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- Evergreen - Formerly boring name, exciting place
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- Evergreen - Formerly boring name, exciting place
Test Subject
11th Jun 2018 at 12:36 PM

Posts: 1

Quote: Originally posted by Emerald1234
i love this so far please post more! |
That's why, we almost read but unable to take interest in the topic.
14th Jun 2018 at 2:56 AM

Posts: 443
Thanks: 92 in 1 Posts
Quote: Originally posted by mikewilson
That's why, we almost read but unable to take interest in the topic. |
Am I really the onlyone who thinks this is kinda rude? maybe.
I assume this is the place to post your game updates WHEN YOU FEEL like it. not like in Stories or what ever section what is moderated and therefore you are assumed to post regulary.
Well look at mine, haven't had a single comment for some time, I still like to keep it as my own memory archive. I just find it annoying that hinting "if you post more often , you would get more attention" ... ugh..
~~~~Call me Ellu ~~~
My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
14th Jun 2018 at 3:12 AM

I have to admit I found it a little pointless too. If you don't like the story, for whatever reason, that is up to you, but I don't see the purpose of posting to say that. If you got nothing positive to say, then better say nothing at all. And if you want regular updates, posting (positive/encouraging/interesting) thoughts and comments on things makes that more likely. If you never say a word, how is the person posting supposed to know you care and want to know more? So thank you to all the lovely people that did post, and had interesting things to say :lovestruc
Playing Stoffe at the moment! Can't wait to tell you guys about it. The game is being it's usual awesome self and throwing random events at me that go so well with the story :3
I heard you lost your wife recently. I am so very sorry for your loss, always awful when we lose people we love.
Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
Playing Stoffe at the moment! Can't wait to tell you guys about it. The game is being it's usual awesome self and throwing random events at me that go so well with the story :3
Quote: Originally posted by lordtyger9
@gummilutt I did some catching up on your posts about your sims. I love reading about your sims, eh I love reading about everyone's sims. lol. Well at least when I am not mourning. |
I heard you lost your wife recently. I am so very sorry for your loss, always awful when we lose people we love.
Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
14th Jun 2018 at 3:19 AM

Posts: 443
Thanks: 92 in 1 Posts
Yay Stoffe to be posted 
I will be on hiatus on mine as long as I get the all the so much roses lot to posted to Strangetown contest plus the boring Finn suburb lot at yours
(but is is accurate, I just looked over the street! :D

I will be on hiatus on mine as long as I get the all the so much roses lot to posted to Strangetown contest plus the boring Finn suburb lot at yours

~~~~Call me Ellu ~~~
My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
17th Jun 2018 at 7:44 AM
Last edited by gummilutt : 5th May 2024 at 10:05 PM.

Time for another update
Been busy lately so not much time for Sims-things. Have a few more updates to go, then we are caught up with where my game is right now so sadly updates may get more infrequent depending on how much time I have to play
But hopefully you guys manage to keep interest in the story even if it takes a longer between updates 
Chapter 9 - Stoffe & Vanessa Van Derbirth
When we last saw them, Stoffe and Vanessa had gotten married. They moved to a luxury apartment in bluewater village, while Stoffe worked on earning enough money to buy a big fancy house in the rich end of Evergreen. They are both still in college. Vanessa isn't all that motivated, she's more focused on her social life and living the life of a pampered wife of a rich man. Stoffe on the other hand made sure to keep his straight As while also holding down a job and running his car businesses. Workoholic to the bone! Didn't take long to earn enough to buy a house, and when we left them Stoffe had just shared the news with Vanessa.
The house Stoffe purchased is this luxurious contemporary home by TheDeadSims here on MTS: If you'd like to see pictures of the house you can look at the thread
The only room I changed is one of the bedrooms on the second floor, which got turned into an office for Stoffe. There's a man cave in the basement with pool table and a bar for when Stoffe has important business people over, and an exercise room for the both of them. On the entrance floor there's a music and arts room for Vanessa, and it's filled with expensive items sure to impress any visitors. The backyard is spacious, and of course features a swimming pool, and a hot tub. The many bushes and the sloped landscape does present rather a challenge in keeping it all neat and tidy, but such nonsense is the problem of hired staff
Go to bonus content
Go to chapter 10
Creations can be found on my on tumblr.

Chapter 9 - Stoffe & Vanessa Van Derbirth
When we last saw them, Stoffe and Vanessa had gotten married. They moved to a luxury apartment in bluewater village, while Stoffe worked on earning enough money to buy a big fancy house in the rich end of Evergreen. They are both still in college. Vanessa isn't all that motivated, she's more focused on her social life and living the life of a pampered wife of a rich man. Stoffe on the other hand made sure to keep his straight As while also holding down a job and running his car businesses. Workoholic to the bone! Didn't take long to earn enough to buy a house, and when we left them Stoffe had just shared the news with Vanessa.
The house Stoffe purchased is this luxurious contemporary home by TheDeadSims here on MTS: If you'd like to see pictures of the house you can look at the thread

When we return to the story we find the two of them standing outside of their new home, Vanessa oddly enough jumps straight to talks about a nursery. I didn't think she'd be the have-kids kind of person, but I guess I was wrong!

Things are much the same in the new house. Each one doing their own thing. Stoffe watching the news, and Vanessa talking to one of her friends on the phone.

No more take-out diet though. Big house equals butler

Turns out the nursery -talk wasn't just random. Looks like that woohoo the night before to celebrate had some consequences
Certainly not something I wanted at this point in the story, and I rather doubt either one of them was up for babies at this point. Vanessa is only a sophomore after all, and Stoffe in the home stretch of university. But there's no mistaking the dry heaving!

Or the uh-oh-got-to-vomit-runs

Better hurry up and wear the outfits that won't fit one the bump hits!

No stopping the morning sickness though. Turns out Vanessa, as so many of my Sims-ladies, doesn't handle pregnancy all too well. Stoffe doesn't seem to catch on what's going on though.

Good thing they now have a butler so Vanessa gets proper home cooked meals. She seems quite eager, often hangs around in the kitchen waiting for breakfast.

Hard to keep food down though, just finished breakfast and it's already trying to come back up.

So what do you do when you are feeling a bit rotten and unsure what to do? You invite your friends over of course, for some girl time. I suspect Vanessa is struggling a little. This wasn't part of her plan, and she's not used to things not going her way. So a nice afternoon with her girl friends would probably do her some good. Here you see Rakel Ivarsson arriving. Official lady-who-lunches, a widow of independent means living in a huge mansion and preying on anything that moves that is good looking enough for her. Owns and runs the luxurious gym in the richer side of town, because what better way to find all the ripped gorgeous men in town than to run a gym. Some of you may remember her from Sally-Mae's story. She was the woman Billy-Bob woohoo'd with in the hot tub at the gym.

And Elsie Högström, a townie of good background. Here she is being greeted by the butler, even though Vanessa is right there. RIch people and their silly ways

Baseball isn't a topic I'd expect these three to talk about, but perhaps Rakel is talking about all the muscle-y men and not the sport
What do you guys think of the sitting room? Vanessa is very fond of it. It's light and airy and has lots of pretty things to look at. As so many rich people she is quite interested in art, and enjoys having beautiful things to look at.

Vanessa looks to be enjoying herself

Gotta love that the butler seems to know the dietary needs of Ladies who Lunch, serving a nice salad for lunch.

While Vanessa was having a nice day with her girl friends, Stoffe was out networking as he often does. At the local pool club, he bumped into Sigrid who told him the tragic news. Stoffe gave her a comforting hug, even though they barely know each other.

That night Vanessa woke up in the middle of the night

Because baby bump time! Stoffe being an easy sleeper woke up too. Must be rather strange, wake up in the middle of the night to find your wife suddenly sprouted a baby bump.

I wasn't sure how I was going to handle the unexpected unplanned pregnancy. It wasn't part of my story plan for them to have children this early, or really at all, and I don't think it was part of their plan either. After all they are both still in college. Stoffe is a workoholic so I doubt any thoughts of family had popped up in his head. And Vanessa doesn't seem the mother-type to me. And even though she's married I don't think she really fancies the idea of showing up at her college classes sporting a baby bump. I think she'd feel that makes her look bad, given her upbringing. I debated aborting the pregnancy. But considering Stoffe struggled with feelings of being unwanted, would he really agree to abort a child of his? I don't think so. I toyed with the idea of Vanessa aborting it without even telling him, but although she's certainly not the most loving considerate Sim she's not mean and that kind of behavior seemed out of character for her. She's shallow, and certainly capable of using money to control people, but I don't see her going behind her husbands back like that. And for some reason she doesn't strike me as someone that would be pro-abortion, so abortion was not an option Please note that I am 300% pro abortion and think every woman has a right to choose. But I like to explore different kinds of views and personalities in my Sims, so sometimes they do things/have views that don't reflect my own.
I then debated sending the baby to the orphanage. I could see Vanessa being fine with giving her kid away, and I also think it's entirely possible she could manage to convince Stoffe that is the right choice. After all, Stoffe grew up there and he still loves matron, and he's a workoholic with low self-esteem still determined to prove his worth to society and that would be difficult with a baby to take care of. I suspect Vanessa could find the words to make him think the baby would be better off with a family that has more time to dote on it than they'd have, and that until a family could be found matron would take good care of the baby. But would matron agree? I don't think so. Even though she does the best she can for the kids I think she knows growing up there is no replacement for a family that loves you, and that it should only be used as the very last resort. Plus, considering she probably noticed how Stoffe struggled with having been left, I don't think she'd agree to be part of him leaving his own child there. I think she would be able to counter anything Vanessa said, so there goes that option.
That left me with keep it, or private adoption. I've had a couple of cases in my game where adoption was handled privately without involving social worker or orphanage, But neither option really felt like the right one, so I decided to let things be for now and hope the game showed me the right way. I knew they wouldn't abort, so I had until the baby was born to make a final decision.
Stoffe seemed quite fascinated by the baby bump.

Appearances are very important to Vanessa though, so she's not above using a girdle to keep the bump under control when she wants to look her usual slender self.

Then again pregnancy does give a nice boost in the boob-department, gotta rock the cleavage look too!

Seems she missed the lesson about not drinking while pregnant. Had to make quite a few pregnant-not-allowed mods to keep her in line.

Looking through all these pictures there's something quite saddening about all of it. They are recently married, and yet I have almost no picture of the two of them in the same shot. When they lived in the apartment it was sort of unavoidable to get some shots of the two at once, it was luxurious but small. Now they live in this big gorgeous house there's a lot more room to spread out and be apart. Stoffe is always working, and when not working he's in his office giving financial advice, or out on the town networking. And having one too many business dinners it looks like... or perhaps he's just not used to having a butler making great food all day long.

Didn't take long to get back in shape though. Nice to have a swimming pool to cool off after a long hard workout session.

Vanessa on the other hand pursues her interests, playing the piano and violin, and painting.

She also spends a lot of time napping in the sitting room. Morning sickness subsided once she reached second trimester, but she struggled with fatigue.

Pretty soon it was time for Stoffe's graduation party. And the guest list was huge!

There's no amount of convincing Vanessa could do to get Stoffe to not invite his orphanage family to this occasion, so this time around they came over. Matron Lena sporting a hideous outdated skirt suit
And of course Leah, Olivia and Amy, and Amy's girlfriend Emily. Vanessa invited her girl friends Rakel and Elsie, and the latest addition to the ladies who lunch group, the mayors wife. The rest of the guests are different influencial people, like the principal of private school, minister of education and his wife, and various townies from rich or prestigious families.
While the guests were arriving Vanessa was up in her dressing room getting ready. She opted for a pretty black dress with gold trim, and of course a girdle to keep the baby bump in check. Can't go around looking fat with all these people visiting.

While the butler got dinner ready the guests had a peak around the house. Leah looks quite stunning in her white and pink gown.

While the guest had a look around Stoffe was out on the balcony, making sure there were plenty of refreshments

Olivia and Emily opted for some potato chips in the kitchen. I suspect fancy parties with rich people aren't really their thing, what with their social activism and left-wing political views. Probably hiding out to avoid having to talk to any snobs

Vanessa thought she'd entertain the guests with some piano playing, though with her low creativity skill I suspect they were entertained for different reasons than Vanessa intended.

At dinner Stoffe choose to sit next to matron, which I thought was very sweet.

No surprise though the talk ended up being about money. I imagine Olivia is wishing she'd done like matron and excused herself from the table.

No surprise Rakel skipped dinner altogether and went straight for the fruit punch barrel instead.

The Thompsons (minister of education and his wife) decided to have a romantic dance by the entrance instead. Nicolas is a bit of an eccentric old man, so didn't surprise me to see he never even made it inside the house

The party seemed to attract the attention of a stray poodle. It was so cute and so posh I really couldn't resist having Vanessa go out and greet it. She's not much of an animal person, but this pooch is so cute I figured even she wouldn't be able to resist petting it.

Cake-time! No surprise the only people who bothered to come watch were the orphanage family, and Vanessa.

A quick belly-rub after blowing out the candles!

And a hug with matron. I imagine she was quite touched, seeing one of her charges graduate with highest honors from university.

Stoffe also squeezed in some schmoozing. Can't pass up an opportunity to get acquainted with the mayors wife!

Vanessa had another go at entertaining the guests with music and this time she did get an audience, the little poodle pooch howled along. One wonders what sounded worst, the violin or the dog

No pictures of the party ending, but it was a success. The patio was littered with fruit punch cups and dirty plates all over
That night Vanessa had some interesting dreams. She gets those from time to time, which makes me think that while she won't admit it to herself during the day at night her true feelings show. I think deep down she realizes there's something missing in their marriage, and that even though she finds Stoffe attractive there's something she doesn't like.

During the day though she's much too busy with her leisurely life for such thoughts.

Rakel may be a man-eater, but she is also a good friend. Not sure I'd sit there enduring the clanking

Vanessa continued her many day-naps. Stoffe would often find her asleep on the sofa when he got home from work, and he'd light a fire to make sure she was warm (since Sims can't cover their loved ones in blankets

Truth is Stoffe was getting rather worried about Vanessa and her fatigue. After graduating he quit his job in the culinary career and got a job in business, intending to work his way up to business tycoon. Through his job he'd recently become acquainted with business tycoon Andreas Nilsson, whose girlfriend Isabelle had almost succumb to pregnancy illness. Their son had to be delivered prematurely for Isabelle's sake. They rarely allow any visitors as their son is still rather frail, but Andreas decided to bring Stoffe home from work one day. Stoffe having started in the career very recently was not at that level yet and I think Andreas was rather amused by Stoffe's reaction to the noise from the helicopter that dropped them off. Isabelle is much too used to it to care

Turns out Stoffe is a great guest to have in a house with a frail little toddler boy. Unlike most other people they'd let come visit Stoffe was very considerate and devoted himself to entertaining little Tore while Andreas got started on dinner and Isabelle finished tending the garden.

Nice change of pace for Andreas and Isabelle to be able to sit down together and eat, with Tore safely tucked up in his high chair with a bottle.

Over dinner Andreas and Isabelle told Stoffe about their experiences with pregnancy and premature delivery, and how they'd bought the house to have more space and fresh air for Tore. Previously they lived in a tiny cramped apartment that Andreas rented straight out of college, so the house with a nice big back yard is a pleasant change of pace. Stoffe told them about Vanessa and how tired she is, and asked for their advice. They told him to keep an eye on her, and see how things progressed. Isabelle would pass out all over the apartment, so they figured if Vanessa could manage to make it to a sofa to lie down she was probably managing acceptably.

After dinner Stoffe opted to keep entertaining Tore. He was never really one to interact much with the toddlers at the orphanage, so I was a little surprised. But seeing him be so sweet with Tore, and so keen to hang out with the little dude rather than focus on befriending Andreas, who after all as a business tycoon would be a very good contact to have, made it quite clear to me where he stands on the Vanessa-pregnancy situation. I didn't think he'd be ready for a family, but there's no mistaking it now. Stoffe would most likely quite enjoy being a dad!

I also really enjoyed seeing Stoffe show some of his kiddish nature. Isabelle took Tore up for his evening bath, and Stoffe snuck in some play-time with Tore's toy robot. There hasn't been much of that since he married Vanessa, it was nice seeing him be his old self getting excited about a toy.

Stoffe decided to take Andreas and Isabelle's advice, and try to spend more time with his wife. Next dinner he insisted they sit down together, and he tried to show interest in her interests.

He suggested they have a date night, get out of the house and do something together. Perhaps he thought Vanessa would enjoy an excuse to get dolled up. She wasn't hard to convince once he agreed she could go out and get some new jewelry to go with her outfit.

Vanessa went with a purple dress showing off her pregnancy boobs, and a low back to remind herself one side of her was still slender.

The evening did not start well though. The kitchen lost their order, and when they got up to talk to the host they got re-seated at much worse table! I don't imagine Vanessa approved of being seated at a table where she ends up staring at a blank wall.

It did look at little weird, the two of them staring into a wall rather than at each other.

Stoffe did his best to make it into a nice night, but the mess-up with the table put a bit of a dampener on things, and Vanessa doesn't quite have the stamina for trips downtown and late dinners. So they ate quickly and returned home. In the car Stoffe suggested he sleep in the guest room that night, so that he wouldn't risk disturbing her rest.
When they got back home Vanessa got into bed straight away, but baby tends to push on her bladder and most nights she has to get up and pee. This night was no different. She didn't have time to gain much energy before she had to get up, and as she was making her way back to bed she fainted from exhaustion.

The bang as she hit the floor woke Stoffe up, and he came to check on her.

Finding your wife passed out on the floor would be distressing any day, but after everything Andreas and Isabelle told him over dinner I imagine Stoffe's levels of worrying hit the roof.

Vanessa was out cold, so got her back into bed and settled himself in a chair next to her.

And that's where we're going to leave them for today. Vanessa passed out, and a very worried Stoffe asleep by her side. Stay tuned to see where things go from there :lovestruc

Things are much the same in the new house. Each one doing their own thing. Stoffe watching the news, and Vanessa talking to one of her friends on the phone.

No more take-out diet though. Big house equals butler

Turns out the nursery -talk wasn't just random. Looks like that woohoo the night before to celebrate had some consequences

Or the uh-oh-got-to-vomit-runs

Better hurry up and wear the outfits that won't fit one the bump hits!

No stopping the morning sickness though. Turns out Vanessa, as so many of my Sims-ladies, doesn't handle pregnancy all too well. Stoffe doesn't seem to catch on what's going on though.

Good thing they now have a butler so Vanessa gets proper home cooked meals. She seems quite eager, often hangs around in the kitchen waiting for breakfast.

Hard to keep food down though, just finished breakfast and it's already trying to come back up.

So what do you do when you are feeling a bit rotten and unsure what to do? You invite your friends over of course, for some girl time. I suspect Vanessa is struggling a little. This wasn't part of her plan, and she's not used to things not going her way. So a nice afternoon with her girl friends would probably do her some good. Here you see Rakel Ivarsson arriving. Official lady-who-lunches, a widow of independent means living in a huge mansion and preying on anything that moves that is good looking enough for her. Owns and runs the luxurious gym in the richer side of town, because what better way to find all the ripped gorgeous men in town than to run a gym. Some of you may remember her from Sally-Mae's story. She was the woman Billy-Bob woohoo'd with in the hot tub at the gym.

And Elsie Högström, a townie of good background. Here she is being greeted by the butler, even though Vanessa is right there. RIch people and their silly ways

Baseball isn't a topic I'd expect these three to talk about, but perhaps Rakel is talking about all the muscle-y men and not the sport

Vanessa looks to be enjoying herself

Gotta love that the butler seems to know the dietary needs of Ladies who Lunch, serving a nice salad for lunch.

