Lab Assistant
#76 Old 25th Mar 2007 at 8:30 PM
Default Beautiful hue of red
I know what you mean about this beautiful hue of red. I have seen a young girl with long red hair, that was such an unusal shade of reds, I couldn't take my eyes of her hair. It was captivating. Nature :lovestruc has such glory to offer.

There are no short cuts to a place worth going!
Thankyou for your creative works of art.
They are well appreciated. AKA: Tricia
Lab Assistant
#77 Old 5th Apr 2007 at 4:24 AM
I'd love to be part of this, but I don't know how to color-bin.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#78 Old 13th Apr 2007 at 3:50 AM

There is at least one tutorial on hair color binning on this site, in the "create" section.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#79 Old 5th May 2007 at 2:05 PM
Ugh, OK. I just looked up and noticed that I said I was working on a certain mesh, but I actually posted that before I had a hard disk crash, and I wasn't feeling up to redoing those files once I got my computer going again. I've been sort of just doing whatever strikes my fancy once a week or so to keep the project going, but I'll go back and get the ones I tagged in on.

I've also started a very large set of items for this project, but I want it to be a surprise. It won't be lessened if someone also does one of the things I'm doing, so I'm really not worried about doubled-up meshes.

And, oh yeah, bump for updates.
Lab Assistant
#80 Old 17th May 2007 at 9:42 PM
I am back again. I will see if no one has done Rose Sims 2 more recent free hairs and do some red shades of them. I will also see if I can get a more golden auburn for the last hair that I did, the Big Red Hairs with the ribbon.

Natural Redhead Project: Go Red, Naturally
Field Researcher
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#81 Old 17th May 2007 at 11:58 PM
Quote: Originally posted by kaneonapua
I am back again. I will see if no one has done Rose Sims 2 more recent free hairs and do some red shades of them. I will also see if I can get a more golden auburn for the last hair that I did, the Big Red Hairs with the ribbon.

*gets jiggy* :D
#82 Old 31st May 2007 at 12:00 PM
Question: what about pay files? I mean, for exempla Rose is extremely kind about alpha edition or recolour of her pay files (of course, if you don't provide the mesh in the download). Is this project going also to recolour pay hair???
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#83 Old 3rd Jun 2007 at 9:06 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Vaalyah
Question: what about pay files? I mean, for exempla Rose is extremely kind about alpha edition or recolour of her pay files (of course, if you don't provide the mesh in the download). Is this project going also to recolour pay hair???

CheshireCat already contributed a few pay hair recolors to this project! I personally will not be doing any pay hair recolors for quite some time, as I have a very, VERY long list of free meshes I'm trying to recolor first. However, if you would like to contribute recolors of pay meshes, you are more than welcome to do so.
#84 Old 4th Jun 2007 at 11:01 AM
Uhhmmmm. I must thinking about that... I am not very good in retexturing, but just adjusting colour is not so dramatic... However, I have to wait for my new gpu... But I hope in 2 weeks to have it! In case, you would hear something for me :lovestruc
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#85 Old 4th Jun 2007 at 11:38 PM
Vaalyah: Great! I can't wait to see what you make!

General note for people looking to join the project: Windows Update just crashed my computer. I'm going to pop over to this thread twice a week from work, so please give me some time to respond to questions.

For existing members: I'm going to try and see if this is fixable, or if I can at least save my projects before doing another fresh install of Windows. If my projects just got lost *again*, I'm sorry, but I'm not starting over with The Very Large Classified Project.

And I was just thinking that I should really back everything up, too. *headdesk* Clearly, this is an instinct I should act upon immediately instead of putting it off for a couple of days.
#86 Old 5th Jun 2007 at 12:32 PM
Wow. I just like to say how well things are coming along


kind of.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#87 Old 7th Jun 2007 at 12:48 AM
My computer's back! And thank you, CrowsMan.
#88 Old 10th Jun 2007 at 2:37 PM
Rightio, ages ago I said I would do here I am.

I can retexture, recolour and alpha edit hair - pay or free, I dont mind ^^ I dont have SimPE so it wont be colourbinned, but I can bribe a friend to do that for me *nods*

So give me something to do and I will do it PM me here or Insim.
Test Subject
#89 Old 11th Jun 2007 at 4:18 AM
The problem with pay meshes (for me in particular) is seeing all those gorgeous hair recolors when I'm browsing MTS2 and never being able to download them because I can't pay to get the meshes, and recolors are useless without the meshes. Lesigh. ^-^ On another note, I really love some of these recolors. I stumbled upon the natural redhead project a while ago and I really love alot of the hairs you guys have done! I'll try to keep an eye out for more pretty hairs in the future. ^-^
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#90 Old 11th Jun 2007 at 1:51 PM
Quote: Originally posted by TerraMinuit
The problem with pay meshes (for me in particular) is seeing all those gorgeous hair recolors when I'm browsing MTS2 and never being able to download them because I can't pay to get the meshes, and recolors are useless without the meshes. Lesigh. ^-^ On another note, I really love some of these recolors. I stumbled upon the natural redhead project a while ago and I really love alot of the hairs you guys have done! I'll try to keep an eye out for more pretty hairs in the future. ^-^

I can sympathize with not being able to download things because they're pay, but I don't think it's necessary to penalize people that choose to buy a donation pack by barring them from this project. More than 90% of this project is completely free, and I doubt pay mesh recolors will ever be more than a minor part of the content here.

