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- Bodyshop - Tutorial: MTS2 Mesh Tool Clothing (now with pics) UPDATED 3/22
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- Bodyshop - Tutorial: MTS2 Mesh Tool Clothing (now with pics) UPDATED 3/22
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It has served us well for over a year, helping many meshers get started modifying sims bodies.
The replacement tutorial is found here:
Thank you Brianna and Windkeeper for all you've given to the community.
EDIT (by Numenor and Tiggerypum):
NOTICE: This tutorial makes use of the MeshTool, which prevents the creators to add or remove vertices in the mesh (only moving vertices is allowed).
If you are planning to add/remove vertices in the mesh, then check the Clothing Mesh Tutorial by NeptuneSuzy
Also, be sure to check the additional info included on step 27 - Exporting the original mesh (look for the mark).
NOTICE: this tutorial was written using the old, non-graphic interface of SimPE; this interface, though not completely supported by SimPE's creator any more, still exists, and can be accessed by using the START MENU, and going to the SimPE selection, then choosing: THEME/CLASSIC LOOK [/B].
The new graphic interface has a different layout and some new functions; in any case, the tutorial can be followed either using the standard graphic SimPE, or the Classic one; the decision is up to you
New Clothing Mesh Tutorial by WDS BriAnna
Pictures by Windkeeper
French translation by Rosemat, German translation by Rado, Spanish translation by guppy_gabriel, Russian translation by Ole4ka, Thai translation by lovelysims2 (See links at bottom of post.)
This tutorial will help you alter a clothing mesh. The resulting mesh will be a stand-alone file that doesn't overwrite existing meshes and is expansion pack compliant. This has a lot more steps than making an object mesh.
You can only alter existing meshes, and you can not add parts (hats, purses, etc.) to the mesh.
You will need the following:
A. SimPE 0.32 or later: http://sims.ambertation.de/
B. Delphy and Miche's Sims 2 Mesh tool: http://meshtool.modthesims2.com/
C. A 3D Program that can read and write obj files. (We'll be using Milkshape for the tutorial).
D. Basic knowledge of SimPE and Bodyshop. If you don't have this knowledge, make a skin or two with bodyshop and recolor an object or two with SimPE first. There are tutorials everywhere.)
E. Basic knowledge of the 3d program you picked. I can't teach you how to use every one, but every 3d program has tutorials on the web.
We will remove the hanging back decoration from the full skirt formal dress for this example.
Part I - Creating a temporary texture for testing.
1. Open bodyshop and choose the item you want to alter. It should be similar somewhat to what you would like to end up with (a skirt for a skirt, pants for pants etc.). For this tutorial we're fixing the full skirt formal with the back piece, so we'll pick that. Export it and name it anything you'd like. We won't be keeping it for the final item, so I'll call it MeshTutorialTemp. Import it to your game (tooltip and category don't matter right now). Close bodyshop.
Part II - Finding the mesh parts.
2. Open SimPe.
3. Open the package file you created in bodyshop. (It will be in my documents/ea games/the sims 2/saved sims and it will be named with a hash number at the beginning, an underscore, and then the name you gave it part 1. For example, 7f835c0e_MeshTutorialTemp.package.)
4. Click on property set in the "Packed Files" window. Then click on the plugin view tab in the middle of the screen. Write down or remember the name from the name (dtString) line. In our case, it's afbodydresslongloose_grayline. We only need the "afbodydresslongloose" part so ignore the "_gray". We're done with this file for a while. We'll get back to it later.
5. Make a new folder to keep your project files in.
6. File-Open "C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Sims3D\Sims06.package"
(note: To find meshes from expansion sets, look for them in the corresponding folders, for example: "C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 Open For Business\TSData\Res\Sims3D\Sims06.package")
7. Using the namemap, find the item that matches what you copied down in step 3. [Note: one says lod15 on it. Don't pick that.] Copy the instance field (OxFF70C65F in our case) into the "instance filter" box that's in the top right corner of the screen.
In the newer SimPE - click on the filter tab (with the magnifying glass) and paste the instance field into the 2nd box, click 'set' below it then follow the steps below (added by Tiggerypum)
8. Click on "Resource Node" Only one item should appear in the Packed Files list. Right click on it and hit extract. Put it in the folder you made. Clear the instance filter box. (newer simpe, clear it and click 'set' below it)
9. You've got the resource node (cres), now repeat steps 5-7 for the shape (in sims05.package), the geometric node (gmnd - in sims04.package), and the geometric data container (gmdc - in sims03.package). Remember to empty the instance filter box each time.
Part III - Building your mesh package.
10. Click new in simpe. Leave long index checked.
11. I'm starting to repeat myself, but make sure your instance filter box is empty.
12. Right click in the packed files window and choose add. Go to your project folder and add all 4 files that show up there. All four files should appear in the packed files window (unless you didn't clear your instance filter box -- but you did right? Do it now if not, and the files will appear.)
