Mad Poster
#26 Old 11th Nov 2010 at 10:06 PM
Yeah, I mean I got Late Night and it was fun until, again, there was one thing that turned me off: The damn neighbourhood! It's layout is great, good for screenshots and such, but there's like nobody there! At all! It's worse than Sunset Valley. I thought Apartments were gonna be full of sims, but I guess not . . . Thanks a lot, EA. I just uninstalled.

Angie/DS | Baby Sterling - 24/2/2014
This account is mostly used by my sons to download CC now, if you see me active, it's probably just them!
Test Subject
#27 Old 14th Jan 2011 at 10:39 PM
Default ...
I joined this group, even though I don't despise Sims 3. It OK, but it feels like they only put effort in CAS, and sort of just throw together the rest.
Lab Assistant
#28 Old 17th Jan 2011 at 9:17 PM
The main problem why I hate TS3 is because I was REALLY hoping that EAxis would make the sims look more realistic and prettier. Instead they got uglier! Appearances of the sims themselves is extremely important to me, more so than gameplay. From what I can tell, I would really enjoy the gameplay of TS3, but I despise it because of the ugliness.
#29 Old 19th Jan 2011 at 10:05 AM
Is Sims 3 Cool or Uncool?

I think its both.

TS3 Sims are boring and robotic (Uncool)

You can recolor everything in create-a-style (Cool)

The game generates a lot of msgs and opportunities that have nothing to do with anything. Would my 1 pt handiness skill Sim like to repair the school's boiler? -- WT?! (Uncool)

The neighborhoods look very pretty (Cool)

The open neighborhood is poorly utilized (Uncool)

In order to use the features of an EP (WA is exception) your Sims have to either live there or you have the redundancy of loading the community lots for that EP into each Neighborhood (Uncool)

The Cities and Towns are isolated from each other and disjointed (Uncool)

It's more of a hassle to play several families in one game session. Some players mistakenly think they are more into the TS3 sims because they stick to one household --when actually they are unwittingly being maneuvered by the game's set up to do so. (Uncool)

Building lots is better in Ts3 (Cool)

Rabbit Holes are empty community lots that hog up a lot of real estate just to provide some drop down menu. (Very Uncool)

The game tries to force you to play townies at every turn -- have your kid befriend townie kid, invite your townie boss to dinner, townies X,Y. Z will just randomly show up at your house and ring the bell ( ignore them!) (Uncool)

Once kids have made enough muffins they can make cookies and pies in that toy oven and have bake sales. (Cool)

Even with Skin Tones and sliders most Sims look alike. (Take a look at pix around this site and you'll see what I mean). (Uncool)

The other age groups besides YA and Adult ahve pretty much been forggotten by EA. (Uncool)

They finally gave us a cityscape (Cool)

These are just some examples of why I think TS3 is a mixed bag of cool and uncool.

It's Life...there are no rules.
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#30 Old 22nd Feb 2011 at 11:48 PM
i like so much i would set fire to it and dance on its grave thats how much i like sims 3
Test Subject
#31 Old 4th May 2011 at 9:56 PM
TS3 is okay...I have to admit I was really excited about it when it first came out and I did enjoy playing it for a while, but I think, like everyone else here, it just didn't improve on TS2 enough to actually be worth it.

Overall I think my favourite feature of TS3 was the fact that the rest of the neighbourhood ages and changes while you're playing an individual household, which I wish happened in TS2 (although I'm pretty sure there are a couple of mods that effectively do that, I just have yet to seek them out and download them). But most of the other features just aren't that different, weren't really an improvement or just weren't very good.

I'm not quite sure what it is but TS2 is definitely a much MUCH better game and with the massive modding community and all the things that have been added to the game by it I just don't see TS3 being worth it. I get a much better experience out of 2 and all it's various EPs. Even the EPs for 3 don't interest me anywhere near as much as the EPs for 2. It's a little upsetting because I really wanted to love TS3. :P

Test Subject
#32 Old 18th May 2011 at 2:52 PM
some of the things I don't like about sims 3 are: less cheats and TO realistic (less magical stuff). but some of the stuff is a little good. I would be a good idea if some one imported stuff from sims 3 to sims 2!

Hello Awsome people/Modders
Test Subject
#33 Old 23rd May 2011 at 8:35 PM
TS3 is Sooooooooooooooooooooo Slow
Soooooooooooo slow I would never play it Even If it was the last game in the universe!!
Top Secret Researcher
#34 Old 3rd Jun 2011 at 1:58 AM
I LOVE the Sims 2, mainly because I know it, can create my own custom careers, can create and decorate countless neighbourhoods, can build my own houses by the dozen etc. I was one of those who got very excited about the Sims 3, rushed to pre-order it...then discovered my computer couldn't run it, even though it had the minimum specs.