While Vanessa was having a nice day with her girl friends, Stoffe was out networking as he often does. At the local pool club, he bumped into Sigrid who told him the tragic news. Stoffe gave her a comforting hug, even though they barely know each other.

That night Vanessa woke up in the middle of the night

Because baby bump time! Stoffe being an easy sleeper woke up too. Must be rather strange, wake up in the middle of the night to find your wife suddenly sprouted a baby bump.

I wasn't sure how I was going to handle the unexpected unplanned pregnancy. It wasn't part of my story plan for them to have children this early, or really at all, and I don't think it was part of their plan either. After all they are both still in college. Stoffe is a workoholic so I doubt any thoughts of family had popped up in his head. And Vanessa doesn't seem the mother-type to me. And even though she's married I don't think she really fancies the idea of showing up at her college classes sporting a baby bump. I think she'd feel that makes her look bad, given her upbringing. I debated aborting the pregnancy. But considering Stoffe struggled with feelings of being unwanted, would he really agree to abort a child of his? I don't think so. I toyed with the idea of Vanessa aborting it without even telling him, but although she's certainly not the most loving considerate Sim she's not mean and that kind of behavior seemed out of character for her. She's shallow, and certainly capable of using money to control people, but I don't see her going behind her husbands back like that. And for some reason she doesn't strike me as someone that would be pro-abortion, so abortion was not an option Please note that I am 300% pro abortion and think every woman has a right to choose. But I like to explore different kinds of views and personalities in my Sims, so sometimes they do things/have views that don't reflect my own.
I then debated sending the baby to the orphanage. I could see Vanessa being fine with giving her kid away, and I also think it's entirely possible she could manage to convince Stoffe that is the right choice. After all, Stoffe grew up there and he still loves matron, and he's a workoholic with low self-esteem still determined to prove his worth to society and that would be difficult with a baby to take care of. I suspect Vanessa could find the words to make him think the baby would be better off with a family that has more time to dote on it than they'd have, and that until a family could be found matron would take good care of the baby. But would matron agree? I don't think so. Even though she does the best she can for the kids I think she knows growing up there is no replacement for a family that loves you, and that it should only be used as the very last resort. Plus, considering she probably noticed how Stoffe struggled with having been left, I don't think she'd agree to be part of him leaving his own child there. I think she would be able to counter anything Vanessa said, so there goes that option.
That left me with keep it, or private adoption. I've had a couple of cases in my game where adoption was handled privately without involving social worker or orphanage, But neither option really felt like the right one, so I decided to let things be for now and hope the game showed me the right way. I knew they wouldn't abort, so I had until the baby was born to make a final decision.
Stoffe seemed quite fascinated by the baby bump.

Appearances are very important to Vanessa though, so she's not above using a girdle to keep the bump under control when she wants to look her usual slender self.

Then again pregnancy does give a nice boost in the boob-department, gotta rock the cleavage look too!

Seems she missed the lesson about not drinking while pregnant. Had to make quite a few pregnant-not-allowed mods to keep her in line.

Looking through all these pictures there's something quite saddening about all of it. They are recently married, and yet I have almost no picture of the two of them in the same shot. When they lived in the apartment it was sort of unavoidable to get some shots of the two at once, it was luxurious but small. Now they live in this big gorgeous house there's a lot more room to spread out and be apart. Stoffe is always working, and when not working he's in his office giving financial advice, or out on the town networking. And having one too many business dinners it looks like... or perhaps he's just not used to having a butler making great food all day long.

Didn't take long to get back in shape though. Nice to have a swimming pool to cool off after a long hard workout session.

Vanessa on the other hand pursues her interests, playing the piano and violin, and painting.

She also spends a lot of time napping in the sitting room. Morning sickness subsided once she reached second trimester, but she struggled with fatigue.

Pretty soon it was time for Stoffe's graduation party. And the guest list was huge!

There's no amount of convincing Vanessa could do to get Stoffe to not invite his orphanage family to this occasion, so this time around they came over. Matron Lena sporting a hideous outdated skirt suit

While the guests were arriving Vanessa was up in her dressing room getting ready. She opted for a pretty black dress with gold trim, and of course a girdle to keep the baby bump in check. Can't go around looking fat with all these people visiting.

While the butler got dinner ready the guests had a peak around the house. Leah looks quite stunning in her white and pink gown.

While the guest had a look around Stoffe was out on the balcony, making sure there were plenty of refreshments

Olivia and Emily opted for some potato chips in the kitchen. I suspect fancy parties with rich people aren't really their thing, what with their social activism and left-wing political views. Probably hiding out to avoid having to talk to any snobs

Vanessa thought she'd entertain the guests with some piano playing, though with her low creativity skill I suspect they were entertained for different reasons than Vanessa intended.

At dinner Stoffe choose to sit next to matron, which I thought was very sweet.

No surprise though the talk ended up being about money. I imagine Olivia is wishing she'd done like matron and excused herself from the table.

No surprise Rakel skipped dinner altogether and went straight for the fruit punch barrel instead.

The Thompsons (minister of education and his wife) decided to have a romantic dance by the entrance instead. Nicolas is a bit of an eccentric old man, so didn't surprise me to see he never even made it inside the house

The party seemed to attract the attention of a stray poodle. It was so cute and so posh I really couldn't resist having Vanessa go out and greet it. She's not much of an animal person, but this pooch is so cute I figured even she wouldn't be able to resist petting it.

Cake-time! No surprise the only people who bothered to come watch were the orphanage family, and Vanessa.

A quick belly-rub after blowing out the candles!

And a hug with matron. I imagine she was quite touched, seeing one of her charges graduate with highest honors from university.

Stoffe also squeezed in some schmoozing. Can't pass up an opportunity to get acquainted with the mayors wife!

Vanessa had another go at entertaining the guests with music and this time she did get an audience, the little poodle pooch howled along. One wonders what sounded worst, the violin or the dog

No pictures of the party ending, but it was a success. The patio was littered with fruit punch cups and dirty plates all over

That night Vanessa had some interesting dreams. She gets those from time to time, which makes me think that while she won't admit it to herself during the day at night her true feelings show. I think deep down she realizes there's something missing in their marriage, and that even though she finds Stoffe attractive there's something she doesn't like.

During the day though she's much too busy with her leisurely life for such thoughts.

Rakel may be a man-eater, but she is also a good friend. Not sure I'd sit there enduring the clanking

Vanessa continued her many day-naps. Stoffe would often find her asleep on the sofa when he got home from work, and he'd light a fire to make sure she was warm (since Sims can't cover their loved ones in blankets

Truth is Stoffe was getting rather worried about Vanessa and her fatigue. After graduating he quit his job in the culinary career and got a job in business, intending to work his way up to business tycoon. Through his job he'd recently become acquainted with business tycoon Andreas Nilsson, whose girlfriend Isabelle had almost succumb to pregnancy illness. Their son had to be delivered prematurely for Isabelle's sake. They rarely allow any visitors as their son is still rather frail, but Andreas decided to bring Stoffe home from work one day. Stoffe having started in the career very recently was not at that level yet and I think Andreas was rather amused by Stoffe's reaction to the noise from the helicopter that dropped them off. Isabelle is much too used to it to care

Turns out Stoffe is a great guest to have in a house with a frail little toddler boy. Unlike most other people they'd let come visit Stoffe was very considerate and devoted himself to entertaining little Tore while Andreas got started on dinner and Isabelle finished tending the garden.

Nice change of pace for Andreas and Isabelle to be able to sit down together and eat, with Tore safely tucked up in his high chair with a bottle.

Over dinner Andreas and Isabelle told Stoffe about their experiences with pregnancy and premature delivery, and how they'd bought the house to have more space and fresh air for Tore. Previously they lived in a tiny cramped apartment that Andreas rented straight out of college, so the house with a nice big back yard is a pleasant change of pace. Stoffe told them about Vanessa and how tired she is, and asked for their advice. They told him to keep an eye on her, and see how things progressed. Isabelle would pass out all over the apartment, so they figured if Vanessa could manage to make it to a sofa to lie down she was probably managing acceptably.

After dinner Stoffe opted to keep entertaining Tore. He was never really one to interact much with the toddlers at the orphanage, so I was a little surprised. But seeing him be so sweet with Tore, and so keen to hang out with the little dude rather than focus on befriending Andreas, who after all as a business tycoon would be a very good contact to have, made it quite clear to me where he stands on the Vanessa-pregnancy situation. I didn't think he'd be ready for a family, but there's no mistaking it now. Stoffe would most likely quite enjoy being a dad!

I also really enjoyed seeing Stoffe show some of his kiddish nature. Isabelle took Tore up for his evening bath, and Stoffe snuck in some play-time with Tore's toy robot. There hasn't been much of that since he married Vanessa, it was nice seeing him be his old self getting excited about a toy.

Stoffe decided to take Andreas and Isabelle's advice, and try to spend more time with his wife. Next dinner he insisted they sit down together, and he tried to show interest in her interests.

He suggested they have a date night, get out of the house and do something together. Perhaps he thought Vanessa would enjoy an excuse to get dolled up. She wasn't hard to convince once he agreed she could go out and get some new jewelry to go with her outfit.

Vanessa went with a purple dress showing off her pregnancy boobs, and a low back to remind herself one side of her was still slender.

The evening did not start well though. The kitchen lost their order, and when they got up to talk to the host they got re-seated at much worse table! I don't imagine Vanessa approved of being seated at a table where she ends up staring at a blank wall.

It did look at little weird, the two of them staring into a wall rather than at each other.

Stoffe did his best to make it into a nice night, but the mess-up with the table put a bit of a dampener on things, and Vanessa doesn't quite have the stamina for trips downtown and late dinners. So they ate quickly and returned home. In the car Stoffe suggested he sleep in the guest room that night, so that he wouldn't risk disturbing her rest.
When they got back home Vanessa got into bed straight away, but baby tends to push on her bladder and most nights she has to get up and pee. This night was no different. She didn't have time to gain much energy before she had to get up, and as she was making her way back to bed she fainted from exhaustion.

The bang as she hit the floor woke Stoffe up, and he came to check on her.

Finding your wife passed out on the floor would be distressing any day, but after everything Andreas and Isabelle told him over dinner I imagine Stoffe's levels of worrying hit the roof.

Vanessa was out cold, so got her back into bed and settled himself in a chair next to her.

And that's where we're going to leave them for today. Vanessa passed out, and a very worried Stoffe asleep by her side. Stay tuned to see where things go from there :lovestruc
Go to bonus content
Go to chapter 10
Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
17th Jun 2018 at 3:18 PM

Posts: 1,913
Her name was Dionicia, I miss her frequently.
Lovely story. I look forward to more when you get to posting the next installment.
for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
Her name was Dionicia, I miss her frequently.
Lovely story. I look forward to more when you get to posting the next installment.
for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
22nd Jun 2018 at 3:23 AM

Posts: 443
Thanks: 92 in 1 Posts
Loved the update. <3
Still, even so I have so hard time to like Vanessa
I cannot help it. She should of talked to Lena more, and at least make an effort to get to know the other people from the orphanage. And all the worryes about "how do I look!?!?!?!" .
Pregnants sims are beautiful, they carry the new miracle of life and should not care less what other people think
LEARN VANESSA, stop beeing so shallow gal... (or you learn it when it is allready too late and you remember the past like "I wish I would of done it otherwise".)
About Stoffe hugging Sigfried, how is Siri doing (in that hoodview cabin of hers???!!!!!)
Still, even so I have so hard time to like Vanessa

Pregnants sims are beautiful, they carry the new miracle of life and should not care less what other people think

LEARN VANESSA, stop beeing so shallow gal... (or you learn it when it is allready too late and you remember the past like "I wish I would of done it otherwise".)
About Stoffe hugging Sigfried, how is Siri doing (in that hoodview cabin of hers???!!!!!)
~~~~Call me Ellu ~~~
My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
19th Jul 2018 at 3:37 AM
Last edited by gummilutt : 5th May 2024 at 7:03 AM.

Life got crazy hectic, have barely touched my game in forever. But tonight I finally had a little energy and time to open up my game and the adorableness that's happening is too cute to keep to myself so I thought I'd experiment and try something new. Just gonna post a string of pictures of what happened and let you guys make up your own captions. I'll name it summer vacation.

Hope you like it :lovestruc
Go to chapter 10
Creations can be found on my on tumblr.

Hope you like it :lovestruc
Go to chapter 10
Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
19th Jul 2018 at 4:42 AM

Posts: 443
Thanks: 92 in 1 Posts
So lovely family <3
But who are they? I did look all the pics and did not saw either of the parents even at the party pics
So naturally curious here :D
But who are they? I did look all the pics and did not saw either of the parents even at the party pics

~~~~Call me Ellu ~~~
My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
19th Jul 2018 at 8:53 AM

I thought I had done a little bit of generic talk about my hood and it's families but can't seem to find it so maybe I dreamt it or intended to but never did it. We did see Karl once (the child being so sweet with his little sister), when Peggy Sue or Lulu Belle brought him home from school (forget which one), and I mentioned in that post he is my favorite Sim but that's the only reference I could find.
His parents are Joel Sernman and Emma Nilsson. Joel is the youngest of third generation of the Sernmans, which as you may recall is the core family of my hood. The core family are called so because the hood is built up around them. They were the family that made me expand on my way of playing, and break out of the one-household-routine and the straight A's get married have kids routine. I started exploring different stories, not all sunshine and rainbows all the time, and bringing my Sims to life. There was one Sim before them that sort of pushed me in that direction but it was Adela Sernman and her offspring that sealed the deal. Joel is Adela's grandson. The Sim before Adela was Maja Nilsson, who is Emma's mother (didn't keep ages in sync then).
I did love all of the Sernman Sims but Joel and Emma were my absolute favorites, and the whole reason I spent nearly three years rebuilding my hood from scratch. Their parents were good friends, and Joel and Emma were born around the same time and became childhood sweethearts. As a teen Emma moved in with the Sernmans so they've been together for a very very long time. When hood went kaboom Karl had just been born, and that is part of why I love him so much. Whenever I play their house and I see him it just makes my heart melt. He sort of became the symbol of everything I love about my game, and my attachment to all my Sims. That, and the fact that he's just such a sweetheart! He had 0 nice points when he was born (now been encouraged to 2 points or something like that) but he never shows that. Very social, loves his family and always taking care of his parents and his siblings. In the pictures we also see his sister Sigrid and brother William, who was born just before they went to bed.
You might wonder why Karl is sleeping in between his parents. The thieves in my hood are masters at targeting houses with pregnant women and small children in them, and Karl has had to experience this twice. First as a baby, with the police barging in to talk to him in his crib which I imagine was pretty scary, and then again when Sigrid was a baby. He's still really upset about it, so I figured he would feel safer sleeping between his parents rather than in his own room upstairs. I had forgotten William was coming that night so Sigrid was already asleep in her crib, hence the temporary basket crib
Will share more of their story at some point, but going to finish Stoffe/Sally-Mae/Siri first. Though who knows, maybe they pop up in that storyline too
Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
His parents are Joel Sernman and Emma Nilsson. Joel is the youngest of third generation of the Sernmans, which as you may recall is the core family of my hood. The core family are called so because the hood is built up around them. They were the family that made me expand on my way of playing, and break out of the one-household-routine and the straight A's get married have kids routine. I started exploring different stories, not all sunshine and rainbows all the time, and bringing my Sims to life. There was one Sim before them that sort of pushed me in that direction but it was Adela Sernman and her offspring that sealed the deal. Joel is Adela's grandson. The Sim before Adela was Maja Nilsson, who is Emma's mother (didn't keep ages in sync then).
I did love all of the Sernman Sims but Joel and Emma were my absolute favorites, and the whole reason I spent nearly three years rebuilding my hood from scratch. Their parents were good friends, and Joel and Emma were born around the same time and became childhood sweethearts. As a teen Emma moved in with the Sernmans so they've been together for a very very long time. When hood went kaboom Karl had just been born, and that is part of why I love him so much. Whenever I play their house and I see him it just makes my heart melt. He sort of became the symbol of everything I love about my game, and my attachment to all my Sims. That, and the fact that he's just such a sweetheart! He had 0 nice points when he was born (now been encouraged to 2 points or something like that) but he never shows that. Very social, loves his family and always taking care of his parents and his siblings. In the pictures we also see his sister Sigrid and brother William, who was born just before they went to bed.
You might wonder why Karl is sleeping in between his parents. The thieves in my hood are masters at targeting houses with pregnant women and small children in them, and Karl has had to experience this twice. First as a baby, with the police barging in to talk to him in his crib which I imagine was pretty scary, and then again when Sigrid was a baby. He's still really upset about it, so I figured he would feel safer sleeping between his parents rather than in his own room upstairs. I had forgotten William was coming that night so Sigrid was already asleep in her crib, hence the temporary basket crib

Will share more of their story at some point, but going to finish Stoffe/Sally-Mae/Siri first. Though who knows, maybe they pop up in that storyline too

Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
6th Aug 2018 at 8:52 PM

Posts: 37
I'm loving your updates! Very curious about Siri and her baby! I wonder for how long he is going to be hidden from the world, and if he is going to be upset with his mother for all the loneliness. But at the same time, I don't want him to grow up! Too cute!
6th Aug 2018 at 11:42 PM

Posts: 1,913
Quote: Originally posted by gummilutt
I thought I had done a little bit of generic talk about my hood and it's families but can't seem to find it so maybe I dreamt it or intended to but never did it. We did see Karl once (the child being so sweet with his little sister), when Peggy Sue or Lulu Belle brought him home from school (forget which one), and I mentioned in that post he is my favorite Sim but that's the only reference I could find. His parents are Joel Sernman and Emma Nilsson. Joel is the youngest of third generation of the Sernmans, which as you may recall is the core family of my hood. The core family are called so because the hood is built up around them. They were the family that made me expand on my way of playing, and break out of the one-household-routine and the straight A's get married have kids routine. I started exploring different stories, not all sunshine and rainbows all the time, and bringing my Sims to life. There was one Sim before them that sort of pushed me in that direction but it was Adela Sernman and her offspring that sealed the deal. Joel is Adela's grandson. The Sim before Adela was Maja Nilsson, who is Emma's mother (didn't keep ages in sync then). I did love all of the Sernman Sims but Joel and Emma were my absolute favorites, and the whole reason I spent nearly three years rebuilding my hood from scratch. Their parents were good friends, and Joel and Emma were born around the same time and became childhood sweethearts. As a teen Emma moved in with the Sernmans so they've been together for a very very long time. When hood went kaboom Karl had just been born, and that is part of why I love him so much. Whenever I play their house and I see him it just makes my heart melt. He sort of became the symbol of everything I love about my game, and my attachment to all my Sims. That, and the fact that he's just such a sweetheart! He had 0 nice points when he was born (now been encouraged to 2 points or something like that) but he never shows that. Very social, loves his family and always taking care of his parents and his siblings. In the pictures we also see his sister Sigrid and brother William, who was born just before they went to bed. You might wonder why Karl is sleeping in between his parents. The thieves in my hood are masters at targeting houses with pregnant women and small children in them, and Karl has had to experience this twice. First as a baby, with the police barging in to talk to him in his crib which I imagine was pretty scary, and then again when Sigrid was a baby. He's still really upset about it, so I figured he would feel safer sleeping between his parents rather than in his own room upstairs. I had forgotten William was coming that night so Sigrid was already asleep in her crib, hence the temporary basket crib ![]() Will share more of their story at some point, but going to finish Stoffe/Sally-Mae/Siri first. Though who knows, maybe they pop up in that storyline too ![]() ![]() |
What you write is always interesting, I always find your posts about your Sims facinating reading.
for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
1st Oct 2018 at 2:24 AM
Last edited by gummilutt : 5th May 2024 at 7:17 AM.

