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#51 Old 16th Oct 2017 at 2:34 AM
I think one should clean out some of their CC every so often. Some of it is never used for example and that doesn't count stuff that is not done right.

Michael Bachelor looks fine at the moment.

I like the dress and hair on Florence Delarosa.

There are a couple of dresses that I like one the party guests, The one with the striped hose and the one that is orange, with a corset top and fish net hose. Where did you get those? I have dresses that look a lot like the orange one, but I don't have that colour.

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#52 Old 16th Oct 2017 at 3:07 AM
Quote: Originally posted by lordtyger9
I think one should clean out some of their CC every so often. Some of it is never used for example and that doesn't count stuff that is not done right.

Michael Bachelor looks fine at the moment.

I like the dress and hair on Florence Delarosa.

There are a couple of dresses that I like one the party guests, The one with the striped hose and the one that is orange, with a corset top and fish net hose. Where did you get those? I have dresses that look a lot like the orange one, but I don't have that colour.

Thanks for the comment, and I agree about the CC cleaning..., Michael will stay with that look for a while, and the Florence’s dress is representing her love for the flowers and her business.

And for the dresses of the party, they are from MTS!!, here is a bundle with a lot of costumes!!!
Top Secret Researcher
#53 Old 17th Oct 2017 at 3:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by srtv
Thanks for the comment, and I agree about the CC cleaning..., Michael will stay with that look for a while, and the Florence’s dress is representing her love for the flowers and her business.

And for the dresses of the party, they are from MTS!!, here is a bundle with a lot of costumes!!!

Ahh thanks for the Link, but the ones that I wanted the Mime dress and the Witch dress require Free Time which I don't have.

for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here
Curiosity killed the cat,
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#54 Old 18th Oct 2017 at 9:01 PM Last edited by srtv : 26th Aug 2018 at 6:24 PM.
Today I played with the O’Leary family, this couple have the same name from a previous family that I played with my first Sims 2 game, but since I lost all that years ago, I remade them with better features that I found on the net. (Becky is Autumn here and Luke is Bentley here )

Becky and Luke are a young couple that move from the city to Old Town, and now lives in Riverside near the Baxter family and Vincent Moore, they are nice and polite, but a little bit vain, that’s the reason the people doesn't like them.

Both of them are searching for fun and adventures, that’s the main goal since they moved here. Luke is a very handsome guy, but a faithful one. Becky is happy with their life in Old Town, but they are not having too many friends, so it was a great surprise to receive an invitation to the Halloween Party of the Baxter’s, she knows that party will be very exclusive so she accepted right away.

Right now Becky is trying to choose which costume is going to wear that night, Sarah Baxter sent an invitation with Costumes choices, because she doesn’t want anyone repeat costumes, right now all the costumes are available, so she is free to choose one for her and one for Luke.

(The models on the invitation are my Testers Sims, they love the attention...)

Pictures with more detail...
I want to go out
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#55 Old 19th Oct 2017 at 6:30 PM
I wonder which costumes they will pick?

I love your tester family, srtv- they look like a lot of fun!

Great pictures, do you make your own houses?

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
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#56 Old 19th Oct 2017 at 6:38 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
I wonder which costumes they will pick?

I love your tester family, srtv- they look like a lot of fun!

Great pictures, do you make your own houses?

Thanks for the comment, right now I don't know which costumes they will get, maybe I will need some advice...

Yes, the Tester family is great, I have 11 playable Sims in my Tester Hood, all of them are living in two houses, so the drama is always on...

About the last question, that's a big NO, I don't have the skills to build beautiful houses, so many of them are from the original subhoods that I downloaded from MTS (Riverside, Bitville, etc.) and others are from Tumblr or MTS like single downloads... I believe this one is from MTS, I can check if you want!

Edit: I found it, the house is right here in MTS from Sim_Me and it's called Layered Cottage here
Link Ninja
#57 Old 20th Oct 2017 at 1:07 AM
YES!!! I love costume parties IRL and sims plays! I love your invitation, and seeing what other little extra things people can do for their games to give it a sense of community like this. Back when I had my first hood, I had a goal to have a Halloween party and this was before I ever used hacks type mods so I manually went into EVERY household, made them GO OUT and BUY a costume, Made them CHANGE into it and save before coming back to my sims' house and throwing it by using the invite neighborhood cheat. It was a slow party but fun and sims dressed as farmers or surfers or hula girls about 20-30 sims total and I didn't have any CC costumes either. I would of course, never go through that process again without the simblender and the gussy up mod though. Be sure to post pics of your costume party <333

Uh oh! My social bar is low - that's why I posted today.

