Mad Poster
Original Poster
#1 Old 2nd Nov 2005 at 4:30 AM Last edited by niol : 4th Mar 2006 at 2:21 PM.
Default How to make U-shaped/180 degree stairs with 2 landings
This note is to show how to make U-shaped/180 degree stairs with 2 landings.

Only 2 simple ways will be shown on this thread but on different posts. The 1st one is on this post while the 2nd one is on the following post. The first way "Way 1" needs no level sacrifice while the wallpaper can be twisted and not partially shown because of twisted walls. The second way "Way 2" needs level sacrifice while the wallpaper can be partially shown because of evenly compressed walls.

For other ways, check out:
Build Mode Community Resources Listing

*Updae*: for those with EP03 OFB, may follow this simpler tutorial for making 180* degree/U-shaped stair.
OFB Easy Modular Stairs *NO CHEATS*

Decide whichever method you (think/feel) (fit/comfortable with) best. (That's not my business or responsibility.)
With the same method, other sorts of stairs (such as L-shaped stairs, grand stairs, squarily-spiral stairs) can be made pretty easily and fast.

Copyright Issues:
1. Any part of this short tutorial note is banned for any direct or indirect commercial usage.
2. No permission is necessary for redistribution, reformating, media-transformation of this note unless stated.

A. Way 1: with vertically-twisted walls in the resultant stair; no level compression sacrifice/dummy level needed

Readjust where you build own stairs, this is solely for demonstration.

A01. On the upper floor, visualise/mark where you're gonna build the complete stair.

A02. Untile the tile "!". (This is the tile you've to remove in order for the last piece of connecting/modular stair to connect to the lower floor later.)

A03a. Now, press "Shift-Ctrl-C" to get the cheat box out
A03b. Type in (or copy and paste with keyboard shortcut commands)
boolprop constrainfloorelevation false
(All letters in "false" are said to have to be in lower case)
A03c. Choose the type of connecting/modular stair of your choice.
A03d. Build that on the relative position depicted in the picture.

A04. Following the lower end of the first one, build the second one accordingly. (Ignore the wall twistings, they'll be fixed later. Be calm if not.)

A05. Then turning left (90 degrees), the third one.

A06a. Turning left (90 degrees), the fouth one. [So, totally, 180 degrees and really a shaped though not symmetrical]

A06b. Yet another angle for step A06a

A07. Nothing else to do but observe. Just for those wondering what the second level layer looks like now.

A08. Still on the upper floor, delete both the firstly-made and the secondly-made stairs. (These two stairs were to push the upper level layer down, and so their function is accomplished and they have to be deleted for the new stair to form on the same area.

A09. Level from the side plain to the relative position as depicted.

A10. Now, add the connecting/modular stair back from the grid/square only 2 grids/squares away from the corner grid/square as depicted.

A11. Move up a level, level the upper level (To untwist/undeform the walls on the lower level)

A012. Untile the tiles above the stair region coz their function is done.

To remove a group of identical tiles in an enclosed area, use "Ctrl-Shift" and the tiling tool to delete ("Ctrl-Shift"-untiling)

Have a side-view.

A013. With "Ctrl-Shift"-untiling, delete the external tiling whose function to keep the the 2nd floor plain is finished. After such deletion, the stair is done. Have a few views of the resultant stair.

B. Wallpapering Tips:

B001. As shown, different patterns of wallpapers on twisted wall will result in different appearance.
B002. Those wallpapers without any pattern are definitely smooth with the twisted walls.
B003. Those with only vertical lines can be smooth, too.
B004. Those with at least a horizontal line will be twisted.
B005. Make your own choice(s).

Parts C and D are continued on the next post.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#2 Old 2nd Nov 2005 at 4:30 AM Last edited by niol : 26th Nov 2005 at 3:55 PM.
C. Way 2: without vertically-twisted walls in the resultant stair; level compression/dummy level needed.

C00. Props - the prepared settings
The whole scene -- Build 2 (compression levels/ dummy levels) in-between the upper and the lower floors to avoid twisted walls. So by definition here, the roof is the uppermost level.

So, the upper floor is the 2nd uppermost level.

Then, the 3rd uppermost level.

Then, the 4th uppermost level.

Lastly, the lower floor is the lowest level in this tutorial.

C01a. Now, press "Shift-Ctrl-C" to get the cheat box out
C01b. Type in (or copy and paste with keyboard shortcut commands)
boolprop constrainfloorelevation false
(All letters in "false" are said to have to be in lower case)
C01c. Choose the type of connecting/modular stair of your choice.
C01d. On the 4th uppermost level, just build the stair anywhere internally (Unlike Way 1 Part A). (coz this is for level compression/dummy level).

