I've not found any "video" for the mode in TV TMXTs yet.
However, I've found that parameter appeared in one of the material files. It's in xml and C++ alike, and I know I suck on that still.
The material.package file is the one located "...\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Materials", but not the one in the catalogue.
This file has many programming wordings about "material" effects like water effect, steam, fight cloud, tiles, encube settings, water layers, etc...
For those interested in " A collection of standard parameterized materials" The last eighth file in my sorting
It has many definitions of those property lines there...
"video" was mentioned in this file as well, but slightly...
sete stdMatTextureCoordAnimMode none (none transform tile video)
#attrdescription Type of texture coordinate animation
create DetermineHardwareSupport()
if (strcmp("${stdMatTextureCoordAnimMode}", "video") = 0)
setb modifiyEachFrameHintFlag true
I'm gonna experiment a bit on the some tof them a bit especially the listed one as well as
mirrorReflectionsEnabled = true/false...
Added the file just in case it's hard to find...
With it, I assume one can know almost all the common txmt properties for the base game.
Also, for every EP, each has its own material.package file in the relatively same structural directory.
Also, may check out the name map to learn the terms' references.
Wow, we may have a funny amount of things to test out, reading on the file... :moose:
Here's the part about how to use those properties:
#beginshader StandardMaterial
# --- Default values for shader parameters -------------------------------------
# Comment below marks this as the start of attributes which are set by artists
# in Maya for the standard material
set shaderNotifyString ""
set shaderNotifyString ""
#attrdescription Notification string sent out whenever material is rendered
seti stdMatLayer 0 # min:-32 max:32
#attrdescription Layer for drawing. Higher numbers are drawn later. 0 is the default.
sete stdMatFillMode solid (solid wireframe)
#attrdescription Type of primitive rendering
sete stdMatCullMode cullClockwise (none cullClockwise cullCounterClockwise)
#attrdescription Culling (usually back-face) of primitive rendering
setb stdMatLightingEnabled true
#attrdescription Whether to light surfaces with this material applied to them
sete stdMatMinLightRangeHint 4 (1 2 4)
#attrdescription The minimum required light intensity range this material must support
sete stdMatAlphaBlendMode none (none blend additive addNoSrcAlphaScale)
#attrdescription Use none for opaque surfaces or mask surfaces; additive scales colors against alpha and adds to destination; addNoSrcAlphaScale adds color and alpha to dest.
setb stdMatAlphaTestEnabled false
#attrdescription Turn this on for mask surfaces
seti stdMatAlphaRefValue 127 # min:0 max:255
#attrdescription For mask surfaces, threshold value for alpha
setf stdMatAlphaMultiplier 1 # min:-5 max:5
#attrdescription Straight multiplier on alpha channel
setb stdMatBaseTextureAlphaReplicate false
#attrdescription Whether to expect a grayscale "-alpha" texture and use
#attrdescription that one value for all three color channels.
set stdMatBaseTextureParam ""
#attrdescription Extra parameters for the base texture, enabling e.g. procedurally
#attrdescription generated textures to be specified
set stdMatSpecMaskTextureParam ""
#attrdescription Extra parameters for the spec mask texture, enabling e.g. procedurally
#attrdescription generated textures to be specified
set stdMatNormalMapTextureParam ""
#attrdescription Extra parameters for the normal map (bump map) texture, enabling e.g.
#attrdescription procedurally generated textures to be specified
set stdMatCutoutTextureParam ""
#attrdescription Extra parameters for the cutout texture, enabling e.g. procedurally
#attrdescription generated textures to be specified
set stdMatEnvCubeTextureParam ""
#attrdescription Extra parameters for the env cube texture, enabling e.g. procedurally
#attrdescription generated textures to be specified
sete stdMatEnvCubeMode none (none reflection)
#attrdescription What kind of env cube is expected
setf stdMatEnvCubeBlurFactor 0 # min:0 max:64
#attrdescription Blurriness of environment cube reflections/radiance
setb stdMatEnvCubeLockedToCamera false
#attrdescription If true, the environment cube is locked to the camera.