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#58 Old 25th Oct 2017 at 5:38 PM Last edited by srtv : 26th Aug 2018 at 6:25 PM.
Sarah Baxter is trying to exercise to fit in her Halloween Costume...

I was wondering if some of you want to help me choose the costumes for some of the guest, if you say yes, I will post the costumes and the photos of the guest to made things more easy...
Link Ninja
#59 Old 25th Oct 2017 at 8:51 PM
I was wondering if some of you want to help me choose the costumes for some of the guest, if you say yes, I will post the costumes and the photos of the guest to made things more easy...

That would be fun!

Uh oh! My social bar is low - that's why I posted today.

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#60 Old 26th Oct 2017 at 4:52 AM Last edited by srtv : 26th Aug 2018 at 6:26 PM.
If someone wants to help with the decision of the costumes, it will be interesting to give control of my Sims to others... Maybe this could result in good stories to my city.

Here are some of the confirmed guests to the Halloween Party of the Baxters, I don’t put any of the children, elders or the Baxters themselves, because they have another costumes not featured in the catalogue.

A little description of the Guests:

Left to right:
Luke O’Leary, husband of Becky, a handsome young man, ready to party and to impress anyone on the Town, he doesn’t have any friends right now, because he talk too much about himself.
Becky O’Leary, wife of Luke, a beautiful and classy lady that loves the fashion and the gossips, she doesn’t have friends in Old Town, because the people thinks that she and Luke are too vain.
Riley Harlow, she lives with her mother and aunt in the Center of Old Town, she arrived to this city to escape from a really bad relationship. Right now she is engaged with Vincent Moore.
Vincent Moore, a multimillionaire that lives in Riverside, handsome and intelligent, with a previous relationship with Samantha Hayden, he started to meet Riley Harlow and now they are engaged, he bought a house to Samantha, but to this date still doesn’t tell the true about his engagement.
Samantha Hayden, beauty, smart and dangerous, Samantha arrived to Old Town following Vincent to try to marry him, but she also have like 10 more plans, so she met a lot of single guys and others not so much like Don Baxter. She likes to have a backup plan in case that Vincent doesn’t propose her.
Aretha Edgcumbe, mother of Ariadne, that’s the reason she is invited to the party, she doesn’t know many of this people and the rumors say that she and her mother are some kind of witches. She is having a romance with a guy from the downtown.
Johnny Cullen, ambitious and selfish guy, he only wants to gain power and money. He accepted this invitation to meet new and influential people.
Rufus Parker, humble guy and the new couple of Sarah Baxter, neither Alex nor Don know about this romance. Rufus is also the lost son of the Oldies.
Lupita Twynson, a glamorous girl that caught the attention of Don Baxter, that’s the reason he invited her to the party.
Solange Cameron, a perfect liar, she is only invited to the party because of her daughter Tina.
Mission Monty, wife of Antonio Monty, she cheated on her former husband Ethan Stardust with Antonio, mother of the youngest son of Antonio: Luke. She was invited to the party to accompany to Beatrice and Benedick, the other children of Antonio.
Jack Thompson, brother of Sarah Baxter and husband of Cyd Roseland, he lives happily in Bluewater Village.
Cyd Roseland, is the husband of Jack Thompson and owner of a Pet Shop in Bluewater Village.

Here are the Halloween Costumes...

The hair, makeup and accessories will be added prior the start of the Party...(The models like always are the Test Hood Sims)...
Link Ninja
#61 Old 26th Oct 2017 at 5:52 AM Last edited by Charmful : 26th Oct 2017 at 4:44 PM.
My Votes:

Samantha Hayden - Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad because she's dangerous and wants to attract many men

Johnny Cullen - Dracula because Dracula is a powerful character and Johnny wants power plus it's kind of classy and won't embarrass himself in front of important friends.

Luke O'Leary - Pirate Captain Batman because that is in right now and he wants to impress, also matches his wife's costume

Becky O'Leary - Harley Quinn catsuit because she would want to maybe do a couples costume with her husband and Harley and Batman are from the same comics. Plus she and Samantha could be mad at each other for being the same character and then Becky starts a rumor about Samantha to make her own gossip.

