9th Mar 2006 at 10:02 PM
Last edited by tiggerypum : 19th May 2007 at
8:02 PM.
Tutorial: Assigning Swimwear, Formal and Workout Outfits To Toddlers (works for all ages)
Edit by Tiggerypum: Added Outerwear code
Body Shop
Change Clothes OFB
Hacked Dresser
Step One
Load Body Shop.
Step Two
Click on create parts.
Step Three
Click on start new project.
Step Four
Click on create clothing. Select toddler male and highlight the Baby Blue Tuxedo
Step Five
Click on export selected textures.
Step Six
Give your project a name. I used PTS_(my site identifier please do not use)BBTuxFIXED. You can use whatever you want.
Step Seven
Enter a name for the tool tip. I used Baby Blue Tux *FIXED*
Step Eight
Import back into the game.
Step Nine
Close Body Shop. We won't be needing it anymore.
Step Ten
Open SimPe.
Step Eleven
Open your newly cloned package located in My Documents/Ea Games/The Sims2/Saved Sims. You can right click and select arrange by modified to find it easily. It should be the last one on your list if you do it once, first on the list if you do it twice.
Step Twelve
Select the property set (GZPS) and located the line "flags" located below species normally. Change the value to 0x00000010.
Step Thirteen
Locate the line "category" and change the value to 0x0000027F. This will place the tux in all categories. The others are as follows...
Everyday 0x00000007
Formal 0x00000020
Undies 0x00000040
PJ 0x00000010
Swim 0x00000008
Workout 0x00000200
Outerwear 0x00001000
If you only want it as just formal than use the formal code and not 0x0000027F. I've read the way to do multiple ones is to add the numbers together but I haven't really tried it. Example Undies 0x00000040 + Swim 0x00000008 = 0x00000048. Like I said I never tried it so I'm not 100% certain. But Everyday 0x00000007 + Formal 0x00000020 + Undies 0x00000040 + PJ 0x00000010 + Swim 0x00000008 + Workout 0x00000200 = 0x0000027F when added using a hexidecimal calculator. There's one included with Windows that can add hexidecimal when set to scientific mode and then hex. Once you're done here commit and save.
Added Info
From the property set you can also change other things and here's the information for that.
The age controls the age the clothing will be used on. I wouldn't recommend trying this on anything other than adults and young adults as it can have some weird effects but here are the codes for that.
Adult: 0x00000008
Young adult: 0x00000040
Teen: 0x00000004
Child: 0x00000002
Toddler: 0x00000001
Elder: 0x00000010
So Adult: 0x00000008 + Young adult: 0x00000040 = 0x00000048
The gender line controls, well the gender. This can make a specific clothing item work for either or both genders. This works best on toddlers and children since their bodies are the same. Older than that you could have some weird things like you males having breasts, females having penises, etc. If you're interested in that type of thing this might come in handy. The codes are...
Female: 0x00000001
Male: 0x00000002
What's 0x00000001 + 0x00000002 boys and girls? 0x00000003 is the code for both genders.
Step Fourteen
SimPE and go to test
in the game they will not show up in Body Shop. Go on a shopping trip or create a new toddler and your clothing should appear in the proper category.
You can assign the clothing to newly created Sims as you would any other piece of clothing in CAS. For sims you've already created you need hacked dresser linked to above in order to use the plan outfit option for toddlers. Please note that when using the plan outfit option on the dresser you must have more than one item of that type in your dresser. So if you want to change swimsuits you need to buy two of them, two formal, two work out, etc.
These have no real practical use in the game but they make nice little bits for stories and such instead of having to have swimwear and formal as everyday attire. You can use the change clothes hack linked to above to change the toddler into which ever piece of clothing you wish them to wear. You can also access the change clothes option without the hack by typing boolprop testingcheatsenabled true and shift clicking on your toddler and selecting change clothes. This is availible for all versions of the game while the hack I can only guarantee works with all expansions installed.
I hope this has been somewhat helpful for those of you wishing to have your items categorized properly and usable in game. This tutorial was written with the complete modding dullard in mind (hence why it took one to write it), so hopefully it's pretty easy to follow. Please feel free to pm me if you have any questions or troubles with this tutorial.
Added note by Tiggerypum:
This is also very useful when you have an already finished bodyshop recolor and realize the categories are not what you'd like - you can just go in and change it without making a new recolor.