#176 Old 3rd Aug 2010 at 1:08 PM
Sookielee...I love it! The living room is very interesting being where it's at. And the kitchen is very cute. But the backyard is what makes it really special. I really like the bbq are. The exterior walls are great too. So why don't I just save myself some time and just declare I am drooling over that entire lot.

I would totally live in it myself.
Field Researcher
#177 Old 3rd Aug 2010 at 1:37 PM
LOL sookielee, you know that mansfield is a fairly rough area near Nottingham in England right? haha :P

I'm the sexy guy with half an orange in my face ;)
Lab Assistant
#178 Old 3rd Aug 2010 at 1:51 PM
I agree, the backyards are amazing. Improved though my landscaping maybe, I have nothing compared to some of the contestants here. And the house itself looks so comfy and inviting.

Craggles, that's why the backyard area is fully fenced in, you see? To keep all the punks, drunks, gang members, burglars and car thieves away! Probably still needs steel bars over all the front windows though!
Test Subject
#179 Old 3rd Aug 2010 at 2:04 PM
Hi guys, omg i'm really sorry I had to pull out of round 2 because I have been soooo busy preparing for a wedding and just didn't have any time atall to complete my house, I had built it all apart from decorating the upstairs. Ive only just come back from the wedding weekend and remembered that I hadn't entered it but nevermind I don't think I would have time to complete anymore anyway in the future, I am very busy this week too preparing for a big bbq at mine so I would of had to pull out this week anwyay. I mite enter my round 2 entry on the other post sometime but yeah good luck everyone x
#180 Old 3rd Aug 2010 at 2:11 PM
I took new pics but left the flash drive at home lol My boyfriend is supposed to bring it to me before he picks me up for lunch so I can edit my post with the new pics then.

The Simmer formerly known as Greenlea
Test Subject
#181 Old 3rd Aug 2010 at 2:19 PM
Fyendiar how did you get the fog around your house? I loved the outside of your haunted house
#182 Old 3rd Aug 2010 at 2:37 PM Last edited by Greenlea : 3rd Aug 2010 at 6:19 PM.
God I love that man, he brought it to me already lol

NO CC was used
Some items were used from the EA store. Ultra lounge kitchen and bath. Also the eco pack. And the couch and loveseat possibly if they aren't the ones that came with Ambitions.

This house was designed for a Sim who loves the outdoors. Interior is designed in lots of greens and browns, colors found in nature.
The exterior is a mixture of brick and stone. Out back you can find a pond stocked with Doitsu and Kawarimono Koi.

On the lower level there is 1 full bath and a half bath which also contains a washer and dryer. A bedroom perfect for a teen with it's funky
design. The living room and dining area are very open to each other and the kitchen is to the left. Last but not least, there's an indoor rock
garden with plants for an added outdoor experience indoors. Perfect place to go sit and reflect for a bit after a stressful day.

The upper level contains the master bedroom and bathroom with an open view in the hallway to the indoor rock garden below.

Street View

Overhead shots

Living room



Bonus 1 - Dining

Bonus 2 - Teen room

Bonus 3 - The "Hole" lol aka the Rock garden

The Simmer formerly known as Greenlea
Top Secret Researcher
#183 Old 3rd Aug 2010 at 3:22 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Craggles
LOL sookielee, you know that mansfield is a fairly rough area near Nottingham in England right? haha :P

My nan and mother "in-law" is from Mansfield

TS3 aliens? Finally! Now give us OFB and proper apartments, damnit! - EA, you are breaking my heart. - I give up.
#184 Old 3rd Aug 2010 at 3:37 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Craggles
LOL sookielee, you know that mansfield is a fairly rough area near Nottingham in England right? haha :P

Mansfield is the name of a Riverview redo that I did prior to CaW coming out. I am not from, nor have I ever been to England.

Fragglerocks & BGatot: Thank-you
Lab Assistant
#185 Old 3rd Aug 2010 at 6:01 PM
Quote: Originally posted by rosieruby48
Fyendiar how did you get the fog around your house? I loved the outside of your haunted house

Well, I'm not Fyendiar, but I do know that the fog emitters can be found in the 'buydebug' category in buy mode. It's the icon with the question mark on it. To get that to appear, you have to turn the testingcheatsenabled on, then type in buydebug in the cheat console. There's a ton of neat stuff in there, though, such as invisible lights, dungeon objects, pyramid statues etc.
Top Secret Researcher
#186 Old 3rd Aug 2010 at 6:30 PM
You can also get snow and rain from it!