I'm glad you enjoy the project!
Field Researcher
#91 Old 15th Jun 2007 at 9:42 AM
This is absolutely fabulous! I've always loved beautiful natural red hair and cringe when I see the brighter shades of red. The thing I'm not seeing, that I thought I might mention as that a lot of red-heads have naturally curly hair and I've been browsing forever, trying to find a thick long, full curly red hair mesh, (that isn't a pay mesh), but so far I've found nothing. Perhaps somebody knows where a curly mesh is that doesn't have a natural red recolor and can include that here... I'm not attempting to make a request, so to speak, but I was just wondering if anybody had seen anything or had plans to do something similar.

Thanks guys & this is great! With this collection, I think it'd be great to create a huge red-headed family, maybe Scottish, Irish, etc. :-D

Great work!

Here's the Booty Enjoy!
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#92 Old 15th Jun 2007 at 1:07 PM
Quote: Originally posted by amberandcarlos33
This is absolutely fabulous! I've always loved beautiful natural red hair and cringe when I see the brighter shades of red. The thing I'm not seeing, that I thought I might mention as that a lot of red-heads have naturally curly hair and I've been browsing forever, trying to find a thick long, full curly red hair mesh, (that isn't a pay mesh), but so far I've found nothing. Perhaps somebody knows where a curly mesh is that doesn't have a natural red recolor and can include that here... I'm not attempting to make a request, so to speak, but I was just wondering if anybody had seen anything or had plans to do something similar.

Thanks guys & this is great! With this collection, I think it'd be great to create a huge red-headed family, maybe Scottish, Irish, etc. :-D

Great work!

Well, I did these. There is another base texture from XM sims using the same mesh, and I'm sure you could also make your own. I'm not sure off the top of my head, but I think there are also some thick and curly meshes at Noukie Sims.
Field Researcher
#93 Old 17th Jun 2007 at 8:50 AM
These are gorgeous but I was hoping for a bit more length. :-) I'll download these anyway. I shall look at Noukie's. Thanks!

Here's the Booty Enjoy!
#94 Old 18th Jun 2007 at 1:07 PM
I'm still working on my recolours I didnt realise how hard it is to do decent reds! But I think I have got it sorted (well I hope so :p)
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#95 Old 24th Jun 2007 at 4:21 AM
Quote: Originally posted by xnymphetaminex
I'm still working on my recolours I didnt realise how hard it is to do decent reds! But I think I have got it sorted (well I hope so :p)

Hmmm. What exactly are you having trouble with?
Lab Assistant
#96 Old 25th Jun 2007 at 12:54 PM
Nice proj.
Me luv Rup!

When you jump on your way down why do you ask yourself why did you jump?
Sometimes the quote 'think before you leap' comes in handy at that point
If you happen to see me down there you'll know I wasn't following my advice
Then we all know what happens...SPLAT!
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#97 Old 2nd Jul 2007 at 1:19 PM
Ah, I keep forgetting to tag in.

I'm working on the male all-ages dreadlocks by melodie9, and I am finally, finally doing the recolors for the male perm conversion by beosboxboy.

I've done a ton of recolors of donny meloche's pulled-to-the-side hair, but there's a problem with the mesh for the younger ages. I don't like the alpha edit solution I made, so I'm deciding if I should manually delete those ages from my recolors or not.
Field Researcher
#98 Old 8th Jul 2007 at 9:56 AM
I´m not sure if I undesrtand right this thread. You want us to upload our recoloured red hairs? Well I´ll post here some pictures, if you get interested I upload any you want, if you think they got good, sure. That´s it? :D

Visit (site in portuguese):
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#99 Old 9th Jul 2007 at 11:59 PM
Quote: Originally posted by MarianeSimms
I´m not sure if I undesrtand right this thread. You want us to upload our recoloured red hairs? Well I´ll post here some pictures, if you get interested I upload any you want, if you think they got good, sure. That´s it? :D

Well, that and link back to the project in your post so people can find more natural reds (since they are hard to find).

Your reds look good! Go ahead and upload them, and PM me if I don't add them to the list in a day or two once they're approved. If you have other colors that you want to include in your posts, that's totally fine. There's only a 20% minimum for natural reds for hair color posts.

Thank you!
Lab Assistant
#100 Old 14th Jul 2007 at 1:31 AM
Note the technology implied by :
the ability to introduce a showerproof modification to a Sim's base skintone after creation.

Combine this with the textures and alphas from my own

and we've got the ability to effectively add any of a variety of pheomelaninic freckle patterns to any skintone we want-- which would be a heck of a lot easier than building a new standalone skintone for every individual combination of base and freckling pattern...

Unfortunately, I have no doubt but that Morague's instructions are going to require SimPE to carry out-- the object is an object, after all. But I'm on a Mac...

Ergo, any SimPE types feel like taking point on nailing these together?
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