13. Save your file in the downloads directory. Call it MESH_YournameAfilenameThedate. For example, MESH_WDSGown020505.package.
14. Click "fix integrity" in the PLUGINS menu.
For the New SimPE - it's the TOOLS menu - Object Tools - Fix Integrity
15. A Scenegraph rename wizard window will open.
NEW STEP: Uncheck the box at the bottom that says "UNiVERSITY READY V2" -- our files will still be Expansion Pack compatible, but skin meshes need to be in EP1 format. (The screenshot doesn't show this new box.)
Type your filename in the ModelName box. For mine, it's WDSGown020505. Click update. Then click OK.
16. Save.
17. Extract new copies of your resource node and shape into your project folder. Name them modifiedcres and modifiedshape so you can tell them from the originals.
Part IV - Pointing the temp skin at the new mesh package.
18. Open the package you made in bodyshop (see step 3 for locating it.)
19. Right click in the packed file window and choose add. Pick only the modified cres and modified shape from step 17. They will appear in the packed files window.
20. Go to the 3D ID Referencing File (3IDR). In the plugin view tab, you will see a button that says package. Click it. A window will pop up.
21. Drag your shape and resource node from the popup window into the list on the left. You will now have two shapes and two resource nodes.
22. Click on the resource node at the top of the list and delete it. Click on the shape at the top list and delete it.
23. Move YOUR shape and resource node from the bottom of the list up to the top (resource node first, shape second).
24. Click commit. (If you can't see the commit button - resize your window, it likes to hide.
25. Delete the shape and resource node from the PACKED FILES window. (They were added in step 19, just to make changing the reference easier, and we don't need them in this file anymore.) Then Save your file.
(Note: I like to check in bodyshop now to see if my temp skin is showing up in bodyshop. If it is, I can go on. Your mesh hasn't been modified yet, so you don't know if it's actually grabbing the new one, but the important thing is: if it isn't showing up you messed up. Go back and double check steps 17 and 20-23.)
Part V - Editing your mesh (finally!)
26. Open up your MESH package in simpe.
27. Choose the geometric data container. In the plugin view tab, :here BE SURE THAT THE SELECTOR IS IN "XYZ" POSITION (otherwise their mesh ends up laying down), and then click "Export to OBJ"
:here In the new SimPE - the button is 'EXPORT'. Once you click it, you will be offered various formats - use the 'Maya Object Exporter (.obj)' format.
28. Edit: In the new simpe, you get to name your object file, name it body.obj if it's a whole sim, top.obj if it's a top, bottom.obj if it's a bottom.
29. Open your 3d program, and open up your obj file. (Use import wavefront obj if you're in Milkshape.)
Some tips/rules: a. If you're in Milkshape, uncheck the "auto smooth" box in the groups tab before you move anything, or else you'll get all these weird sharp edges. b. Don't delete any vertices, just move them
As for me, I'm just going to grab the vertices that make up the hangy thing on this gown and move them inside the body where they won't cause more ugly trouble. For anything else, we could probably delete them - but we avoid deleting vertices, remember?
31. Save your file in case you want to make more changes later. Export your obj into your project directory and call it something like mygownforimport.obj.
Part VI - Putting the new mesh into your mesh package file.
32. Open up your MESH package in simpe. Right click on the geometric data container (gmdc) and choose extract. Call it something like originalgmdc.5gd and save it to your project directory.
33. Open Miche & Delphy's mesh tool.
34. Click "sims 3d file" and choose your edited obj file (mygownforimport).
35. Click "load sims 2 mesh" and choose the gmdc from step 32 (originalgmdc.5gd). (You'll have to tell it to show 5gd files at the bottom, it defaults to showing only .simpe files.)The tool uses this as a reference to keep your names and the animation and skeleton data. (By my understanding).
(Note: I've heard that some 3d programs may require you to edit settings with the settings button, for milkshape, I've been leaving everything but overwrite names checked - it works best in my experience. I've also heard that requires you to uncheck "export polygons" for hair. Haven't tried. Let me know. )
37. Click save file (something you can find like editedgown.simpe)
38. Go back into SimPE and reopen your mesh .package file if it's not already open.
39. Right click on the geometric data container and choose replace. Pick your new .simpe package (editedgown.simpe.) Then click commit. Save.
Go see if it works in the game and bodyshop. If it has weird problems like holes, you probably deleted vertices or moved too many too far. If it is still the old one, repeat steps 34-39 and check that you did part IV correctly. If it's just not quite right visually, repeat step 30, 31, and 33-39 until it's wonderful.
Part VII - You're done! You rock!
40. Now you can go back in bodyshop and pick the new thing (the temp skin) and choose it to make a new skin from. You need to have at least one skin with this mesh in it to be able to choose it in bodyshop (obviously), but that first temp skin (the one still using the maxis texture) can go in the garbage once you've made more.
Additional notes:
You can distribute that MESH_ .package with the .zip/.rar file of any skin that needs it, and it'll overwrite itself if your user already has it - as long as you leave the name alone. So, no need to say "grab my ugly green dress and don't ever delete it if you want the pink one". The skins rely only on the MESH_ .package file and not on each other.
