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Original Poster
#1 Old 18th Dec 2009 at 2:13 AM
DEBATE: Sims 3 Cool Or Uncool?
So, recently ive heard alot of rants on and on about sims 3 not very good, and i wanted to see if you thought so too.

If life gave me lemons, ya know what I'd do? I'd throw them back and Demand EDWARD CULLENS.
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 22nd Dec 2009 at 8:21 PM
It's so uncool I haven't played it!
So, definetley an uncool game....

"The only way to see yourself for who you truly are,
is to look in a mirror."
My name is Zoe
Test Subject
#3 Old 25th Dec 2009 at 4:40 AM
It's just annoying.

I don't see the point in spending that much money on something when I can't even make my own neighborhoods.

I also hate how every sim I create, some how ends up looking mostly the same as all the others.


So, uncool. Definitely.

I wish they would've just used it kind of as an expansion, like taking some of the things that I like about S3 and incorporating them into S2.

It's not like they made the game specifically for me, though, so I have no input.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#4 Old 29th Dec 2009 at 9:42 AM
Quote: Originally posted by omfgzwhat
It's just annoying.

I don't see the point in spending that much money on something when I can't even make my own neighborhoods.

I also hate how every sim I create, some how ends up looking mostly the same as all the others.


So, uncool. Definitely.

I wish they would've just used it kind of as an expansion, like taking some of the things that I like about S3 and incorporating them into S2.

It's not like they made the game specifically for me, though, so I have no input.

It's almost as bad as the first Sims, and there is a small portion of hair too. and i love Cc hair and cool styled hair. It is so not worth spending $50.00 on a game that has bad graphics, small options for hair, etc, and most of all, Toddlers cant gain a fracking skill point!

If life gave me lemons, ya know what I'd do? I'd throw them back and Demand EDWARD CULLENS.
Lab Assistant
#5 Old 16th Feb 2010 at 7:41 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Topvideo
It's almost as bad as the first Sims, and there is a small portion of hair too. and i love Cc hair and cool styled hair. It is so not worth spending $50.00 on a game that has bad graphics, small options for hair, etc, and most of all, Toddlers cant gain a fracking skill point!

ya know, you can create meshes yourself or download it from here, anyway from what i remember, Sims 2 is a wonderful game, but Sims 3 graphics are better, and toddlers gain skill points but they can use them when they grow up, so hair isn't a problem, toddlers too, also graphics, but until Sims 3 won't have 4 expansion packs, Sims 2 has the upper hand.

and Sims 1 was a great game, well, as a nostalgia, when I was 6 it was a great game, and I played it last year, and I hope this year too.

/ _____ \/_____\
<({U})> . . <({U})>

#6 Old 16th Feb 2010 at 9:39 PM

they're uglier than sims2

What's love? ♥My ChannelMy Art PageMy DA

There's never an ounce that I breathe
Without thinking about
Who I could have been if you didn't leave
Come Home ~ Eyes Set To Kill
Mad Poster
#7 Old 2nd Mar 2010 at 7:16 PM
uncool, they look really fugly and their noses bug the hell out of me.

they all look the same. mass conformity!!! lolno.

uncool because they're not sims 2!!!
Lab Assistant
#8 Old 12th Mar 2010 at 5:55 PM
When they first announce the arrival of the sims 3 (EA games) I was very exited for it. But when the game came and I started to see the fan pictures and videos about the game.It disappointed me u know.Okay the game have great landscapes and the water looks real but this is not a simcity game and the real important thing in this kind of game are the characters "the sims" and they are soo UGLY!! That there's no costume content that would save them!!.I don't have it and I'm definitely not gonna buy it .
Mad Poster
#9 Old 23rd Mar 2010 at 3:52 AM
^ youre lucky, I wasted $70 CDN on a preorder.