Last episode was the van Derbirth's, and the one before that Sawyer family so that means next up is Siri, Isamu and the Sjöströms!
Chapter 10 - Siri Kim-Sjöström, baby Isamu & the Sjöströms
When last we saw them it ended on a picture of Sigrid in the autumn light, walking back into town from the direction of Siri's hidden cottage. Mysterious!
To explain that picture we have to go back a little bit and get the answer to how Tom intended to solve the problem of making sure nobody discovered Siri hidden in the cottage, and also how make sure she could keep warm in the winter without raising suspicion. There's a fireplace but I'm sure smoke coming from the woods would make someone go check it out and Tom does not want that. So what to do?
You buy the land of course! If it's your private property then no risk of the city council suddenly deciding to do something with it after all these years. But how do you explain wanting to buy a run down abandoned cottage in the woods all of a sudden? This is where the very public grieving comes in handy. The giant cross in front of your house, the donations to orphanage and the clear desire to make sure Siri is not forgotten and to do good in her name. Evergreen is a very green city, sort of rural with a lot of greenery and farming. Sigrid was a marine biologist for a living, and part of that job is protecting marine wild life from the effects of human consumption. So the final part of Tom's master plan is to buy the cottage from the city council, and turn it into a green energy power plant and pretend it's something he and Sigrid had long wanted to do, and that they decided to do in their dead daughters memory. A sort of make the world a better place-kind of thing, by providing the city with green energy. Sigrid's past profession has the science, and Tom with his mechanic background is perfectly equipped to set up and maintain a green power plant. I imagine Tom had no problem selling his plan to the city council. Politicians are attention-lovers and this would be perfect as a vote-grabbing news story, the two grieving parents starting a save-the-planet green power plant in honor of their dead daughters memory. Get some cash for a cottage and piece of land that's not being used any way, and an image boost for them. Sold!
This all went down before Isamu was born, but for some reason I forgot to include that in the last post. Whoops! Siri stayed hidden in the cottage, and Sigrid and Tom came over and set up a bunch of wind turbines by the front where the wind blows in from the river, and a bunch of solar panels on the roof. The water wriggler that I forgot to remove from an earlier picture is technically there for Isamu to play in when he gets older, but they are explaining it with the water wriggler being there to clean off the solar panels when needed

The power plants serve multiple purposes. For one thing it provides Siri with the electricity she needs to run indoor lights without involving the communal power company, and it makes the lot thoroughly uninviting. With the wind turbines spinning at the front and big warning signs warning people from coming inside it's even less likely anyone would dare to venture inside and end up discovering Siri. But the best part is that Sigrid and Tom spread the rumor that they have to keep the control room (aka the cottage) heated during winter so the electronics inside don't freeze, which is why there's smoke rising from the chimney during winter. Pretty clever if you ask me :3 (Aside from the fact that one may wonder why old-school heating and not electronic but let's not nitpick haha!
So to recap, Tom and Sigrid bought the cottage and the land off the city council and supposedly turned it into a green power plant. This allows Siri to use the fireplace during winter to keep the cottage warm without raising suspicion, and them now owning the land should prevent the city council or anyone else from going near it. This part of the plan is exactly why Sigrid agreed to the whole thing in the first place. Even if Tom said no visits, she figured with the power plant there it would theoretically be possible to visit without anyone getting suspicious. She just needs to convince Tom and she thinks with enough time she might be able to.
And that brings us neatly into the next part I wanted to talk about. We know how Siri is doing. Isamu is born and has quickly become the light of her life, her constant ray of sunlight in her otherwise fairly lonely desolate world. She spends her days taking care of Isamu and getting ready for winter. But what has Tom and Sigrid been up to? We know they set up the power plant, we know they donated to the orphanage, and are making a show out of grieving Siri. But that's all show, what's really going on behind the mask?
If you recall the Sjöströms have always been pretty solitary. They kept to themselves, enjoying quiet time at home. Didn't show up much in public, didn't really have friends or connections with other households in the hood. But this changed after Siri moved to the cottage. All of a sudden Tom started showing up places. In the background on community lots, as walk-by, even inside peoples houses. One day I found him sitting in the rocking chair in Tore Nilsson's nursery, just chilling staring emptily into the air
We all know Sims have strange social codes sometimes, but Tom is a shy Sim, unlike outgoing Sims he doesn't invite himself places. He's retired so not someone that would come home from work, neither parents had a hobby chance cards, and to make things even stranger when I checked Tom in SimPE he'd never even met either of them. Yet there he was, sitting in their nursery next to their sick premature baby boy. Wandered in from the street, into an unknown persons home and decided to keep their baby company

At this point Tom is getting on the older side. He's lost his beloved daughter, the thing that secretly gave him joy and made life meaningful. He pushed her away over something that really wasn't her fault, and he's shoved the emotions so far down he probably doesn't know where he hid them. And it looks like it ended up being too much for the otherwise so reliable Tom. He's gone senile, or perhaps a psychosis. Whichever it is something is not right that's for sure. Out roaming the streets looking for something he can't quite define, finding himself drawn to children. Perhaps he's looking for the baby Siri once was, or the grandchild he knows he has somewhere out there.
Sigrid on the other hand handled things better. While I'm sure she misses Siri dearly she's not seeing it as a good-bye forever like Tom, so she's not falling to pieces like he did. She too though became a more frequent visitor in community lots. I imagine both of them notice Siri's absence at home and feel the house is a little empty, and with Tom stuck in his own mind bubble I imagine Sigrid likes the company of other people from time to time. Or maybe she's out looking for Tom, who knows
But with Tom more out of the picture Sigrid became the boss of the family, the one making the decisions. And Sigrid decided it was time to say good-bye to the house and move to the community home for the elder. She wanted more eyes around to help her keep track of Tom, and she thought it'd do them both good to not have to walk around in their house with all it's memories of Siri growing up.
And it just so happens that the elderly home is located on the same street as Siri's cottage. Happy accident

If you look closely you'll see the lot where we saw Sigrid walking back from the direction of the cottage is two lots down from the elderly home. Perhaps she was out on an afternoon walk. Or perhaps there was something else going on
Here they are arriving at their new home (Autumn Wind retirement home by joandsarah here on MTS, though redecorated interiorly by me). Tom seems a little scared and confused by this new unknown place, but a little soothing talk from Sigrid and he was ready to check it out.

In case anyone is interested in seeing what their new home looks like I'll include pictures of their room at the retirement home. While part of the idea was leaving all the memories of Siri behind I knew they'd never leave her completely hidden so the paintings on the walls are artwork that Siri made as a kid, that used to be on the walls in their house. The hamster cage belongs to Sigrid, she got it when she thought they'd never have a baby because she wanted a living breathing creature to dote on and she's become a hamster lover since.

Tom was hesitant at first but he quickly forgot that once he discovered the Myshuno-machine. He looks so adorably confused trying to figure out this new and exciting thing.

After a while Sigrid convinced him to go have some breakfast and let the myshuno-machine rest. Is it just me or is there something sad about the way he's sitting there at the table, eating his pastry... Real roller-coaster of emotions in Tom these days.

And by now I'm sure you're thinking jeez is she never going to get to Siri and Isamu
Enough back-story talk and parents-update, bring on the cuteness! This year the snow came early and when we return to the cottage it's covered in a thick layer of snow. Winter is here! Siri always loved playing in the snow as a kid so of course she and Isamu have to check it out and have a fun day outdoors. What do you think of the cutie overalls Siri made for Isamu?

No surprise Isamu is terribly excited at this new strange phenomenon, ever the happy excited baby boy.

Gotta build a snowman! I love how Siri sort of checks in with Isamu, checking how he's getting on, or perhaps having a conversation asking him for feedback on the snowman build.

By the time Siri finished the snowman it was already dark.

Isamu looks like he had fun.

New indoor clothes too now it's colder.

Snow day outside is fun, but sure does tire you out!

Last time we checked in with Siri it was autumn and she was working on making quilts to cover up the walls. She made some progress on that but still lots of wall space to cover up so during these dark cold days she continued her project of cold-proofing the walls and making it a little brighter and happier in there.

Bedroom looking a lot more fun with an alien quilt on the wall and some fun paintings by the crib.
You buy the land of course! If it's your private property then no risk of the city council suddenly deciding to do something with it after all these years. But how do you explain wanting to buy a run down abandoned cottage in the woods all of a sudden? This is where the very public grieving comes in handy. The giant cross in front of your house, the donations to orphanage and the clear desire to make sure Siri is not forgotten and to do good in her name. Evergreen is a very green city, sort of rural with a lot of greenery and farming. Sigrid was a marine biologist for a living, and part of that job is protecting marine wild life from the effects of human consumption. So the final part of Tom's master plan is to buy the cottage from the city council, and turn it into a green energy power plant and pretend it's something he and Sigrid had long wanted to do, and that they decided to do in their dead daughters memory. A sort of make the world a better place-kind of thing, by providing the city with green energy. Sigrid's past profession has the science, and Tom with his mechanic background is perfectly equipped to set up and maintain a green power plant. I imagine Tom had no problem selling his plan to the city council. Politicians are attention-lovers and this would be perfect as a vote-grabbing news story, the two grieving parents starting a save-the-planet green power plant in honor of their dead daughters memory. Get some cash for a cottage and piece of land that's not being used any way, and an image boost for them. Sold!
This all went down before Isamu was born, but for some reason I forgot to include that in the last post. Whoops! Siri stayed hidden in the cottage, and Sigrid and Tom came over and set up a bunch of wind turbines by the front where the wind blows in from the river, and a bunch of solar panels on the roof. The water wriggler that I forgot to remove from an earlier picture is technically there for Isamu to play in when he gets older, but they are explaining it with the water wriggler being there to clean off the solar panels when needed

The power plants serve multiple purposes. For one thing it provides Siri with the electricity she needs to run indoor lights without involving the communal power company, and it makes the lot thoroughly uninviting. With the wind turbines spinning at the front and big warning signs warning people from coming inside it's even less likely anyone would dare to venture inside and end up discovering Siri. But the best part is that Sigrid and Tom spread the rumor that they have to keep the control room (aka the cottage) heated during winter so the electronics inside don't freeze, which is why there's smoke rising from the chimney during winter. Pretty clever if you ask me :3 (Aside from the fact that one may wonder why old-school heating and not electronic but let's not nitpick haha!
So to recap, Tom and Sigrid bought the cottage and the land off the city council and supposedly turned it into a green power plant. This allows Siri to use the fireplace during winter to keep the cottage warm without raising suspicion, and them now owning the land should prevent the city council or anyone else from going near it. This part of the plan is exactly why Sigrid agreed to the whole thing in the first place. Even if Tom said no visits, she figured with the power plant there it would theoretically be possible to visit without anyone getting suspicious. She just needs to convince Tom and she thinks with enough time she might be able to.
And that brings us neatly into the next part I wanted to talk about. We know how Siri is doing. Isamu is born and has quickly become the light of her life, her constant ray of sunlight in her otherwise fairly lonely desolate world. She spends her days taking care of Isamu and getting ready for winter. But what has Tom and Sigrid been up to? We know they set up the power plant, we know they donated to the orphanage, and are making a show out of grieving Siri. But that's all show, what's really going on behind the mask?
If you recall the Sjöströms have always been pretty solitary. They kept to themselves, enjoying quiet time at home. Didn't show up much in public, didn't really have friends or connections with other households in the hood. But this changed after Siri moved to the cottage. All of a sudden Tom started showing up places. In the background on community lots, as walk-by, even inside peoples houses. One day I found him sitting in the rocking chair in Tore Nilsson's nursery, just chilling staring emptily into the air

At this point Tom is getting on the older side. He's lost his beloved daughter, the thing that secretly gave him joy and made life meaningful. He pushed her away over something that really wasn't her fault, and he's shoved the emotions so far down he probably doesn't know where he hid them. And it looks like it ended up being too much for the otherwise so reliable Tom. He's gone senile, or perhaps a psychosis. Whichever it is something is not right that's for sure. Out roaming the streets looking for something he can't quite define, finding himself drawn to children. Perhaps he's looking for the baby Siri once was, or the grandchild he knows he has somewhere out there.
Sigrid on the other hand handled things better. While I'm sure she misses Siri dearly she's not seeing it as a good-bye forever like Tom, so she's not falling to pieces like he did. She too though became a more frequent visitor in community lots. I imagine both of them notice Siri's absence at home and feel the house is a little empty, and with Tom stuck in his own mind bubble I imagine Sigrid likes the company of other people from time to time. Or maybe she's out looking for Tom, who knows

And it just so happens that the elderly home is located on the same street as Siri's cottage. Happy accident

If you look closely you'll see the lot where we saw Sigrid walking back from the direction of the cottage is two lots down from the elderly home. Perhaps she was out on an afternoon walk. Or perhaps there was something else going on

Here they are arriving at their new home (Autumn Wind retirement home by joandsarah here on MTS, though redecorated interiorly by me). Tom seems a little scared and confused by this new unknown place, but a little soothing talk from Sigrid and he was ready to check it out.

In case anyone is interested in seeing what their new home looks like I'll include pictures of their room at the retirement home. While part of the idea was leaving all the memories of Siri behind I knew they'd never leave her completely hidden so the paintings on the walls are artwork that Siri made as a kid, that used to be on the walls in their house. The hamster cage belongs to Sigrid, she got it when she thought they'd never have a baby because she wanted a living breathing creature to dote on and she's become a hamster lover since.

Tom was hesitant at first but he quickly forgot that once he discovered the Myshuno-machine. He looks so adorably confused trying to figure out this new and exciting thing.

After a while Sigrid convinced him to go have some breakfast and let the myshuno-machine rest. Is it just me or is there something sad about the way he's sitting there at the table, eating his pastry... Real roller-coaster of emotions in Tom these days.

And by now I'm sure you're thinking jeez is she never going to get to Siri and Isamu

No surprise Isamu is terribly excited at this new strange phenomenon, ever the happy excited baby boy.

Gotta build a snowman! I love how Siri sort of checks in with Isamu, checking how he's getting on, or perhaps having a conversation asking him for feedback on the snowman build.

By the time Siri finished the snowman it was already dark.

Isamu looks like he had fun.

New indoor clothes too now it's colder.

Snow day outside is fun, but sure does tire you out!

Last time we checked in with Siri it was autumn and she was working on making quilts to cover up the walls. She made some progress on that but still lots of wall space to cover up so during these dark cold days she continued her project of cold-proofing the walls and making it a little brighter and happier in there.

Bedroom looking a lot more fun with an alien quilt on the wall and some fun paintings by the crib.

Not the most exciting end but going to stop the post here. Too tired to be creative and I figure it's more fun to read if I'm able to tell it in a interesting way

Move on to chapter 11 part 1
Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
1st Oct 2018 at 4:21 AM

Posts: 443
Thanks: 92 in 1 Posts
LOVE the update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmmm.. Romantic side of me is hoping there will be some fairytale-alike prince charming who will find out about the cabin and knock the door at some point
For Tom, I am worried about him. As what I think, he is either regretting desicions he made back then or , not admitting he is regretting. He misses his daughter , and If he would not been so shallow (not like Vanessa) back then, he might be a happy granpa atm.
Hmmm.. Romantic side of me is hoping there will be some fairytale-alike prince charming who will find out about the cabin and knock the door at some point