TS3 aliens? Finally! Now give us OFB and proper apartments, damnit! - EA, you are breaking my heart. - I give up.
#187 Old 3rd Aug 2010 at 6:59 PM Last edited by ForeverCamp : 4th Aug 2010 at 2:46 AM. Reason: Adding floorplan pics.
Default That Awesome House with the Pit
CREATOR'S NOTE: I have to give credits, thanks and lots of cookies to leesester for the suggestion which spawned this house. I was crying and screaming in #create because my first house went buh-byes after a graphics mishap and my second house was created out of rage and hopelessness (and therefore was extremely lazy creation - HP said no pool, so I put a pond ).



Poor Contest Housejumper was starting to feel the pain of finding a new, lovely house, only to be brutally torn from it not a few hours later. Finally, at the close of his first full day as a resident in Sunset Valley, he found a great house at the base of the town's mountainous region.

CREATOR'S NOTE: Sorry about the darkness in the floorplans - I was going to wake until sun-up to take the pictures, but SimFate intervened... as demonstrated in the last picture.[/I]

This house (which he called That Awesome House with the Pit) was a single bedroom house, with a great 70s-style conversation pit. Too bad he didn't have any friends to have conversations with in that awesome pit.

Slightly disgusted with the fate the SimGods had dealt him thus far, Contest went to begin a workout in his small, but cozy living room, wondering what cruel SimGod would deny him the treadmill he so desperately wanted, and had gotten in his previous brief abodes.

His kitchen was small, but useable. Maybe one day when he had friends, Contest could show off the cooking skills he would one day have while they sat at the counters and watched...

The master suite, in Contest's opinion, wasn't much to write home about - oh, well, he didn't have family to write home to, anyway - but it would serve his purposes. At least the SimGods had given him another double bed.

He did have a pond again, full of... pond-y goodness. And as Contest stared up at the starry sky, he wondered if one day he might have the chance to settle down and live a normal life.

But as Contest went to sleep in his new house, he was about to get a brutal wake-up call...


Sorry about the edition, guys. I had to put that last picture in there - it was just such perfectly awful timing...
Lab Assistant
#188 Old 3rd Aug 2010 at 7:11 PM
Quote: Originally posted by rosieruby48
Fyendiar how did you get the fog around your house? I loved the outside of your haunted house

It's with the fog emitter which you can buy with the buydebug cheat.

testingcheatsenabled true

then you can find the fog emitter in the extra bit that opened up in buymode

To add abilities to it hold CTRL-SHIFT and left click it. To add the kind of fog I used just add "graveyardfog".

Lab Assistant
#189 Old 3rd Aug 2010 at 7:18 PM Last edited by Fyendiar : 3rd Aug 2010 at 9:14 PM.
Normandy, June 22, 1944

Dear Sarah,

You must be very concerned by now not having heard of me for so long and I am so sorry for that. I wish I could have let you know I am alright sooner, but things didn't go as we planned and this is the first time I am able to write to you. As you probably heard by now there is an invasion going on in Normandy for the last 16 days and for sure those days felt like years to me. I am alright now though, please don't worry too much about me.

Shortly after we landed on the beaches of Normandy, we (Frank, Marley and myself) got seperated from our battalion. For well over 2 weeks we wandered the fields in search of our own, but all we encountered were the nazi's we had to hide from. We still don't know where they are and are beginning to get worried things have gone terribly wrong.

Late last night we happened upon a nice local family that has been kind enough to let us set up base in their home.

I can't tell you how much of a blessing this family is to us! We had run out of food days ago and survived on stealing food from the fields. But even though it was well after dark when we arrived here the lady of the house was kind enough to cook a small, but extremely welcome dinner for us.

Let me tell you something about the place we are now. I tell you I want a house like this when the war is over! The kitchen clearly is the main part of the house with a small living room attached to it.

I love what she did with the bedroom. No don't worry, nothing happened. I just saw it as we checked the house.

The 2 bathrooms are small, but have everything you would ever need in them.

After some inventory we set up our base in a seperate building. It was used as storage before, but now we have made a tactics room on the ground floor and On the uper floor we found some old beds which are such a nice change from the hard ground we had to sleep on the last 2 weeks. It's not much, but it feels like heaven!

Anyway, Frank is calling me so I am needed for work again. I hope I will be able to write to you soon.

I miss you.

Yours forever,

John McKenley

Lot Value
Furnished - §70.031
Unfurnished - §50.124

Custom content: none
Space Pony
#190 Old 3rd Aug 2010 at 7:22 PM
Snookielee: The front of your house is gorgeous. Nice job (:
#191 Old 3rd Aug 2010 at 7:32 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Myshia
I'll come out of my hiding spot now,
Your houses are all wonderful.

gabrielorie, I don't really like the blue room. The rest of the house is in its browny tones and i feel like it just doesn't fit in; it's just out of place.
That's just my opinion.