I eventually got a new laptop, thanks to my lovely husband, and installed the Sims 3 on it. The first thing I noticed was that in the neighbourhood I can't zoom in at all, so end up getting lost and forgetting which house I was editing when I wanted to build.

Okay, get past that and get to the building. It's good, much more versatile than TS2, and highly configurable as everything can be changed with the design tool so all items in every house can be unique. And the water effects are just lovely.

The Sims themselves are definitely ugly, and try as I might, I can't change the fact that they all look the same no matter what you do. I do like the fact that you can change their body shape. I often use the larger ones (though my daughter laughed hysterically at one, saying that it looked exactly like me from the back! A quite uncalled for remark!).

I can only assume that future expansion packs will open up the potential of this game as I hate the fact that you can't see inside a lot of the business lots...presumably an expansion pack will come along that will change that.

However, as I have every single SP and EP for TS2, I'll probably be playing and creating for that for a long time, though still periodically building lots for TS3 as I do like that aspect of the game.

As for playability, I can't really judge as I've not played it very laptop is still a bit sluggish in that regard, but I'm sure I can work on my husband for something better.

At the moment I won't say that I hate TS3, but I much prefer TS2 for the time being, and I'm just learning how to mesh for it so I'm looking forward to uploading something new when I've had a lot more practice.

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Top Secret Researcher
#35 Old 19th Jun 2011 at 11:59 PM
I wish I never brought it.
#36 Old 11th Jul 2011 at 4:04 PM
The other day I installed TS2 back into my computer because I couldn't take the boring numbness of those lifeless TS3 sims anymore. Those TS2 sims are so cute and animated. I did miss not having Create-A-Style ( best thing about TS3.)
I'm keeping both TS@ and TS3 on my computer for now. I like building in TS3 but I like actually playing the sims more in TS2.

It's Life...there are no rules.
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Lab Assistant
#37 Old 12th Jul 2011 at 12:46 AM
TS3 was not what I expected at all. I loved how you can control how they work, their body size, and traits. But I live for the CC, and if it seems harder than TS2, I don't buy.

Truly, I believe is EA and Maxis work again to create a game like Sims 4 (in the future, if it ever happens) It should combine TS2 and TS3. It would be cool if they included some more features, like traits, easy custom content, even a few mods I have seen from others, like choosing breast size. And maybe add more food, and jobs. Oh, and maybe you can have more kids, like without a limit. I like big families. I also like how you can color clothes, though.

I actually own both games. I bought TS3 soon after it was released, and only played it for an hour. I got pretty bored after that. Never played again.
Test Subject
#38 Old 12th Jul 2011 at 1:17 PM
I can't decide, really. I mean, great graffics, more things to do but it is also VERY slow in create-a-sim. And when they first released the game, you weren't even allowed to make your own neighbourhood in the game... Thats why I stick to Sims 2, hair styles are better & it doesn't take half a day just to make one Sim! The eyes of Sims 3 Sims are also scary... If you know what I mean...
Lab Assistant
#39 Old 12th Jul 2011 at 9:40 PM
The only thing i hate the most about sims 3 is the graphics, i know its supposed to be better than the sims 2, but the graphics is too clay-like for my taste.
I actually have it here in my pc, but i still play TS2 most of the time. lol

Lab Assistant
#40 Old 13th Jul 2011 at 1:42 PM
Quote: Originally posted by jinglesingle
Soooooooooooo slow I would never play it Even If it was the last game in the universe!!

wow....thats pretty strong. i dont hate it that much, but i do agree it is slow.
Test Subject
#41 Old 6th Aug 2011 at 3:50 AM
Personally, I think it has its "cool times" like for instance, you don't need a ladder to get out the pool, I would LOVE to see that in the Sims 2. Another example you can modify a sim's weight and customize stuff. Other than that, the whole thing is just uncool. I'm happy I didn't buy it because my best-friend did and she says it SUCKS. Lmao
Test Subject
#42 Old 6th Aug 2011 at 3:52 AM
Quote: Originally posted by VivaLaJazz
Personally, I think it has its "cool times" like for instance, you don't need a ladder to get out the pool, I would LOVE to see that in the Sims 2. Another example you can modify a sim's weight and customize stuff. Other than that, the whole thing is just uncool. I'm happy I didn't buy it because my best-friend did and she says it SUCKS. Lmao

One more thing...the trees move in which i like...yeah that pretty much sums it up.
Lab Assistant
#43 Old 8th Aug 2011 at 1:23 AM
Quote: Originally posted by XerosArmera
TS3 is okay...I have to admit I was really excited about it when it first came out and I did enjoy playing it for a while, but I think, like everyone else here, it just didn't improve on TS2 enough to actually be worth it.