Angie/DS | Baby Sterling - 24/2/2014
This account is mostly used by my sons to download CC now, if you see me active, it's probably just them!
#10 Old 23rd Mar 2010 at 5:25 PM
I don't like them but I don't want to judge them without play.
My cousin played sims1, sims2 and now sims3 and she says that sims3 are awesome.
I would enjoy to create them, I still think that people make them ugly and I would be the first making gorgeous sims 3 =)

Anyway, I would play them free* so...
why don't try??

*My cousin bought the world adventures and she doesn't need the CD of the sims3 in order to play the new expansion

What's love? ♥My ChannelMy Art PageMy DA

There's never an ounce that I breathe
Without thinking about
Who I could have been if you didn't leave
Come Home ~ Eyes Set To Kill
Test Subject
#11 Old 23rd Mar 2010 at 6:14 PM
It's the worst game in the entire universe!!!
Because I don't have it...

Norway is NOT a part of Sweden!
My avatar left to watch a movie by James Cameron...
Mad Poster
#12 Old 16th May 2010 at 3:04 AM
I uninstalled it all. I'm not going to waste precious drivespace on something my computer STILL can't handle, even a top-of-the-liner.

Angie/DS | Baby Sterling - 24/2/2014
This account is mostly used by my sons to download CC now, if you see me active, it's probably just them!
Test Subject
#13 Old 31st May 2010 at 5:55 AM
Default Some Perspective, Maybe?
As I'm sure many of you also have, I've been playing Sims since the original game came out in 1999.

Back then it was just the one game, no expansions of course, and no real (user created) custom content until the release of the first expansion pack.

After the first two years user created CC (Custom Content) for The Sims exploded and that's when things got really fun. After a while there were literally thousands of sites which added up hundreds of thousands of pieces of CC for Sims.

The Sims 2 followed the same basic pattern as The Sims after University was released and we could add a downloads folder to the game.

Again, creation of custom content exploded with the release of University for Sims 2.

So, now, we have Sims 3. Big, huge difference between this one and the first two: Maxis didn't bother to build in a way to add anything other than their own (ridiculously expensive) custom content thus ending a great Sims tradition.

Now to my own experiences with Sims 3..

I borrowed a friend's copy and installed it on my computer with great anticipation, thinking, "since Sims 2 was far better than Sims 1 then this Sims 3 will be GREAT!"

Nothing could be farther from the truth. I played the game for about two hours and found myself bored out of my skull.

Other than for a few new features like the new "realistic" way of being able to walk and drive to places and the "personality creator" it really isn't that much different from Sims 2 and, in my opinion, is far worse because it's so very difficult to add and keep track of custom content. (You practically have to be a programmer to even set up Sims 3 to accept and use non Maxis CC.

Please understand that this is no insult to the truly brilliant modders, coders and creators who actually did find ways to add custom content; their work is absolutely awesome!

But, still, EAxis has destroyed a truly great Sims 1 and 2 tradition by deliberately removing the ability for content and mod creators to add new things to the game.

Adding, changing, recoloring and reshaping Custom Content has always been the biggest appeal of the game for me since I love creating new things for Sims 2. What a shame I can't (and possibly won't be able to) do that with Sims 3 unless some brilliant people come up with some programs that'll let me do that.

Otherwise, what a truly sad end for a wonderful game series!
Field Researcher
#14 Old 31st May 2010 at 2:41 PM
I have been playing TS2 for about 3 years (not very long compared to most people here, I know) I found out about custom content and sites like MTS. In a rush to upgrade my lacking game, I ransacked the site for every bit of custom content that looked even remotely like what I liked, because while making do with the boring stuff EA provide you with, I was getting fed up of TS2. Within a week I had downloaded so much stuff I thought my computer would explode. (I was wrong - I have downloaded tens of times that much since.)

I had known TS3 was going to come out soon for a long time. (In fact, I had been waiting ever since within a month of getting TS2 I had seen a website promising that TS3 would be the best game ever made.) I had been planning to buy it. The ads really do make it look like the best Sims game yet. My friend got it but her computer couldn't handle it, so she sold it for £20. I would have bought it from her but my computer was the same as hers and therefore probably couldn't handle it.

