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#1 Old 16th May 2017 at 6:05 PM
Easier University Majors with less skills
I would need University Majors that would basically let my sims pass with fewer skill points learnt per year, because my lifespan is long and my sims have reduced skill learning speed. I don't want my sims to graduate with 2-3 skills maxed, that's way too much in proportion to my life span that is longer than normal so even what game considers as success is a disaster for me. Nor do I want every premade teen to be destined to fail it no matter what they do, other than abusing aspiration rewards. So whether they fail or not, I always end up with some sort of issue. Currently all I can do is cheat and double every skill point they learn there and cut their all skill points to half when they get out, but that sucks and isn't accurate since different levels of same skill are learnt different speed. If there is any custom uni majors that you know that have low skill count, I'd be interested. I'd like if my sims could go to uni, learn decent amount of skill points and then start out as something like nurse or assistant after they finished their education.
#2 Old 16th May 2017 at 7:40 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Acadia
I would need University Majors that would basically let my sims pass with fewer skill points learnt per year, because my lifespan is long and my sims have reduced skill learning speed. I don't want my sims to graduate with 2-3 skills maxed, that's way too much in proportion to my life span that is longer than normal so even what game considers as success is a disaster for me. Nor do I want every premade teen to be destined to fail it no matter what they do, other than abusing aspiration rewards. So whether they fail or not, I always end up with some sort of issue. Currently all I can do is cheat and double every skill point they learn there and cut their all skill points to half when they get out, but that sucks and isn't accurate since different levels of same skill are learnt different speed. If there is any custom uni majors that you know that have low skill count, I'd be interested. I'd like if my sims could go to uni, learn decent amount of skill points and then start out as something like nurse or assistant after they finished their education.

I don't know about such a custom major. But I have made majors myself.
I like this idea.
I don't mind making such majors as a second version of mine.
But maybe I can start with a default replacement of the Maxis majors to test this out.
I don't have time to play much myself and to test it thorougly. Maybe you can help me with that.
What do you think?

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#3 Old 16th May 2017 at 8:12 PM
Yes, absolutely yes! I'd love to. I like idea of defaults since Maxis majors are just crazy.
#4 Old 16th May 2017 at 9:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Acadia
Yes, absolutely yes! I'd love to. I like idea of defaults since Maxis majors are just crazy.

I suggest keeping the same skills for every major like they are except maybe split them in half.
That also means that if default only 1 skillpoint is needed (that's 100 in simpe) I can change it into 50.
The only problem is that I don't know how the game will react a sim gets a higher bar when only half the skillpoint is reached. And that's just the thing that needs to be tested thoroughly.
Is that a bit a clear explanation?

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#5 Old 16th May 2017 at 10:37 PM
Yes I understand what you mean I don't think the game checks skill points every half skill point but I can test it. Right now I'm actually having trouble getting some sims learn 1 point per semester so even with my "doubling" rule they barely get through, so I hope the half bar works. Otherwise it could get hard to distribute skills evenly to all 8 semesters. I will get into testing the bar thing as soon as you have the file for me for it or however the testing works.
#6 Old 18th May 2017 at 9:34 PM Last edited by lientebollemeis : 11th Mar 2018 at 1:14 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Acadia
Yes I understand what you mean I don't think the game checks skill points every half skill point but I can test it. Right now I'm actually having trouble getting some sims learn 1 point per semester so even with my "doubling" rule they barely get through, so I hope the half bar works. Otherwise it could get hard to distribute skills evenly to all 8 semesters. I will get into testing the bar thing as soon as you have the file for me for it or however the testing works.

Well, in attachment you can find the easier major Art. I just cut the needed skills in half and named it MArtEasy.
If it works for the major Art, I can make the other majors easier too.

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#7 Old 19th May 2017 at 6:04 PM Last edited by Acadia : 19th May 2017 at 8:42 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by lientebollemeis
Well, in attachment you can find the easier major Art. I just cut the needed skills in half and named it MArtEasy.
If it works for the major Art, I can make the other majors easier too.

Great heading to test it right away.

Edit: Hmm, my sims are rolled in now and I'm unable to see their skill requirements for their current major. The one with creativity points does however have higher performance bar. Let's see what happens when the other one gets halfway of his first creativity point.

Edit 2: It works it works!!!!! The bars popped up, just with little delay (I had to close the job tab and have sim watch tv for about 20 second). Just the visuals won't work and surround the skill that sim is going to need, I assume that's because they are all half skill points at start of art major

Edit 3: Sophomore year reached and right, the skill point requirements become visible once they are complete skill points.

Edit 4: First sim graduated and doesn't look like anything is wrong, other than that I had to go to Wiki to check for skills they need which could be little tiring if I had household of 8 but otherwise this is fine.
#8 Old 19th May 2017 at 8:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Acadia
Great heading to test it right away.

