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#1 Old 11th Jan 2006 at 9:27 PM
Default "Alpha" Mesh for Wall Decor?
I was thinking about this... Dr. Pixel has that alpha mesh for making
jewelry... where you can change the shape by changing the alpha.

Could that be possible for wall decor? I know they would be flat,
not 3-D but it would be cool for making funky shapes and such
for people who can't mesh but don't want squares and circles.

I don't know, maybe it would look lame... just thought I'd
throw it by all you Mesh Geniuses out there...

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Part-time Hermit
#2 Old 12th Jan 2006 at 5:22 AM
Yes, as far as I can see, it should be possible. Flat, yes, poster-like. The size of the back would have to be the same as the front whenever you edit the alpha, though, or it would look weird. That would make it a bit harder to resize, having to match the back and front, unless you want the texture of the back be the same as the front.
#3 Old 13th Jan 2006 at 12:51 AM Last edited by Dr Pixel : 13th Jan 2006 at 1:04 AM.
I have seen several of these already, in fact it is what gave me the idea to make the alpha jewelry in the first place.

It is great for small wall-hanging items that you don't notice if they are 3d or not.

Anyway, it is very easy - you just make one flat rectangle (4 vertices, 2 faces (triangles) in your 3d editor in the correct position. You don't want to make a "box" shape, you really don't want this to have any thickness at all.

Then you texture-map it. This will show the image on one side only.

Finally to make it show on both sides, you simply make a duplicate of the "front" rectangle, then reverse the vertex order of this duplicate.

If it looks odd in your 3d editor, make sure you have it set to NOT show backfaces.

You don't have to move this at all - when you import it into SimPE it may look odd, because SimPE "draws" the backfaces as black - but in the game they are invisible.

Now it will show the image on both sides, and you needen't worry about trying to align the texture map because it is already exactly the same as the front side.

You can simply move the whole texture map of the "back" directly down below the texture map of the "front" if you want it to look different.

You could also combine this with a 3d - mesh part, for example stick a cylinder in the middle - now you can have a clock face (the cylinder) with different outside frames on it all with the one mesh.
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