Lupita Twynson - the circus leader (1st) costume and DOn Baxter's jaw will hit the floor and be so thankful he invited her still

Just some thoughts!

Uh oh! My social bar is low - that's why I posted today.

Top Secret Researcher
#62 Old 26th Oct 2017 at 7:54 AM
I don't know the names of the Sims, so I am going to use Numbers. and I don't always know the name of the costume so numbers as well, counting from the left to right.

Sim #1, I pick Costume #2 or Costume #1
Sim #2, I pick Costume #2...I love the orange skirt, it goes with her hair.
Sim #3, I pick Costume #2 the Harlequin.
Sim #4, I pick Costume #1 Batman
Sim #5, I pick Costume #2 Toga? or #4 Iron Man?

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Curiosity killed the cat,
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I want to go out
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#63 Old 26th Oct 2017 at 12:17 PM
Luke O’Leary- Batman fourth row left- if he saves the entire city, all will like him!
Becky O’Leary- Costume on the second row, far right- is it a pesant girl? Anyway, it will make her less vain and will get people talking to her.
Riley Harlow- Costume in the third row, far right- looks like snow white or maybe a princess. Anyway she'll be the belle of the ball!
Vincent Moore- Jester costume on last row as it will make him lighten up!
Samantha Hayden- Black and red outfit on the third row, as she can be tricky and not all as she seems!
Aretha Edgcumbe- Dress on far right of the top row, looks witchy enough to play with people's minds but also very glamorous.
Johnny Cullen- Dracula outfit on bottom row- as he's a bloodsucker!
Rufus Parker- He can be the knight in shining armour- bottom row far right.
Lupita Twynson- The skimpy outfit top row second from left. Should give Don plenty to look at!
Solange Cameron- Ringleader costume top row left- people will beware of her in that costume.
Mission Monty- Jester outfit third row left, so that she will have fun and cause some more scandals!
Jack Thompson- Brown costume fourth row right as it looks the same colour as Cyd's dog's fur!
Cyd Roseland- Toga outfit on the bottom row- I always fancied Cyd as a bit of a mythological hero. :lovestruc

Can't wait to see what everyone chooses!

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
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#64 Old 26th Oct 2017 at 2:20 PM Last edited by srtv : 26th Oct 2017 at 2:41 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by lordtyger9
I don't know the names of the Sims, so I am going to use Numbers. and I don't always know the name of the costume so numbers as well, counting from the left to right.

Sim #1, I pick Costume #2 or Costume #1
Sim #2, I pick Costume #2...I love the orange skirt, it goes with her hair.
Sim #3, I pick Costume #2 the Harlequin.
Sim #4, I pick Costume #1 Batman
Sim #5, I pick Costume #2 Toga? or #4 Iron Man?

@lordtyger9 You are choosing in the botton row of the Sims right?

@simsample about the peasant looking costume she is Rey from the Star Wars Force Awakens...
Field Researcher
#65 Old 26th Oct 2017 at 10:19 PM
I like your concept of populating the town by lottery, and the famlies and their stories are interesting. Dratted photobucket -- I wish I could see all those early pictures to go along with the stories!

SIMelissa, I lived under the same rock until a few years ago. I had no idea about default replacements, mods, backing up my game, creating empty hoods, and the biggest game changer of them all, ACR. I have extracted a born-in-game sim using the tutorial srtv linked and it worked perfectly.

I agree in theory about CC cleaning, but I never seem to actually do it.

The costume thing is fun! My ideas:

If Luke and Becky O'Leary are actually vain, and Luke at leasts seems to be, I think they'd want a theme they could do together and they'd want to look good and/or sexy. So I agree with Charmful about going with the Batman/Harley Quinn costumes. Both costumes would show off their bodies.

Riley Harlow is recovering from a bad relationship and starting a new life. She might want something less sexy, something safe that wouldn't draw negative attention. The princess costume to the far right in the third row would be nice.

Vincent Moore might want to keep it classy and classic with the Dracula costume.

Samantha Hayden probably wants something smoldering and sexy, maybe the last costume in the first row.

If Aretha Edgcumbe has a good sense of humor, she'd go with a witchy-looking costume, maybe the orange and black costume in the second row.

