Story Time Contest - Round 5 Scores, Final Scores and BONUS!
I have been viewing and participating in contests for about a year now. I have noticed that most contests deal with making sims and then there are the build contests. I wanted to do something a bit different that would still challenge the contestants while still being fun to participate in.
Qualifications- Participated through all rounds of MTS Official Foundations contest
- Was judge for Lifelover’s Build to Plan contest
- Was emergency judge for missroxor’s Make Me a Model contest

Each contestant will create a main character (see rules below for guidelines) and write a story about them in 4-5 chapters. Sounds easy? There are some twists: each round will consist of certain events/things that need to take place in the story as well as incorporating a certain line/excerpt from a book that will have to be in the contestant’s entry. The story must flow from round to round, with the same main character, finally coming to a conclusion. It can be a happy ending, or tragic or a cliffhanger (maybe this will prompt people to continue in the Sims Stories forum) or somewhere between those.
The contest will be set up in 5 rounds; starting with your introduction and ending with your conclusion. Each round will be a week long. Extensions may be granted but are not likely so please use your time wisely!
Contest Rules:
1. Forum rules apply.
2. Sims 2 and 3 allowed.
3. One entry is allowed per person. Round 1 counts as your application round.
4. CC is allowed. However, please make sure to follow MTS rules for CC; no pay content.
See below for scoring related to CC.
5. There will be no eliminations.
6. Photoshop is at the extreme minimal. By this, I mean that you can add a border to your pictures, but that is it. No words, no adding images, no changing backgrounds, lighting, etc.
7. No recycled or “borrowed stories”. All stories must be original and new. If you have a story in the Sims Stories forum you MAY NOT use it. If I find you have (or have borrowed a story from the forum or anywhere else) you will be disqualified.
8. There will be a photo limit per story as well as word limit per picture. This will be stated per round. Compliance to these limits is scored. To get your word count, either use Microsoft Word, if you have it, or
Word Counter. After testing several of the Round 1 entries, this was the most accurate in terms of matching Word. Pictures should follow upload guidelines: minimum of 800x600 up to a maximum of 1280x1060.
9. Grammar and spelling will NOT be judged. Please try your best but it is more important that the story is understandable and flows.
Story Rules:
10. Stories may be whatever genre and setting each contestant desires: drama, romance, fantasy, etc but make sure it can flow throughout the rounds and that CC adherence is possible.
11. Likewise, characters may be any age or species. Remember, the story will come to a conclusion; young adult or adult sims may be easiest but selection is up to the contestant’s discretion.
12. All main characters must be made by the contestant and must fit your story.
13. Stories may be written in first or third person. Again, this is up to contestant discretion but be consistent throughout all rounds.
14. Events/things and excerpt must be included each round. Excerpts must be written exactly the way they appear. If you choose to change the tense or wording, that is up to you but you risk losing points.
15. Story must be PG-13. Also, please keep cursing to a minimum and RELEVANT to your story or character. I'm not saying you CAN'T use curse words but please be thoughtful in how/why the character would use those words.
Round Explanations:
Each round will be explained in detail below. Bonus Rounds may include introducing a character or incorporating a second line into the story. Bonus Rounds are done in conjunction with your entry, not as a separate one.
There is a list below that has a list of 20 events/objects/themes (
5 rounds, 2 per round means that you will only use half) that you may choose from; 2 per chapter. Additionally, you may not reuse any idea in subsequent chapters; once YOU use it, it's gone. Previously used themes may be discussed in subsequent chapters as long as there are 2 new ones. Also, you may not use new addition to family and twins, betrayal and forbidden love or funeral and tomb in the same chapter. Anything else goes and you can work it in however you want. Everything should be base game compatible. (
Tomb, graduation, etc, does not have to be the expansion versions, be creative).
- Wedding
- Twins
- Funeral
- Tomb
- Adventure
- Paranormal Character
- Graduation
- Ambrosia
- Meteor Shower
- Mysterious Gnome
- New Addition to Family
- Emperor of Evil
- Dish best served cold
- Chance meeting
- Betrayal
- Forbidden love
- Hobo/homeless
- Murder
- Dog days
- Financial Times
Please remember that not all events/objects/themes have to be taken literally and at face value. It's about creativity as long as it is clear what two things you chose for each entry. You should not have to list your choices for the judges.
