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#1 Old 5th Jan 2025 at 6:27 PM Last edited by MyScorpion42 : 5th Jan 2025 at 6:28 PM. Reason: extraneous detail
Aging non-Stack Object Sim WITHOUT Run Tree By Name?
I want to automatically generate adult-age sims with Alien genetics (green skin, "alien" eyes) without putting them into the world (Think the same way that new strays and apartment townies are generated when loading a lot)

I have found that using the Make New Character primitive with both parents set to Pollination Technician makes the game ignore the Age value and always generates the new character as a baby.

So I want to use the Age primitive to age them up to Adults. But that primitive seems to ignore setting the Stack Object ID to point to a sim, and always tries to "age" the object that is calling it. So in my case, it tries to "age" the controller.

In the BHAV "Plantbaby - Prepare Baby as Plantbaby", they use a Run Tree by Name to run "CT - Age Plantbaby to Toddler" in the baby's stack, that way having it as the Stack Object and forgoing the issue.

I find CTs to be very cumbersome to set up, and last time I tried to do this I spent a lot of time only to not be able to get it to work. It searches for the CT in the Stack Object's stack, meaning that I have to add a BHAV to the PersonGlobals that ages the sim to the desired age. So then my code is spread into two different groups. And SimPE is just so slow

Is this really the best way to go about it? Let me know if I have missed something important that'll make it easier. Or, if you know of any similar patterns implemented by existing custom objects, do not hesitate to point me in that direction so I can avoid rummaging in objects.package any more than necessary.

Happy New Year!
I want to go out
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#2 Old 5th Jan 2025 at 7:02 PM
What are you going to use the sims for? Is this part of a larger mod, or do you just want to have alien skinned townies and NPCs in your hood? If the latter, then you can achieve that by using these patches from Theo:
And using the townie gun.

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#3 Old 5th Jan 2025 at 8:48 PM
Push an interaction of your object onto the person. Then they can run the script from their perspective. Run in stack object's stack is an immediate action, so you can't do animations in it anyway. All Run need to complete their work in one tick because they can't interrupt the person.

Remember that you need to some intiialization of the adult, his want history and some other variables.
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#4 Old 6th Jan 2025 at 7:18 PM
Thank you both for your answers!

Quote: Originally posted by simsample
What are you going to use the sims for? Is this part of a larger mod, or do you just want to have alien skinned townies and NPCs in your hood? If the latter, then you can achieve that by using these patches from Theo:

And using the townie gun.

It's a mix of both. I have an odd fascination with randomness, and I dislike how CAS can't choose a random name, aspiration and chemistry for me, so I've been making small mods to auto-generate sims and put them in the family bin for me. I've figured out how to make them other types of occults and templates, but since aliens are purely genetics, they are way different. I don't think anybody else finds it interesting, so I hesitate to call it a mod.

I can generate each alien Sim individually with test objects, but I have to make an initial sim to "start" the test objects to do so, and then that sim will leave their DNA all over the neighborhood. Automating the process will avoid that, and I also hope to one day expand to filling a whole neighborhood with aliens, which would take wayy too long if I have to generate each townie and NPC individually.

Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
Push an interaction of your object onto the person. Then they can run the script from their perspective. Run in stack object's stack is an immediate action, so you can't do animations in it anyway. All Run need to complete their work in one tick because they can't interrupt the person.

Remember that you need to some intiialization of the adult, his want history and some other variables.

I'll look into it. But interaction pushing won't work outside of live-mode, right? Like, if I load into an empty lot, I assume that wouldn't work. Or would it, if the interaction is marked as instant?

Interaction pushing is also difficult from what I have heard, but I guess either I'll learn it or decide that CT is the lesser hassle xD
#5 Old 6th Jan 2025 at 10:18 PM
It can be immediate, which I use to pay for food while ordering on the food stand. But I don't know if it works when paused. It is not hard to do. You just need to create new entry in ttab and refer to its number rather than a name. You don't need to supply a name list. They are almost interchangeable with tree by name.
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#6 Old 8th Jan 2025 at 3:28 PM Last edited by MyScorpion42 : 8th Jan 2025 at 3:45 PM.
"Missing neighbor for data access" error with Get Alien Dad?
This is related to the same mod, but not the same issue. I thought it better to continue here than make a new thread in such a short timespan.

I was wondering if anybody can tell me why the attached mod gives errors?

I use the Get Alien Dad NID global to place Pollination Technician's NID in Temp 0, and then pass Temp 0 as both Parent 1 and Parent 2 in a Make New Character primitive call. I know for a fact that I have managed to succesfully create alien babies in this kind of manner before, and that the Get Alien Dad global works in other contexts. But here, I get a "Missing neighbor for data access" error on Make New Character. If I try to pass "Temp 0's neighbor ID", I get a "Object referred to must be a person" error.

So there must be something wrong with the operands I am passing to Make New Character, but I used the similar call in the Create Plantbaby code as a basis so there should be as few issues as possible.

If anybody can tell me what is going wrong, I would appreciate it a lot.
Attached files:
File Type: zip  createalienwhenplacingbookcase.zip (760 Bytes, 1 downloads)
Description: mod that attempts to create alien baby when placing a cinderblock bookcase
#7 Old 8th Jan 2025 at 8:22 PM
You are passing parent 1 as person, not a neighbor. Look at the operand that says 25. Change that to 7.

With plantbaby they spawn in the neighbor on the lot unnecessarily, so it becomes a person, and also causes objects.package to be modified.
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