Original Poster
#26 Old 2nd Nov 2022 at 9:04 AM

This time, Jessica asked out Loren Whittle, cause she wants to have several options. And he also rolled a want to get engaged to him - that's two, you know you can't get engaged to two, right? Make your mind, Jessica!

Apple family

Alice's first child is a baby body they are naming Samuel, after the paternal grandfather Sam Strawberry. He also looks like an Strawberry, so.
Alice still have not found a job she likes, and she remains unemployed, but fortunately her mother Anna got yet another promotion and their savings are more than enough to pay the bills for quite a while.

Pumpkin family

Routine, routine, routine.
Waiting for Jessica to graduate and come back home, they have a place for her in the new house.

Susan Strawberry

Adam's novel ended up selling very well, which was a nice bonus to Susan's salary. Maybe they can soon get a larger house, with a proper room for Ralph....
And maybe they should start considering having another child? :lovestruc

Strawberry family

Miles has always been a bit less serious when it comes to love, but lately he's been only going out with NPC Birgit... and it's getting them to other levels. Public whoohoo! Being harassed by Mrs. Cumplebottom! What a fun date
In the meantime Sam sold one of the cars so he could buy another restorable one. He did enjoy restoring the first one, and it seems to be a profitable business so why not?
Original Poster
#27 Old 5th Nov 2022 at 7:00 PM

Jessica finally made up her mind. Or something. Because she did propose to Archie Short - proposal which he grudgingly accepted.
But after her finals, she decided to invite Loren Whittle over to have a good time
Oh, Jessica, you are gonna end up in some trouble!

Apple family

Nice day for them. Baby Samuel grew up into a toddler, and Alice is starting to consider having another child...

Pumpkin family

Another day more, no pics this time.

Susan Strawberry

Susan had decided to get some green energy sources and is now reaping the rewards. Which are not as substantial as her last bonus, but everything helps.
Maybe her best option now is saving up for a larger house, one with more than a bedroom, so they can consider having another child...

Strawberry family

Sonia got a promotion too, which is nice.
But that's not the most relevant piece of news. Because Miles got engaged! Yes, he proposed to firewoman Birgit and she accepted him
Will they marry soon and leave the Strawberry family?
Original Poster
#28 Old 5th Nov 2022 at 7:26 PM
Default Rotation #40

Jessica Pumpkin graduated, and she returns to the main hood - and to their parents house.
No more students left and apparently it's gonna take a while before I play the college again, so goodbye dorm!

Apple family

Alice got a job in the Military career (her LTW career!) but it looks like she's not gonna start working right away... because she's pregnant again!
Young Samuel is going to have a little sibling very soon.

Pumpkin family

Jessica moved in with her parents, but she's not the kind of girl who waits for things to happen to her.
First she landed a good job - she's highly qualified, and the Politics career suits her. In her first day she got a bonus (from a chance card) and a promotion, so we can say she's certainly doing very well.
Then she decided to tie the knot with Archie Short, which pleased her parents so (although both Jessica and Archie themselves have bad memories of getting married ). Archie retired from his job - he's a married man now, no point in having one, specially because they have a baby on its way! Joyous!

Susan Strawberry

Susan is doing great, just got another promotion - which gets her closer to fulfilling her LTW. And she still finds time to help Adam with the child, she's a supermom.

Strawberry family

Encouraged by Sam (who really wanted his last son to get settled) Miles finally married Birgit. She got a makeover (can't walk around the house in her work uniform) and brought Miles with her to their new place.
So there is an empty room in the house... and there is not much of a doubt of what to do about it. That very same night, Sonia and Sam asked their daughter Susan to move in with the whole family.
It's a bit tight in space indeed, but with both their savings combined it's not going to be an issue for long - they surely can afford a larger house.
Which decided Susan. Yes, they are going to have another baby. Now. She's pregnant already!

Orosco family

Birgit and Miles moved into an apartment - which I like to think was already Birgit's place.
I had made a firefighter career for her, so I assigned it to her, but I suppose it's in testing mode. I hope it works ok, but if it does not I will consider it a plottwist

And now let's wait for the next rotation.
Three babies will be born, three! That's a lot for a single rotation. And it means the three of them are going to be of the same age, so they are going to be classmates and hopefully friends in no time.
Original Poster
#29 Old 8th Nov 2022 at 5:14 PM
Apple family

Everybody getting ready for the arrival of a new baby!
Ann decided to retire so she has more time to help, as her husband Aaron does, and Cedric has been super atentive to Alice as well.
So they were super ready when baby Sonia (yep, named after the paternal grandmother) was born.

Pumpkin family

Well, Joanne got a promotion, which means extra money, which is great for a family with a new member. Because their first baby - a boy named John - was born.
Despite all her flirtiness Jessica was very happy about it, but her husband Archie not so much - he actually got his aspirations to the lowest levels!
Well, I'm definetely getting to know Archie a bit better. Apparently he dreams of having plenty of lovers, but had not had plenty of chances so far. This may affect the way this family story develops though!