Edit: Hmm, my sims are rolled in now and I'm unable to see their skill requirements for their current major. The one with creativity points does however have higher performance bar. Let's see what happens when the other one gets halfway of his first creativity point.

Edit 2: It works it works!!!!! The bars popped up, just with little delay (I had to close the job tab and have sim watch tv for about 20 second). Just the visuals won't work and surround the skill that sim is going to need, I assume that's because they are all half skill points at start of art major

Edit 3: Sophomore year reached and right, the skill point requirements become visible once they are complete skill points.

I am really glad it works. It's kind of logic that you can't see skill requirement if there's only half a point needed.
I don't know at which year but it might be that 1,5 skillpoint or 2,5 skillpoint is needed. But I didnt change which skills.
I'll change the other majors and upload them this weekend.

I just don't really know what you mean with "The one with creativity points does however have higher performance bar."

Quote: Originally posted by Acadia
Edit 4: First sim graduated and doesn't look like anything is wrong, other than that I had to go to Wiki to check for skills they need which could be little tiring if I had household of 8 but otherwise this is fine.

You can see which skills the major focus on. I don't know of another way to know which skills are needed.

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#9 Old 20th May 2017 at 1:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by lientebollemeis
I am really glad it works. It's kind of logic that you can't see skill requirement if there's only half a point needed.
I don't know at which year but it might be that 1,5 skillpoint or 2,5 skillpoint is needed. But I didnt change which skills.
I'll change the other majors and upload them this weekend.

I just don't really know what you mean with "The one with creativity points does however have higher performance bar."

You can see which skills the major focus on. I don't know of another way to know which skills are needed.

I mean that out of my sims one had creativity points so it was working for him despite requirement being invisible, I edited my post in hurry and multiple times so sorry for being blurry. And I no way meant to criticise your work when I noted the skill requirements are sometimes invisible as result, I like your major and I can't wait to have more
#10 Old 20th May 2017 at 9:57 PM
Don't worry, I didnt see it as critisism.
I am glad you like my work so much. I was very busy today with doing chores so I hope I can finish the project tomorrow.

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#11 Old 21st May 2017 at 1:45 PM
All majors have been made easier, but before I upload them I need to make (a compilation screenshot first) because the thread needs a screenshot.
I don't know if I'll have time for that this afternoon, but I'll upload it asap (on my blog and MTS).

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#12 Old 11th Mar 2018 at 11:08 AM
Lientebollemeis, just so you know I have been very happy with your mod. I have not experienced any issues - and that's a lot to say because list of hacks I use is gigantic. In addition, that worked just as I hoped it would and now I have very ideal and very realistic fresh out university sims working on lower ranks of jobs. Your mod is great and I wish to thank you again for it - and I wish more people get to enjoy it because it's way too handy to be hidden.
The Great AntiJen
retired moderator
#13 Old 11th Mar 2018 at 12:53 PM
@lientebollemeis please don't share new stuff here in the forums. Can you remove your attachment please - perhaps stick in on Sims File Share.

We don't allow sharing here except for stuff that goes through the queue. I know this is only an adjustment of an EAxis major but it's kind of borderline.

I no longer come over to MTS very often but if you would like to ask me a question then you can find me on tumblr or my own site tflc. TFLC has an archive of all my CC downloads.
I'm here on tumblr and my site, tflc
#14 Old 11th Mar 2018 at 1:15 PM
Quote: Originally posted by maxon
@lientebollemeis please don't share new stuff here in the forums. Can you remove your attachment please - perhaps stick in on Sims File Share.

We don't allow sharing here except for stuff that goes through the queue. I know this is only an adjustment of an EAxis major but it's kind of borderline.

I'm sorry I didn't know it wasn't allowed, but I understand. It was for testing purposes anyways.
It has been removed.

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#15 Old 14th Mar 2018 at 8:31 AM Last edited by Acadia : 14th Mar 2018 at 12:55 PM.
Maxon, how does one say "I hate you" in a way that doesn't violate rules. .... Enjoy being right I guess... d...oughnut!
I'm so sorry I bumped this thread, I had no idea this could happen... I only wanted to thank and let you know, not invite someone here to spoil it for everyone who could possibly enjoy those.
#16 Old 14th Mar 2018 at 12:27 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Acadia
Maxon, how does one say "I hate you" in a way that doesn't violate rules. .... Enjoy being right I guess... d...oughnut!
I'm so sorry I bumped this thread, I had no idea this could happen... I only wanted to thank and let you know, not invite someone here to spoil it for everyone who could possibly enjoy it like I did.

They are all uploaded on my blog already. And on MTS I have always provided 3 versions ever since.