For Tom, I am worried about him. As what I think, he is either regretting desicions he made back then or , not admitting he is regretting. He misses his daughter , and If he would not been so shallow (not like Vanessa) back then, he might be a happy granpa atm.
~~~~Call me Ellu ~~~
My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
3rd Oct 2018 at 6:05 PM
Last edited by lordtyger9 : 3rd Oct 2018 at 6:20 PM.

Posts: 1,913
@gummilutt I looked at your post about Henrik Lindström and Alicia for some reason and I wanted to say that they are a great couple and I loved their Vacation it was just great, Great Pictures too.
I also checked out your latest post about Siri and Isamu and it was great. I am so looking forward to more whenever you you post it.
Take care and I hope that you are feeling well.
for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
I also checked out your latest post about Siri and Isamu and it was great. I am so looking forward to more whenever you you post it.
Take care and I hope that you are feeling well.
for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
18th May 2019 at 12:43 AM
Last edited by gummilutt : 5th May 2024 at 10:07 PM.

Hi everyone!
Sometimes life happens and things get put on hold for much longer than you intended it to
I've missed my Sims, and I've missed the community, but I've had a rough go of it with my health in the past few years and Sims had to take a backseat. Still not great and it could be I vanish another 8 months after this post, but today I woke up with a strong Sims urge and something is telling me it's time to continue this story.
Since it's been forever and a half I thought I'd include links to the last few episodes, had to go read back to see where I left off and I figured if anyone is still interested it might come in handy for them too.
Last episode of Sally Mae and Sawyer family
Last episode of Stoffe and Vanessa Van Derbirth
Last episode of Siri Kim-Sjöström and baby Isamu
Following past pattern we would be visiting Sally-Mae and the Sawyers this time, but we're going to change things up this time as there's been a real tragedy in the hood and no one is talking of anything else at the moment...
Chapter 11 Part 1 - Stoffe & Vanessa Van Derbirth...
When we left them Stoffe had taken Vanessa out to a fancy dinner to take her mind off how rubbish the pregnancy was making her feel, but the night didn't go quite as planned and by the time they got home Vanessa was spent. She passed out on the floor after getting up to pee, which is where Stoffe found her. With the words of Andreas and Isabelle fresh in his mind this worried him immensely. He put her back in her bed, and settled in to keep watch over her.

He means well but one wonders why he left her all bare like that, you'd think he'd have covered her with the blanket at least
Guessing he too realized that when he woke up feeling chilly because he soon covered her up, though apparently did not think to change into something warmer himself before he fell asleep again in his chair.

Towards the early hours of the morning, just before dawn, Vanessa finally awoke looking rather worn out.

I don't know whether it was Vanessa touching his leg or the light turning on that woke Stoffe, but he looked so relieved to see her able to stand on her own two legs.

First things first, gotta check on the baby and see it's doing alright.

At first glance it seems like rather a sweet scene, Stoffe absorbed looking at her belly feeling the baby, Vanessa for once focused on her husband with a happy look on her face. Until you see the thought-bubbles...

Doesn't get much clearer than that, does it? To Vanessa Stoffe is and always will be just the person that brings in the money she feels is vital to a secure life. I'm sure she is fond of him for it, but in the end it's all about the money, and that's what she sees when she looks at him, or thinks of him.
Luckily Stoffe can't see thought bubbles, and either way he's so focused on that baby bump I suspect he'd have missed it even if he could see it. He heads down to the kitchen to make her breakfast, while she gets ready. Too early for the butler.

But what's this? Could it be that Stoffe isn't the only one worried about the baby?

Quite the look of introspection on Stoffe's face.. I wonder what he's thinking.

It's strange really, but whenever I see the two of them together, they look lonely to me. As if they are each living in a separate universe and we're really seeing a split image of two people sitting alone at a table in two different universes.

After dinner Stoffe sent Vanessa up to take a nice long bubble bath, while he tended to some things. She looks rather happy and at ease, don't you think?

Quite the experience for the butler being met by Stoffe in his underwear at the door
But I'm sure the rather large tip put that out of his mind. I wonder why Stoffe is off tipping the butler...

After getting dressed off to the office, clicking away at his computer... I wonder what he's up to.

Whatever it was it didn't take long, while Vanessa was getting dolled up for the day Stoffe went down to feed the fishes. I don't remember if I've shown you the fishes before, but Stoffe's quite fond of his little aquarium in the kitchens.

Nothing like a pretty dress and a beautiful necklace to get you ready to face the day.

Unfortunately someone, I won't say who, apparently did not take screenshots of when Stoffe revealed his plans to Vanessa
But it's quite simple, what do rich folk do when they are indisposed? Travel of course! Go somewhere and get pampered and soak up air and sun in hopes that'll somehow magically cure them of their ailments. Stoffe thought that some time away from the pressures of university and social life would do Vanessa good, give her time to just rest and get through the pregnancy. So off they go!

Really quite gentlemanly of Stoffe to carry the bag for her, and of course Vanessa got the front seat.

So where did they set off to do you think? Twikki Islands of course! The sun, the sea, the tropical fruits, obvious choice
But Stoffe had one more surprise in store. He didn't just order tickets while clicking away at his computer, he went and bought a house for them! After all hotels are full of noise and people and who knows what kind of germs Vanessa might pick up there. He thought a small but breezy cottage would be just the thing. (Lot in question is A Refreshing Spanish Retreat by lewjen, here on MTS).

It's not beach property, but it's close enough to have a gorgeous view of the bay from the patio and garden.

Here they are entering their new vacation home. I wasn't sure how Vanessa would feel about such a simple house, but she looks quite pleased as they enter. Stoffe on the other hand... is that misery, or just worry? I can't quite tell.

Stoffe as per usual goes straight to the practical and get busy hiring a maid to come clean while they are there, and in the mean time Vanessa takes a look around the cottage. She seems quite taken with the place to me.

Stoffe suggested Vanessa have a lie down while he makes some food, I'm sure the journey there was quite exhausting.

Must be lovely having a patio to eat on, sitting there in the bright sun looking out over the pond, the palm trees and the sea in the distance.

Perhaps Vanessa is complimenting Stoffe on the delicious salad made with fresh local vegetables. Unusual seeing them interact with each other, even though she's seated at the table and he went and made himself a drink.

Perhaps Stoffe thought Vanessa could do with some more pampering, because after lunch he went and made a delicious berry pie.

Doesn't seem he had much difficulty convincing Vanessa to dig in and have a slice, though Stoffe himself was more concerned with keeping an eye on her to tuck into his own slice.

Of course Stoffe made sure the cottage had an easel by the window overlooking the pond, so Vanessa could catch the breeze and be creative.

Then off to bed for an early night. Vanessa fell asleep promptly, and Stoffe of course came as well to keep an eye on her. But once again with that look his face... there's something so sad over his silhouette in this picture.

Rather early for Stoffe, so he enjoyed a quiet evening reading a book while Vanessa caught up on some more sleep.

The next day they enjoyed some cereal for breakfast, once again opting to eat out on the patio. They must be hungry, cereal flying all over the place!

After that Stoffe suggested they go down to the beach for a little while. Vanessa sporting a brand new maternity dress.

Stoffe went straight in for a cool dip.I imagine it's quite hot walking around in a formal shirt, even if he leaves the tie loose.

Vanessa preferred to watch from one of the beach chairs.

No surprise she was soon fast asleep.

Stoffe figured he best let her rest and settled down to watch some local fire dancing. Unfortunately it seems the weather is not on their side, as it started raining.

I imagine it's quite humid when it rains in Twikki Islands, so no wonder Vanessa opted to change into a bikini. I'm sure Stoffe wanted to take her home, but good luck persuading her to do that before she's had a time to get some shopping done.

By the time they were done shopping the rain had passed so they decided to stay a little longer. Seems Vanessa quite enjoyed a snooze in the ocean breeze.

The next day Stoffe had to catch up on some business, though of course he first made share Vanessa ate a proper breakfast.

While Stoffe was busy doing that Vanessa went outside to have a go at the pottery table out in the garden. She seems to be enjoying it quite a bit.

Stoffe suggested they take the car and go over to check out the ruins, perhaps to persuade Vanessa to step away from the pottery table as I imagine he thought it might be too laborsome for her. Unusual seeing Vanessa looking at Stoffe with hearts...

Stoffe thought he'd go take a look at the fountain.

Meanwhile Vanessa headed for the hot spring.

I wonder what Stoffe is wishing for. I wonder if Stoffe himself knows the answer to that question...

I was a bit surprised that Vanessa decided to pour in soap rather than make an offering.

And we all know what happens when you give the Gods soap..

No surprise Stoffe whisked her away from there, looked quite dangerous. And what pregnant lady would say no to a quick back rub?

Instead they headed off to the best restaurant on the island, at the beautiful Beach Hotel.

I imagine Vanessa is telling the waitress all about how her darling husband bought her a vacation home and how they are here enjoying the beautiful island.

Vanessas favorite food is crepes suzette so of course they had to order a plate of that too as evening fell over the bay.

The next day they decided to stay home, take it easy. Stoffe thought he might test out the golf course he got from his new job.

Doesn't seem like mini golf is his thing though

Perhaps better to practice his fishing, on the off chance he get invited to a company retreat with the big fish.

And what do you know he caught himself a catfish! Guess what's for dinner tonight!

I rather wonder how Vanessa feels about Stoffe making drinks all the time. You may recall I had to make a whole slew of pregnant-women-stay-away mods to keep her from drinking non stop back home, so I imagine she feels Stoffe should give it up too

Tasty catfish it seems!

Quiet day, quiet evening. Vanessa painting, Stoffe watching the game.

The next day they decided to head for the local spa. Vanessa loves heat, which is one of the reasons Stoffe chose Twikki Islands. Hot bubble baths, nice long sweat in the sauna back home. She much enjoyed the hot spring at the ancient temple, and the whole idea was to rest and get pampered so a day at the spa really is a must
Stoffe thought he'd try a hot stone massage, and Vanessa headed for the sauna.

Is it just me, or does she look like she's thinking of something and that something is making her happy? I wonder what it could.

Stoffe appears to be enjoying his massage.

But what's this? Appears Vanessa finished in the sauna and when she came out the Charlatan thought he'd say hi. She looks so terrified

I honestly don't know what it is about the thieves in my hood but they all seem to operate under some kind of rule that says all pregnant women must be subjected to theft. Though why Vanessa chose to keep money in the back of her bra I have no idea

I hadn't really noticed before now just how ominous and scary the Charlatan is when he mugs people. Poor Vanessa, look how she's covering her pregnant belly and cowering down in fear

Those wide eyes, fixed on her mugger... poor woman.

You may wonder, where is Stoffe in all of this? Having his massage... poor man. Imagine having your face shoved down a massage hole while hearing some shifty dude talking to your wife, and your gods being unable to release you until the interaction finished
But as soon as it ended he headed straight there, fists a blazing.

Vanessa of course cheering him on, as he defends her honor.

The Charlatan got himself an ass-whooping! Looks like he chose the wrong person to steal from!

And of course they reported the incident to the authorities, though we all know how effective that is...

Afterwards Stoffe suggested they try to relax in the hot spring, let the tensions of this awful incident get drained by the hot steamy water, this time staying close by. One wonders why the other visitor thought this was a good time to talk negatively about babies. Vanessa looks quite shocked, and Stoffe none too pleased either.

No, better they head back home and try to put this day behind them. Unfortunately for them, it seems the evils of the world weren't quite done with them for the day... Perhaps the Charlatan tipped off a friend as revenge for tipping off the police.

Hm hm hm... what shall I steal?

This piece of artwork seems like a good choice! Honestly, the nerve of her continuing her steal while the police stands there like a fool patiently waiting for her to finish

I rather hoped they'd sleep through it but alas no, both woke up and rushed to watch the fight.

And apparently someone, once again nameless, forgot to document the rest of the night. But the thief was caught, Stoffe and Vanessa got a bit of compensation for the stolen painting. But needless to say it was a very harrowing day for them. First Vanessa gets mugged by the Charlatan, and then a thief breaks into their home and steals from them...
The next day while Vanessa was still asleep Stoffe went back to the spa to learn how to perform hot stone massage.

Then he bought a massage table, and once Vanessa woke up suggested he give her one.

Not sure how comfortable it is to lie down on a pregnant belly but at least she's only second trimester, and she does love heat so all in all I'm sure she appreciated it.

Over dinner Vanessa talked excitedly about the nursery. Look at that expression of excitement on her face. Seems like not even a mugging and a burglary was able to shift her thoughts much.

With Vanessa once again safely tucked up in bed Stoffe had a drink out of the patio. For once with a smile on his face, as he looks out over the ocean in the distance. I wonder what he's happy about?
Continued in next post~ which you can get to here.
Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
Sometimes life happens and things get put on hold for much longer than you intended it to

Since it's been forever and a half I thought I'd include links to the last few episodes, had to go read back to see where I left off and I figured if anyone is still interested it might come in handy for them too.
Last episode of Sally Mae and Sawyer family
Last episode of Stoffe and Vanessa Van Derbirth
Last episode of Siri Kim-Sjöström and baby Isamu
Following past pattern we would be visiting Sally-Mae and the Sawyers this time, but we're going to change things up this time as there's been a real tragedy in the hood and no one is talking of anything else at the moment...

Chapter 11 Part 1 - Stoffe & Vanessa Van Derbirth...
When we left them Stoffe had taken Vanessa out to a fancy dinner to take her mind off how rubbish the pregnancy was making her feel, but the night didn't go quite as planned and by the time they got home Vanessa was spent. She passed out on the floor after getting up to pee, which is where Stoffe found her. With the words of Andreas and Isabelle fresh in his mind this worried him immensely. He put her back in her bed, and settled in to keep watch over her.

He means well but one wonders why he left her all bare like that, you'd think he'd have covered her with the blanket at least

Towards the early hours of the morning, just before dawn, Vanessa finally awoke looking rather worn out.

I don't know whether it was Vanessa touching his leg or the light turning on that woke Stoffe, but he looked so relieved to see her able to stand on her own two legs.

First things first, gotta check on the baby and see it's doing alright.

At first glance it seems like rather a sweet scene, Stoffe absorbed looking at her belly feeling the baby, Vanessa for once focused on her husband with a happy look on her face. Until you see the thought-bubbles...

Doesn't get much clearer than that, does it? To Vanessa Stoffe is and always will be just the person that brings in the money she feels is vital to a secure life. I'm sure she is fond of him for it, but in the end it's all about the money, and that's what she sees when she looks at him, or thinks of him.
Luckily Stoffe can't see thought bubbles, and either way he's so focused on that baby bump I suspect he'd have missed it even if he could see it. He heads down to the kitchen to make her breakfast, while she gets ready. Too early for the butler.

But what's this? Could it be that Stoffe isn't the only one worried about the baby?

Quite the look of introspection on Stoffe's face.. I wonder what he's thinking.

It's strange really, but whenever I see the two of them together, they look lonely to me. As if they are each living in a separate universe and we're really seeing a split image of two people sitting alone at a table in two different universes.

After dinner Stoffe sent Vanessa up to take a nice long bubble bath, while he tended to some things. She looks rather happy and at ease, don't you think?

Quite the experience for the butler being met by Stoffe in his underwear at the door

After getting dressed off to the office, clicking away at his computer... I wonder what he's up to.

Whatever it was it didn't take long, while Vanessa was getting dolled up for the day Stoffe went down to feed the fishes. I don't remember if I've shown you the fishes before, but Stoffe's quite fond of his little aquarium in the kitchens.

Nothing like a pretty dress and a beautiful necklace to get you ready to face the day.

Unfortunately someone, I won't say who, apparently did not take screenshots of when Stoffe revealed his plans to Vanessa

Really quite gentlemanly of Stoffe to carry the bag for her, and of course Vanessa got the front seat.

So where did they set off to do you think? Twikki Islands of course! The sun, the sea, the tropical fruits, obvious choice

It's not beach property, but it's close enough to have a gorgeous view of the bay from the patio and garden.

Here they are entering their new vacation home. I wasn't sure how Vanessa would feel about such a simple house, but she looks quite pleased as they enter. Stoffe on the other hand... is that misery, or just worry? I can't quite tell.

Stoffe as per usual goes straight to the practical and get busy hiring a maid to come clean while they are there, and in the mean time Vanessa takes a look around the cottage. She seems quite taken with the place to me.

Stoffe suggested Vanessa have a lie down while he makes some food, I'm sure the journey there was quite exhausting.

Must be lovely having a patio to eat on, sitting there in the bright sun looking out over the pond, the palm trees and the sea in the distance.

Perhaps Vanessa is complimenting Stoffe on the delicious salad made with fresh local vegetables. Unusual seeing them interact with each other, even though she's seated at the table and he went and made himself a drink.

Perhaps Stoffe thought Vanessa could do with some more pampering, because after lunch he went and made a delicious berry pie.

Doesn't seem he had much difficulty convincing Vanessa to dig in and have a slice, though Stoffe himself was more concerned with keeping an eye on her to tuck into his own slice.

Of course Stoffe made sure the cottage had an easel by the window overlooking the pond, so Vanessa could catch the breeze and be creative.

Then off to bed for an early night. Vanessa fell asleep promptly, and Stoffe of course came as well to keep an eye on her. But once again with that look his face... there's something so sad over his silhouette in this picture.

Rather early for Stoffe, so he enjoyed a quiet evening reading a book while Vanessa caught up on some more sleep.

The next day they enjoyed some cereal for breakfast, once again opting to eat out on the patio. They must be hungry, cereal flying all over the place!

After that Stoffe suggested they go down to the beach for a little while. Vanessa sporting a brand new maternity dress.

Stoffe went straight in for a cool dip.I imagine it's quite hot walking around in a formal shirt, even if he leaves the tie loose.

Vanessa preferred to watch from one of the beach chairs.

No surprise she was soon fast asleep.

Stoffe figured he best let her rest and settled down to watch some local fire dancing. Unfortunately it seems the weather is not on their side, as it started raining.

I imagine it's quite humid when it rains in Twikki Islands, so no wonder Vanessa opted to change into a bikini. I'm sure Stoffe wanted to take her home, but good luck persuading her to do that before she's had a time to get some shopping done.

By the time they were done shopping the rain had passed so they decided to stay a little longer. Seems Vanessa quite enjoyed a snooze in the ocean breeze.

The next day Stoffe had to catch up on some business, though of course he first made share Vanessa ate a proper breakfast.

While Stoffe was busy doing that Vanessa went outside to have a go at the pottery table out in the garden. She seems to be enjoying it quite a bit.

Stoffe suggested they take the car and go over to check out the ruins, perhaps to persuade Vanessa to step away from the pottery table as I imagine he thought it might be too laborsome for her. Unusual seeing Vanessa looking at Stoffe with hearts...

Stoffe thought he'd go take a look at the fountain.

Meanwhile Vanessa headed for the hot spring.

I wonder what Stoffe is wishing for. I wonder if Stoffe himself knows the answer to that question...

I was a bit surprised that Vanessa decided to pour in soap rather than make an offering.

And we all know what happens when you give the Gods soap..

No surprise Stoffe whisked her away from there, looked quite dangerous. And what pregnant lady would say no to a quick back rub?

Instead they headed off to the best restaurant on the island, at the beautiful Beach Hotel.

I imagine Vanessa is telling the waitress all about how her darling husband bought her a vacation home and how they are here enjoying the beautiful island.

Vanessas favorite food is crepes suzette so of course they had to order a plate of that too as evening fell over the bay.

The next day they decided to stay home, take it easy. Stoffe thought he might test out the golf course he got from his new job.

Doesn't seem like mini golf is his thing though

Perhaps better to practice his fishing, on the off chance he get invited to a company retreat with the big fish.

And what do you know he caught himself a catfish! Guess what's for dinner tonight!

I rather wonder how Vanessa feels about Stoffe making drinks all the time. You may recall I had to make a whole slew of pregnant-women-stay-away mods to keep her from drinking non stop back home, so I imagine she feels Stoffe should give it up too

Tasty catfish it seems!

Quiet day, quiet evening. Vanessa painting, Stoffe watching the game.

The next day they decided to head for the local spa. Vanessa loves heat, which is one of the reasons Stoffe chose Twikki Islands. Hot bubble baths, nice long sweat in the sauna back home. She much enjoyed the hot spring at the ancient temple, and the whole idea was to rest and get pampered so a day at the spa really is a must

Is it just me, or does she look like she's thinking of something and that something is making her happy? I wonder what it could.

Stoffe appears to be enjoying his massage.

But what's this? Appears Vanessa finished in the sauna and when she came out the Charlatan thought he'd say hi. She looks so terrified

I honestly don't know what it is about the thieves in my hood but they all seem to operate under some kind of rule that says all pregnant women must be subjected to theft. Though why Vanessa chose to keep money in the back of her bra I have no idea

I hadn't really noticed before now just how ominous and scary the Charlatan is when he mugs people. Poor Vanessa, look how she's covering her pregnant belly and cowering down in fear

Those wide eyes, fixed on her mugger... poor woman.

You may wonder, where is Stoffe in all of this? Having his massage... poor man. Imagine having your face shoved down a massage hole while hearing some shifty dude talking to your wife, and your gods being unable to release you until the interaction finished

Vanessa of course cheering him on, as he defends her honor.

The Charlatan got himself an ass-whooping! Looks like he chose the wrong person to steal from!

And of course they reported the incident to the authorities, though we all know how effective that is...

Afterwards Stoffe suggested they try to relax in the hot spring, let the tensions of this awful incident get drained by the hot steamy water, this time staying close by. One wonders why the other visitor thought this was a good time to talk negatively about babies. Vanessa looks quite shocked, and Stoffe none too pleased either.

No, better they head back home and try to put this day behind them. Unfortunately for them, it seems the evils of the world weren't quite done with them for the day... Perhaps the Charlatan tipped off a friend as revenge for tipping off the police.

Hm hm hm... what shall I steal?

This piece of artwork seems like a good choice! Honestly, the nerve of her continuing her steal while the police stands there like a fool patiently waiting for her to finish

I rather hoped they'd sleep through it but alas no, both woke up and rushed to watch the fight.

And apparently someone, once again nameless, forgot to document the rest of the night. But the thief was caught, Stoffe and Vanessa got a bit of compensation for the stolen painting. But needless to say it was a very harrowing day for them. First Vanessa gets mugged by the Charlatan, and then a thief breaks into their home and steals from them...
The next day while Vanessa was still asleep Stoffe went back to the spa to learn how to perform hot stone massage.

Then he bought a massage table, and once Vanessa woke up suggested he give her one.

Not sure how comfortable it is to lie down on a pregnant belly but at least she's only second trimester, and she does love heat so all in all I'm sure she appreciated it.

Over dinner Vanessa talked excitedly about the nursery. Look at that expression of excitement on her face. Seems like not even a mugging and a burglary was able to shift her thoughts much.

With Vanessa once again safely tucked up in bed Stoffe had a drink out of the patio. For once with a smile on his face, as he looks out over the ocean in the distance. I wonder what he's happy about?

Continued in next post~ which you can get to here.
Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
18th May 2019 at 12:43 AM
Last edited by gummilutt : 5th May 2024 at 10:07 PM.

Whoops this update turned out very long! Had to split it over two post, so here comes part 2 
Chapter 11 Part 2 - Stoffe & Vanessa Van Derbirth...
Hopefully the posts are at least somewhat readable. Part of the health issues cause me to write one word when I mean another, which can makes things rather confusing
I'll go over it and proof-read next time I have energy, but for now I just want to post it. Hopefully there's still someone out there that remembers this story, that might enjoy the update 
Go to chapter 12
Creations can be found on my on tumblr.

Chapter 11 Part 2 - Stoffe & Vanessa Van Derbirth...
Next morning Stoffe made cereal as always (come on dude, surely you could give her something more nutrious? xD)

But he left her to eat alone and headed off to the southern beach.

I imagine a pirate ship to explore is rather irresistible for someone that's still got their inner child inside.

Do you think he's imaging the dummy being the Charlatan?

A quick look for some beach treasures. Perhaps he'll find a nice shell to take home to Vanessa...

And perhaps he may have bought a real treasure too..

Meanwhile at home Vanessa is catching up on what's been going on while they were away..

But then in walks Stoffe with a surprise present!

Looks like the gift was well received.

Turns our what he got her was a shark tooth necklace, and he got one just like it for himself. And he suggested that now she's better rested they could give going out for a nice dinner another go and see if it goes better than last time. So here she is getting ready for the evening. She looks quite moved, like she's almost welling up with tears.

I don't know what it was exactly but for once she decided to let her hair down, both figuratively, and literally. Looks quite different, though she appears to be enjoying the transformation.

Of course the go-to place is the Beach Hotel. Stoffe sticking to the same style he's worn all trip, with a loose tie on a formal shirt though with long jeans this time. And of course wearing his own sharks tooth necklace. He actually looks excited about this. And is it just me, or is there a presence in his eyes that wasn't there before? Like he's actually looking at Vanessa and seeing her.

And Vanessa does too. Quite the look of tenderness on her face.

Of course Vanessa had to waddle off for a pre-dinner pee. Pregnant bladder waits for no dinner!

Meanwhile Stoffe heads to get a table for them

And of course it's the best seats in the house, with the full view. Can't have anything else!

Vanessa took so long in the bathroom the waitress had already arrived

Look how Vanessa keeps her eyes locked on Stoffe, and how happy he looks as he's telling their order to the waitress.

A toast to us, my darling!

And here comes the waitress with their food. But uh, is it just me or is that lid crooked?

Uh oh! Looks like someone is getting a salad shower

Stoffe doesn't look particularly pleased to have their mealed dumped on his head. Poor guy really can't catch a break, last time their food got lost and this time it gets dumped on him

Vanessa seems to have found it rather funny though, and the waitress sorted out new food quickly.

Though Stoffe clearly felt it was forever, poor guy looks so hungry wolfing down his food

A plate of crepes suzette for the lady, with a side of flirting.

Does look like the evening is going very well.

A star-lit dance out on the patio...

Back home Stoffe has a drink while Vanessa gets ready for bed. But she's clearly on his mind, look at him standing out there looking towards the bedroom.

But meanwhile in the bedroom... Vanessa's thoughts appear to be somewhere else entirely. She looks sad, but tender at the same time. What's that about you think?

Time to return to ordinary life.

Bye bye cottage!

Look at that belly, getting bigger!

Looks like both Stoffe and Vanessa aren't too keen on returning to reality, or maybe they are just sad to leave this beautiful place.

They didn't know it then, but they had good reason to feel sad, but for entirely different reasons. When they arrive back at their house... they are greeted by an inferno!

Sadly the taxi is flashing purple because the fire was a lot for my computer to handle, but yeah the purple thing is their taxi returning.
Turns out that the pesky nonsense details that you let your staff think about, can come back to bite you. Their house is surrounded by luscious landscaping, usually kept in check by the butler and gardener. But as you may recall, Stoffe gave the butler a large tip before the left. He figured as they weren't going to be there their butler could enjoy some time off as well, and so he paid him in advance and told him to go enjoy himself. While they were away there was no one there to tend the garden, and the weeds spread all over. And as we know if a lightning strike is well-timed it can start a fire just as the rain subsides, leaving the fire to go rampant. Had there been a butler present perhaps he could have called the fire brigade, but alas no one was there and so the fire spread unchallenged leaving Vanessa and Stoffe to drive by watching their house go up in flames.
So what do you do when arrive back to find a massive inferno? You don't stop and get out that's for sure. Luckily Vanessa's friend Rakel Ivarsson's mansion is just down the street from their house so the taxi kept on and dropped them off there instead.

And so here they are, standing outside of Rakel's grand mansion, faced with the reality that their own home is in the process of burning down to the ground...

And there you have it, that's the tragedy on the lips of everyone in Evergreen at the moment. The last time they had a fire poor Siri perished on the flames (or so they think....) and now one of the grandest houses in the city burned down. What could possibly be next?

But he left her to eat alone and headed off to the southern beach.

I imagine a pirate ship to explore is rather irresistible for someone that's still got their inner child inside.

Do you think he's imaging the dummy being the Charlatan?

A quick look for some beach treasures. Perhaps he'll find a nice shell to take home to Vanessa...

And perhaps he may have bought a real treasure too..

Meanwhile at home Vanessa is catching up on what's been going on while they were away..

But then in walks Stoffe with a surprise present!

Looks like the gift was well received.

Turns our what he got her was a shark tooth necklace, and he got one just like it for himself. And he suggested that now she's better rested they could give going out for a nice dinner another go and see if it goes better than last time. So here she is getting ready for the evening. She looks quite moved, like she's almost welling up with tears.

I don't know what it was exactly but for once she decided to let her hair down, both figuratively, and literally. Looks quite different, though she appears to be enjoying the transformation.

Of course the go-to place is the Beach Hotel. Stoffe sticking to the same style he's worn all trip, with a loose tie on a formal shirt though with long jeans this time. And of course wearing his own sharks tooth necklace. He actually looks excited about this. And is it just me, or is there a presence in his eyes that wasn't there before? Like he's actually looking at Vanessa and seeing her.

And Vanessa does too. Quite the look of tenderness on her face.

Of course Vanessa had to waddle off for a pre-dinner pee. Pregnant bladder waits for no dinner!

Meanwhile Stoffe heads to get a table for them

And of course it's the best seats in the house, with the full view. Can't have anything else!

Vanessa took so long in the bathroom the waitress had already arrived

Look how Vanessa keeps her eyes locked on Stoffe, and how happy he looks as he's telling their order to the waitress.

A toast to us, my darling!

And here comes the waitress with their food. But uh, is it just me or is that lid crooked?

Uh oh! Looks like someone is getting a salad shower

Stoffe doesn't look particularly pleased to have their mealed dumped on his head. Poor guy really can't catch a break, last time their food got lost and this time it gets dumped on him

Vanessa seems to have found it rather funny though, and the waitress sorted out new food quickly.

Though Stoffe clearly felt it was forever, poor guy looks so hungry wolfing down his food

A plate of crepes suzette for the lady, with a side of flirting.

Does look like the evening is going very well.

A star-lit dance out on the patio...

Back home Stoffe has a drink while Vanessa gets ready for bed. But she's clearly on his mind, look at him standing out there looking towards the bedroom.

But meanwhile in the bedroom... Vanessa's thoughts appear to be somewhere else entirely. She looks sad, but tender at the same time. What's that about you think?

Time to return to ordinary life.

Bye bye cottage!

Look at that belly, getting bigger!

Looks like both Stoffe and Vanessa aren't too keen on returning to reality, or maybe they are just sad to leave this beautiful place.

They didn't know it then, but they had good reason to feel sad, but for entirely different reasons. When they arrive back at their house... they are greeted by an inferno!

Sadly the taxi is flashing purple because the fire was a lot for my computer to handle, but yeah the purple thing is their taxi returning.
Turns out that the pesky nonsense details that you let your staff think about, can come back to bite you. Their house is surrounded by luscious landscaping, usually kept in check by the butler and gardener. But as you may recall, Stoffe gave the butler a large tip before the left. He figured as they weren't going to be there their butler could enjoy some time off as well, and so he paid him in advance and told him to go enjoy himself. While they were away there was no one there to tend the garden, and the weeds spread all over. And as we know if a lightning strike is well-timed it can start a fire just as the rain subsides, leaving the fire to go rampant. Had there been a butler present perhaps he could have called the fire brigade, but alas no one was there and so the fire spread unchallenged leaving Vanessa and Stoffe to drive by watching their house go up in flames.
So what do you do when arrive back to find a massive inferno? You don't stop and get out that's for sure. Luckily Vanessa's friend Rakel Ivarsson's mansion is just down the street from their house so the taxi kept on and dropped them off there instead.

And so here they are, standing outside of Rakel's grand mansion, faced with the reality that their own home is in the process of burning down to the ground...

And there you have it, that's the tragedy on the lips of everyone in Evergreen at the moment. The last time they had a fire poor Siri perished on the flames (or so they think....) and now one of the grandest houses in the city burned down. What could possibly be next?

Hopefully the posts are at least somewhat readable. Part of the health issues cause me to write one word when I mean another, which can makes things rather confusing

Go to chapter 12
Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
28th May 2019 at 7:40 PM

Posts: 443
Thanks: 92 in 1 Posts
Their vacation sounded awesome! And oh my what a homecoming :/
~~~~Call me Ellu ~~~
My love, my love, my fearless love, I will not say goodbye..
Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
Sea may rise, sky may fall, My love will never die..
My heart, my heart, My drowning heart, Oh all the tears I've cried
Oh I may weep forevermore, My love will never die..
Field Researcher
22nd Jun 2019 at 8:12 PM