Strawberry family

Sonia took Anna Apple's example and decided to retire as well. They have so much in common, not just their identical dresses - but also their children married to each other's.
And baby Sean was born, and while the family celebrated Susan started to feel awfully bad... and soon she was dead on the floor
Her husband Adam pleaded for her life... and he suceed! Phew! We almost lose her!

Orosco family

Birgit got a promotion, and Miles wrote a biased restaurant guide - which still earned him a nice pay. If they keep saving up, they may afford a house of their own soon enough.
They don't seem to be thinking of children though. It would be nice because the hood is not very populated, but I'm gonna give them time to consider it thoroughly
Original Poster
#30 Old 8th Nov 2022 at 6:01 PM Last edited by Amura : 9th Nov 2022 at 7:59 AM.
Default Rotation #42
Apple family

Alice returned to work already because she's so excited about this career - and got her first promotion!
Cedric is in charge of the kids, and was around when both Samuel and Sonia grew up. Samuel looks very much alike to his cousin Ralph, I just hope I don't mistake them while playing!
Btw Samuel already found his predestined hobby (Science) so I'm expecting to see him stargazing pretty often.

Pumpkin family

John grew up and he definetely looks more lemon-y than pumpkin There is a big resemblance with his father.

Strawberry family

Apparently their yard sale is awesome, cause they even got an award
But the reviewer changed her mind right away when Samuel had the indecency of dying while she was on the lot
It was unfortunate that he was not the only one dying: his dear Sonia also deceased a few minutes later, while still grieving for him
Those were the first fatal deaths in this hood (cause in the games not even death is final) and reason enough to make Sean's birthday party a total disaster. Poor kid!

Orosco family

Miles is now married, which does not mean he is less of a flirt - and while Birgit was out working, he asked out the mailwoman. The name is Alisha, I think.
Oh, well, will this marriage actually last?
Original Poster
#31 Old 15th Nov 2022 at 3:28 PM
Apple family

When there is a toddler around, everybody seems to focus on them. But Samuel is not happy that all the attention goes to Sonia, and he's been giving plenty of tantrums to show it!

Pumpkin family

Both Jessica and Archie want to have another child, and at Archie's age there is no time to waste. Luckily Jessica got already pregnant
The matchmaker brought them a genie lamp, and Joanne is of course asking for money - maybe they can get an even better house!

Strawberry family

Adam of course spends most of his time with baby Sean, teaching him stuff.
Ralph no longer needs help, he's growing up quite well. He's a pleasure Sim and wants to have many 1st dates - that's not gonna be easy in such an small hood. He's a good friend of the papergirl, Gertrude Santos, so I suppose he'll ask her out soon enough.
Susan continues improving her skills, and she managed to get promoted again. This brought her the money she needed to buy a cemetery (first family to own one!) and move her parents graves there. Now they can rest in peace.

Orosco family

Apparently I did not take any pictures of this family, I'm gonna assume they had a perfectly boring day
Original Poster
#32 Old 15th Nov 2022 at 3:37 PM
Apple family

Baby Sonia is growing up very well, thanks to the love and dedication of her family.

Pumpkin family

This time Jessica gave birth to a baby girl, and they are calling her Janice. Her brother John seems quite happy about it, and he does not mind at all as long as grandad and grandma pay him enough attention.

Strawberry family

Susan bought another restorable car. She loves tinkering and they are also so profitable!
Ralph had a date with townie Gertrude Santos, but it was plain boring... I suppose that's reason enough to pursue another love interest? Who would that be, being no more playable teens?
Oh, anyway, even if the date was not great, Gertrude was fun enough to sneak out at night with her

Orosco family

Just a regular day.
Original Poster
#33 Old 19th Nov 2022 at 11:09 PM
Apple family

Sonia grew up, which means there are no more toddlers in the family. Ah, things are gonna get easier for everyone!
Also Cedric was trying to get friendly with an stray dog. Cute.

Pumpkin family

John and Janice grew up too! And Jessica is having ideas about having yet another child... Maybe soon?
Not everything are good news though. A burglar broke in and stole plenty of stuff, including the washing machine (why that obsession?) and the car (to carry the washing machine, I suppose).

Strawberry family

Well, well, well. A lot going on here. This family definetely needs a larger house - cause Susan had a hard time to fit her career reward in this one - but since they bought the cemetery they are quite low on funds.
Little Sean grow up, and young Ralph asked out the one female teen he know - papergirl Gertrude Santos. She rejected him when he tried to kiss her, but accepted a little tender kiss when the date was over
Now that the kids are all grown up, Susan decided that maybe it was not too late to have still one more - a last chance to have a baby girl!

