#76 Old 27th Mar 2015 at 4:56 PM Last edited by Nukael : 27th Mar 2015 at 5:16 PM.
Thanks for the files and the steps needed to get them! After quickly comparing an old XML from one of my mods with the same XML from your zip it seems that the newly extracted XML's are indeed the tuning XML's from the new patch.


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Mad Poster
#77 Old 27th Mar 2015 at 5:23 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Dark Gaia
I can confirm that Scarletqueenkat's method of extracting the new patch's XMLs does seem to work. You can test it yourself by opening SimulationDeltaBuild01.package in S4pe, searching for 0x62E94D38-0x00000000-0xF1352E740C4710BA, extracting it as a file and pointing XML Extractor to it.

This yields a folder full of XMLs. I haven't yet attempted to use them to update my mods, but they do appear to belong to the new patch. I decided to attach what I extracted in the hope that people more knowledgeable than me can verify them.

When you typed SimulationDeltaBuild01.package, did you really mean to type: SimulationDeltaBuild0.package? (One of the thoughts I have had is whether or not Origin downloaded things oddly to my machine, like perhaps some different version or something.)

♥ }i{ Monarch of the Receptacle Refugees }i{ ♥
Lab Assistant
#78 Old 27th Mar 2015 at 5:24 PM
Excellent. If that's the case, I'll begin updating and testing my mods immediately.

@MadameButterfly: Yes, that's the one. My mistake. You can just use the XMLs I uploaded though, if you'd like to avoid the hassle of extracting the resource.
Mad Poster
#79 Old 27th Mar 2015 at 5:27 PM Last edited by ~MadameButterfly~ : 27th Mar 2015 at 5:37 PM.
It's just that I want to be sure I can do it myself. I don't want to have to depend on others to extract it for me in the future. (I tend to be in a hurry when it comes to updating.)

(Also, I want to know why Scumbumbo, myself, and others are seeing a different format altogether. I need to know what is going on here.)

Edit: This is what my folder looked like yesterday (where I gather my files). The Delta Build was taken from the Data>Simulation folder. The resource is smaller than what it has been in the past.:

♥ }i{ Monarch of the Receptacle Refugees }i{ ♥
Lab Assistant
#80 Old 27th Mar 2015 at 5:35 PM
It seems as if the SimulationDeltaBuild file itself is in a new format, meaning the existing tools can't read it. The XMLs themselves and the resource containing them, once extracted, are the same. They're merely packaged differently, and as such a workaround is required to extract them.
Lab Assistant
#81 Old 27th Mar 2015 at 5:43 PM Last edited by scarletqueenkat : 27th Mar 2015 at 6:59 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by ~MadameButterfly~
Just the steps you took so I can follow along. It's not registering in my head. Thanks!

I see Dark Gaia confirmed as well, thank you! Now I know I'm not crazy lol. Sorry it took so long but RL called. I took screen by screen process of my steps for you in case you still want them. Along with the comparison in winmerge for the maid resource file.
Mad Poster
#82 Old 27th Mar 2015 at 5:48 PM
Your pictures shows that you selected the FullBuild and not the DeltaBuild. The FullBuild is the old file (see the creation date).

♥ }i{ Monarch of the Receptacle Refugees }i{ ♥
Lab Assistant
#83 Old 27th Mar 2015 at 5:55 PM
Quote: Originally posted by ~MadameButterfly~
Your pictures shows that you selected the FullBuild and not the DeltaBuild. The FullBuild is the old file (see the creation date).

Aha you're right, that explains it then I got the two confused. Just tried with the DeltaBuild and its not working. That's another reason I said something, to also figure out if I was doing something wrong. Thanks!

Sorry for all the confusion over my silly mistake
#84 Old 27th Mar 2015 at 6:16 PM
Dark Gaia, can you confirm whether the extraction you posted was from Clientfullbuild or DeltaBuild? Because comparing XML's it seemed there were different entries (and new entries) in the XML's that I downloaded from your post in comparison to the ones I was using. I'd try it myself, but I don't want to patch yet. I like my game with my mods. :D

This space intentionally left blank...
Lab Assistant
#85 Old 27th Mar 2015 at 6:23 PM
I can confirm that they are from the DeltaBuildPackage. I followed the instructions on the first post of this thread which explain how to extract the combined tuning resource. Something must be off though, as I've patched my game to test the updated version of my aging mods (with a backup ready in case I need to rollback) and it isn't working

If you'd like to test though, there is a way to roll back to a previous patch level after updating. All you have to do is go to your Sims 4 installation directory, copy the Data, Delta and Game folders to a safe location, and then restore them when you want to roll back. This is how I've been testing my mods.

EDIT: It's of my opinion that the XMLs I extracted are the new ones, but they don't work in mods for some reason. I'm guessing the problem is that S4pe isn't replicating the new structure of the combined tuning resource when it exports them as packages, and thus the game can't read them.
Mad Poster
#86 Old 27th Mar 2015 at 6:38 PM
When I compared a few of your files in WinMerge, Dark Gaia, they were formated differently. It was like they went through some sort of processing. I was trying to compare them with the older build files. (I have all of them up till now.) I did a small test with the very originals (which was quite different) and with the patch before this one. The few files I compared with those were the same, but yeah, heavily formated. I didn't see anything new yet, but I have hundreds of files to choose from.

♥ }i{ Monarch of the Receptacle Refugees }i{ ♥
Lab Assistant
#87 Old 27th Mar 2015 at 6:43 PM
Hmm, that's interesting. I used the same (default) settings in XML Extractor that I usually do, so the difference in formatting may be related to the new structure. That said, it's as if the game isn't reading them at all. Rather than causing glitches or any other strange behaviours, the few mods I've tested act like they aren't even in the game at all.
Mad Poster
#88 Old 27th Mar 2015 at 6:46 PM
Well, I've never had a problem with formatting with mods. Some of us here use more formatting than others. I don't, because it is easier for me to check the files with the originals I have. But I have opened up mods from others and noticed the formating styles.

