
6th Jan 2019 at 7:46 PM
Last edited by alvalcaste : 6th Jan 2019 at
9:33 PM.
SOLVED!! Default replacement morphs not working
EDIT: I've been struggling with this for days and when I finally decide to ask for help I immediately find the solution! If you're having similar issues, see how I fixed it in my reply below.
I'm trying to make a default replacement for the TM nude outfit (just a slightly modified LOD1 and morphs to make it look less like a cylinder with arms and legs) but I can't get the weight and fitness sliders to work.
I started by creating a non default version and that one works fine. Then I copied the TGIs from the EA mesh over to mine to make it into a default replacement. I tested it multiple times leaving in and taking out different elements from the package and it seems that leaving the the VPXY in makes the mesh invisible in game, while deleting it makes the mesh visible but the weight and fitness sliders have no effect.
Any help would be appreciated! :D