Johnny Cullen would probably fight Vincent for the Dracula costume for the same reasons -- classy, classic, and powerful.

Lupita Twynson in the dancer's outfit, second costume in the top row.

Solange Cameron in the third costume in the top row. Sexy, but not inappropriate for a parent.

Mission Monty in the first costume in the first row. Totally appropriate for someone accompanying and caring for kids, but still lets her show off her legs a bit.

Rufus Parker, Jack Thompson, and Cyd Roseland I don't have a good feel for, so nothing particularly jumps out at me as the perfect costume choice.
Top Secret Researcher
#66 Old 26th Oct 2017 at 11:04 PM Last edited by lordtyger9 : 26th Oct 2017 at 11:16 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by srtv
@lordtyger9 You are choosing in the botton row of the Sims right?

@simsample about the peasant looking costume she is Rey from the Star Wars Force Awakens...

I chose from the Sims in the Spoiler below where it says-> Here are the Halloween Costumes...

Like I said I didn't know what the names of the Sims wearing the costumes were, I just went by inspiration as to which costume to choose among the choices. Next time if you could have captions on the Sims in the costumes? I did not figure out who was who very well as you can see.

Maybe I misunderstood what was wanted? I don't know. Like I said I didn't know who was who very well.

BTW yesterday I cleaned out some Glasses in my glasses subfolder and cleaned out some Jewelry in my jewelry subfolder. I have everything in subfolders mostly by type then by creator inside the subfolder.

for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here
Curiosity killed the cat,
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#67 Old 27th Oct 2017 at 4:19 AM
Quote: Originally posted by lordtyger9
I chose from the Sims in the Spoiler below where it says-> Here are the Halloween Costumes...

Like I said I didn't know what the names of the Sims wearing the costumes were, I just went by inspiration as to which costume to choose among the choices. Next time if you could have captions on the Sims in the costumes? I did not figure out who was who very well as you can see.

Maybe I misunderstood what was wanted? I don't know. Like I said I didn't know who was who very well.

BTW yesterday I cleaned out some Glasses in my glasses subfolder and cleaned out some Jewelry in my jewelry subfolder. I have everything in subfolders mostly by type then by creator inside the subfolder.

The sims in the costumes were only models, the Guest are up along with the descriptions..., maybe both are confuse about this...

I only have my downloads folder divided by categories like "Objects" "Hair", "Mesh", etc. I used a lot the Delphy Download Organizer to try to keep all in place, but I have like 20.000 files in my DL folder right now
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#68 Old 27th Oct 2017 at 4:56 AM Last edited by srtv : 27th Oct 2017 at 5:40 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by Cher64
I like your concept of populating the town by lottery, and the famlies and their stories are interesting. Dratted photobucket -- I wish I could see all those early pictures to go along with the stories!

@Cher64 I'm going to replace the photos that are missing, I have the pictures on my computer, only I need some time...
Top Secret Researcher
#69 Old 27th Oct 2017 at 6:18 AM Last edited by lordtyger9 : 27th Oct 2017 at 6:50 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by srtv
The sims in the costumes were only models, the Guest are up along with the descriptions..., maybe both are confuse about this...

I only have my downloads folder divided by categories like "Objects" "Hair", "Mesh", etc. I used a lot the Delphy Download Organizer to try to keep all in place, but I have like 20.000 files in my DL folder right now

I clearly misunderstood what the point was as I did not realize that the Sims in the Costumes were Models.

I have 10 158 files, but I sorted them all by hand as I can't use the Delphy Download Organizer.

Voting redone:

If I don't know what exactly the costume is called I am using #,# notation which means row #, Item # in the Models list...I hope that this is clear. I mostly don't know the name of the costume, so I am going to use numbers a lot.

Luke and Becky O'Leary Batman and 3,3 I like the combination of these two.

Riley Harlow 3,4

Vincent Moore 4,1

Samantha Hayden 2,3

Aretha Edgcumbe 2,2 Witch?

Johnny Cullen 5,2

Rufus Parker 4,2

Lupita Twynson 1,4

Solange Cameron 3,2

Mission Monty 3,1

Jack Thompson 4,4

Cyd Roseland 5,4

I hope that my voting makes sense

for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here
Curiosity killed the cat,
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#70 Old 29th Oct 2017 at 2:00 AM Last edited by srtv : 26th Aug 2018 at 6:28 PM.
@lordtyger9 @Cher64 @simsample @Charmful

Thanks for all the choices for the Halloween Party, tomorrow I will finish the voting.