♥ }i{ Monarch of the Receptacle Refugees }i{ ♥
#89 Old 27th Mar 2015 at 6:52 PM
SimGuruModSquad has confirmed that the game should normally still be able to recognize XML mods, normally even when they're extracted from the new resource type:

Isn't the formatting an option in the XML extraction? I seem to remember you can opt to leave in the whitespace or not... I leave it in as it's easier to read. And Notepad++ does an excellent job of comparing XML's that way.

This space intentionally left blank...
Mad Poster
#90 Old 27th Mar 2015 at 6:54 PM
Thank-you! Copy & pasting it here, because their site bugs my eyes.


The change to combined tuning was purely an optimization change. More efficient to load binary data than raw XML.


1) XML will still work. The runtime supports loading of both formats. So tuning mods should not be affected by this change, unless the mods are broken due to other functional changes we have made.

2) Will work on that. Note that we bumped to version 0x101 back on the careers patch and it was a pretty minor change.

3) CAS Part .bt. Will work on that, not sure what we did there off the top of my head.

4) tdescs coming soon. I will also look into providing you the new combined tuning file in the old XML format.

Will get #4 to you as soon as I can. I had been meaning to get something out to you yesterday, but was a hectic day. Also, for the record we do consider modders when we make these kinds of changes but sometimes we have no choice but to make drastic changes. Appreciate your guys' patience.


Quote: Originally posted by Nukael
Isn't the formatting an option in the XML extraction? I seem to remember you can opt to leave in the whitespace or not... I leave it in as it's easier to read. And Notepad++ does an excellent job of comparing XML's that way.

I probably never noticed it. It wouldn't be the first time.

♥ }i{ Monarch of the Receptacle Refugees }i{ ♥
Lab Assistant
#91 Old 27th Mar 2015 at 6:57 PM
My apologies for the confusion. I was so sure I had extracted the files from the DeltaBuild package, but I decided to re-extract the resource just now to see if perhaps a fresh XML would work, and now I can't extract anything at all. I decided to look into this, and it seems that I extracted those XMLs while my game was rolled back to the previous patch level -- they're actually the same XMLs from the March 10 patch.

To make sure, I updated my game and tried it again - no dice this time. At least this does confirm what everyone else has observed, that the combined resource itself is in a new, unreadable format.

EDIT: One thing I have confirmed though, is that mods using an XML that has not been changed in the patch will still work, even with the new format in place, so SimGuruModSquad is correct.
Mad Poster
#92 Old 27th Mar 2015 at 6:59 PM
Thanks for letting us know! And it's okay...we are all in this together, you know?

♥ }i{ Monarch of the Receptacle Refugees }i{ ♥
Lab Assistant
#93 Old 27th Mar 2015 at 7:04 PM
Hopefully SimGuruModSquad will come through with that tuning resource in XML format. I'll just roll back my game and play that for a few days until we know more -- I just can't bear to destroy my legacy by playing without an updated No Culling mod.
Test Subject
#94 Old 27th Mar 2015 at 7:37 PM
Default Question
Quote: Originally posted by Dark Gaia
Hopefully SimGuruModSquad will come through with that tuning resource in XML format. I'll just roll back my game and play that for a few days until we know more -- I just can't bear to destroy my legacy by playing without an updated No Culling mod.

I've been following the conversation here in hopes of good news regarding all the wonderful mods you and others make. My question is totally off-topic, but I'm hoping you'll respond. How do you roll back to a pre-patch version of the game? I have not patched yet, for fear of losing my legacy, but I know there are other folks who would just love to roll back to the previous version. It is an often-asked question at the TS4 forum. Is this info you could share with me, so I could share with others?
Lab Assistant
#95 Old 27th Mar 2015 at 7:49 PM
All you have to do is copy your Sims 4 installation directory (Program Files/Origin Games/The Sims 4) to an external location before updating. If you want to roll back, just delete your installation and copy the old one back again. This is what works for me.
Lab Assistant
#96 Old 27th Mar 2015 at 8:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Dark Gaia
Hopefully SimGuruModSquad will come through with that tuning resource in XML format. I'll just roll back my game and play that for a few days until we know more -- I just can't bear to destroy my legacy by playing without an updated No Culling mod.

He posted them just now.
#97 Old 27th Mar 2015 at 8:39 PM Last edited by claudiasharon : 27th Mar 2015 at 8:47 PM. Reason: figured it out
So what he posted, can I use that to update my mod then? How does one open the files he shared? (The ones in the zip that is.)

Edit: Nevermind figured it out.
Lab Assistant
#98 Old 28th Mar 2015 at 10:30 PM
Sims4XmlExtractor will not let me extract this file SimulationDeltaBuild0 after the march 26 patch for Sims 4
Pettifogging Legalist!
retired moderator
#99 Old 28th Mar 2015 at 11:00 PM
Reptonplay, did you try reading the thread?

Stuff for TS2 · TS3 · TS4 | Please do not PM me with technical questions – we have Create forums for that.

In the kingdom of the blind, do as the Romans do.
Field Researcher
#100 Old 29th Mar 2015 at 1:00 AM
We got the combined XMLs for 1.5.139 but still have GP01 to go, and three days later we'll have EP01 as well.
Now I can do nothing with S4_62E94D38_00000002_F10287740C1C4EB0%%+UNKN.bnry... _(:3JL)_
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