Posts: 319
I had a lot to read to catch up on things, and it was riveting!
I'm wondering if Stoffe is going to turn out to be much more of a family man than he thought. He looks lonely at home with Vanessa; he was so happy to see Matron and his orphanage friends at his graduation; he sure does like to rub Vanessa's pregnant belly; he seemed to be wooing Vanessa on that lovely vacation. Could these be indications that he is working towards a more balanced and connected life? Could Sally Mae be part of this? They sure seemed to miss each other and be genuinely happy to reconnect. Maybe they will meet regularly at the grocery store!
Vanessa I'm not sure about. There are some indications she's starting to care more about Stoffe, but then it ends up being about money much of the time. She seems to be softening towards the idea of the baby, and surely she'll have a staff to take care of all the unpleasant things about babies.
Poor befuddled Tom. Maybe he'll forget some things and reconcile with Siri.
I'm wondering if Stoffe is going to turn out to be much more of a family man than he thought. He looks lonely at home with Vanessa; he was so happy to see Matron and his orphanage friends at his graduation; he sure does like to rub Vanessa's pregnant belly; he seemed to be wooing Vanessa on that lovely vacation. Could these be indications that he is working towards a more balanced and connected life? Could Sally Mae be part of this? They sure seemed to miss each other and be genuinely happy to reconnect. Maybe they will meet regularly at the grocery store!
Vanessa I'm not sure about. There are some indications she's starting to care more about Stoffe, but then it ends up being about money much of the time. She seems to be softening towards the idea of the baby, and surely she'll have a staff to take care of all the unpleasant things about babies.
Poor befuddled Tom. Maybe he'll forget some things and reconcile with Siri.
16th Nov 2019 at 11:17 PM

Quote: Originally posted by Kukamuukaanmuka
Their vacation sounded awesome! And oh my what a homecoming :/ |
It was a lot of fun to play, and I think they enjoyed themselves. But I don't understand what's up with the shifty characters of my hood, they only rob pregnant women and houses with babies. Poor Karl Sernman still has nightmares about the three robberies he's lived through thus far. One when he was a baby, once as toddler, and then another when his baby sister was born.
Quote: Originally posted by Cher64
I had a lot to read to catch up on things, and it was riveting! |
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! It's a lot of fun for me to go back and re-read, but it's always nice to know someone else enjoys it too

Quote: Originally posted by Cher64
he seemed to be wooing Vanessa on that lovely vacation. |
He definitely was, and it seemed to be working. Never seen them as connected as they were on that trip.
As I predicted life happened and here we are many months later. But yesterday I was playing the orphanage and I thought a few of you might have enjoyed what was going on, but I can't show you until the story catches up with where hood is now, so I decided it's time to make time for another update. How long it takes me to write no idea, but hopefully I can post it later today

Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
17th Nov 2019 at 3:38 AM
Last edited by gummilutt : 5th May 2024 at 10:08 PM.

When we last visited Evergreen, we went out of order to check in with Stoffe and Vanessa, because of the disaster that's on everyones lips in the city. But there's one place where the events of the world do not reach, a place that's completely unaware of what happened. I think it's time we check in with Siri, and the cottage in the forest.
Chapter 12 - Siri & Isamu Kim-Sjöström
We we last visited, Siri was doing her best to get through the winter with a tiny baby to take care of. On sunny days they went outside for a bit of fresh air and play in the snow, but most of the time they were tucked up in the dark of the cottage, trying to make the long winter nights go by.
That's it for today. Hope you guys enjoyed :lovestruc Next time we visit we'll see what's been going on in the Sawyers household, it's been a while and there's been some shenanigans so I'm excited
Continue with Chapter 13
Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
Chapter 12 - Siri & Isamu Kim-Sjöström
We we last visited, Siri was doing her best to get through the winter with a tiny baby to take care of. On sunny days they went outside for a bit of fresh air and play in the snow, but most of the time they were tucked up in the dark of the cottage, trying to make the long winter nights go by.
But as we all know, no matter how long winter seems, sooner or later spring will come. The snow will melt, and the ground will thaw, and greenery will start poking it's head out after months of sleep. We find Siri sitting at the breakfast table, Isamu tinkering away in his high chair. Siri appears to be thinking, and there's a good reason for that. Today is not just an ordinary day.

And what's different between today and every other day? Why today, Sigrid is coming to visit! Remember we saw her coming back from the direction of the cottage earlier on? She left a note for Siri saying she would come and visit when spring came, pretending to check up on the power plant after the winter.

Sigrid looks so relieved to see her little girl in one piece and seemingly doing well. Siri seems a little more reserved. I imagine it's weird seeing another human after months alone with only Isamu and Sessan for company, and on top of that it's her mother, who agreed to hide her away like this. I'm not sure I'd know what I was feeling if I was in her shoes.

Sigrid stays outside while Siri goes inside to get Isamu. This is the first time Sigrid gets to meet her grand son, so I imagine she's nervous and in good need of a deep relaxing breath.

Isamu looking especially cute in his baby pink romper and pacifier, with a cute bear hat on his head. Sigrid seemed quite taken with the little one. Siri still a little reserved and shy. But I imagine she's quite proud of this little human she's brought to the world.

Sigrid enjoying a cuddle. Nothing like the smell of a baby's head!

Now it's warm outside again Siri has a lot of work to do, getting herself ready for the cold season. While she loves her son, it is difficult for her to take care of a baby and also take care of the garden, fish, and tend to her own needs. So today is a great time for Siri to focus on chores, while Sigrid has some bonding time with her grandson. Morning is bath time, so while Siri stays out to get started on the day Sigrid brings Isamu inside for his bath.

I could watch Isamu getting a bath for hours on end. He's just such a happy little boy, who loves everything. Being tossed around in the air in a whirlwind of clothes flying off? Wooohooo!

Warm water, soap bubbles, love it!

All squeaky clean, it's time for play time. Isamu loves his baby dangle.

Isamu showing grandma his favorite toy, spaceship all the way!

Grandma can play too!

Lunch-time! Grandma brought a new pyjama for Isamu, so when Siri came back inside she thought she'd try it on. He looks quite dapper, and Siri sure is glad to see her baby boy again.

While Siri takes care of lunch for Isamu, grandma busies herself with a home cooked meal for her and Siri to enjoy.

Siri starting to relax a bit more it seems. I imagine it feels quite nice to be back in the kitchen with her mommy, like they did so many times when she was a kid.

Siri looks quite excited to have some company at the table for once, not just Isamu.

After lunch Sigrid thought she'd play a little with Isamu.

And promptly got to experience what tends to happen if you toss the baby around right after lunch. Most likely that lunch ends up in your face.

Isamu looked quite pleased with himself. I imagine Sigrid was less pleased.

After lunch Siri changed into something a little less warm, in prep for more garden work in the afternoon. Of course Sigrid brought a present for Siri too, who looks quite excited. Sadly I can't remember what it was, but I would guess it was things Isamu will need as he grows up.

While Siri headed out, Sigrid took the chance to feed Isamu. Perhaps she thought he was hungry after vomiting his lunch all over her.

First time Isamu has had a bottle, he looks pretty pleased though.

Then Sigrid brought the baby dangle and Isamu outside, so she could help Sigrid with the garden. Can't all be play and fun and cuddling the grandchild, Siri needs all the help she can get and Sigrid has a great hand with plants.

Once she finished with the trees Siri headed over to the pond for some fishing, while Isamu has his afternoon nap by her side.

Sessan gets a taste of the freshly caught fish, of course.

Looks like grandma finished with the vegetable garden, and wanted some more play time with the baby. Can't say I blame her, he's is a cutie!

And that's all they had time for. Before you knew it it was evening, and it was time for Sigrid to head back. All in all a productive day for Siri, the garden is in tip top shape and she managed to catch some fish for Sessan and herself. Sigrid got to meet the baby, and see that her daughter was coping. With everything already done, Siri and Isamu headed to bed for an early night. Not for long though! Siri is up before the sun, looking rather tired. Must have been an emotionally draining day, seeing her mother, and garden labour isn't easy either.

But there's work to be done so up she goes, for an early morning sowing session.She's made a lot of progress on covering up the walls, but there's still work to be done, and Isamu needs clothing as he grows older, and Siri needs clothes too. When they were prepping all focus was on surviving the winter, and she didn't think to bring any summer clothes. Being out under the broiling sun gets hot, so lots of sowing to be done.

And of course all the other chores are still waiting, so when Isamu woke up he got to amuse himself in his bouncinator, while Siri did a thorough clean of the cottage.

Breakfast, once again sitting alone staring into the wall. Though most of the time she looks at Isamu playing. Definitely a better view than the wall.

Then it's straight outside to soak up some vitamin C. And today, a little yoga session. You'd think she'd head over to tend those plants that clearly need it, but after Sigrids loving care they could manage for a while, so Siri opted for a workout. I imagine it's a little devastating to go back to almost loneliness after having had a visitor, and a good work out is a great way to center your thoughts

And a little muscle is helpful, like for example when the sink breaks and you've got no choice but to figure it out yourself. Good thing she grew up with a handy father she could watch to get a tip or two.

Isamu being burped after his mid-day meal, and Siri trying out the outfit she made that morning. Shorts and a tank top is definitely cooler than jeans and t-shirt.

And that's kind of how the days pass for Siri as spring turns to summer. Clean, mend, sow, tend garden, and fish fish fish. Many days you'll find Siri out fishing half the night, stocking up on food for Sessan and some protein for herself.

With Isamu snoozing safely in his cot, of course.

But of course also frequent play. Even Isamu got a summer outfit, with just a body and little socks for his toesies to keep warm, but bare legs and arms. The cottage doesn't regulate temperature very well, hot hot hot in summer and cold cold cold in winter.

Siri tries to be outside as much as possible, because she knows all too soon it's back to being locked up in the cottage by the cold and dark of winter. Why not have a nursing session in the shade of the birch by the pond?

There she is, a young girl all by her self in the middle of the forest, nursing her green baby that she's trying to hide from the world. I love this image, feels very powerful to me.

Too hot to nap in the sun so today Isamu gets to nap inside, which is at least thoroughly shaded.

Even if she's only got herself to be responsble to, Sigrid taught Siri to keep a neat home so that's what she does. Bed made every morning (or at least mid-day

She's getting pretty good at fishing, and Sessan often keeps her company in hopes of getting a piece of the pie (or in this case, trout).

Of course Isamu gets to come keep her company at times too. Fishing gets pretty tedious, I'm sure it's nice hearing your baby laugh and make baby noises in the background.

Clean clean clean

Feed Isamu


Time sure does fly when you're constantly busy doing something, and before you know it, it's late summer and the days start getting colder again. And you know what that means? Baby Isamu is growing up!