sete stdMatTextureCoordAnimMode none (none transform tile video)
#attrdescription Type of texture coordinate animation
setv2 stdMatTextureCoordTfAnimOrigin (0.5, 0.5)
#attrdescription Origin of rotation and scale for when 'transform' texture
#attrdescription coordinate animation is enabled
setf stdMatTextureCoordTfAnimRotSpeed 0 # min:0 max:60
#attrdescription Revolutions per second for when 'transform' texture coordinate
#attrdescription animation is enabled, or zero to disable rotation animation
setv2 stdMatTextureCoordTfAnimRotStartEnd (0, 1)
#attrdescription Rotation start/end position (1=360deg) for when 'transform'
#attrdescription texture coordinate animation is enabled
sete stdMatTextureCoordTfAnimRotWaveform triangular (sawtooth triangular sine)
#attrdescription Rotation waveform type for when 'transform' texture coordinate
#attrdescription animation is enabled
setf stdMatTextureCoordTfAnimScaleSpeed 0 # min:0 max:60
#attrdescription Scale cycles per second for when 'transform' texture coordinate
#attrdescription animation is enabled, or zero to disable scale animation
setv2 stdMatTextureCoordTfAnimScaleStartEnd (1, 2) # min:0.001 max:100
#attrdescription Scale start/end values for when 'transform' texture coordinate
#attrdescription animation is enabled
sete stdMatTextureCoordTfAnimScaleWaveform triangular (sawtooth triangular sine)
#attrdescription Scale waveform type for when 'transform' texture coordinate
#attrdescription animation is enabled
setf stdMatTextureCoordTfAnimTransSpeed 0 # min:0 max:60
#attrdescription Translation cycles per second for when 'transform' texture coordinate
#attrdescription animation is enabled, or zero to disable translation animation
setv2 stdMatTextureCoordTfAnimTransStart (0, 0)
#attrdescription Translation start UV coords for when 'transform' texture coordinate
#attrdescription animation is enabled
setv2 stdMatTextureCoordTfAnimTransEnd (0, 0)
#attrdescription Translation end UV coords for when 'transform' texture coordinate
#attrdescription animation is enabled
sete stdMatTextureCoordTfAnimTransWaveform triangular (sawtooth triangular sine)
#attrdescription Translation waveform type for when 'transform' texture coordinate
#attrdescription animation is enabled
setf stdMatTextureCoordTileAnimSpeed 0 # min:0 max:60
#attrdescription The number of tiles per second for when 'tile' texture coordinate
#attrdescription animation is enabled
setv2 stdMatTextureCoordAnimNumTiles (1,1)
#attrdescription Defines number of tiles in the source texture for when 'tile'
#attrdescription texture coordinate animation is enabled
setb forceHighQualitySkinning false
#attrdescription When enabled, the object will ignore the skinning quality settings.
#attrdescription Only to be used on troublesome objects that require more-than-one bone.
# Comment below marks this as the end of attributes which are set by artists
# in Maya for the standard material
setv3 stdMatDiffCoef (1,1,1)
setv3 stdMatSpecCoef (0,0,0)
setv3 stdMatEmissiveCoef (0,0,0)
setv3 stdMatEnvCubeCoef (0,0,0)
setf stdMatSpecPower 0
setf stdMatUntexturedDiffAlpha 1
setb stdMatBaseTextureEnabled false
setb stdMatSpecMaskTextureEnabled false
setb stdMatNormalMapTextureEnabled false
setb stdMatReduceBoneWeights false # only applies the first (most important) weight.
setb stdMatMorphState true # whether morph targets are applied.
set stdMatBaseTextureName reggrid
set stdMatSpecMaskTextureName reggrid
set stdMatNormalMapTextureName reggrid-bump
set stdMatCutoutTextureName "0" # default is not to do cutouts
set stdMatEnvCubeTextureName reflectionCubeTemplate-envcube
sete stdMatBaseTextureAddressingU tile (tile mirror clamp borderColor)
sete stdMatBaseTextureAddressingV tile (tile mirror clamp borderColor)
sete stdMatBaseTextureAddressingW tile (tile mirror clamp borderColor)
sete stdMatSpecMaskTextureAddressingU tile (tile mirror clamp borderColor)
sete stdMatSpecMaskTextureAddressingV tile (tile mirror clamp borderColor)
sete stdMatSpecMaskTextureAddressingW tile (tile mirror clamp borderColor)
sete stdMatNormalMapTextureAddressingU tile (tile mirror clamp borderColor)
sete stdMatNormalMapTextureAddressingV tile (tile mirror clamp borderColor)
sete stdMatNormalMapTextureAddressingW tile (tile mirror clamp borderColor)
sete stdMatCutoutTextureAddressingU clamp (tile mirror clamp borderColor)
sete stdMatCutoutTextureAddressingV clamp (tile mirror clamp borderColor)
sete stdMatCutoutTextureAddressingW clamp (tile mirror clamp borderColor)
# the only bumpMapping flag now, default on for clockwork, contentviewer, casie, etc. Config manager will set off.
# defaulting VS2 light looping OFF, since radeons as of (6/6/2004) are broken in some cases
setb bumpMapping true
setb flagSkinnedObjects false
#setb mirrorReflectionsEnabled false
setb vs2LoopsFunctional false
setb causticsEnabled false
setb appInDebugMode false
seti stdMatShapeColorIndex -1
#setc stdMatShadowColor (0.33, 0.33, 0.39)
setc stdMatShadowColor (0.63, 0.63, 0.85)
# Default shadow colour. Generally this will be overridden by code.