I kept downloading more stuff for TS2 while still contemplating whether or not to buy it. I looked at the uploaded S3 things on MTS to see whether or not it would be easy to find good custom content. I mainly browsed Sims and, to my dismay (no offence to all the wonderful creators) saw they all were meant to look different but still looked the same. Do you get what I mean? - the faces all have the same kind of look whereas in TS2 there are loads of different faces, shapes etc.

As more and more people bought and created for TS3 I realised it was definitely not all it was meant to be. Where it had promised changeable faces, body shapes, expressions, they were all the same. The graphics have a slighly unreal quality where it was meant to be the most realistic Sims game yet. I read complaints in forums about it being hard to use. I decided TS3 was not worth having, and in the end I didn't buy it. I also thought that, since I had downloaded so much, I would have to start all over again for TS3 while, unless I deleted the TS2 downloads (which I never would because I am a hoarder), they would sit there taking up memory.

So luckily I haven't wasted any money on it, I'm just sorry so many people have, and that gradually more and more people who truly like TS3 are abandoning TS2, which was really the good game.

"If the human brain was simple enough to understand, we'd be too simple to understand it."

"Some things I cannot change, but till I try I'll never know."
Mad Poster
#15 Old 31st May 2010 at 5:10 PM
I decided to join this group even thou I'm not a TS3 hater, actually TS3 is my drug of choice after playing TS2 since the game came out, I find TS3 much more entertaining. I think in order to have a debate, you can't really make a thread in a hate forum, and then the whole "debate" is about people telling other people how much something sucks. A debate needs two sides, otherwise it's just a "I hate TS3" thread.

I don't know under what rock some of you have been living, but you really don't need to be a programmer to get CC to work. There is the Framework installers that is an exe you run and click one button and it installs it (found on this site in the program sections). I installed the framework in the early days when you had to do it by hand, and even then it was doable. It took a few tries, but it was not nuclear science.

I think why most people cry about TS3 CC is because they just don't get that for mods to work the framework needs to be installed. But even in TS2 you still find people who don't know where to put their downloads, so I wouldn't say TS3 CC is any harder to install than TS2 CC, it's just that with every new wave of tweens who get online, you get a small but very loud percentage of people who just can't bother to read before they complain. And this is true for both games, not just TS3.

Ugly Sims
Quote: Originally posted by Mosomashu
As more and more people bought and created for TS3 I realised it was definitely not all it was meant to be. Where it had promised changeable faces, body shapes, expressions, they were all the same.

I really can't understand how did you come to the conclusion. In TS2 you had three or two body sizes. The fat one being probably an inside EA joke as it was not fat at all. People made custom "fat" meshes for big girls, just to have a variety in their game. In TS3 you get this by default, you can change both their muscular level and fat level. You can have skinny, muscular or very overweight people in your game. Of course most CC makers never use fat sim's for their pictures, skinny sells, and we are a very superficial society.

The best part about the new body sliders are that they are genetic. A fat parent will have a fat child, and if the child wants to be skinny, they have to work on it, the weight doesn't stay off by only working out once.

I do agree on some parts of your post. The scaling when making faces should have been bigger, so you could make really crazy looking people, but even without mods you can still make good and interesting looking people. Now there are mods to fix this, as well as EA itself seems to have fixed it a bit, as the sims that you see in their videos are not those dough faced Sims you saw when the game came out.

Considering you have your self admitted you are a CC junkie, you can't really go rampaging how ugly maxis stuff is and use that as a an excuse to say that the game sucks. No matter which game you choose, EA stuff (hair and and most clothing) is on the ugly side, that's why you have CC.

As I mentioned I like TS3. I think gameplay vise, even when it was just the base game, it was able to compete with TS2 and all it's EPs. With TS2 I used to have periods of playing on/off, and the longest I ever got in a family was 3 generations before getting bored and re-starting a new hood.