I did actually intend to go a bit further but this is already fairly long so I think this is a good place to quit. And you guys know I love a cliff-hanger, so how could I possibly resist closing the episode here
I apologize if it was a bit repetitive, but that's what Siri's life is like right now. Tend garden, fish, clean, feed Isamu, play. Rinse and repeat, day in and day out. The most riveting thing that happens is Isamu being super cute

And what's different between today and every other day? Why today, Sigrid is coming to visit! Remember we saw her coming back from the direction of the cottage earlier on? She left a note for Siri saying she would come and visit when spring came, pretending to check up on the power plant after the winter.

Sigrid looks so relieved to see her little girl in one piece and seemingly doing well. Siri seems a little more reserved. I imagine it's weird seeing another human after months alone with only Isamu and Sessan for company, and on top of that it's her mother, who agreed to hide her away like this. I'm not sure I'd know what I was feeling if I was in her shoes.

Sigrid stays outside while Siri goes inside to get Isamu. This is the first time Sigrid gets to meet her grand son, so I imagine she's nervous and in good need of a deep relaxing breath.

Isamu looking especially cute in his baby pink romper and pacifier, with a cute bear hat on his head. Sigrid seemed quite taken with the little one. Siri still a little reserved and shy. But I imagine she's quite proud of this little human she's brought to the world.

Sigrid enjoying a cuddle. Nothing like the smell of a baby's head!

Now it's warm outside again Siri has a lot of work to do, getting herself ready for the cold season. While she loves her son, it is difficult for her to take care of a baby and also take care of the garden, fish, and tend to her own needs. So today is a great time for Siri to focus on chores, while Sigrid has some bonding time with her grandson. Morning is bath time, so while Siri stays out to get started on the day Sigrid brings Isamu inside for his bath.

I could watch Isamu getting a bath for hours on end. He's just such a happy little boy, who loves everything. Being tossed around in the air in a whirlwind of clothes flying off? Wooohooo!

Warm water, soap bubbles, love it!

All squeaky clean, it's time for play time. Isamu loves his baby dangle.

Isamu showing grandma his favorite toy, spaceship all the way!

Grandma can play too!

Lunch-time! Grandma brought a new pyjama for Isamu, so when Siri came back inside she thought she'd try it on. He looks quite dapper, and Siri sure is glad to see her baby boy again.

While Siri takes care of lunch for Isamu, grandma busies herself with a home cooked meal for her and Siri to enjoy.

Siri starting to relax a bit more it seems. I imagine it feels quite nice to be back in the kitchen with her mommy, like they did so many times when she was a kid.

Siri looks quite excited to have some company at the table for once, not just Isamu.

After lunch Sigrid thought she'd play a little with Isamu.

And promptly got to experience what tends to happen if you toss the baby around right after lunch. Most likely that lunch ends up in your face.

Isamu looked quite pleased with himself. I imagine Sigrid was less pleased.

After lunch Siri changed into something a little less warm, in prep for more garden work in the afternoon. Of course Sigrid brought a present for Siri too, who looks quite excited. Sadly I can't remember what it was, but I would guess it was things Isamu will need as he grows up.

While Siri headed out, Sigrid took the chance to feed Isamu. Perhaps she thought he was hungry after vomiting his lunch all over her.

First time Isamu has had a bottle, he looks pretty pleased though.

Then Sigrid brought the baby dangle and Isamu outside, so she could help Sigrid with the garden. Can't all be play and fun and cuddling the grandchild, Siri needs all the help she can get and Sigrid has a great hand with plants.

Once she finished with the trees Siri headed over to the pond for some fishing, while Isamu has his afternoon nap by her side.

Sessan gets a taste of the freshly caught fish, of course.

Looks like grandma finished with the vegetable garden, and wanted some more play time with the baby. Can't say I blame her, he's is a cutie!

And that's all they had time for. Before you knew it it was evening, and it was time for Sigrid to head back. All in all a productive day for Siri, the garden is in tip top shape and she managed to catch some fish for Sessan and herself. Sigrid got to meet the baby, and see that her daughter was coping. With everything already done, Siri and Isamu headed to bed for an early night. Not for long though! Siri is up before the sun, looking rather tired. Must have been an emotionally draining day, seeing her mother, and garden labour isn't easy either.

But there's work to be done so up she goes, for an early morning sowing session.She's made a lot of progress on covering up the walls, but there's still work to be done, and Isamu needs clothing as he grows older, and Siri needs clothes too. When they were prepping all focus was on surviving the winter, and she didn't think to bring any summer clothes. Being out under the broiling sun gets hot, so lots of sowing to be done.

And of course all the other chores are still waiting, so when Isamu woke up he got to amuse himself in his bouncinator, while Siri did a thorough clean of the cottage.

Breakfast, once again sitting alone staring into the wall. Though most of the time she looks at Isamu playing. Definitely a better view than the wall.

Then it's straight outside to soak up some vitamin C. And today, a little yoga session. You'd think she'd head over to tend those plants that clearly need it, but after Sigrids loving care they could manage for a while, so Siri opted for a workout. I imagine it's a little devastating to go back to almost loneliness after having had a visitor, and a good work out is a great way to center your thoughts

And a little muscle is helpful, like for example when the sink breaks and you've got no choice but to figure it out yourself. Good thing she grew up with a handy father she could watch to get a tip or two.

Isamu being burped after his mid-day meal, and Siri trying out the outfit she made that morning. Shorts and a tank top is definitely cooler than jeans and t-shirt.

And that's kind of how the days pass for Siri as spring turns to summer. Clean, mend, sow, tend garden, and fish fish fish. Many days you'll find Siri out fishing half the night, stocking up on food for Sessan and some protein for herself.

With Isamu snoozing safely in his cot, of course.

But of course also frequent play. Even Isamu got a summer outfit, with just a body and little socks for his toesies to keep warm, but bare legs and arms. The cottage doesn't regulate temperature very well, hot hot hot in summer and cold cold cold in winter.

Siri tries to be outside as much as possible, because she knows all too soon it's back to being locked up in the cottage by the cold and dark of winter. Why not have a nursing session in the shade of the birch by the pond?

There she is, a young girl all by her self in the middle of the forest, nursing her green baby that she's trying to hide from the world. I love this image, feels very powerful to me.

Too hot to nap in the sun so today Isamu gets to nap inside, which is at least thoroughly shaded.

Even if she's only got herself to be responsble to, Sigrid taught Siri to keep a neat home so that's what she does. Bed made every morning (or at least mid-day

She's getting pretty good at fishing, and Sessan often keeps her company in hopes of getting a piece of the pie (or in this case, trout).

Of course Isamu gets to come keep her company at times too. Fishing gets pretty tedious, I'm sure it's nice hearing your baby laugh and make baby noises in the background.

Clean clean clean

Feed Isamu


Time sure does fly when you're constantly busy doing something, and before you know it, it's late summer and the days start getting colder again. And you know what that means? Baby Isamu is growing up!

I did actually intend to go a bit further but this is already fairly long so I think this is a good place to quit. And you guys know I love a cliff-hanger, so how could I possibly resist closing the episode here

I apologize if it was a bit repetitive, but that's what Siri's life is like right now. Tend garden, fish, clean, feed Isamu, play. Rinse and repeat, day in and day out. The most riveting thing that happens is Isamu being super cute
That's it for today. Hope you guys enjoyed :lovestruc Next time we visit we'll see what's been going on in the Sawyers household, it's been a while and there's been some shenanigans so I'm excited

Continue with Chapter 13
Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
5th Dec 2019 at 4:25 AM

While playing my farm household I got tired of the front yard flowers getting sad and dying, because I'm so focused on keeping the farm produce happy that I forget to water them, so I decided it was high time they invest in a watering robot. So daughter Ylva volunteered to make the trip to Sernman's to pick up a hydrobot. And while she's at it she may as well pick up a water wriggler so the family dog can have a quick rinse when she's getting dirty, if the family is busy. And guess who I found loitering in the toy section...

Not sure how he escaped the watchful eyes of Sigrid, but as per usual, if he does make it out on the town he's sure to be found somewhere that's kid-related.
Creations can be found on my on tumblr.

Not sure how he escaped the watchful eyes of Sigrid, but as per usual, if he does make it out on the town he's sure to be found somewhere that's kid-related.
Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
Field Researcher
8th Dec 2019 at 9:46 PM

Posts: 319
I loved the extended look at Siri's life. Isamu is such a happy baby. What a great day they had with Sigrid, and I thought Siri looked so sad getting out of bed the next day.
30th Jul 2023 at 2:37 AM
Last edited by gummilutt : 5th May 2024 at 10:09 PM.

A hop skip and three and a half years later... As the later posts hinted with the delays between and mentions of health, things did not go great for me. For a while there I was busy just getting through, with no time for Sims or much of anything. Over the last year I've slowly been getting a little better and reviving my love of this game and the community, and my recent play sessions have made me ache to return to this story. I realize it's been a ridiculously long time and most of the people that were following are no longer active, but I don't like the idea of leaving this hanging unfinished, when there's a story to be told that I can't get enough of when I play. I've mentioned it a couple of times in posts in the main forum, and those posts have spoilers, so I would really like to post updates again. There's a lot to catch up and who knows where my health goes from here, maybe I disappear again, but for now, I want to post
I've gone over and fixed the broken links of the early posts. I used MYP back then which never got fixed, and I figure if I am going to post again I should make it possible to refresh memory on what happened before. So if anyone does see this and wants to get acquainted, the old posts are there
The last four updates were Stoffe, Siri, Stoffe again and Siri again. So we're well overdue for a visit with the Sawyer family.
Chapter 13 - The Sawyer family
Our last visit with the Sawyers saw a flurry of birthdays, the second pair of twins grew up to toddler, the first pair grew up to children and Sally Mae herself aged up to adult. Peggy made friends with Karl Sernman, and she and Lulu took advantage of their dad being focused on work and not paying much attention. Sally Mae went to the grocery store, and met Stoffe. After she returned home, she seemed quiet, and Billy Bob seemed to sense something was up.
Hopefully I can post the next installment soon
I'm thinking it's high time we find out what happened to Stoffe and Vanessa, having just returned from their vacation to find their house burning down 
Continue to chapter 14
Creations can be found on my on tumblr.

I've gone over and fixed the broken links of the early posts. I used MYP back then which never got fixed, and I figure if I am going to post again I should make it possible to refresh memory on what happened before. So if anyone does see this and wants to get acquainted, the old posts are there

The last four updates were Stoffe, Siri, Stoffe again and Siri again. So we're well overdue for a visit with the Sawyer family.
Chapter 13 - The Sawyer family
Our last visit with the Sawyers saw a flurry of birthdays, the second pair of twins grew up to toddler, the first pair grew up to children and Sally Mae herself aged up to adult. Peggy made friends with Karl Sernman, and she and Lulu took advantage of their dad being focused on work and not paying much attention. Sally Mae went to the grocery store, and met Stoffe. After she returned home, she seemed quiet, and Billy Bob seemed to sense something was up.
Sally Mae does not really have time to sit around and think though, so while her surprise encounter with Stoffe may have planted some subconscious thoughts in her head, her day to day is still a never ending list of things to do. With Peggy Sue and Lulu Belle now in school, Sally Mae makes time to help them with their homework. I had not really planned for them to be great in school, but the girls kept rolling wants to do homework and ask for help and Sally Mae will do anything for her kiddos, so of course they get all the help they ask for.

But you can tell Sally Mae is a bit more distracted than usual, for example she started a fire when cooking dinner because she let her thoughts wander. Been a long time she started a fire.

The pregnancy we knew was coming showed itself, and Sally Mae woke up to a bump.

Still happy and smiling whenever she's around the kids

Anna Nicole learned to talk, exciting!

Peggy and Lulu continued to use their parents bed to jump in, which I can not think wise.

In fact, one day Billy Bob caught them at it when he came home from work and as expected he was not amused. He decided the little pests could burn that energy in the obstacle course, and promptly took them there forcing them exercise.

He had no sympathy for quitters, the only way to get better is to keep going. So he kept them working well into the dark.

On the plus side it meant Harley could sneak into the trailer and watch TV, which Billy Bob would not allow him to do.

Discipline does have it's upsides, and thanks to all the help Sally Mae gave the girls both manage to secure top grades and are fighting each other to tell mum all about it.

Billy Bob comes home to find Sally Mae helping the girls with their homework, and not even having cooked him an evening meal. He stared her down as he grabbed leftovers for himself. Peggy seems to feel the atmosphere and looks upset.

Sally Mae went out to grab the bills from the mailbox, and Billy Bob went out after her.

He's mad that she touched the mailbox, only he is supposed to get the mail (so he can make sure to remove any cards that might have been sent by her old friends). He yells at her, about the lack of a dinner and telling her to stick to her jobs and let him do his. He tells her to go to bed and he'll put the kids to bed. The look on her face as she gets into bed breaks my heart.

Billy Bob knows it was a mistake to yell at her, and although he sort of managed to pass it off as concern for her by sending her to bed and taking care of putting the kids to bed, he has to be careful not to push her too far. I don't think he realizes how perceptive kids can be, now that Peggy and Lulu are older they can pick up on the atmosphere and it clearly makes them uncomfortable.

As Billy Bob goes to put the toddlers in their cribs, his frustrations are boiling over. Looking at Junior and seeing Sally Maes face and coloring look back at him something inside him snaps, and he finds only distaste for the son that was supposed to be his heir but only has his mothers useless genetics.

Angry and frustrated and mad at his wife, he goes outside to his obstacle course to run and work out some of the feelings. He looks quite menacing.

As you can tell, the tone is growing darker. As I warned in the early posts on this, I do play a game with some aspects of real life in them. I also use Sims as a form of therapy, taking elements from my own life and processing them through stories where I have control, unlike in real life. Billy Bob is styled after one of my past partners, who wasn't very nice, and used manipulation and emotional abuse to control and get his way. The story is a sort of what if, what if I did not get out when I did? I was a teen as well, but I broke free before there were children to complicate things. How would things have gone if I had stayed? Would I still have broken free one day? That is the sort of questions I explore through Sally Mae and Billy Bob. Going forward there will be some gaps, as part of the story as I played it out for me is more adult content, and MTS is PG13. In summary Billy Bob is having to play the nice guy more as seeds of doubt have been sown in Sally Maes mind, and that makes him angry and frustrated and he finds ways to take that out on her that are not obvious to her, but allows him to feel in control. Certain needs are being dialed up, if you catch my drift.
Sally Mae wakes up early, as always. She's tired, so she starts by having some pepper punch. As she stands there, it's clear she is looking away from the sight of her husband asleep in the bed on the other side of the window.

Now the girls are older they are able to help Sally Mae a little with the younger siblings, which is a big help getting them out of the cribs in the morning.

Nice return to normal for Billy Bob, breakfast being made as he wakes up and gets ready for work. He has just enough time to sit down and scarf down an omelette before heading off.

Peggy decides to help mom out with the dishes

Which is good, cause keeping up with the household chores is hard, even more so now that the girls are older and add to the use of bathrooms. A filthy shower, and a broken tap has to be dealt with this morning.

Garden is overgrown with weeds, and needs tending. Lulu tries her hand at teaching Harley some tricks.

Billy Bob had a very good day. He got a bonus at work of 3000 simoleons, and he ended up being promoted to captain. Seems his newfound tactics of working out his frustration is doing him good at work.

He has to settle for leftovers yet again though, as Sally Mae has not had time to cook. At least today she takes them out for him.

After dinner he goes out to his boxing bag to exercise. Sally Mae comes out after him.

Sally Mae figures if Billy Bob got a bonus, then he can afford to let her spoil the girls a little. Billy Bob however is unimpressed, and seems to be telling her money does not grow on trees.

But also a good time for him to act nice, reminding her they are married and what's his is hers so what does she have in mind?

Sally Mae wants to take the girls to a hair dresser, let them update their style if they want to. Billy Bob listens while seeming uninterested.

Sally Mae seems to hold her breath, crossing her fingers and waiting for Billy Bob to decide.

Surprisingly, he says of course she can take the kids, go for it.

Sally Mae kisses his cheek in thanks, and waddles right on off with the two girls in tow.

You'd think she'd pause to put some more clothes on, with that big belly her outfit is an interesting choice for going out amongst people but then again, who cares, right? They head into the hairdressers, Peggy Sue gets to go first.

She looks quite excited sitting down in the chair, and very pleased with the outcome in the end. She decided to keep her hairstyle, but the stylist gave her a nice big bow to make her feel cute.

Lulu's turn!

She decided to get a haircut and style change, though she too went with a bow to match her sisters. The stylist seems to think the outcome is perfect, and I am prone to agree!

After that they went to the clothing store nextdoor, and the girls got to pick out a couple of outfits. They both found something that matches their new bows, and Sally Mae even splurged on a few new things for herself. She decided to put on some of the new clothes right away, I imagine the fancy vibe of the store made her feel a little out of place in her maternity outfit.

Quite the outing for these guys, who never really leave the run down yard except for school. But soon they return back home.

Sally Mae cooks hamburgers for them to sit and eat together, she looks so pleased sitting there with her two oldest daughters talking.

Then it's high time the little ones get into bed and sleep.

Sally Mae does a little cleaning. Billy Bob realizes the windows put in for Sally Mae to see the kids, can also be used for him to remind her that he's waiting for her as she finishes up the evening chores.

And that is where we will leave off for today. We got to see a little bit of the newly grown up Peggy and Lulu, and the growing tension between Billy Bob and Sally Mae, and the precarious balance Billy Bob has to tread. The more he demands, the more he has to also let go to keep up appearances. That work bonus was well placed for him, letting Sally Mae splurge it on the kids and herself no doubt helped the quiet the voice in Sally Mae's head that keeps asking if things really should be this way. For now at least... in future, who knows.

But you can tell Sally Mae is a bit more distracted than usual, for example she started a fire when cooking dinner because she let her thoughts wander. Been a long time she started a fire.

The pregnancy we knew was coming showed itself, and Sally Mae woke up to a bump.

Still happy and smiling whenever she's around the kids

Anna Nicole learned to talk, exciting!

Peggy and Lulu continued to use their parents bed to jump in, which I can not think wise.

In fact, one day Billy Bob caught them at it when he came home from work and as expected he was not amused. He decided the little pests could burn that energy in the obstacle course, and promptly took them there forcing them exercise.

He had no sympathy for quitters, the only way to get better is to keep going. So he kept them working well into the dark.

On the plus side it meant Harley could sneak into the trailer and watch TV, which Billy Bob would not allow him to do.

Discipline does have it's upsides, and thanks to all the help Sally Mae gave the girls both manage to secure top grades and are fighting each other to tell mum all about it.

Billy Bob comes home to find Sally Mae helping the girls with their homework, and not even having cooked him an evening meal. He stared her down as he grabbed leftovers for himself. Peggy seems to feel the atmosphere and looks upset.

Sally Mae went out to grab the bills from the mailbox, and Billy Bob went out after her.

He's mad that she touched the mailbox, only he is supposed to get the mail (so he can make sure to remove any cards that might have been sent by her old friends). He yells at her, about the lack of a dinner and telling her to stick to her jobs and let him do his. He tells her to go to bed and he'll put the kids to bed. The look on her face as she gets into bed breaks my heart.

Billy Bob knows it was a mistake to yell at her, and although he sort of managed to pass it off as concern for her by sending her to bed and taking care of putting the kids to bed, he has to be careful not to push her too far. I don't think he realizes how perceptive kids can be, now that Peggy and Lulu are older they can pick up on the atmosphere and it clearly makes them uncomfortable.

As Billy Bob goes to put the toddlers in their cribs, his frustrations are boiling over. Looking at Junior and seeing Sally Maes face and coloring look back at him something inside him snaps, and he finds only distaste for the son that was supposed to be his heir but only has his mothers useless genetics.