Sarah Baxter asked Don to invite the remaining guests, and the requisite was that they come from families with a lot of money and power.Don searched a lot and decided the two families they need to invite to the party.

First he called Cassandra Goth to invite her and her husband Francis along with Cassandra's little brother. She elegantly denied the invitation due to timing issues, but the true was that Cassandra hate the idea of connect her family with people like the Baxters with all of their dramas and love affairs.

Then, Don called to the Cleveland's family and talk with Marissa and she accepted the invitation, but ask him if she can give them to someone else if she can’t go, and Don says yes.

Marissa love the idea of create a chaos in that party, so she called her brother Geoff and told him about the party and give him two invitations, Geoff love the parties so he quickly accepted and told his friend Denis that they will "crush" the party.

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#71 Old 29th Oct 2017 at 2:26 AM Last edited by srtv : 26th Aug 2018 at 6:30 PM.
I want to give you all a look of the costumes of the other guests, the ones that not participate in the voting process.

First, Thomas Thompson the father of Sarah Baxter and former father-in-law of Don. He will attend to the party with her new girlfriend Denise Jacquet. In the photo appears Virginia, the sister of Sarah and one of the current girlfriends of Don, for obvious reasons, this time she is not welcome in the party.

Here we have to Denise Jacquet, the mother of Gilbert and new girlfriend of Thomas Thompson, for Denise this is a perfect opportunity to meet the family of Thomas and see if they are worthy of meet his beloved son Gilbert.

Now the children. First we have Ariadne Edgcumbe, daughter of Aretha, she is a good friend of Alex Baxter, so that’s the reason she is invited.

Then we have Tina Cameron, daughter of Solange and Brad Cameron, she is also a good friend of Alex, but not a good girl by the way.

Finally we have the twins Beatrice and Benedick, sons of Antonio Monty. They were invited because of the importance of their last name and family.

The big extra is Denis and Geoff the "special guests" of the party... they are ready to rock and to conquest the ladies of the party...

Top Secret Researcher
#72 Old 29th Oct 2017 at 2:18 AM
@srtv Wonderful Pictures, I love the ones with the Sims on the phone.

Great Costumes on all of them.

for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
Field Researcher
#73 Old 29th Oct 2017 at 8:45 PM
The kids in their costumes are the cutest. I can't wait to see what happens with the surprise appearance of Denis and Geoff!
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#74 Old 30th Oct 2017 at 3:32 AM Last edited by srtv : 26th Aug 2018 at 6:31 PM.
The results are here:

Luke O'Leary will use the Batman costume with 4 votes
Becky O'Leary will use the Harley Quinn Catsuit with 3 votes
Riley Harlow will use the Anna from Frozen dress with 3 votes
Vincent Moore will use the Jester costume with 1 vote, because the others costumes were taken by others...
Samantha Hayden will use the sexy goth dress with 1 vote
Aretha Edgcumbe will use the black and orange costume with 2 votes
Johnny Cullen will use the Dracula costume with 3 votes
Rufus Parker will use the Iron Man Medieval costume with 1 vote
Lupita Twynson will use the Sexy Dancer costume with 2 votes
Solange Cameron will use the Harley Quinn Suicide Squad costume with 1 vote
Mission Monty will use the Jester costume with 2 votes
Jack Thompson will use the Knight costume with 2 votes
and Cyd Roseland will use the Toga with 1 vote

Thanks to all for your votes and wonderful ideas for the Halloween Party!

A little preview of Johnny Cullen's look...

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#75 Old 1st Nov 2017 at 9:42 PM Last edited by srtv : 26th Aug 2018 at 6:31 PM.
The guests are arriving right now. Sarah Baxter prepared a special place to take photos for the arrivals, she wishes the photos appear in a social magazine, but maybe that won’t happen.

The first couple that arrived to the party, Riley Harlow and Vincent Moore, they took a moment before taking his picture, showing their romance, Sarah thought that was unnecessary, but Vincent is one of her favorite guest, so she is ready to attend him very well.

Vincent doesn’t know that Samantha Hayden will appear at the party, that will cause some uncomfortable moments for him, and of course many explanations to Riley and Samantha.

Riley Harlow as Anna from Frozen and Vincent Moore as a Jester
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