Orosco family

While Birgit stayed home entertaining some guests, Miles asked out Jessica Pumpkin - yeah, he's trying to rekindle such an old fire!
And he did, oh, he did!
Townie Loren Whittle, who was Jessica's lover when she was in college, was not amused in the least of seeing them together...
Original Poster
#34 Old 20th Nov 2022 at 8:08 AM
Apple family

There is a new member in this family, and it is a furry one. They adopted a black kitten and called him Black.
Other than that, life as usual. Got a pic of Cedric helping Sonia with the homework.

Pumpkin family

They had suffered a burglary, but Jessica is not wasting time and she decided to buy a new car right away. And a fancier one too!
Archie noticed the fridge was empty, and since he needed to go to the supermarket anyway he decided to ask townie Karla Picasso to go with him... on a date
It was not great, and she rejected most of his advances, but still... oh, there is something going one. Both Jessica and Archie cheating on each other is one situation that might explode at any time!
Well, at least the kids are doing great.

Strawberry family

Susan had her third baby, and he's a baby boy too. They chose the name Eric for him.
I'm not sure Susan will want to have any more kids, and considering they don't have any girl the matter of the inheritance might be quite unclear...

Orosco family

Birgit and Miles were at home, actually invited over all the neighbours from the lot, when he received a phone call. It was Jessica Pumpkin, saying she had a great time and wanted another date with him.
They went to a park, and very shortly after they arrived Archie Short saw them, and got really really mad at his wife! (As if he was not a cheater himself, huh, I'm not feeling any sorry for you, Archie.)
Jessica was not happy about it, but Miles decided it was better leaving that place and going to an spa to relax... and whatever. Even if Mrs. Crumplebottom did not think it proper (or even better if she did not!)
Birgit remained at home, oblivious to everything, and happy that the gathering turned out nice.

Thinking about the consecuences of Archie catching Jessica, I really don't think he can afford leaving the family house. He's got nowhere to go - no other family at all to support him - and he's quite old to start anew.
Maybe he does not dare to confront his wife in that manner, and resigns himself to remain in the same house, taking care of their children, even though he now hates her guts!
Original Poster
#35 Old 22nd Nov 2022 at 8:54 AM
Apple family

Oh, they do like pets! Black has grown into an adult cat, and Cedric wants to be in friendly terms with just another furry companion.
But even if the Apple family is quite sensible, things happen when you invite people over!
Cedric's brother Miles was visiting with his wife Birgit, and also neighbour Jessica Pumpkin was around... and Miles and Jessica were not discreet enough
Which means that now it's two couples in trouble, and not just one...

Pumpkin family

Archie did not dare confront Jessica - where would he go if he broke up with her? Jessica did not bring up the topic either, but she's quite angry at his slapping. So they decided to go the passive-aggresive route and ignore each other.
At least Jessica got a promotion, and fortunately the kids are fine.

Strawberry family

What is Cedric telling to Adam, he looks atonished! Maybe spreading family rumours about Miles?
Oh, anyway: happy birthday to Eric!
And Ralph got in some trouble while sneaking out, I hope he learned the lesson. Or will he become just like uncle Miles?

Orosco family

Miles situation has nothing to do with Jessica, despite both being caught. Because the house is not his, and Birgit does not want to hear anything more about it. So she kicked him out right away, and is decided to go on solo. (I'm gonna keep her as a playable, in clase the story develops any further.)
She even paid another week rent, cause after giving some money to Miles for leaving she can't afford a better apartment.
And Miles, well, typically he would go back to his parents, but since they have both died he must ask for help to his sister Susan - who already has a very crowded house! It's definetely going to be a problem for them.
Original Poster
#36 Old 24th Nov 2022 at 3:14 PM
Apple family

It's nice seeing the little ones socializing. Sonia brought John Pumpkin from school (oh, they are of about the same age, they might grow up to be really close!) and also cousin Sean came for a visit.
Sean looks so much like Samuel, or did for the brief time both were kids - Samuel just became a teenager. He's a Knowledge/Family guy.

Pumpkin family

Ouch. I think I skip this family
Gotta play it twice so I get them in sync again!

Strawberry family

As Birgit Orosco kicked Miles out, he moved in with his sister Susan and he's trying to make himself useful helping with as many house chores as he can - he would not like to be kicked out again, and the house is really not big enough for all of them!
Now it's young Ralph's turn to have fun, and he asked townie Gertrude out again - not great dates, but it's not like he knows many other interesting girls...

Orosco family

Birgit is single again, and she's got every right to seek love. So she asked out neighbour Adam Rosa, and they had a terrific time.
Is she ready to take a relationship seriously again?
Original Poster
#37 Old 24th Nov 2022 at 4:12 PM
Apple family

There are not so many girls around, so Samuel Apple decided to check out Gertrude the papergirl - but he's not attracted to her at all!
Alice got a promotion, and life has been quite happy around here.