C02. Build 3 separate smallest units of the connecting/modular stairs consecutively. (Connecting/modular stairs are used as a tool to lower the level rather than the control column or the ground layer method. This technique has been the one for making Raphael's stealth stairs. More references are already findable in Build Mode Community Resources Listing.)
(The smallest unit of the connecting/modular stair is 4-click-high in terms of terrain tools and as high as a quarter of a sims floor, a default wall or 16-click-height. Lowering the level thrice with the connecting/modular stair is already the maximum lowering limit of a level coz every level is pre-set to be at least 4-click high in the game. )

C03. Level the whole level from the lowest end of the set of stairs with the levelling tool of the terrain tools. After such levelling, delete all the stairs.
Now, the lowest level is only 4-click-high.

C04. On the 3rd uppermost level, repeat the same thing as done on the 4th uppermost level (Steps C01d & C02)

C05. Level the whole level from the lowest end of the set of stairs with the levelling tool of the terrain tools. After such levelling, delete all the stairs. (as in step C03)
Now, the 4th level is only 4-click-high.

C06. On the 2nd uppermost, since a longer stair is built from this level, only build 2 separate smallest units of the connecting/modular stairs consecutively.

C07. Level the whole level from the lowest end of the set of stairs with the levelling tool of the terrain tools. After such levelling, delete all the stairs. (as in step C03)
Now, the 3rd level is only 8-click-high. So, when the lowest, the 4th uppermost, and the 3rd uppermot levels add up 16-click-high which is as high as a default wall, these levels form a sims floor.

C08. Move up to te uppermost level (the roof here), flatten the whole level if not.

C09. On the 2nd uppermost level, untile the tiles above the stair region.

C10. Build a connecting/modular stair from the tile "0" on the 2nd uppermost level to that on the 3rd one.

C11. Untile the tiles in the stair region except the landing tile(s) between the connecting/modular stairs. (Look, I didin't remove the tiles other than those on the stair way coz they're the only ones must be removed before the stairs can be made. There's nothing wrong for removing the others or not at this point. Such removal )

C12. Build a connecting/modular stair from the tile "0" on the 3rd uppermost level to that on the 4th one.

C13. Untile the tiles in the stair region except the landing tile(s) between the connecting/modular stairs. (as in step C11)

C14. Build a connecting/modular stair from the tile "0" on the 3rd uppermost level to that on the 4th one.

C15. By means of "Ctrl-Shift", untile all the tiles on the 3rd and the 4th levels except the landing tiles (That's why they were tiled with a different tile from the rest).

C16. Now, the stair part is basically done. Have a side-view of the whole building.

C17. By means of "Ctrl-Shift", untile all the external tiles except the building roof.

C18. Now, have more views on different levels.

D. Wallpapering Tips:
Now, no more twisted wallpapers, yet still not all parts of a wallpaper will show up.

Mad Poster
Original Poster
#3 Old 9th Nov 2005 at 9:36 AM Last edited by niol : 26th Nov 2005 at 3:53 PM.
Default E. wall-unbounded version
E. wall-unbounded version (level compression/dummy level NOT needed)

E01a. Just have the 2nd level over the stair region tiled with a type of tile which is different from those of the rest of the enclosed area.
E01b. Now, press "Shift-Ctrl-C" to get the cheat box out
E01c. Type in (or copy and paste with keyboard shortcut commands)
boolprop constrainfloorelevation false
E01d. Choose any type of connecting/modular stairs and start at the point where the upper exit is located to build down.

E02. Then, the second stair...

E03. Level from the lowest grid (the lower end of the second consecutive connecting/modular stair) one grid far back and at least 3 grid far to the side where the middle section of the stair is goning to be.

E04. So, six plain grids formed. Delete the 2 cnnecting/modular stairs coz their function to pull down the 2nd level layer by 8-click-high is accomplished, and the new stair will need the same area..

E05. Add the your desired connecting/modular stair from the sarting point - the upper plain end.

E06. Turn left, and build the middle section of the stair.

E07. Press "Shift-Ctrl" and mouse-left-click to delete the all the upper unwanted tiles coz their function as a level sheet layer to be pulled down is completed. Beside, one tile of them will block the last stair to form.

E08. Now, build the last section of the stair.

E09. Have a look. If this looks fine to you, you're done. If you want some more, follow E10.

E10a. Press the "ctrl" button and hold it.
E10b. select the region with the type of your desired foundation/deck and hold the selection.
E10c. Release the "ctrl" button.
E10d. left-mouse-click once, and then the second one. (For more info, please read the foundation wall basic tutorial

E11. The missing foundation/deck is recovered.

E12. Now, do the same for the middle section of the stair.

E13. The missing foundation/deck is recovered.

E14. Do the same for the third.

E15. The missing foundation/deck is recovered. For decks, it's done here.

E16. design your foundations the way you like.


