#51 Old 17th Feb 2005 at 8:31 PM
samanthalee1983 where did you get this ultimateZip i would like to know
Lab Assistant
#52 Old 17th Feb 2005 at 9:54 PM
A search on google brings up this:
Lab Assistant
#53 Old 21st Feb 2005 at 2:24 AM
Quick question:
How to change the price of a user made (new mesh) object in SimPE?
Test Subject
#54 Old 21st Feb 2005 at 12:43 PM
Great job!!!

Can't wait to see the rest of it.
Test Subject
#55 Old 25th Feb 2005 at 4:21 PM
Default Great Tut...but..
Thanx Tazzman, for the great tutorial. It made evrything a breeze for me, but I have moved on to something more complex and need dire help :confused: ! I am trying to learn how to hack some items (BHAV)..and i followed the tutorials on the SimPE site :smash: I always messup when havin to reimport the BHAV i just exported....PLEASE anyone out there I NEED HELP!!!
Lab Assistant
#56 Old 26th Feb 2005 at 10:55 PM
Default Technically challenged
Quote: Originally posted by Motoki
Well lol if it's for the technically challenged you had better post a zip because the technically challenged will not deal well with rars, much to my chagrin. :p

Hey! Hey! I represent that! (grin)
I do .Rar's just fine, thankyousoverymuch!
I'm just completely baffled by SimPE... I can use Premiere, Photoshop, Corel Draw, and lots of othr programs... but this one just looks like greek to me

I DO appreciate the tutorial, Tazzman, and will also d/l the surgery one!
Thanks ever so much!

Field Researcher
#57 Old 27th Feb 2005 at 2:16 AM
Thanks for the tut! I finally downloaded .net framework (took 2 hours!) and I downloaded the newest SimPE and your tut, now I have 1 question

After scanning my downloads folder, I have a number of files that say (under State) "Compressed Dir incomplete"

so my question is

What do I do with these files? can they be fixed? are they actually broken? I think some of them "sort of" work, I'm pretty sure that atleast 1 of them I can't access in bodyshop or in-game but the game itself can...

*is trying to clean up her downloads folder*
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#58 Old 27th Feb 2005 at 7:09 PM
I would say that if you can't see them in bodyshop or the game to delete them, as for the others if they seem to work then, don't worry about them.

FYI to all:
I am still working on the next release of this tutorial, but with the changes constantly going on with SimPE I have to keep going back an update info and screen shots. Please continue to be patient and I will try to release the next one soon.

Lab Assistant
#59 Old 27th Feb 2005 at 7:42 PM
A First
Well this is a first for me. :werd: Tazzmann, I have been trying to down either one of the links on the first thread and at the bottom of my screen it shows that my computer is doing something.....then is shows DONE!, but I can't get either file to download. This has never has happened before :confused: , I am with AOL (might be my answer) and I have Windows XP.

I have never had any problems before downloading a PDF or Doc file, got any suggestion?
Field Researcher
#60 Old 28th Feb 2005 at 12:59 AM
Thanks Tazzmann

Quote: Originally posted by LadyDe
Well this is a first for me. :werd: Tazzmann, I have been trying to down either one of the links on the first thread and at the bottom of my screen it shows that my computer is doing something.....then is shows DONE!, but I can't get either file to download. This has never has happened before :confused: , I am with AOL (might be my answer) and I have Windows XP.

I have never had any problems before downloading a PDF or Doc file, got any suggestion?

it might be downloading it to a specified(sp?) location on your computer, I've *also has XP* set mine to download almost everything to my desktop
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#61 Old 28th Feb 2005 at 2:46 PM
Do a search (START --> Search --> Files and folders) on your PC for either:


A setting on you PC might have changed or you might have a downloader program installed that is automatically selecting where the download is being saved.

Lab Assistant
#62 Old 28th Feb 2005 at 3:07 PM
I did all what the guide told me but the sim only appears on the description on the lot but doesn't appear in the lot.
Lab Assistant
#63 Old 28th Feb 2005 at 3:46 PM
Tazzmann, thanks for you help.....I had to end up doing a disk cleanup and defragment and then run a virus scan last night. I tried to download other items in other threads and the same thing happened. I came back today and all is still might have been a malfuction with AOL they have been acting funny lately.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#64 Old 28th Feb 2005 at 3:47 PM
misaki: I am not sure what you are trying to say, this tutorial (at the current time) teaches you how to modify what you already have. (I.E. Premade Sims that are on the lot, this can include Sims that you have made and played at least once.)