Pumpkin family

Archie apologised to Jessica for having reacted so badly (at her flagrant infidelity) and she responded in a very encouraging way. I don't think any of them is truly honest, but at least they agree to pretend all is well.

But the day soon brought awful news: grandpa Jack died of old age.
The family can't afford buying a cemetery - and so the ghost may haunt them - but even so grandma Joanne decided to retire from her job because she had run out of days off and she wants to stay home and help with the kids.
And talking about kids, Janice grew up!

(And I still have to play an extra day on this household to sync it back...)

Strawberry family

They need a lot of money to buy a larger house - two bedrooms and a bathroom for 6 people is just too much! - so they are selling all the stuff they don't need in a yard sale.
Susan even decided to sell the car, and carpool while she restores an old one. It means a sacrifice, but she's willing to do it.
Miles helped with the yard sale, but still found time to date Jessica Pumpkin... Yes, she had just fixed things with her husband, but you see how she is...

Orosco family

Everything is going oh-so-well with Adam Rosa.
Original Poster
#38 Old 29th Nov 2022 at 10:43 PM
Apple family

Bad luck with chance cards: Alice got demoted.
I find so amusing that Samuel looks so alike to his father - he even has such a similar outfit!
Well, this is the richest family, but even so it was time for a yard sale - at least to do some inventory cleaning!

Pumpkin family (Played two days, to get them back in sync with the rest of the hood.)

Joanne is so very focused on her grandchildren, helping them with everything. It's so nice to see.
Archie is also doing well, nobody would say he almost breaks up with Jessica.
Unless he catches her again, of course - because she's been quite intimate with Miles Strawberry again And in their own house!

Strawberry family

Samuel has been helping so much with baby Eric, before the little one grows up.
Fortunately he still found time for Gertrude

PS: Something weird, apparently Miles is mad at Jessica Pumpkin, but I did not notice anything when I played her household. Maybe he saw her in a romantic attitude with her husband? I dunno.

Orosco family

Birgit now wants to have a baby.
She never rolled such a want when she was married to Miles, but now she does. Her new lover, Adam Rosa, is going to be the father - but will she consider him as a partner in life or will she raise the baby on her own?
Also. Fires. Not one but two fires. She does not know anything about cooking, but fortunately as a firewoman she knows how to handle fires!
Original Poster
#39 Old 1st Dec 2022 at 11:56 AM
Apple family

The day seemed perfectly ordinary.
But then young Sonia suffered a terrible train accident! Well, not a real train accident, but she accidently *coughs* touched her father's train and it got on fire! Family cried for her safety, but fortunately the sprinklers did their job and it was only an scare.
That kind of things make you grow though. And Sonia did grow into a teen too, whose aspirations are Family and Romance. I'm sure that with those aspirations it won't take long before she is chasing guys around the neighbourhood

Pumpkin family

Joanne asked the genie for a last wish - more money of course! - thanks to which she fulfilled her LTW
Archie went grocery shopping... but actually he was meeting his lover, Karla!
Truth is the moment he stepped out the house, Jessica started flirting with Ryan Retired who was visiting them
Everybody is so busy that they hardly noticed that John had grown up! His aspirations are Knowledge and Fortune, which means he probably did not inherit the flirty traits from both his parents.

Strawberry family

Adam received a phone call from a friend wanting to set him up in a blind date. "No way! I'm happily married!" (Yes, I also have loyal couples in this hood :lovestruc )
Susan is not only loved, she also got a promotion (level 8 towards her LTW!) and life could not be any sweeter. Well, it could if they lived in larger house, but that's another story. Adam got the payment from his novel, but it was not much.
Miles is dating the postwoman, I think the name is Alisha. Oh, well, I suppose it's better than being tangled with Jessica Pumpkin? Specially because now that he wants to have a baby - is it jealousy for his ex being pregnant? So he rushed without thinking much of it, and proposed to Alisha right away Yes, Miles likes trouble!
And Sean grew up into a teenager, whose aspirations are Knowledge and Pleasure - such an odd combination.

Orosco family

Baby Frank Orosco was born, and Birgit decided to make haste and propose to Adam Rosa... and get married right away, in a very intimate ceremony with some friends.

So, yep, now I feel like I officially have a fourth family in the game. Which means that there will be more romance options for my playables in the future, as the Orosco are not related to my other families in any way. :D
Original Poster
#40 Old 2nd Dec 2022 at 4:48 PM
Apple family

I'm sharing the Apple family tree because it's so amusing. Anna and Aaron had two children, and both of them married with an Strawberry. So the grandchildren all have both the Apple and the Strawberry skin genes... but the heiress, Sonia, is the only one who actually shows the Apple skincolor.
In the next generation, any of those genes may be passed, and it's impossible knowing who will have a lightgreen skin color. I'm so looking forward it!