Angry and frustrated and mad at his wife, he goes outside to his obstacle course to run and work out some of the feelings. He looks quite menacing.

As you can tell, the tone is growing darker. As I warned in the early posts on this, I do play a game with some aspects of real life in them. I also use Sims as a form of therapy, taking elements from my own life and processing them through stories where I have control, unlike in real life. Billy Bob is styled after one of my past partners, who wasn't very nice, and used manipulation and emotional abuse to control and get his way. The story is a sort of what if, what if I did not get out when I did? I was a teen as well, but I broke free before there were children to complicate things. How would things have gone if I had stayed? Would I still have broken free one day? That is the sort of questions I explore through Sally Mae and Billy Bob. Going forward there will be some gaps, as part of the story as I played it out for me is more adult content, and MTS is PG13. In summary Billy Bob is having to play the nice guy more as seeds of doubt have been sown in Sally Maes mind, and that makes him angry and frustrated and he finds ways to take that out on her that are not obvious to her, but allows him to feel in control. Certain needs are being dialed up, if you catch my drift.
Sally Mae wakes up early, as always. She's tired, so she starts by having some pepper punch. As she stands there, it's clear she is looking away from the sight of her husband asleep in the bed on the other side of the window.

Now the girls are older they are able to help Sally Mae a little with the younger siblings, which is a big help getting them out of the cribs in the morning.

Nice return to normal for Billy Bob, breakfast being made as he wakes up and gets ready for work. He has just enough time to sit down and scarf down an omelette before heading off.

Peggy decides to help mom out with the dishes

Which is good, cause keeping up with the household chores is hard, even more so now that the girls are older and add to the use of bathrooms. A filthy shower, and a broken tap has to be dealt with this morning.

Garden is overgrown with weeds, and needs tending. Lulu tries her hand at teaching Harley some tricks.

Billy Bob had a very good day. He got a bonus at work of 3000 simoleons, and he ended up being promoted to captain. Seems his newfound tactics of working out his frustration is doing him good at work.

He has to settle for leftovers yet again though, as Sally Mae has not had time to cook. At least today she takes them out for him.

After dinner he goes out to his boxing bag to exercise. Sally Mae comes out after him.

Sally Mae figures if Billy Bob got a bonus, then he can afford to let her spoil the girls a little. Billy Bob however is unimpressed, and seems to be telling her money does not grow on trees.

But also a good time for him to act nice, reminding her they are married and what's his is hers so what does she have in mind?

Sally Mae wants to take the girls to a hair dresser, let them update their style if they want to. Billy Bob listens while seeming uninterested.

Sally Mae seems to hold her breath, crossing her fingers and waiting for Billy Bob to decide.

Surprisingly, he says of course she can take the kids, go for it.

Sally Mae kisses his cheek in thanks, and waddles right on off with the two girls in tow.

You'd think she'd pause to put some more clothes on, with that big belly her outfit is an interesting choice for going out amongst people but then again, who cares, right? They head into the hairdressers, Peggy Sue gets to go first.

She looks quite excited sitting down in the chair, and very pleased with the outcome in the end. She decided to keep her hairstyle, but the stylist gave her a nice big bow to make her feel cute.

Lulu's turn!

She decided to get a haircut and style change, though she too went with a bow to match her sisters. The stylist seems to think the outcome is perfect, and I am prone to agree!

After that they went to the clothing store nextdoor, and the girls got to pick out a couple of outfits. They both found something that matches their new bows, and Sally Mae even splurged on a few new things for herself. She decided to put on some of the new clothes right away, I imagine the fancy vibe of the store made her feel a little out of place in her maternity outfit.

Quite the outing for these guys, who never really leave the run down yard except for school. But soon they return back home.

Sally Mae cooks hamburgers for them to sit and eat together, she looks so pleased sitting there with her two oldest daughters talking.

Then it's high time the little ones get into bed and sleep.

Sally Mae does a little cleaning. Billy Bob realizes the windows put in for Sally Mae to see the kids, can also be used for him to remind her that he's waiting for her as she finishes up the evening chores.

And that is where we will leave off for today. We got to see a little bit of the newly grown up Peggy and Lulu, and the growing tension between Billy Bob and Sally Mae, and the precarious balance Billy Bob has to tread. The more he demands, the more he has to also let go to keep up appearances. That work bonus was well placed for him, letting Sally Mae splurge it on the kids and herself no doubt helped the quiet the voice in Sally Mae's head that keeps asking if things really should be this way. For now at least... in future, who knows.
Hopefully I can post the next installment soon

Continue to chapter 14
Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
1st Aug 2023 at 7:59 PM
Last edited by gummilutt : 5th May 2024 at 10:11 PM.

Here we go again!
Buckle up, it's a long one!
Chapter 14 - Stoffe & Vanessa Van Derbirth
Go on reading chapter 15
Creations can be found on my on tumblr.

Chapter 14 - Stoffe & Vanessa Van Derbirth
It's been quite some time since we saw them, and this next episode comes after some fairly traumatic experiences, so I think we should begin with a recap of their story and reminders of who Stoffe and Vanessa are. If you just re-read or in general feel you remember it well then you can skip to the first picture if you'd like 
Stoffe, as we remember, is an orphan. He grew up in the neighborhood orphanage under the care of matron Lena. Unlike his friend Sally Mae, he was pretty happy in the orphanage, but he had a burning desire to prove himself. To show he's not just some orphan living off the states kindness, he is someone. As a teen, having chosen fortune aspiration, he immediately got to work, in every way he could. Working a job, studying skills and badges to qualify for scholarships at university, and writing articles and giving financial advice on the side to further increase his income. He got accepted to the private school, working hard to pay his tuition. He made it to university with quite a few scholarships, and planned to graduate with a double degree in economy and business management.
Through his article writing he had gotten acquainted with Daniel Sernman, who was one of the higher ups at the newspaper. The Sernman family are very successful, running a lot of businesses in the hood, and one of Daniels is a car dealership firm with multiple branches. His son Joel ran the small city center branch of the business, but Stoffe knew Joel wanted to retire to focus on his family and he convinced Daniel to let him take over. Among the employees that Stoffe hired was fellow economy student Vanessa van Derbirth. Stoffe had long been drawn to the upper echelon of society, thinking that to prove he is someone he must become one of them, rich and moving in the circles of those with influence and heritage. Vanessas name showed she comes from one of these old influencial families, not in Evergreen but somewhere, and being an orphan Stoffe with no family name of note to boost him, thought marrying into a family with an old name would give him a leg up in becoming accepted with that side of town. He pursued Vanessa, who turned out to be a most willing participant in the romance. Being of an old family and growing up in that environment, her goal in life was simply to find a driven man with brains and motivation to go far, that would keep her in comfort and live the sort of life that she grew up being trained for, and Stoffe fit the bill. Sure his background was nothing, but he'd already made a name for himself at the university and within the business world through his hard work and dedication, and Vanessa figured his background would only add to his fame one day, being the poor boy from the orphanage who made it big and proved everyone wrong, and her right beside him taking credit for guiding him and believing in him from early on. So when Stoffe proposed mere months into their relationship, Vanessa immediately accepted and convinced him to get married immediately. They had a private ceremony with townie witnesses at the chapel by the river, and then left university grounds to rent a luxury apartment in Bluewater Village, as Stoffe had goals to set up his own car dealership in Bluewater.
Stoffe continued his nonstop work, spending most of his time shut away in his office giving financial advice, studying or networking. Vanessa assumed her role as a rich housewife, building up a wardrobe of fine clothing, decorating their apartment with expensive art, and using her charisma and assets to convince dormies to do her university work for her, instead spending her time lounging, dancing and being pampered. Neither of them was madly in love with the other, it was a marriage of mutual benefit and truth be told, neither of them had ever really considered what love is or how it would feel, they just sort of assumed this was how relationships were. Stoffe met the criteria Vanessa had for a partner, and she found him physically attractive, and that was enough. Stoffe was in love with the idea of Vanessa's name and heritage, and too inexperienced to realize that that is not the same thing as loving the person. But he happily provided anything she wanted, whether it be art, jewelry or clothing. He worked hard, opening his own car dealership in Bluewater in addition the branch he ran for the Sernman's, and it did not take him long to earn enough money to buy them a fancy mansion in the rich side of Evergreen.
Neither of them had any plans of family anytime soon, but they were careless the night they celebrated their pending move to the mansion and Vanessa found herself pregnant. It was not part of my plan either, but it happened. I wasn't sure what to make of it, what would the two of them do? I did not think either of them would be pro abortion (although I am). Vanessa would gladly leave their offspring at the orphanage, but I did not think Lena would allow one of her charges to abandon their offspring in that way. Stoffe did not maintain much contact with Lena, being busy with his goals, but it was clear he regarded her as his parental figure, bringing her with him to meet Vanessa the day they married, and Lena kept an eye on them, making sure to walk by here and there, once rescuing Vanessa from heat stroke when she foolishly got in the hot tub in the middle of summer. If Lena said no, Stoffe would listen, no matter what Vanessa might say. So I opted to wait and see how things developed, and pushing the decision to the future.
Vanessa had a hard time with pregnancy, but watching the two of them it became clear that while it was not part of the plan, both of them were going to embrace the situation and were slowly starting to look forward to their baby. But as the pregnancy progressed, Vanessa struggled more and more, finally fainting on her way back to bed from the bathroom, waking up Stoffe who slept in the guestroom, dashing inside to find her passed out on the floor. Stoffe promptly bought a vacation home in Twikki Islands, and took Vanessa there to get away from stress and just rest. The trip did not go quite to plan though, as poor Vanessa got mugged by the charlatan while Stoffe was getting a massage. Stoffe attacked the charlatan and got Vanessas money back, but getting revenge could not remove the memories from Vanessa. The same night as they slept, the burglar came to their home and managed to steal a painting before the police showed up and seized him. Being woken up in the night to find a stranger in their cottage certainly does not create a low stress relaxing environment, as Stoffe had intended. The next day Stoffe suggested they go out to dine, thinking that a new dress and jewelry would take Vanessas mind off things, and never one to pass up an opportunity to get dolled up Vanessa agreed. They had a wonderful evening at the beach hotel, for once actually seeming to see each other. So often their interactions would have one of them looking away, or thinking of money, they never really seemed to be in the same place together, but rather just two people who happened to be in the same house. But that night, they were actually looking at each other, and seeing. They ate, danced in the moonlight on the terrace, and seemed to have quite the evening. But as Vanessa got into bed that night, her face was that of concern, with sad eyes and insecurity. Stoffe being out on the terrace having a drink did not notice.
The next day, they got in the taxi to return back home. But on their return to Evergreen, they found their house engulfed in flames. Stoffe had given their household staff the week off, thinking they could get to enjoy themselves too while him and Vanessa were away. Their mansion had quite extensive landscaping and required constant upkeep, keeping both a gardener and their butler busy, and without care it quickly got overgrown. Lightning struck and set fire to the weeds, and the rain was not able to put it out. With no one there to notice and call the fire brigade, the fire got out of control in no time and by the time Stoffe and Vanessa drove by in the taxi, there was nothing to be done. The taxi dropped them off down the street, outside the home of Vanessa's friend Rakel. And that is where we find ourselves today!
I'm not sure what Rakel must have thought, seeing the flames in the distance and finding her pregnant friend in tears while her husband wrung his hands in worry.

Rakel however is a very simple woman. She's not one to pry, or ask questions, or even really wonder. And she tends to think feelings are overrated in the first place, so she simply walks outside, and waits patiently for Vanessa to stop crying.

She gives her a hug, and tells her to come inside. As they head in, Stoffe's phone rings which turns out to be the fire department informing him about the situation. They contained the fire before it spread, but their house and all of their belongings were lost.

Stoffe comes inside, and gives the news to his wife. Vanessa, as you may have guessed, does not take the news very well and lashes out. In her mind, because of him, they are now homeless.

While Stoffe is rather annoyed that she's yelling at him, but she is pregnant and he's worried she'll harm herself or the baby. So he gives her a backrub to calm her down, and suggests she go rest while he makes some calls and tries to figure out the situation. After all that is how things are in Vanessas world, it's the husbands job to provide for her, to keep her safe, and handle things, so she calms down and agrees to go lay down.

Stoffe calls the insurance company, to inform them of what has happened, and get started on filing a claim to get some of their money back. To his surprise, the insurance company says they have no grounds for a claim because the situation was self-inflicted.

Stoffe vehemently rejects the notion that it's somehow their fault.

But as we all know, insurance companies are experts at finding reasons not to pay out on their policies, and they calmly explain that Stoffe failed to take reasonable precaution when leaving, letting the garden get overgrown and creating a fire hazard which means they forfeit any claims to compensation. Eventually Stoffe realizes there's nothing he can do, the money and their house is simply lost. You can see the truth sink in and his grudging acceptance of it, the eyebrow slightly raised in disbelief, the pouting lips of sadness and worry, the concern in his eyes.

Rakel has had her butler set out a buffet for dinner, and she and Stoffe sit down to eat. Vanessa, having borrowed a dress from her friend, comes down to eat as well. She seems in better spirits, thinking Stoffe has taken care of everything. Stoffe looking more grim faced, knowing the challenges facing them.

Rakel tries to cheer them up, pointing out that Stoffe recently got promoted. They'll get back on their feet in no time.

No freakouts from Vanessa at dinner, despite the news. After dinner Stoffe heads for Rakels office, going into problem solver mode, focusing on earning money to get them back to where they were. Vanessa spends the evening in Rakel's art room, painting to calm her nerves.

The next morning Vanessa wakes up early, and Rakel suggests they go out for breakfast. So Vanessa leaves Stoffe in bed, and heads off with her friend.

They head for the bakery, since Vanessas favorite foods is creppes suzette. Rakel figures the best thing for Vanessa right now is to do the things she usually does, such as go out to eat with her friends (lovingly dubbed the Ladies who Lunch).

Vanessa is rather quiet, but Rakel chirps along about her usual topics, like her latest mancrush and whatever woohoo she's had recently in her couger life.

But Vanessa is not really in the mood for idle chatter, she's had her whole world turned upside down and that's bound to get anyone thinking. I think she's talking about how they live a life of show, that what is seen isn't always real. Rakel probably wishes she would play along of pretending all is fine, and normally Vanessa would, but it's been three traumatic experiences all within the span of three days and it's effectively broken down the walls, the etiquette of how she should behave and think.

They finish their food, and head over to the boutique to get some clothes for Vanessa. She can't exactly go on wearing her vacation clothes, and Rakels wardrobe is not in Vanessas style. Rakel is happy to pay for her friend, especially if it means she'll stop talking about serious things

They get home that afternoon, Stoffe having left for work, and they sit down to have some espresso while waiting for the butler to finish dinner. Rakel chatting along again, and Vanessa mostly listening with that serious face.

Rakel keeps it up through dinner, talking about this and that. A random townie dude that Rakel found attractive had been walking by and got invited in for dinner. Poor guy, awkward atmosphere to be invited in to.

Stoffe has come back home from work as you can see, also there for dinner, and he seems to be trying to engage with Vanessa.

She won't catch his eye, seeming to barely listen to Rakel and instead be deep in her own thoughts

Vanessa and Rakel excuse themselves from the table, and leave. Vanessa goes to sit in the kitchen on her own, and breaks down in tears. Stoffe can hear through the arch, and looks upset.

Seems the situation is weighing on him out too, when he gets up he finds the dinner put him over the threshold and he sprouts a gut. He gets up to go comfort Vanessa.

He tries to tell her everything will be okay, he will take care of her, and he goes in for a hug

But Vanessa rejects him, throwing up her hands and pushing him away.

She tells him to not touch her

And right at that moment, her pregnancy progresses and she pops on to third trimester

None of which Vanessa is ready to handle at this moment. Progressing to the next trimester forces her to face the fact that very soon she is giving birth, and the idea of giving birth and facing becoming a mother with her whole world upside down is more than she can handle, and she breaks down again.

She finally admits whats on her mind, and tells Stoffe she can't understand how he could be so careless as to let their staff go on a break, how could he let this happen to them. I love this picture, the way she's standing and her facial expression. I can almost hear her voice, the upset, the hurt, the cry of "how could you let this happen?!"

But Stoffe has had enough too. First the insurance company blames him, and now his wife. He says their staff deserved to put their feet up, to have a rest too.

He says it's not his fault that lightning hit, how was he supposed to know that would happen?

Vanessa simply raises her shoulders in a shrug, as if she can't believe how naive he is

And now it's Stoffes turn to break down, rushing out of there. Rakel having been in the next room overhearing the whole thing is probably starting to second guess her decision to let them stay there.

As Stoffe comes running out the door, who happens to be walking by if not matron Lena from the orphanage? However old her charges get, she still cares and she seems to be able to tell when they need her.

Stoffe rushes over and greets her.

Lena suggests they go for a ride, get away from the house to talk. They borrow Rakels car, and head for a park near the orphanage. (The lovely Serrano garden by Stellmaria here on MTS)

Stoffe looking rather grim as they sit down on a bench to chat, Lena having her usual calm demeanor.

"I mean, what does she even want from me? I have worked hard, I've earned so much money for us"

"So, SO much money!!"

"Money is not a magic potion dear, it does not fix all problems..."

"But I took care of everything, handled everything!"

"I bought her a vacation home..."

"I took her to the sun, to rest and be taken care of..."

"There's more to the world than just money, and riches. There's a whole world out there, and everyone has their problems and challenges."

"So what do I do, do I just throw away everything?"

"You get to the root of the problems, and you try to grow from there. Things are hard, but greenery can sprout from the ashes if you are willing to try."

I'm sure the conversation was deeper and had more things to it, but that's what I heard as I watched them, Lena listening patiently and gently trying to open Stoffes eyes to the fact that the world is not as simple as he had tried to make it out to be as a teen. Money and riches do not fix the problems, you have to get to the root of things and grow from there. Stoffe may not understand yet, but he trusts her and knows her advice is good.

Together they get in the car and head over to Sunnyside, to pick out some gifts for Vanessa. That is how Stoffe usually shows he cares, by giving her gifts and he figures it's a way to start the conversation.

He picks out new jewelry

And he buys a collar, remembering the poodle Vanessa once found so cute, thinking perhaps an animal could cheer her up

Finally they end up in the café, drinking an espresso as Lena tries to give Stoffe advice on how to prepare for the coming baby and becoming a parent

I'm not sure how much she really got through to him though, as he goes back to just talking about money. She looks quite frustrated by the end, but she knows he has to figure it out for himself.

They say goodbye, and Stoffe returns to Rakels mansion, finding her in the entryroom trying to put the moves on the poor dude who was walking by and got dragged into this environment. No surprise he's not in the mood.

Stoffe goes up to Rakels home gym to think before he faces Vanessa, and also get rid of the gut he sprouted. Showing up with a pot belly is unlikely to put Vanessa in a better mood.

Vanessa has changed into some of the clothes she got, and has heard him come in. She walks into the gym as he's working out.

Stoffe looks pleased to see her, it seems the talk with matron and working out helped him settle his thoughts

Vanessa seems ready to pick up where they left off, starting arguing immediately. But this time, Stoffe is not getting defensive, and getting angry back, he's standing there and accepting her words.

I can't quite decide if I think he's starting to feel responsible, or if he's just feeling upset and sad in general at the situation they are in.

Whichever way he's leaning, there is a baby on the way and he's decided that he's not giving up, that he wants to try and make things better. So he lets Vanessa talk, and when she finishes, he takes out the gift he got her in hopes it'll put her in a better mood.

Normally, it would have worked. This time it doesn't seem Vanessa is ready to be swayed by expensive jewelry. Instead, it seems to make her sad again.

