to shoot again when he saw Dakota. He stilled for a moment, like in doubt; but when the dog barked and wagged her tale he seemed to come to a decision, reached for the gate lock and opened it, letting them in just in time. Oddly enough, as soon as they were inside he threw the rifle away and hugged the dog, bursting into tears. Cain was quick to get the weapon, swearing to himself he'd never let the kid touch it again, but Natalia reached for him and made him put it away; after all it was only a terrified small child, alone in a crumbling house surrounded by zombies. The kid refused to answer when they asked about his parents, or how he had managed to survive the zombie outbreak.

That night Cain set a fire and they shared the little food they had, almost without exchanging words. The kid didn't have any food and was starving, so he reluctantly agreed to sit next to them and eat, glancing looks of distrust at them. With only the sound of the fire and the gruntling of zombies around them, the atmosphere was thick and oppressive, specially for Natalia who used to be a talkative, friendly kind of person; but she was just too relieved they had survived the horror and put a high fence between them and the freaking things, to worry much about the other two's quietness for the time being. She decided she would deal with it the next day; after all, if they wanted to continue living they would have to work together as a team. She was confident she could acomplish this.

After eating, the kid locked himself up in the basement where he already had his bed, not really trusting yet that the other two wouldn't turn into zombies overnight and come to get him.

From the inside, the house was fairly small and trashy, without real separated rooms other than the basement, so Natalia and Cain had to sleep in the main (and only) room. She settled herself in a corner of the cheap and rusty double bed, and although she offered to share it, he went directly to set his sleeping bag on the floor. He ordered Dakota to guard the house during the night, and went to sleep, hoping the next day he would wake up in the wilderness (like countless other times) and this whole thing would have been just a nightmare.

Natalia, however, didn't sleep at all, but tossed and turned in bed all night, uncomfortable and scared, listening for odd footsteps or grumbling in the yard.

As dawn started to break she finally fell asleep, only for a few hours before she awakened to the sound of the firepit being lit, and realized her dream of a peaceful, stress-free life went to trash and she had just started a "survival horror" one instead, full of danger, with two sullen and untrusting roomates, secluded and isolated from the world, in a crumbling shack, surrounded by dead things.

Oh, crap.

Well, at least they had a dog.

(End of prelude)

So, what do you think?
#149 Old 19th Nov 2012 at 4:09 AM
I love your story, Pandorita! Although I've scrolled past this thread a million times, I'm actually considering doing this challenge now.
Test Subject
#150 Old 11th Dec 2012 at 3:25 AM
This will happily be my first blog challenge, I'm so excited! ((:
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