Well, Sonia is not thinking about children yet, she's only a teen asking a guy out for the first time. And the guy is the only other teen unrelated to her: John Pumpkin.
The date was great, they even kissed, but later she felt a bit under the weather...
... but not as much as her mom, Alice, who suddenly started feeling real bad. What happened? A heart attack? A piece of chicken? I don't know, but unfortunately Alice passed away.

Being the richest family, they had splurged on a large house... but now they don't have enough to buy a family cemetery, and with Alice gone their income is minimal.
I suppose we'll see her ghost now and then, until they find a way to save up the extra money they need.

Pumpkin family

Having a more reasonable sized house, they could afford earlier buying a cemetery, and now Jack rests there.
Other than that, it was all about dates. Jessica went on a date with Ryan Retired again. Archie went out with Karla Picasso again. And while Archie was out, Jessica invited Ryan home... to whoohoo.
Say what you will, this family is dinamite!

Strawberry family

Miles married Alisha McKinney, and they moved into an apartment of their own. The Strawberry house is still small, but well, now it's only 5 people for 2 bedrooms.
Adam is sick with a cold - probably caught it from his nice and nephew who were visiting. And after a while, Sean realized he was sick too. They are being careful, and hopefully Susan can make them some medicine.
Ralph went on a last date with Gertrude Santos before growing into an adult. (She did not grow up yet, we'll see if Ralph finds another love soon.)

McKinney family

Alisha and Miles rented a cheap apartment in the same parking lot in which Miles used to live with Birgit... so the new couples are going to be neighbours from now on.
I created a Postpeople career for Alisha, but she's not going working anytime soon... because she's pregnant!

Orosco family

Baby Frank grew up - more work for Adam! :D
And you know what? I'm more than amazed at how civil they are with the new neighbours.
Hey, maybe the Orosco and McKinney family end up being great friends - Miles and Birgit just was not meant to be.
Original Poster
#41 Old 4th Dec 2022 at 9:20 AM
Apple family

Sonia wanted to learn to cook grandma's soup... but she set the kitchen on fire! Luckily the firewoman was there very quickly, but you better watch out, we've had enough disgraces in this family already.
Well, not having a soup to get cured, she decided to stay home instead of going to school, which means she's getting worse grades now. Luckily she felt better in the afternoon, and she even decided to take a job - this family needs some economic support!
Samuel went grocery shopping, because, well, he wanted to go out a bit and maybe meet some people. Pretty girls if possible. Such as the cashier. Her name is Martha Traveller and Samuel even invited her home. We'll see if this grows into a relationship.

Also a picture of the new postman, now that Alisha McKinney moved in with Miles Strawberry we had to have a new postperson.

Pumpkin family

Joanne felt a bit poorly first thing in the morning too, but resting a bit and she was good as new.
Jessica feels great as long as she can flirt with every guy she meets. Such as townie Tim Beaver... or even Ralph Strawberry! Oh, my, she had dated his uncles Cedric and Miles when she was younger, and now she wants to date the nephew!
(But apparently he got mad at her because he saw she shared the bad with her husband... Guy, you are a bit crazy, are you not?)
In the meantime Archie works on his relationship with their son John.
Also a burglar visited them, but she had not time to put a foot in the house - the cops were so quick!

Strawberry family

Ralph quickly forgot about Jessica, and asked out townie Dina Colvin - with whom had a great time.
But even so, when some friends proposed to go out for fun, Ralph chose to spend most of his time talking to this other girl - the waitress. After all, he wants to date many different people!

Orosco family

A little happy family by all means.
Adam is quite focused on teaching Frank everything he might need - so far walking - but Birgit has her mind set on having yet another baby...

McKinney family

Alisha felt like jogging and she asked Miles to go with her, but in the middle of the job he returned home because she felt uneasy.
Alone and a bit worried, she gave birth to a baby boy whose name is Logan McKinney... and then everything went sour.
She died after giving birth, and Miles was not even around (still jogging) so he could not plead for her life. Dead, she is dead.
And Miles is alone with his baby.
The neighbours wonder - "What is he gonna do now?". He can't go back to his sister's, not with a baby, there is not enough room for them there.
He may try to earn some money (that's his LTW after all) or he even might marry again (a third time!) so someone provides for him and Logan. He's got to do something and quick, because Alisha did not leave them with much savings and it's all gonna be gone very soon.
In the meantime, he got a roommate, at least have someone to pay part of the bills and the rent!

OK, this is a hell of a plot twist. I want to keep playing him already!
Original Poster
#42 Old 4th Dec 2022 at 9:59 PM
Apple family

Samuel was sick too, so he stayed home playing video games instead of going to school. He lost a grade, but at least he recovered his health.
Alice's ghost hunting the house was not the weirdest thing of the day: Samuel got abducted!!