CREATIVITY 40 points overall:
- Originality of story 10 points: Is your story unique and interesting? If it is a specific archetype do you use an unexpected twist?
- Use of excerpt 10 points: Is your excerpt expected? Does it blend in with the story or is it plopped randomly in?
- Development of character 10 points: Are your characters flat, one sided sims or realistic and multi-faceted? Do they have believable reactions/dialogue? Are the extraneous characters fluff or do they add to the story?
- Events 10 points: Do the events you choose work well with the overall plot? Are the two themes tied together well? Do they make sense to be used together?
SCENES 30 points overall:
- # of pictures 10 points: Did you have the correct number of pictures for the round?
- Mood, storyline 10 points: Did your words mentally set a stage for us? Did the use of descriptive words help us “feel” the scene?
- Use of props/staging 10 points: Did you choose appropriate scenes/props for the mood you were going for? If you are doing medieval, did you have a TV in the background? Are your angles relevant to the specific scene they are portraying?
FLOW 20 points: Does the story flow cohesively from one point to the next? Are your rounds consistent with each other?
RULE ADHERENCE 5 points: Were the events and excerpt included in your entry? Did you use photoshop? Are your word limits in line with what is stated each round? Did you use pay content? Did you use the entry form?
(It is up to each judge to determine how much to penalize if a contestant goes over the word max up to a max of 5 points)
CC 5 points: Exclusion of CC makes creators really think and be creative with what is in game. Therefore, contestants will receive 5 points if no CC is used and 0 points if any is used. You MUST state if you used CC at the bottom of your entry. If you do not, it will be assumed that it has been used. Note: Custom worlds, poses, and store content does not count as CC.
AMENDMENT to CC RULE: Skin/hair/eyes can be used without penalty but please be sure to let judges know that you used them. Other CC, including build/buy content or clothes/accessories will count towards the points. For contestants with TS2, recolors for Maxis objects are also allowed and will not be counted as CC.
BONUS 10 points: Did your use of the bonus content really help move your story along? If so, how well? Was it used in an expected way?
(Judges may award between 0 for no use at all and 10 for well incorporated, creative use of bonus)
Constructive criticism from the judges is encouraged but not mandatory.
Helpful Links
How to Write a Good Story: Used for the Sims Stories Forum but useful here as well. Continuity and Picture chapters are particularly helpful.
Picture Taking Tutorial: Can be used in Conjunction with above to get great pictures.
Elements of a Short Story: May help you better plot things out and get a better of idea of how to navigate a short story.
Round 1 – Prologue Countdown
Guidelines: Round 1 should set the tone of your story. From here, readers should be able to get a general idea what genre you are going for. This can be set up through a prologue or just diving straight into your first chapter. Remember, each subsequent chapter will need to add to this one. This round will be a little longer than the rest, as stated above. Submit 10 pictures, approximately 100 words per picture (roughly 1 paragraph).
Excerpt: “It was times like these when I thought my father, who hated guns and had never been to any wars, was the bravest man who ever lived.” Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
Round 1: Bonus
Worth 10 points: Include second excerpt: “By watching her, I began to think there was some skill involved in being a girl.” Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird
Round 2 – Rising Action -
Round 2 should be where your audience can begin to see what the climax of the story will be. You should be building up to something whether it be struggle or joy but this chapter should help lead us there. Because you are building up more and possibly have more dialogue, you need a
maximum of 15 pictures, minimum of 10 and a
maximum of 2,000 words, minimum of 1,200.
Excerpt: Choose
ONE of the following quotes.
“Burdens are for shoulders strong enough to carry them.” Margaret Mitchell, Gone With the Wind
“It was better to know the worst than to wonder.” Margaret Mitchell, Gone With the Wind
Round 2: Bonus
Worth 10 points
Introduce Jude Campbell into your story. He should give your character a different version of events, help your character see things from another/his point of view. It’s not necessary for your character to agree with him and he does not have to appear after this chapter. He can if you want him to though. You may change his clothes and hair and give him different traits/personality but not his overall looks; he should still be recognizable as the sim you downloaded. You are NOT allowed to age him. He is an adult (not young adult) but if you would like to add make up to give him some wrinkles or scars or eyebags or anything else you may. You may also change his hair color to whatever you would like.
Make sure to get the right version for your game Ts2/Ts3!
Please include a brief summary (around 100 words) before your entry.
See Example
Also, please include information listed below your entry:
Current Events: What did you use this chapter?
