Original Poster
#1 Old 17th Feb 2010 at 3:25 PM
Default Retrieve lost paintings
Is there a way to get back paintings made on an easel? I inadvertently let a lot get corrupted (I know what I did wrong and I usually catch myself before I do it) and had to move the family out and bulldoze. The only irreplaceable things in there were the deed to the vacation home, Granny's urn (which I should be able to retrieve with mike_1102's Urnstone Spawner) and some still-life paintings. I guess what I'm looking for is a hack that retrieves the painting objects. The images that were painted must still exist somewhere, right?
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#2 Old 17th Feb 2010 at 5:08 PM
I don't think you're going to find a hack for it, but you could try opening up some of your neighborhood files in SimPE and see if it's floating around as an image somewhere - but you might've nuked in bulldozing.

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“Dude, suckin’ at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.”
Panquecas, panquecas e mais panquecas.
Site Helper
#3 Old 17th Feb 2010 at 5:20 PM
Also, if you have a backup of the neighborhood, you might be able to retrieve the paintings from your backup.

Painting are stored in the lot package, in the Texture Image (TXTR) record, with a name of <lot name>!painting_<other stuff>.

Quote: Originally posted by SimMegaptera
The images that were painted must still exist somewhere, right?
No, probably not. Lot packages are overwritten when saved and compression will remove deleted records. Even if the package was never compressed (by the game or externally), SimPE will not show you the contents of deleted records.
Original Poster
#4 Old 17th Feb 2010 at 5:22 PM
Poo! Oh well, thanks.
Site Helper
#5 Old 17th Feb 2010 at 5:30 PM
Sorry, I was updating my post when you posted.
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