Pumpkin family

Gertrude Santos grew up in the previous rotation, so now we have a new papergirl named Lyn Schwartz... and she looks pumpkin-ish!
Also Jessica invited Ryan Retired, and asked him to get in the car with her... I'll only say that now she's pregnant but of course she'll say Archie is the father!

Strawberry family

Ralph is torn between so different wants. On one hand he wants to get engaged to Gertrude Santos - whom he dated as a highschooler. On the other hand he wants to meet and date many different women - and so he asked out townie Wilma Shumate (who also is uncle Miles' roommate).
His father, Adam, grew up and is now an elder - first of his generation reaching elderhood!

Orosco family

They have already saved up enough to buy a house, and they could not wait to move into it.
Now that they have some more space they may even consider seriously having another child - Adam is looking forward it!

McKinney family

Miles finally decided to move on quickly and find another love, so he asked out the landlady - I think her namy is Petra Tyler.
Wilma helped baby Logan to grow up while Miles was on his date, she's such a good friend already.
Original Poster
#43 Old 8th Dec 2022 at 8:22 AM
Orosco family

Since they moved to a new house, I think this family is going to be the first one in my rotations from now on.
And what happened? Little Frank grew up.
Which I think is a great cue to go for a second child, isn't it? We'll see if Birgit does get pregnant.

Apple family

Quite an stormy day. There was a fire outside but the onl one who cared was a paserby (the family was all inside the house).
Samuel tried to make a furry friend but the wolf ignored him completely

Pumpkin family

While Janice was growing up, Jessica gave birth to her another daughter she called Jackie. She inherited her mom's skin color (because her father has a natural skin color and won't show) so nobody suspects she's actually daughter of townie Ryan Retired - and Archie accepted her as one more of their children.
Janice btw is the most handsome young girl. And with Romance/Pleasure aspirations I'm sure she's gonna me the most out of her beauty She already asked out Sean Strawberry, gave him her first kiss and had a great date. So it's a great start, is it not? (Her LTW is job related though, reaching level 10 in the Slacker career).
If this was not enough news, Archie died - of old age. No big surprise. And this definetely gives Jessica all the rights to keep dating other guys

Strawberry family

Quite a busy day too!
Adam threw a party, which turned out great. Ralph asked out townie Wilma Shumate, which also turned out great (although he is no ready to settle with any of his dates). And Susan got a promotion which gets her to level 9 of her LTW career!
Yeah, all are good news.

McKinney family

Alisha's ghost haunt the little appartment. As if life were not hard enough for Miles!
To be honest he's being a real good father for baby Logan, putting him before his own interests. Which unfortunately means he did not find any time to earn money... and the savings are not much!
Original Poster
#44 Old 15th Dec 2022 at 3:41 PM
Orosco family

Haha, Frank Orosco and Sean Strawberry look alike! Oh, my, as if the Strawberry offspring were not confusing enough
Birgit got a promotion, which means extra money. Great for a family which is just starting!

Apple family

Samuel tried really hard to get abducted again - and he was successful Why is so fascinating about these aliens, huh?
His sister Sonia is focused on more mundane activities, and she got a promotion.

Pumpkin family

Janice got a job in the Slacker career, which is her LTW career. She's in a good track!
Jessica dated just another (half-) townie, Tim Beaver. One name more to her list of lovers
And baby Jackie grew up - now that her "father" is dead, this is gonna be a lot of work for both Jessica and Joan. At least grandma is around!

Strawberry family

Ralph, oh, Ralph. This guy is looking for trouble He's been dating several girls, and now he asked out Jessica Pumpkin again.
Which is even more amusing if we consider his brother Sean is dating Jessica's daughter Janice
And their youngest brother, Eric, is now already a teen too, which means there will be more dating

Dina Colvin (also Ralph's lover) came to visit, but unfortunately for him Jessica saw them interacting and was not happy at all...
Feeling rejected, Ralph decided to do something dramatic: he proposed to Dina

McKinney family

Alisha keeps visiting her husband and child after her death which makes life harder for them.
But hopefully now that Logan has grown up Miles should have a little more time for self care, and sleep properly and all those little details he's (temporarily) given up.

Retirement home

I had some issues in my retirement home, so I moved my former townies to a new house.
Anyway, what's relevant for the story is that Ryan (Jackie Pumpkin's real father) died of old age, and now nobody will ever know her secret!
Original Poster
#45 Old 17th Dec 2022 at 7:50 PM
Orosco family

Apple family

Alice haunts Cedric. He's a knowledge sim so it's not too bad for him, but it would be great if they could afford a cemetery.
Specially because Anna and Aaron died too... and that's two more ghosts to haunt this house.
Actually Anna died while Samuel was growing up, which did a number on him
He was in such a bad shape, he did not notice a visitor set their train model on fire...