Overall I think my favourite feature of TS3 was the fact that the rest of the neighbourhood ages and changes while you're playing an individual household, which I wish happened in TS2 (although I'm pretty sure there are a couple of mods that effectively do that, I just have yet to seek them out and download them). But most of the other features just aren't that different, weren't really an improvement or just weren't very good.

I'm not quite sure what it is but TS2 is definitely a much MUCH better game and with the massive modding community and all the things that have been added to the game by it I just don't see TS3 being worth it. I get a much better experience out of 2 and all it's various EPs. Even the EPs for 3 don't interest me anywhere near as much as the EPs for 2. It's a little upsetting because I really wanted to love TS3. :P


I wanted to love TS3 too. It had its advantages, but mor4e disadvantages. I sorta regret wasting my money on it.

"Mars just kinda came to me. Cos i'm out of this world" ~Bruno Mars. I am obsessed. LEGIT!
Currently Listening to: It Will Rain by Bruno Mars Mood: Sexy :P
Brony, Hooligan, and Little Monster <3
Test Subject
#44 Old 8th Aug 2011 at 5:08 PM
I have it on Wii before you can say anything else. (But I have sims 2 pc)


1. You only have five houses to buy.
2. The toilet blocks after I buy it.
3.There are about twenty coffins laying around town.
4. The family tree when you start a family is very hard to manuver.
5. It has glitches like when you get on the house boat you sink and drown.
6. Only children. NO BABIES.
7. It doesn't say whether it's a boy or a girl so you end up calling a boy sim Jasmine.
8. After pregnancy the pregnant clothes stay on and she isn't pregnant.
9. It's only a matter of time until the game beings being boring.
10. You only have fifty days for all of the game. (sim days)
11. It isn't worth my sixty bucks.
12. They should've just continued making Sims 2 or 3 PC better instead of dissapointing console verisons.
13. Take about three sim days to starve a sim. (I tried it once with a child. He doesn't die, he gets taken away by social sevices/cops and the parents don't even care.)
14. Once you buy a premade home and want to buy something it won't let you. not on the inside nor on the out. Even when you delete an item it won't let you buy another one either.
15. You can only die from starvation and hunger. (Maybe drownding depending on the sim. I haven't even tried yet.)


1.You can only die from starvation and hunger.
2.Retuning families like the Goth family.
3.More jobs.

In my defense Sims 3 Wii is uncool.
Test Subject
#45 Old 24th Aug 2011 at 3:03 PM
I've never play TS3, but from what I've seen, sims in TS3 looks...plastic.
Test Subject
#46 Old 6th Dec 2011 at 10:35 PM
I had expected the Sims 3 to come out better, since all the ads and stuff had me hyped. But now that it's out, it's horrible. The graphics may be good, but it seems like the creators only focused on the graphics instead of the game play. I mean, you can't add neighborhoods? What is this? The Sims 2 is way better than the Sims 3, no doubt about that.

Llamas, Sims and Houses. Oh, don't forget Objects and Mods!
I Love the Sims 2! (Sorry Sims 3 fans)
Lab Assistant
#47 Old 22nd Dec 2011 at 4:44 AM
I had TS3 on the 360 and it was a major letdown. All the sims just looked like every other sim, like they were all barbie dolls or something. Everything just seemed to be made of plastic and wasn't realistic at all. I did enjoy the color options for object customization but really it was just so boring...I definitely prefer TS2 over TS3. So, yeah...there's my input.
Top Secret Researcher
#48 Old 28th Feb 2012 at 1:54 PM
I brought sims 3 and it was a real let down for me, there is so much worng with it which I can type adout it would porbally need a thread of it's own.

"I know, and it breaks my heart to do it, but we must remain vigilant. If you cannot tell me another way, do not brand me a tyrant!" - knight commander Meredith (dragon age 2)

My sims stories: Witch queen
Nocturnal Dawn
Test Subject
#49 Old 28th Feb 2012 at 4:04 PM
TS3 it's cool only for few features I want in TS2: The recolor tool (I love to change colors and other things) and... no more. LOL
#50 Old 27th May 2012 at 3:56 AM
Every time I try to play it, it takes sixteen hours to load. When it does, it's boring.
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