If you give me a little more of your history of what you have done, and what you are trying to do, I might be able to assist you better.

Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#65 Old 5th Mar 2005 at 3:01 AM
My tutorial for SimPE is going to be put on hold until SimPE is University compatable.

There is potential for some major changes to need to occure before SimPE is University compatible.

However if you have Sims 2 University and want to be able to make changes using the SimPE Sim Description Editor; I have written a temporary tutorial for that.

It imvloves HEX editing so it is not for the very technically challenged.

You can find the mini-tutorial by clicking the following link.

Test Subject
#66 Old 15th Apr 2005 at 3:45 AM
THANK you for making this! I hope you will/have made more tutorials for people like me who're hopelessly blonde and have too many kids and too little time to learn! This was great! :D
Lab Assistant
#67 Old 26th Apr 2005 at 10:01 PM
Quote: Originally posted by TazzMann
My tutorial for SimPE is going to be put on hold until SimPE is University compatable.

There is potential for some major changes to need to occure before SimPE is University compatible.

However if you have Sims 2 University and want to be able to make changes using the SimPE Sim Description Editor; I have written a temporary tutorial for that.

It imvloves HEX editing so it is not for the very technically challenged.

You can find the mini-tutorial by clicking the following link.


I used your SimPE for the Technically Challenged to edit Sim information and it was really really a big help because I was soooo lost. I know you are not releasing any new SimPE information but I have a question I hope you can easily answer. When using the Sim browser I saw a few of the sims I created but didn't like and was wondering since they do not have any character data is there a way to delete the extra sims from SimPE? Also, do you know of any other information out there that explains how to link families. My son created himself in the game in a seperate household and even though it's not the real world - I hate to see the wants come up to flirt with him or him flirt with me. I would like to connect us as parent and child but leave him in his own house with the family he created.

Thanks for any help you can provide
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#68 Old 27th Apr 2005 at 12:43 AM
All: SimPE is changing at such a fast rate that it has been very difficult to keep up, however I am still alive and working on a new tutorial that will be called "SimPE - From the Ground Up". It will be like a users manual for SimPE.

I will exiperment and let you know.

Lab Assistant
#69 Old 28th Apr 2005 at 5:51 PM
<<--------------- Do you want my first born? Seriously, thank you so much, you are an angel! I wish all manuals were written so clearly!
#70 Old 29th Apr 2005 at 3:50 AM
Thanks for the tutorial! I haven't gotten very far in it because I have a question. In the tutorial part "How to configure SimPE"
You said to fill in a hex editor in the external tools section.

I'm sorry to sound so pc illiterate, but is a hex editor already on my pc or is that something I need to download?

thanks for being so nice! Your win rar tutorial made me smack my head and smile it made it so easy!!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#71 Old 29th Apr 2005 at 3:00 PM
On a basic windows PC there is no HEX editor installed by default. However for doing the majority of things in SimPE a HEX editor is not necessary, and most people will get along fine without it. The main reason that you would want one is to see the and modify the RAW data winthin the package. (Make changes that SimPE is not currently capable of)

If you really want a HEX editor you can follow some of the links that are on the second post of the following forum Click Here

I hope that this helped.

#72 Old 14th Jul 2005 at 11:12 PM
Thank you for the tutorial i now finally know how to use SIMPE!
Test Subject
#73 Old 15th Jul 2005 at 6:44 AM
im not technically challenged. im just... ok im technically challenged and i really would love a zip version because im unable to download winrar. please?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#74 Old 15th Jul 2005 at 3:17 PM Last edited by TazzMann : 18th Oct 2005 at 3:13 PM.

"SimPE for the Technically Challenged" has been discontinued, however it spawned into a new project / Tutorial called "SimPE - From the Ground Up".

"SimPE - From the Ground Up" is included with the latest SimPE download.

FYI: SimPE - From the Ground Up almost doubles the size of the SimPE download, so I am spliting that Project into two.

SimPE - From the Ground Up
User Manual
(Included with the SimPE download)


SimPE - From the Ground Up
(Will be found at the following link)

SimPE - From the Ground Up (Tutorial)

Hope this helped,

Lab Assistant
#75 Old 15th Jul 2005 at 3:26 PM
hey tazzman could you pm me when you finish that tutorial?
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