Not bad enough?
Well, that was not the only fire today, another one started outside - and this time Samuel was caught by it!
Cedric called the firepeople and they almost did not arrive in time - his motives are so low it's hard to decide which ones he should take care of first, and whether it will make any difference or not. Will he survive the night?
Ah, also Sonia got a promotion. As if anybody cared.

Pumpkin family

Janice asked Eric Strawberry out! His family feels outraged, because she was also dating his brother Sean
And this kinda repeats an old story - when Janice's mother (Jessica) dated both the twins Cedric and Miles Strawberry - uncles of Eric and Sean.
Can this be more convoluted? Oh, yes, it can! Because Jessica decided to ask out none less than Samuel Apple (recently and adult and already burned out - pun intended), who is Cedric's son and therefore Eric & Sean cousin.
Oh, my, and she even rolled a want to get engaged to him!

Strawberry family

Ralph is a serial dater, so he asked (semi-)townie Karla Picasso out, but the date was not great. Ok, no big deal, he did not mean to call her again anyway
Sean also asked out his girlfriend Janice, but of course Eric did not take it well. "Hey, I thought you were with me now!"
Of course this damaged the relation between the brothers. And in this circumstances is just natural that the date was not great.

Want more excitement? Well, Susan got abducted, what do you think of it?
Not enough? Ralph married Dina Colvin. Yes, the guy who wants to date a ton of different woman, that guy got married.
And not only that, but Dina also agreed to move in with his family. Not the most traditional arrangement, but since there are no female heiresses of the Strawberry line, Dina would be ok to get in charge when Susan passes.
That means that they are in desperate need of a larger house, but since Dina also had some money they are ready to buy it! Seems everything is turning out great for them

McKinney family

Original Poster
#46 Old 18th Dec 2022 at 8:41 AM
Orosco family

Little Frank is doing well, but his father thinks like is a bit tough on him - so much to do and so little time for self care!
Now that Birgit got a promotion, hopefully things get earier?

Apple family

The Apple family is getting smaller... Since Anna and Aaron died, it's only Cedric and his two children (adult Samuel and teen Sonia).
Samuel luckily survived to the burns. His motives were still very low, and he dreamt of proposing to Jessica Pumpkin - which he did.
I'm sure Cedric did not feel great about this (he dated her as a teen, and fought with his own twin Miles over her!) but since Samuel has been thru so much, he did not actually oppose.

Pumpkin family

And kinda surprisingly, Jessica also rolled a want to marry Samuel Apple She's not acting on it yet, cause she's focused on baby Jackie, but it seems this marriage is going to be a thing!
Also Janice keeps dating Sean Strawberry - in this revisit of her mother own adventures with siblings, that's definetely her choice.

Strawberry family

As planned they bought a larger house. Top bedroom (in the third floor) is Susan and Adam's, since they are the head of the family.
There are two more indentical rooms, but one has a double bed (for Ralph and Dina) and another one twin beds (for Sean and Eric). Sean and Eric keep fighting over Janice Pumpkin though...
Ah, and Susan grew up into an elder.

McKinney family

Original Poster
#47 Old 18th Dec 2022 at 9:07 AM
Orosco family

Apple family

Sonia is getting ready to go to college - yes, I'll be playing college again in the next rotation!
Since Samuel is also getting ready for marriage (and therefore moving out the family house) Cedric is soon going to be all by himself. I think he's gonna feel quite lonely...

Strawberry family

Ralph family figured out his predestined hobby (Sports) and decided on his secondary aspiration (Knowledge). Just in time, because now he's a married man and it would be great for his marriage rolling some non-Pleasure wants In fact he broke up completely with Jessica Pumpkin, not because she's engaged to his cousin, but because he saw her fliring with yet another guy...
Susan had the greatest day at work. First she got a huge bonus (§50k from a chance card) and then she got promoted to the top of her career (fulfulling her LTW). Can it get any better?
Well, she still has some paid days off left, so I'm sure she's gonna enjoy them before she retires.
Dina is also doing very well, she got two promotions in a day! (So far no baby wants for this couple, let's see if they end up having a heiress or not...)

Pumpkin family

Yes, Jessica did marry Samuel Apple. Finally all three original familes are tied together. If they have offspring (and both of them want to!) their skin might be any of the three colors
Janice is doing well at work, got another promotion. Will she eventually got to college or will she pursue this career? I still don't know...
And Jackie grew up. Which leaves them with not enough beds. They should get a bunk bed or a sofa bed or something, Jackie needs to sleep somewhere more confortable!

McKinney family

Original Poster
#48 Old 20th Dec 2022 at 10:20 AM

Sonia Apple is now in college!
She moved into a dorm, and she's doing ok. Got a B- in her first semester, and has already chosen a Literature major.