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#17 Old 14th Mar 2018 at 12:49 PM
I managed to miss that. When my pc broke some time ago I was looking for them and somehow managed to not find them so I assumed you hadn't found the time to take photos or something else got on way. I'll book mark your blog to remember where to look. Thank you!
The Great AntiJen
retired moderator
#18 Old 15th Mar 2018 at 1:11 PM
@lientebollemeis - thanks for that. Acadia, the rule is part of the site since all uploads here are meant to be moderated. Uploading to the forums is seen as a way of bypassing the quality control we have for the site. As it was, I was doubtful about asking lientebollemeis to remove the item because it's kind of borderline for the rule, being, as it is, an edited version of an EAxis file rather than a completely new creation. However lientebollemeis, who is one of our most helpful and valued contributors here, has resolved the situation by uploading formally (for your benefit). You can hate me all you like but I was asked to be a moderator here by the site owner and my job is to apply the rules. I'm not being picky or having a go at Lien (or you).

I no longer come over to MTS very often but if you would like to ask me a question then you can find me on tumblr or my own site tflc. TFLC has an archive of all my CC downloads.
I'm here on tumblr and my site, tflc
Mad Poster
#19 Old 15th Mar 2018 at 2:20 PM Last edited by gazania : 15th Mar 2018 at 2:33 PM.
Years back, people would upload stuff and post helpful hints concerning mods, tips for gameplay, etc. that were not tested. I believe that in the past, an uploader could indicate "testers wanted" in the title.

Problem was, these mods and tips could hurt or even break things in the game. I found this out the hard way years later. There were many things we did not know about corruption. I can assure you that it's still a learning process through my odd proclivity at finding obscure and weird examples once in a while! However, I think by now, we've uncovered the main ones, after years of trial and error. Mostly the latter.

Also unfortunately, MTS has been on the receiving end of scathing criticism when people find these old, long-obscure mods and tips after searching through years of old stuff, try them, and their neighborhoods go "boom" because of them. In the meantime, the creator has long gone (hence the need for those warnings in the pink box, or removal of threads that contain these hood or even game blasting tips). I can see why MTS is more and more cautious. It has to be. (Note: I find it very useful to read all comments on old mods and tips as well, just in case MTS missed something.)

Lientebollemeis is a very skilled modder, and yes, it's unfortunate that we need to be overcautious, even in this case. I am confident we'll see this mod uploaded here soon. Thank you to those testing it out.

Sims 2 remains one of my favorite games, and those creating more for us to fix the things EA broke and to enhance our experience should be praised to the skies, but this game can get temperamental.

Thanks to ALL free-site creators, admins and mods.

RIP Sunni ... truly a ray of light.
Mad Poster
#20 Old 15th Mar 2018 at 2:30 PM
Besides, it is not true that it keeps all other members from getting this cool mod, since Lientebollemeis is planing to upload all majors made easy, when all done with pictures etc. So where is the problem? I see none.

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#21 Old 15th Mar 2018 at 3:16 PM Last edited by Acadia : 15th Mar 2018 at 6:50 PM.
Maxon - I'm granting you a permission to Blame The System from the bottom of your heart - however, I'm still failing to see what makes you more obligated to see it now than
all the modest 10 months before. Or how it helped anyone whatsoever. Unless someone installed a malware behind your eyes ridding yourself of any control,
in which case you should probably contact the staff - let's hope all of them aren't too busy nitpicking.

What we do agree is Liente has solved the issue, and no problem exists. Apparently, none existed before you got here either so that
still makes you at least half a doughnut for the sake of your attitude. Clearly whether or not anyone can obtain the file after your intervention was not a factor in your decision to come save us from Liente undoubtedly wrecking our pc's, something that is easy to miss for anyone who reads the thread at this point.

I do hope next time I see you - if it has to happen - it's something more positive.
Mad Poster
#22 Old 15th Mar 2018 at 4:56 PM
The site's rules can be hard to follow at times, and by follow I mean, understand fully.
The creator's feedback forum would have been the proper place to post a link so you can try and test it, before it gets uploaded on here. The WCIF is just not the place to do so. This is what I understand of that rule, and I got spank on my fingers too for doing the same thing. See? I might be wrong in my understanding
If the creator decides to not upload on MTS, then I guess, a link to their SFS would have been ok...since MTS does not have to be responsible for it.
Not all moderators seem to apply all rules the exact same way, and we need to build a bridge and get over it, because this is everywhere the same.
Personally, I like Maxon. She is honest and knowledgeable and most importantly, impartial. Which for a moderator, is essential. She seems to be working as best she knows and can, and I appreciate this from her.

Je mange des girafes et je parle aussi français !...surtout :0)

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#23 Old 15th Mar 2018 at 6:12 PM Last edited by Acadia : 15th Mar 2018 at 6:32 PM.
This is the only time I've ever come across Maxcon anywhere that I can recall, and I hope it stays that way. Being impartial doesn't need to equal to being idiot. Healthy sense exists.
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