With TS3 it's been different. When I got the game, I started with one founder, and played him and his daughter until the daughter's children started moving out of the house. Only at this point did I start playing other houses. This family is currently on generation 7, and I've been playing this same hood for a year now.

Now, I'm not saying TS3 is the most perfect game ever. There are things I don't like about it. Some are minor, some are bigger. For example, I was never a fan of town aging, and story progression, which is why I have it turned off. I do play aging on, but I have a mod that enables me to have TS2 style aging. I never understood why it was taken away from us. So yes, to enjoy the game as much as I do, I do have mods. But when I started playing, the day it came out, I didn't have anything. Not even CC because it didn't exist yet, but still I found the game entertaining.

Of course one can always complain that TS3 lacks this or that, but so did TS2 base game lack lots of things, that people now take for granted, like some of the instruments, or gardening or weather, and as mentioned CC. And sure TS3 lacks things, like the always mentioned piano, the diving board, open restaurants, and the ability to edit the town (one thing I really missed). But if I had to make a choice between having town editing options instead of gardening, I would willingly take gardening in the base game than have to wait for 5 eps (that's 3 years after the base game was released) before being able to plant a tomato. CC I have to say I never had the chance to miss, as it started coming up really fast after the base game, hair, clothing, furniture and even mods.

Now with Ambition coming, the game will be getting even better. Ambition will bring back town editing, it will bring laundry (something TS2 people obviously like considering how many laundry objects there are out there), and the ability to even more in depth game play.

One thing that always bothered me is when people say TS3 is no longer a simulator, instead it's an RPG. Sure this element was introduced to the game, but it doesn't take out the simulator option from the game. It's all about how you choose to play. When it comes to goals and game-play, TS2 and TS3 do not differ really. You can play TS2 the "real" way, by making a legacy and playing a hood in depth for a very long time, or you can choose to play the game more periodically, like doing challenges. If one would say that the only proper way to play the sims is to play in a hood that has ancestors dating from the release date of the game, then 99% of players would be playing the game wrongly. I love reading "What's happening in your game right now" thread, on both TS2 and TS3 forums, and there are only a few who seem to have a long lasting hood that they play. There are a few names, that every time I see they have written, I expect to see the words "I re-started my hood". I'm not different, having the attention span of a gold fish, four months was probably the longest I ever played a hood. And this comparison is what I use to say that TS3, for me, is the better game, as I'm still playing the same hood, and the same family line, for a year.
Field Researcher
#16 Old 3rd Jun 2010 at 11:58 AM
OK I will admit I don't even have TS3 so maybe I was wrong about the body shapes. They are more variable and the genetics are more realistic, passing down from one generation to another. However, I really do think the faces are all mostly the same. They all seem to be built on the same base instead of like TS2, where they were more changeable, and if you look at all the uploaded S2 sims here on MTS, there is a whole variety of different face shapes, builds, etc., whereas if you look at the sims page for TS3, you can see all the faces are roughly the same, and really not that different.
I will give you an example of what I mean: I have a friend who is an identical twin. In her house there are loads of pictures of her and her twin when they were babies. You can tell which one her twin is all along, because her face has never really changed that much, but my friend's face changes and does not look like her now. It is like she is a S2 sim and her twin is S3 sim. Does that make sense?

"If the human brain was simple enough to understand, we'd be too simple to understand it."