Orosco family

Despite being a rather new family, they are doing quite well. Specially because everybody helps around the house - including young Frank and Birgit herself.
I'm looking forward Frank growing up, cause being completely unrelated to all the main families means a great dating potential

Apple family

With Samuel married to Jessica Pumpkin and Sonia going to college, Cedric is all alone in the (now very large) family house. Luckily he's got their pet - Black - for company!

Strawberry family

But this other one is such a crowded house!
Sean has already grown up (poorly, since he dreamed of going to college and was not allowed). He's old enough to start considering marriage, as his brother did before him, but there are no eligible playable women... will he get interested in any townie?

Pumpkin family

Who else is a Knowledge Sim and grows up poorly? John Pumpkin. He took it quite worse than Sean, actually. And he's not thinking of dating either, more of meeting wolves and whatnot.
And know what? Jessica is pregnant again, she's gonna have a baby with her new husband Samuel. She's not that young anymore, I hope it's not too risky!

McKinney family

Miles threw a party and it was a blast!
But the roommate - Wilma - forgot to get inside the house, and it was too cold outside
Original Poster
#49 Old 20th Dec 2022 at 10:52 AM

Sonia missed her highschool sweetheart John. They have always been great, and they never had any feud. So it was just natural for her to want to continue the relationship, and since she's a Family Sim, she takes it seriously.
Askin him to be part of her life (even helping her to gain some body skill!) and proposing to him is pretty much the same to her eyes This couple will last, I'm sure of that.
Her grades are not awesome though, so much focusing on love life...

Orosco family

One of Birgit's friends talked to her boss and got her a promotion - it's cool having friends like this!
And Frank grew up: he's a Fortune/Knowledge young Sim, so hopefully he sets his mind in marrying a rich girl or something so he can spend his time learning

Apple family

Cedric sometimes feels a bit lonely, so he invited his son Samuel and his new family for dinner.
Other than that, he spent an awful amount of time raking leaves

Strawberry family

Eric figured out his secondary aspiration: Romance (so he's a Fortune/Romance Sim) and maybe that's the reason why he decided to forget that Janice used to prefer his brother Sean to him.
And now that Sean is too old for her, Eric asked her out again!

Pumpkin family

Jessica gave birth to her fourth child: a baby boy named Aaron Pumpkin (Aaron after Aaron Apple, Samuel's grandfather).
His skin was inherited from his mom, but I have no idea which gene he might have gone from his father (either strawberry or apple colored!) so in the future his own offspring might be a surprise too.

McKinney family

I tried to use a Welfare System for Miles - being a single father it would certainly help him - but apparently I did something wrong and it's not working
Oh, well, he's not worse for trying anyway!
Original Poster
#50 Old 23rd Dec 2022 at 12:58 PM

Sonia failed a semester.
And what do you do when you feel lonely in college? You call your loving fiancé, who of course runs to your arms. Although it's quite amusing that while she cried to him, all he could think was how hot she is Men!!!
But in the end, the mutual attraction was stronger than the academical regrets, and one thing led to another

Orosco family

Birgit grew up!
She's not ready enough because they don't have lots of savings, and also they don't have a heiress - so the family does depend on her to earn a salary.

Apple family

Cedric's cat and only company, Black, died of old age. (I could not capture an image, because I'm playing this family at a faster speed and I noticed it too late.) His grave is located in the backyard, next to the rest of the family's.
While tidying the garden (he'll never be done at this rate, it's all he does during autumn!) Cedric himself grew up into an elder.
Now for him it's only about waiting for Sonia to graduate and come home, because he's definetely feeling loney

Strawberry family

I loved seeing Sean sitting right by the huge TV playing videogames. Dunno why, this image felt so relatable...
Oh, well, he also wanted to flirt/date someone. So he invited over former papergirl Lyn Schwartz and flirted with her. There is some chemistry, only one bolt, but he decided to act upon it and ask her out (not plenty of other options around) and the date was a success! Maybe a relationship is beginning here?
Eric also went on a date, with Janice Pumpkin again. This probably has less future, but they are still so young. Just have fun, guys!

Pumpkin family

The house is a mess, but who cares? It's baby Aaron's birthday!

McKinney family

Miles got a gift from a friend - a very large wall TV! For many families network rewards may be just a little something, but for one as humble as this one - who can't afford such a thing - it's a great gift.
Logan grew up. He's a Fortune Sim (cause a family likes this does need people focused on earning money!) and his LTW is getting a pet to reach the top of its career. But as long as they live in an small apartment, having a pet is just impossible.
And finally, their former roommate left. Wilma Shumate grew up at the same time as Birgit Orosco, and apparently becoming an elder she decided to move out this apartment - maybe it's a hint I should move her into the retirement house for townies?
Anyway Miles decided to get a new roommate, this time it's an elder guy whose name I can't remember. Oops.
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