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#1 Old 24th Jun 2020 at 9:53 PM
Default No autonomous biking mod?
I find it highly annoying that as soon as a sim has a bike, he exclusively uses it as a means for transportation. For everything and everywhere. Getting a glass of water? Hop on your bike. Getting to that plant five feet from you? On the bike.
I'm constantly busy dismissing those actions. Most of the time the bike appears out of the inventory and the sim already climbs on it before the action appears what the sim actually wants to do or reach.

Does anyone know of a mod that cancels all those autonomous bike actions? Is it possible?
Or do I have to sell the bike?
#2 Old 25th Jun 2020 at 12:18 AM
If you have MCCC you can use it's AutoScan feature

click on a sim > MCCC > MC Tuner > Enable Autonomy Scan
click the ground > Autonomy Commands menu > Search All Autonomous Interactions
type in bike and click on the interactions you wanna remove autonomy from
click Back and close.
then click on the Sim again, go to MCCC> MC Tuner > Disable Autonomy Scan
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