"Some things I cannot change, but till I try I'll never know."
Mad Poster
#17 Old 4th Jun 2010 at 8:03 AM
I went to look at the TS3 sims downloads, and I do agree with you partially. There are those boring almost out of the box faces, but there area also some really good ones. I still would say that the reason TS3 sims are not yet as versitile looking compared to TS2 sims is not becuase of the game being bad, but becuase it takes more work to make them look good. I also diesagree with you that genetics in TS3 are more realistic, if you did not know there is a bug in TS3 that if you dye your hair, your children will inherit the dye colour, not your natural colour. I don't know if that's fixed already or not, as I use awesome and it fixes alot of bugs and I don't dye my sims hair that much. The bodyshape inheritance I do like. Of course sims will always get back to their natural wieght, so you will have to take them to the gym when you enter a house with a fat sim that you want to be slim. Thankfully awesome also fixed this that you have to actually eat to get fat, not just get fat becuase it's a new day. But the truth is, that fat sims do eat more, in parties you can see them take a few servings too many, even thou you get full from one.

So, TS3 genetics does have many many bugs, but it has also very much potential.

Now in case somebody wondrs why I'm speaking poorly about Ts3 when I'm suppose to be a hard core fan. Well, the answer is that I just don't think twisting the truth to make one game look bad and another game look good, serve anybody. You can like a game even if you do admit that it has flaws.
Field Researcher
#18 Old 5th Jun 2010 at 6:38 PM
Of course, TS2 has plenty of flaws too. I didn't know about the hair dye inheritance, because as I said I don't have TS3 so really I don't know all that much about it. I agree of course it has potential and I didn't even know about TS2 when it first came out so I can't really compare. Still, I do think TS2 is probably the better, or at least more developed game, and I am sticking with it until I have some better incentive to buy TS3.

"If the human brain was simple enough to understand, we'd be too simple to understand it."

"Some things I cannot change, but till I try I'll never know."
Mad Poster
#19 Old 5th Jun 2010 at 10:20 PM
I have to admit, Ambitions looks more my style, but TS2 was more geared towards character-focused gameplay, whilst TS3 is a more 'greater good/evil' concept. I know it's a bit more realistic, but it's a bit of a sensory overload, don't you think? I mean, I loved the game on initial release. I got it a day after the release and was heard in my apartment yelling 'hell yes!' and 'OMG, look at this! That is so cool!' I played it for a while but then it just got too generic. WA just ruined it for me because it actually made the game more BORING, seeing as whenever I went to a vacation destination I was forced to go back because of the Invisible Sims glitch, which seems to be a me-and-nobody-else glitch. Right now, even in two casts, I'm going on vacation to get away from my own neighbourhood! Why should I have to deal with it ingame! TS2 is waaay more my style, and it DOES take a rocket scientist to figure CC out. I asked EA for help with my WA glitch and they attributed it to a borked install, or it was reading it's own code wrong.

Angie/DS | Baby Sterling - 24/2/2014
This account is mostly used by my sons to download CC now, if you see me active, it's probably just them!
Field Researcher
#20 Old 5th Jun 2010 at 11:33 PM
Sims 3 will NEVER reach the perfect atmosphere that sims2 brings..Yeap ok, you are free, you can tease your neighbors frequently but after3-4 hours of playing it ends up boring.Such thing never happens in Sims2.You play it again and again ana again!!!Every time you have something new to do!Hope that with even more EP's sims3 will improve...(indeed their faces are unlookable..:-S)
Lab Assistant
#21 Old 16th Jun 2010 at 12:34 AM
I really don't know.
I would like to try it out, but I just really don;t know.
Well, in my first post on this thread, I said it was so uncool I didn't even buy it.
Opinions change, I guess. But I don't know, and I probably never will.

"The only way to see yourself for who you truly are,
is to look in a mirror."
My name is Zoe
Test Subject
#22 Old 13th Jul 2010 at 4:41 PM
I was so excited when it first came out I thought it was gona be fun but when I got home and started playing it I hated it, the sims are very ugly and my sims kept on having girls so I was disapointed and I wish I hadn't wasted 50 dollars on that stupid game! DX

Ashes to Ashes
Dust to Dust
Life is too Short
So Party We Must
Mad Poster
#23 Old 16th Jul 2010 at 11:53 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Schwabie12
I really don't know.
I would like to try it out, but I just really don;t know.
Well, in my first post on this thread, I said it was so uncool I didn't even buy it.
Opinions change, I guess. But I don't know, and I probably never will.