I tried to make the entire house out of wood but i'll see if i can make some changes .And fragglerocks,thats because i edited it .Also i love those entries guys .
Field Researcher
#192 Old 3rd Aug 2010 at 8:00 PM
Wow Fyendiar that's another amazing house! Those last ones are looking really good. I have finally updated mine for the last time I hope. Gamineannie made a very valid comment that 'the hole' wasn't very modern so didn't match the rest of the house so out went the roses and stone seats - see what you think. Hopefully it's better.
Oh wanted to mention Greenlea's house as when I saw those very first pics I honestly really thought they were too green but the entry looks AMAZING - you really made those colours work.
I want to download so many of these after the contest finishes but why do they have to be all 30x30s lol - I'll have to make a new world with all 30x30 lots!
#193 Old 3rd Aug 2010 at 8:06 PM
Quote: Originally posted by sandymdh
Oh wanted to mention Greenlea's house as when I saw those very first pics I honestly really thought they were too green but the entry looks AMAZING - you really made those colours work.

Why thank you

The Simmer formerly known as Greenlea
Test Subject
#194 Old 3rd Aug 2010 at 8:55 PM
I can't believe how amazing the entries have been this round! Y'all are one giant pack of house buildin' fools! :lovestruc

Here's my 3rd entry. Let me just say the foundation for this round gave me massive indigestion, and it caused a few nightmares. lol. I'm not so fond of this entry as I would've liked, but.. really, I'm just happy to have built anything.

Again, another house cohesive to my previous two entries. Perhaps part of a new subdivision popping up in Sunset Valley?

Street View

3 beds, 2 baths. House features cathedral ceilings in the living room, upstairs master suite, mature landscaping, and various outdoor sitting areas to enjoy the wooded view.

Floor Plan

1st Floor

2nd Floor

Living Room


Kids Room

View of Living Room from 2nd Story


Sunken Outdoor Seating

No Custom Content, but again, I used various store items.

Furnished- 252, 101

Unfurnished- 97,230
The other one
#195 Old 3rd Aug 2010 at 9:39 PM Last edited by missroxor : 3rd Aug 2010 at 9:42 PM. Reason: adding quotes
Apparently I have my perceptive hat on today and as always, I'm the bad news bear

HP said in the first page that the hole is to remain "holey" - no floor tiles or roofs are to cover it. Love what you did with that coffee table btw, so creative

Forevercamp, Think you might've covered the hole too but it's hard to say with no plan.

, you covered it too. I love your house, yet another beautiful and atmospheric entry from you

Quote: Originally posted by HystericalParoxysm
You cannot cover up the hole! No floating floor tiles over the hole! You have to figure out something to do with the hole! And just sticking a pool down there is laaaaazy.
Quote: Originally posted by HystericalParoxysm
You may put a fence around it, and stairs leading down to it, but you may not do floating floor tiles around the hole in any way. The hole has to remain holey.

Guys, rules are good! Rules help control the fun. ~ Monica E. Geller
#196 Old 3rd Aug 2010 at 9:45 PM
Quote: Originally posted by HystericalParoxysm

Lastly... You cannot cover up the hole! No floating floor tiles over the hole! You have to figure out something to do with the hole! And just sticking a pool down there is laaaaazy.

A roof ABOVE the hole should be perfectly fine as long as you don't cover up or fill IN the hole with more foundation or put floor tiles over it. So I'm not seeing where they did anything wrong.

The Simmer formerly known as Greenlea
The other one
#197 Old 3rd Aug 2010 at 9:51 PM
Maybe. My interpretation of "holey" was that it was to remain completely open but maybe she just meant no floor tiles as you say though some of them would still have broken that rule since their second storey covers thw hole....think we may need clarification from HP

Edit: Looking back I think it's only Fyendiar who's second storey covers the hole. If I am right though and you're not even allowed a roof over it, Gabrielorie (is that spelled correctly?), you've done it too.

Guys, rules are good! Rules help control the fun. ~ Monica E. Geller
#198 Old 3rd Aug 2010 at 9:54 PM
Yeah. I thought it meant just not to fill IN the hole. Cause mine has a roof on the upper level as well.

The Simmer formerly known as Greenlea
Test Subject
#199 Old 3rd Aug 2010 at 9:57 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Greenlea
Yeah. I thought it meant just not to fill IN the hole. Cause mine has a roof on the upper level as well.

As does mine. I was under the impression the roofing didn't count as covering the hole, but.. goodness knows I've been wrong before. :D
Top Secret Researcher
#200 Old 3rd Aug 2010 at 9:59 PM
I was unsure about it. Asked very early in the thread. Anyway, I just found my way around it just in case

TS3 aliens? Finally! Now give us OFB and proper apartments, damnit! - EA, you are breaking my heart. - I give up.
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