Vanessa tells him she needs some time alone, and leaves him in the gym. She goes to the room Rakel gave them, gets ready for bed, and sits there, thinking.

Her whole life she's been taught that marriage is a transaction, that she has her role and her husband has his. That the husbands role is to provide for her, to protect her. She married Stoffe thinking he would do all these things. He certainly provided for her, but as far as keeping her safe, he has failed spectacularly. Stoffe had tried to take her mind off the robberies, getting her more clothes, taking her out to dinner, just like he always does. Trying to throw money at the problem. Thinking if he just got her things, he'd done his duty, fulfilled his part of the bargain.
When she got upset about everything that had happened, he stormed out and returned with a necklace hours later. Couldn't he see that giving her a new necklace is pointless? What's that supposed to do about the fact that they are essentially homeless? Is she supposed to forget the vision of the Charlatan threatening her just because she's looking at something sparkly? True, Stoffe is charming in many ways and he does care about her, but in a detached sort of way. Going through the motions on autopilot. It hadn't bothered her in the past, in fact she'd never really noticed it before, but all of a sudden it made her furious.
In a way everything that had happened had laid bare the very core of their relationship, and Vanessa wasn't sure she really liked what she was seeing. She lay there all night, looking at the spot where Stoffe usually would be sleeping next to her, trying to sort through her thoughts.

Stoffe, having slept in a different room that night, came down to breakfast the next day, still trying to figure out what to do.

As he's shoveling down cereal with his usual degree of decorum, Vanessa comes waddling in

So what decision did she come to in the end? I think some of you probably guessed it. Her insides are still a mess of confusion, but thinking through the night she has realized that if she has to face all of this, she wants to do it alone. Not weighed down by a husband that shows up with a necklace and thinks everything is okay. And so she utters the words finally...
"I want a divorce"

"We're done, you hear me? I want you out of here!"

Stoffe tries to plead with her, but she holds fast

There's nothing to it but wipe your tears, and go Stoffe.

And go he does. His stubborn streak kicks in, and he does not even stop to pack or put on clothes. She said out, and out he goes.

And that is where we leave them for today. Stoffe walking off in his pyjamas, as Vanessa calmly sits down to breakfast having just ended their marriage. Where does Stoffe go from here? All that work, throughout his teens and university, working every moment of every day to reach his goal of being rich, of being someone admired by society, marrying into an old family, and here he is, with nothing, having been kicked to the curb by his wife. About to become a father, with the woman who just told him she wants nothing to do with him. Having just been told by the one person he trusts that he's got his priorities all wrong, that money does not solve everything. Time will tell.

Stoffe, as we remember, is an orphan. He grew up in the neighborhood orphanage under the care of matron Lena. Unlike his friend Sally Mae, he was pretty happy in the orphanage, but he had a burning desire to prove himself. To show he's not just some orphan living off the states kindness, he is someone. As a teen, having chosen fortune aspiration, he immediately got to work, in every way he could. Working a job, studying skills and badges to qualify for scholarships at university, and writing articles and giving financial advice on the side to further increase his income. He got accepted to the private school, working hard to pay his tuition. He made it to university with quite a few scholarships, and planned to graduate with a double degree in economy and business management.
Through his article writing he had gotten acquainted with Daniel Sernman, who was one of the higher ups at the newspaper. The Sernman family are very successful, running a lot of businesses in the hood, and one of Daniels is a car dealership firm with multiple branches. His son Joel ran the small city center branch of the business, but Stoffe knew Joel wanted to retire to focus on his family and he convinced Daniel to let him take over. Among the employees that Stoffe hired was fellow economy student Vanessa van Derbirth. Stoffe had long been drawn to the upper echelon of society, thinking that to prove he is someone he must become one of them, rich and moving in the circles of those with influence and heritage. Vanessas name showed she comes from one of these old influencial families, not in Evergreen but somewhere, and being an orphan Stoffe with no family name of note to boost him, thought marrying into a family with an old name would give him a leg up in becoming accepted with that side of town. He pursued Vanessa, who turned out to be a most willing participant in the romance. Being of an old family and growing up in that environment, her goal in life was simply to find a driven man with brains and motivation to go far, that would keep her in comfort and live the sort of life that she grew up being trained for, and Stoffe fit the bill. Sure his background was nothing, but he'd already made a name for himself at the university and within the business world through his hard work and dedication, and Vanessa figured his background would only add to his fame one day, being the poor boy from the orphanage who made it big and proved everyone wrong, and her right beside him taking credit for guiding him and believing in him from early on. So when Stoffe proposed mere months into their relationship, Vanessa immediately accepted and convinced him to get married immediately. They had a private ceremony with townie witnesses at the chapel by the river, and then left university grounds to rent a luxury apartment in Bluewater Village, as Stoffe had goals to set up his own car dealership in Bluewater.
Stoffe continued his nonstop work, spending most of his time shut away in his office giving financial advice, studying or networking. Vanessa assumed her role as a rich housewife, building up a wardrobe of fine clothing, decorating their apartment with expensive art, and using her charisma and assets to convince dormies to do her university work for her, instead spending her time lounging, dancing and being pampered. Neither of them was madly in love with the other, it was a marriage of mutual benefit and truth be told, neither of them had ever really considered what love is or how it would feel, they just sort of assumed this was how relationships were. Stoffe met the criteria Vanessa had for a partner, and she found him physically attractive, and that was enough. Stoffe was in love with the idea of Vanessa's name and heritage, and too inexperienced to realize that that is not the same thing as loving the person. But he happily provided anything she wanted, whether it be art, jewelry or clothing. He worked hard, opening his own car dealership in Bluewater in addition the branch he ran for the Sernman's, and it did not take him long to earn enough money to buy them a fancy mansion in the rich side of Evergreen.
Neither of them had any plans of family anytime soon, but they were careless the night they celebrated their pending move to the mansion and Vanessa found herself pregnant. It was not part of my plan either, but it happened. I wasn't sure what to make of it, what would the two of them do? I did not think either of them would be pro abortion (although I am). Vanessa would gladly leave their offspring at the orphanage, but I did not think Lena would allow one of her charges to abandon their offspring in that way. Stoffe did not maintain much contact with Lena, being busy with his goals, but it was clear he regarded her as his parental figure, bringing her with him to meet Vanessa the day they married, and Lena kept an eye on them, making sure to walk by here and there, once rescuing Vanessa from heat stroke when she foolishly got in the hot tub in the middle of summer. If Lena said no, Stoffe would listen, no matter what Vanessa might say. So I opted to wait and see how things developed, and pushing the decision to the future.
Vanessa had a hard time with pregnancy, but watching the two of them it became clear that while it was not part of the plan, both of them were going to embrace the situation and were slowly starting to look forward to their baby. But as the pregnancy progressed, Vanessa struggled more and more, finally fainting on her way back to bed from the bathroom, waking up Stoffe who slept in the guestroom, dashing inside to find her passed out on the floor. Stoffe promptly bought a vacation home in Twikki Islands, and took Vanessa there to get away from stress and just rest. The trip did not go quite to plan though, as poor Vanessa got mugged by the charlatan while Stoffe was getting a massage. Stoffe attacked the charlatan and got Vanessas money back, but getting revenge could not remove the memories from Vanessa. The same night as they slept, the burglar came to their home and managed to steal a painting before the police showed up and seized him. Being woken up in the night to find a stranger in their cottage certainly does not create a low stress relaxing environment, as Stoffe had intended. The next day Stoffe suggested they go out to dine, thinking that a new dress and jewelry would take Vanessas mind off things, and never one to pass up an opportunity to get dolled up Vanessa agreed. They had a wonderful evening at the beach hotel, for once actually seeming to see each other. So often their interactions would have one of them looking away, or thinking of money, they never really seemed to be in the same place together, but rather just two people who happened to be in the same house. But that night, they were actually looking at each other, and seeing. They ate, danced in the moonlight on the terrace, and seemed to have quite the evening. But as Vanessa got into bed that night, her face was that of concern, with sad eyes and insecurity. Stoffe being out on the terrace having a drink did not notice.
The next day, they got in the taxi to return back home. But on their return to Evergreen, they found their house engulfed in flames. Stoffe had given their household staff the week off, thinking they could get to enjoy themselves too while him and Vanessa were away. Their mansion had quite extensive landscaping and required constant upkeep, keeping both a gardener and their butler busy, and without care it quickly got overgrown. Lightning struck and set fire to the weeds, and the rain was not able to put it out. With no one there to notice and call the fire brigade, the fire got out of control in no time and by the time Stoffe and Vanessa drove by in the taxi, there was nothing to be done. The taxi dropped them off down the street, outside the home of Vanessa's friend Rakel. And that is where we find ourselves today!
I'm not sure what Rakel must have thought, seeing the flames in the distance and finding her pregnant friend in tears while her husband wrung his hands in worry.

Rakel however is a very simple woman. She's not one to pry, or ask questions, or even really wonder. And she tends to think feelings are overrated in the first place, so she simply walks outside, and waits patiently for Vanessa to stop crying.

She gives her a hug, and tells her to come inside. As they head in, Stoffe's phone rings which turns out to be the fire department informing him about the situation. They contained the fire before it spread, but their house and all of their belongings were lost.

Stoffe comes inside, and gives the news to his wife. Vanessa, as you may have guessed, does not take the news very well and lashes out. In her mind, because of him, they are now homeless.

While Stoffe is rather annoyed that she's yelling at him, but she is pregnant and he's worried she'll harm herself or the baby. So he gives her a backrub to calm her down, and suggests she go rest while he makes some calls and tries to figure out the situation. After all that is how things are in Vanessas world, it's the husbands job to provide for her, to keep her safe, and handle things, so she calms down and agrees to go lay down.

Stoffe calls the insurance company, to inform them of what has happened, and get started on filing a claim to get some of their money back. To his surprise, the insurance company says they have no grounds for a claim because the situation was self-inflicted.

Stoffe vehemently rejects the notion that it's somehow their fault.

But as we all know, insurance companies are experts at finding reasons not to pay out on their policies, and they calmly explain that Stoffe failed to take reasonable precaution when leaving, letting the garden get overgrown and creating a fire hazard which means they forfeit any claims to compensation. Eventually Stoffe realizes there's nothing he can do, the money and their house is simply lost. You can see the truth sink in and his grudging acceptance of it, the eyebrow slightly raised in disbelief, the pouting lips of sadness and worry, the concern in his eyes.

Rakel has had her butler set out a buffet for dinner, and she and Stoffe sit down to eat. Vanessa, having borrowed a dress from her friend, comes down to eat as well. She seems in better spirits, thinking Stoffe has taken care of everything. Stoffe looking more grim faced, knowing the challenges facing them.

Rakel tries to cheer them up, pointing out that Stoffe recently got promoted. They'll get back on their feet in no time.

No freakouts from Vanessa at dinner, despite the news. After dinner Stoffe heads for Rakels office, going into problem solver mode, focusing on earning money to get them back to where they were. Vanessa spends the evening in Rakel's art room, painting to calm her nerves.

The next morning Vanessa wakes up early, and Rakel suggests they go out for breakfast. So Vanessa leaves Stoffe in bed, and heads off with her friend.

They head for the bakery, since Vanessas favorite foods is creppes suzette. Rakel figures the best thing for Vanessa right now is to do the things she usually does, such as go out to eat with her friends (lovingly dubbed the Ladies who Lunch).

Vanessa is rather quiet, but Rakel chirps along about her usual topics, like her latest mancrush and whatever woohoo she's had recently in her couger life.

But Vanessa is not really in the mood for idle chatter, she's had her whole world turned upside down and that's bound to get anyone thinking. I think she's talking about how they live a life of show, that what is seen isn't always real. Rakel probably wishes she would play along of pretending all is fine, and normally Vanessa would, but it's been three traumatic experiences all within the span of three days and it's effectively broken down the walls, the etiquette of how she should behave and think.

They finish their food, and head over to the boutique to get some clothes for Vanessa. She can't exactly go on wearing her vacation clothes, and Rakels wardrobe is not in Vanessas style. Rakel is happy to pay for her friend, especially if it means she'll stop talking about serious things

They get home that afternoon, Stoffe having left for work, and they sit down to have some espresso while waiting for the butler to finish dinner. Rakel chatting along again, and Vanessa mostly listening with that serious face.

Rakel keeps it up through dinner, talking about this and that. A random townie dude that Rakel found attractive had been walking by and got invited in for dinner. Poor guy, awkward atmosphere to be invited in to.

Stoffe has come back home from work as you can see, also there for dinner, and he seems to be trying to engage with Vanessa.

She won't catch his eye, seeming to barely listen to Rakel and instead be deep in her own thoughts

Vanessa and Rakel excuse themselves from the table, and leave. Vanessa goes to sit in the kitchen on her own, and breaks down in tears. Stoffe can hear through the arch, and looks upset.

Seems the situation is weighing on him out too, when he gets up he finds the dinner put him over the threshold and he sprouts a gut. He gets up to go comfort Vanessa.

He tries to tell her everything will be okay, he will take care of her, and he goes in for a hug

But Vanessa rejects him, throwing up her hands and pushing him away.

She tells him to not touch her

And right at that moment, her pregnancy progresses and she pops on to third trimester

None of which Vanessa is ready to handle at this moment. Progressing to the next trimester forces her to face the fact that very soon she is giving birth, and the idea of giving birth and facing becoming a mother with her whole world upside down is more than she can handle, and she breaks down again.

She finally admits whats on her mind, and tells Stoffe she can't understand how he could be so careless as to let their staff go on a break, how could he let this happen to them. I love this picture, the way she's standing and her facial expression. I can almost hear her voice, the upset, the hurt, the cry of "how could you let this happen?!"

But Stoffe has had enough too. First the insurance company blames him, and now his wife. He says their staff deserved to put their feet up, to have a rest too.

He says it's not his fault that lightning hit, how was he supposed to know that would happen?

Vanessa simply raises her shoulders in a shrug, as if she can't believe how naive he is

And now it's Stoffes turn to break down, rushing out of there. Rakel having been in the next room overhearing the whole thing is probably starting to second guess her decision to let them stay there.

As Stoffe comes running out the door, who happens to be walking by if not matron Lena from the orphanage? However old her charges get, she still cares and she seems to be able to tell when they need her.

Stoffe rushes over and greets her.

Lena suggests they go for a ride, get away from the house to talk. They borrow Rakels car, and head for a park near the orphanage. (The lovely Serrano garden by Stellmaria here on MTS)

Stoffe looking rather grim as they sit down on a bench to chat, Lena having her usual calm demeanor.

"I mean, what does she even want from me? I have worked hard, I've earned so much money for us"

"So, SO much money!!"

"Money is not a magic potion dear, it does not fix all problems..."

"But I took care of everything, handled everything!"

"I bought her a vacation home..."

"I took her to the sun, to rest and be taken care of..."

"There's more to the world than just money, and riches. There's a whole world out there, and everyone has their problems and challenges."

"So what do I do, do I just throw away everything?"

"You get to the root of the problems, and you try to grow from there. Things are hard, but greenery can sprout from the ashes if you are willing to try."

I'm sure the conversation was deeper and had more things to it, but that's what I heard as I watched them, Lena listening patiently and gently trying to open Stoffes eyes to the fact that the world is not as simple as he had tried to make it out to be as a teen. Money and riches do not fix the problems, you have to get to the root of things and grow from there. Stoffe may not understand yet, but he trusts her and knows her advice is good.

Together they get in the car and head over to Sunnyside, to pick out some gifts for Vanessa. That is how Stoffe usually shows he cares, by giving her gifts and he figures it's a way to start the conversation.

He picks out new jewelry

And he buys a collar, remembering the poodle Vanessa once found so cute, thinking perhaps an animal could cheer her up

Finally they end up in the café, drinking an espresso as Lena tries to give Stoffe advice on how to prepare for the coming baby and becoming a parent

I'm not sure how much she really got through to him though, as he goes back to just talking about money. She looks quite frustrated by the end, but she knows he has to figure it out for himself.

They say goodbye, and Stoffe returns to Rakels mansion, finding her in the entryroom trying to put the moves on the poor dude who was walking by and got dragged into this environment. No surprise he's not in the mood.

Stoffe goes up to Rakels home gym to think before he faces Vanessa, and also get rid of the gut he sprouted. Showing up with a pot belly is unlikely to put Vanessa in a better mood.

Vanessa has changed into some of the clothes she got, and has heard him come in. She walks into the gym as he's working out.

Stoffe looks pleased to see her, it seems the talk with matron and working out helped him settle his thoughts

Vanessa seems ready to pick up where they left off, starting arguing immediately. But this time, Stoffe is not getting defensive, and getting angry back, he's standing there and accepting her words.

I can't quite decide if I think he's starting to feel responsible, or if he's just feeling upset and sad in general at the situation they are in.

Whichever way he's leaning, there is a baby on the way and he's decided that he's not giving up, that he wants to try and make things better. So he lets Vanessa talk, and when she finishes, he takes out the gift he got her in hopes it'll put her in a better mood.

Normally, it would have worked. This time it doesn't seem Vanessa is ready to be swayed by expensive jewelry. Instead, it seems to make her sad again.

Vanessa tells him she needs some time alone, and leaves him in the gym. She goes to the room Rakel gave them, gets ready for bed, and sits there, thinking.

Her whole life she's been taught that marriage is a transaction, that she has her role and her husband has his. That the husbands role is to provide for her, to protect her. She married Stoffe thinking he would do all these things. He certainly provided for her, but as far as keeping her safe, he has failed spectacularly. Stoffe had tried to take her mind off the robberies, getting her more clothes, taking her out to dinner, just like he always does. Trying to throw money at the problem. Thinking if he just got her things, he'd done his duty, fulfilled his part of the bargain.
When she got upset about everything that had happened, he stormed out and returned with a necklace hours later. Couldn't he see that giving her a new necklace is pointless? What's that supposed to do about the fact that they are essentially homeless? Is she supposed to forget the vision of the Charlatan threatening her just because she's looking at something sparkly? True, Stoffe is charming in many ways and he does care about her, but in a detached sort of way. Going through the motions on autopilot. It hadn't bothered her in the past, in fact she'd never really noticed it before, but all of a sudden it made her furious.
In a way everything that had happened had laid bare the very core of their relationship, and Vanessa wasn't sure she really liked what she was seeing. She lay there all night, looking at the spot where Stoffe usually would be sleeping next to her, trying to sort through her thoughts.

Stoffe, having slept in a different room that night, came down to breakfast the next day, still trying to figure out what to do.

As he's shoveling down cereal with his usual degree of decorum, Vanessa comes waddling in

So what decision did she come to in the end? I think some of you probably guessed it. Her insides are still a mess of confusion, but thinking through the night she has realized that if she has to face all of this, she wants to do it alone. Not weighed down by a husband that shows up with a necklace and thinks everything is okay. And so she utters the words finally...
"I want a divorce"

"We're done, you hear me? I want you out of here!"

Stoffe tries to plead with her, but she holds fast

There's nothing to it but wipe your tears, and go Stoffe.

And go he does. His stubborn streak kicks in, and he does not even stop to pack or put on clothes. She said out, and out he goes.

And that is where we leave them for today. Stoffe walking off in his pyjamas, as Vanessa calmly sits down to breakfast having just ended their marriage. Where does Stoffe go from here? All that work, throughout his teens and university, working every moment of every day to reach his goal of being rich, of being someone admired by society, marrying into an old family, and here he is, with nothing, having been kicked to the curb by his wife. About to become a father, with the woman who just told him she wants nothing to do with him. Having just been told by the one person he trusts that he's got his priorities all wrong, that money does not solve everything. Time will tell.
Go on reading chapter 15
Creations can be found on my on tumblr.
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