Try it out, but do your research beforehand, make sure you know what the differences are. So you don't end up disspointed becasue object x was not among the current objects.

Don't be affraid of CC, it's not hard to install, if your framework is set up proper, it will work.

TS3 is not perfect, I'm not saying it is, just as TS2 was not perfect either. But in the end there are so many gameplay improvements compared to TS2 that I for one could not go back to TS2. TS2 gameplay seems so limited and restricted now that I'm used to TS3 that even thou I might miss some aspects, of TS2, going back is not an option.

If you can't make up your mind, then the picture thread and the "what's happening in your game right now" thread is a good palce to look into.
Destroyer of Worlds
retired moderator
#24 Old 8th Sep 2010 at 9:23 PM
I was, for awhile, like most of you. I had seen a lot of bad reviews and/or things that made me less excited than I had first been. However, my sweet husband, knowing how much I loved TS2 went out and bought 3 for me as a surprise. I played for a couple of hours and then went back to 2. But, more recently, I have gotten more involved:

1) DEVELOPMENT: Yes, it is not as developed and I think EA left some critical stuff out that I feel should have been part of base game: the piano WTF EA! However, this is an EA thing and we should NEVER expect EA to get it right on the first (or fourth) try. It will take some expansions and patches and maybe, when they are ready for TS4, we'll all be happy with 3.

2) BUILD/BUY: The building is a lot better. Honestly, CAST makes such a huge difference that it is now hard for me to go back to 2. I try and click on something to change the style and get really disappointed. You can take 2 identical houses and with some clicks, make them almost unrecognizable from each other, just with CAST. Finally, EA did something right. Plus, there is free rotation if you hold ALT and you don't need a cheat just for diagonals.

3) GAMEPLAY: First, toddlers do gain skills. They're just basically invisible until they are old enough to use them. I love that I have no loading between stores and that I can visit my neighbors instead of always having them over. It is still taking awhile for this to sink in though. Most of the time, due to habit, I still just invite people over. I do miss astrological signs and wish we could pick their sign which would give them a base personality and then add traits to that. But hey, you can't have everything.

4) AGING: I do have a story mod that can change the aging so I can switch active households without my first sim dying on me. Truth be told, that is my least favorite...I used to build and play entire neighborhoods myself; making my main sim plus her friends and love interests or making myself and my husband and relatives and friends and controlling all their lives and changing between households to age them around the same time. First time I played, my sim led her own life and when she got married right before transitioning to adulthood, her husband aged to an elder the next day! I wish there were a way to see ages so you don't marry old fogies! I do like that the children grow together and such rather than having my first generation sim friends with a child that never grows and then her children befriend the same child. Awkward (especially if it was the teen stage and they were going steady and then she moved on).

5) NEIGHBORHOODS: Now that CAW has been released (yes you have to have WA but it is worth it) you can make your own town. It is a little more difficult than it was in 2, a lot more playing around. I am doing this now and learning as I go, but it IS possible.

6) CAS: It took me awhile to learn to make sims in 2 that did not look like they were straight from the Maxis bin. And it is taking awhile to do the same with 3. But it can be done. Especially with all the sliders out there to add sliders and increase their range.

All in all, there are some aspects I miss about 2 but I think they will eventually be added with the EPs. It does take awhile to make the switch, especially if you have been playing the sims for a decade (like me) but, in the end, I think it is worth it all things considered.

Heaven Sims | Avendale Legacy
"On the internet, you can be anything you want. It's strange that so many people choose to be stupid."
Lab Assistant
#25 Old 9th Nov 2010 at 6:21 AM
Quote: Originally posted by DigitalSympathies
^ youre lucky, I wasted $70 CDN on a preorder.

too bad that's one of the reasons I don't believe in pre-ordering I prefer for the game came out see how it is in pictures and/or videos and then I decide if I want to buy it or not
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