Previous Events: Here you will keep a running list of what you have already used.
Word Count:
CC Used: Allowed ____, Penalized: ____ This can be as simple as a yes/no response

ForeverCamp is my TS2 creator for Jude Campbell so a huge thank you to her!
Round 3 - Climax - Countdown
This should be the center conflict and turning point in your story. Leave your readers hanging on the edge of their seat? What could happen? Will things be resolved or not? You need a
maximum of 13 pictures, minimum of 10 and a
maximum of 1,500 words, minimum of 1,000.
Excerpt: “I wished to be loved by another, but I desire no man's pity.” J.R.R Tolkien, The Return of the King
Round 3: Bonus
Worth 10 points
Include second excerpt: “Time doesn't seem to pass here: it just is.” J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
OR include an extra 300 words and 3 pictures (in black and white) of a flashback to a time before your story began. (If you choose the second option, you need a
maximum of 16 pictures, minimum of 13 and a
maximum of 1,800 words, minimum of 1,300.
Please include a brief summary (around 100 words) before your entry.
Also, please include information listed below your entry:
Current Events: What did you use this chapter?
Previous Events: Here you will keep a running list of what you have already used.
Word Count:
CC Used: Allowed ____, Penalized: ____ This can be as simple as a yes/no response
Round 4 – Falling Action - Countdown
Your story should start coming together at this point. Will your conflict that has been introduced be resolved? Your readers should be able to tell where the story is going and if your character will be able to settle the issues. you need a maximum of 12 pictures, minimum of 9 and a maximum of 1,200 words, minimum of 1,000.
Excerpt: Choose ONE of the following quotes.
“Never take an oath unless you're sure you would rather die than break it” Ken Follett, Pillars of the Earth
“Hunger is the best seasoning.” Ken Follett, Pillars of the Earth
Round 4: Bonus
Worth 10 points
Choose a third event/theme from the main list of 20 and incorporate it along with the 2 required ones.
Please include a brief summary (around 100 words) before your entry.
Also, please include information listed below your entry:
Current Events: What did you use this chapter?
Previous Events: Here you will keep a running list of what you have already used.
Word Count:
CC Used: Allowed ____, Penalized: ____ This can be as simple as a yes/no response
Round 5 – Conclusion - Countdown
This is the final series of events. Will your characters have a happy ending? Is everything all wrapped up in a neat bow? Whatever direction your story took, your readers should feel some sense of closure. If you choose to make it a cliffhanger, close out the direction your story took to begin with and make the cliffhanger a new twist. Maximum word allowance is 2000, maximum picture allowance is 15.
Excerpt: Choose
ONE of the following quotes.
“You've got to be quick on your feet in this world if you want to survive. Though once you know the rules, it’s not too hard to play the game.” Bryce Courtenay, The Power of One
“I learned that in each of us there burns a flame of independence that must never be allowed to go out. That as long as it exists within us we cannot be destroyed.” Bryce Courtenay, The Power of One
“But I was still alive, and in my book, where there's life, there's hope.” Bryce Courtenay, The Power of One
Round 5: Bonus
Worth 10 points
Pick a quote. Any quote. Yes, I mean any. Choose from a book that you like and use it.
Please include a brief summary (around 100 words) before your entry.
Also, please include information listed below your entry:
Current Events: What did you use this chapter?
Previous Events: Here you will keep a running list of what you have already used.
Word Count:
CC Used: Allowed ____, Penalized: ____ This can be as simple as a yes/no response
Bonus Quote: If used, state the quote, author, and book, like each excerpt has been formatted previously.
Attached files:
Jude Campbell_TS2.rar (122.6 KB, 14 downloads)
- View custom content
Size Packed Ratio Date Time Attr CRC Meth Ver
Jude Campbell.Sims2Pack
179406 125468 69% 21-10-11 15:34 .....A. 919BBEB4 m3c 2.9
1 179406 125468 69%
TS3_JudeCampbell.rar (409.5 KB, 25 downloads)
- View custom content
Size Packed Ratio Date Time Attr CRC Meth Ver
346582 332297 95% 20-10-11 19:11 .....A. D79F56F4 m3d 2.9
114692 86926 75% 20-10-11 19:13 .....A. 60176E3C m3d 2.9
2 461274 419223 90%
Heaven Sims |
Avendale Legacy
"On the internet, you can be anything you want. It's strange that so many people choose to be stupid."