Welcome to comments, suggestions, corrections as long as at least not an abuse.
Test Subject
#4 Old 7th Jan 2006 at 1:49 PM
I'ts very nice to see
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#5 Old 28th Jan 2006 at 8:12 AM Last edited by niol : 23rd Jun 2006 at 3:28 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by wreckedcarzz
Yes, very nice to see, not to do.

Why not to do?
Is the planning too hard, or something else?
This tutorial is to show the technique to deform level layers with connecting/modular stair, how to make some 180 degree stairs, and how the patterns of wallpapering affects their presentations on deformed wall segments..

The planning can be done in the following way:
1. Ensure what the shape the stair is gonna be like.
2. find out the ratio of the separate stair places.
3. outline where to start and stop as well as where each part will be.
4. On the upper level(s), do the deformation with connecting/modular stairs instead of using control-column.

Once one practises a bit more and grabs the concepts in this tutorials, one may find this more convinient than using control column to do the stairs. This method is nothing new but uncommon. I believe certain lot-builders have been using this technique to build stairs for a long while already. Besides, this technique can be used in several other ways, and so it is a powerful technique.

Lol, do ask questions when there's something not understandable to you...
I can't see the problems you're facing when I'm not informed, for there're many assumptions I'm unaware of. N, that's what a forum is for.

Linkage for connecting/modular stairs

1. Normal usage:

Split Level Stairs

Staircase with a Landing (on the foundation)
Stairs with several landings

Easy Corner U Stair Tutorial

Stair behaviour when making split level staircases

Grand Staircase

Advanced Internal Modular Stairs on a Foundation
Advanced Modular Stairs in the Middle of a House
Circular Stairwells for Advanced Users
Circular Stairwells for Beginners
Dummy Stairs
Modular Stairs

How to make U-shaped/180 degree stairs with 2 landings

Enclosed Spiral Stairs
Spiral Stairs Inspirations

Creating 3-Storey Walled Spiral Stairs On A House Foundation
Creating Spiral Stairs On A House Foundation

OFB Easy U-Shaped Modular Stairs *NO CHEATS*

2. Stealth Stairs:

TUTORIAL:Stealth Stairs in dormer/attic on a 2-story house built on foundation

Frillen @Maxis...(search "Frillen" @ Maxis)
Tutorial: Magical Bits'n'Pieces 1

Tutorial more property-infos for connecting/modular stairs updated 1st May,06.

Stealth Stairs (Intro to Stealth Stairs)
Stealth Stairs for Dormers
Stealth Stairs Variable Size
Field Researcher
#6 Old 16th Feb 2007 at 12:48 AM
ummm... forgive me if this is rude, but this is by far THE
Field Researcher
#7 Old 16th Feb 2007 at 12:56 AM
ummm... forgive me if this sounds rude, but this is THE MOST confusing tutorial i've EVER read in my life. u lost me with "A"... "with vertically-twisted walls in the resultant stair; no level compression sacrifice/dummy level needed." Huh??? when writing a tutorial, you should assume that your readers are novices and unfamiliar with all those (what i assume are) technical terms. EEK!!!
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#8 Old 16th Feb 2007 at 2:12 PM

Probably, I guess I may need to add Mikeinside's dummy level tutorials as prerequisite for this tutorial.

I used those terms just ow Mikeinside and en7en used them in this forum since the start of this forum.

Yet, the tutorial does show how to do the compressed/dummy levels.

It may be good to have an info page or link a tutorial to tell readers about what a compressed/dummy level is.
Test Subject
#9 Old 20th Feb 2007 at 8:45 AM
Well, I can't find a 'thanks' button on this post, so a big Thank You from me. We probably have no idea of how much time and effort you put into giving us these instructions. I can tell it was a big project. I really appreciate that you included other relevant links about creating stairs.

I'm about to attempt my first 'L' shaped stairs in a house I downloaded and it's on a foundation. (I'm going to try and add a basement.) So I'm reading everything I can find. I'm sure after giving it a try, some of the things I'm not sure about will be clear. If I get stuck, I'll come back and ask you. This note is just to let you know there are lots of us simmers out there that really appreciate your sharing this information.
Lab Assistant
#10 Old 20th Mar 2007 at 8:27 AM

"Of two choices, I always take the third."
Test Subject
#11 Old 27th Apr 2007 at 5:55 AM
Thank you Niol! This tutorial has helped me to understand the process in placing stairs and the depth to apply. The reason I say this is because I had tried your steps and half way through gave up because i thought I made a mistake. I am so relieved that I found your tutorial and used it. You are a godsend. I greatly appreciate it !!!
Many Thanks
Test Subject
#12 Old 26th Jan 2008 at 11:10 PM
Yeah well this is cool but it cuts the windows in half.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#13 Old 27th Jan 2008 at 6:44 AM

it depends on where you make the stair at. It's often best 2 grids away from the walls.
or place the window elsewhere or try to alter the warps elsewhere.
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