I hope you had fun, and I hope it wasn't too hard. It gets easier the more times you do it. I'll put the gown mesh in beta testers for anyone that wants it.
Thanks to Windkeeper for the great screenshots!
Ole4ka wrote a Russian translation -- it also has pictures that may still help English-speaking meshers. http://www.i.morning.ru/~vev/GONZA/...eshTutorial.htm
Rado wrote a German translation. http://people.freenet.de/rado-sims2...al_(German).rar
Rosemat wrote a French translation at her site, Pronup Sims. http://rosemat.chez.tiscali.fr/Sims..._Pronupsims.htm
guppy_gabriel wrote a Spanish translation at site, Guppy Sims.
lovelysims2 wrote a Thai translation.
Thanks so much for the translating work, guys!!
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(Click on the resource node at the top (the one marked [userfile]) and delete it. Click on the shape at the top (the one marked [userfile]) and delete it.)
and SimPE hangs and does not progress any further. Can anyone please assist with anything to resolve this or tell me what could be causing it?
Brianna, thanks for writing this up. I've been wondering how to do this and now I know how.
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did you hit the delete button in the program or on the keyboard? i was having lag when i did it with the keybpard but it was fine with the in program button
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Thanks again... and btw it was a great tutorial and very complete. Thank you.
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Didn't work at all. The model is totally destroyed once brought back into the package and viewed in Body Shop. I didn't delete any vertices. I didn't move anything really far out. It's not even using a texture, it's solid black. Ugh. I did everything mentioned in this tutorial, followed it exactly... doesn't work.
(Somehow, I was expecting this to happen-- everything I attempt doing lately ends up being some huge ordeal that isn't worth the trouble.)
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Can I see your package files, Saikatsu? It's especially weird that it lost your texture. |
Lemme try starting over again... if it still does it after that, I'll post it. :\
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7fc4eccb_MeshTest2.rar (489.4 KB, 395 downloads) - View custom content | ||||||||||
Size Packed Ratio Date Time Attr CRC Meth Ver ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7fc4eccb_MeshTest2.package 571102 501014 87% 05-02-05 23:33 .....A. A215DCFB m3e 2.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 571102 501014 87% |
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I need the other package, too. The one with the gmdc in it. Are you using Milkshape or something else? |
Oh, right. Attaching that.
EDIT: Okay, now I just feel like an idiot, because the file I gave DOES have the GMDC in it. -_- What exactly is it I need to post?
I used MilkShape to convert it to a 3DS then imported that to 3D Studio Max, which I've been able to successfully use to create new object meshes, then exported it to a 3DS again, imported to MilkShape, export to OBJ. I really don't like working in MilkShape, it's poorly designed. :\
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You rock!
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But I suspect that your converting to or back from the 3ds is losing some data. Try (though it sucks) just moving stuff with milkshape (leave 3D Studio Max out of it) and importing back in. If it works, you know it's the converting, and you can try using the obj import/export plugin for 3D Studio Max or another method. If not, then something else is wrong in the tool or elsewhere. Since it's showing up in bodyshop and the game, we know you followed the tutorial exactly.
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Saikatsu, when I open your file, it is the bodyshop package only. The one with the 3IDR, texture, etc. Only one package in your rar file. I need both packages: this and the one that starts MESH_ But I suspect that your converting to or back from the 3ds is losing some data. Try (though it sucks) just moving stuff with milkshape (leave 3D Studio Max out of it) and importing back in. If it works, you know it's the converting, and you can try using the obj import/export plugin for 3D Studio Max or another method. If not, then something else is wrong in the tool or elsewhere. Since it's showing up in bodyshop and the game, we know you followed the tutorial exactly. |
Okay. Confusion on my part, I thought I gave you the one that started with MESH_ x_x
The 3D Studio MAX OBJ plugins don't work. Otherwise, I'd be using them. -.- I don't get how 3DS works fine with objects, but not clothing meshes.
I'll try again with only Milkshape in the morning, I'm too tired and angry to work with it any more at the moment.
MESH_RachelRTestTwo020505.rar (89.2 KB, 317 downloads) - View custom content | ||||||||||
Size Packed Ratio Date Time Attr CRC Meth Ver ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MESH_RachelRTestTwo020505.package 741406 91210 12% 05-02-05 23:57 .....A. E680090E m3e 2.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 741406 91210 12% |
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Good luck.
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I've tried to trace the error and as far as I can tell, it seems that either the Mesh Tool does not alter the gmdc with the obj, or replacing the gmdc in the package with the one produced with the Mesh Tool does not work. Because if I try to export the obj again, AFTER I've imported the edited one, the original mesh shows up!
I have absolutely no idea what to do. Have anyone else had this problem and solved it, or can anyone think of a possible solution? I would more than appreciate it, thank you.
Btw. I'm using Blender to import/export and edit the obj's... If that helps.
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