Contents |
File Types
DDO classifies files that it finds into the following package types. There are organised as follows:
Body Shop Files
Specific types - recolours:
- AccessoryRecolour
- ClothingRecolour
- Eyes
- Eyebrows
- HairRecolour
- Makeup
- Skintone
- FacialHair
Specific types - meshes:
- AccessoryMesh
- BodyMesh
- CostumeMakeup
- HairMesh
Special types:
- FaceSculpt
General types, when it can't determine exactly what it is:
- BodyShopRecolour
You might also see some BodyShop items marked as "Replacement". This is when they are simple texture files and contain no other information about what they replace.
Buy Mode Files (aka Objects)
Specific types:
- ObjectRecolour - will often say what it's a recolour of.
- ObjectAppliance
- ObjectAspiration
- ObjectDecorative
- ObjectElectronic
- ObjectGeneral
- ObjectLighting
- ObjectPlumbing
- ObjectSeating
- ObjectHobby
- ObjectSurface
- NeighbourhoodObject
When it can't determine the particular Function type, it goes in:
- Object
Build Mode Files
- FenceRecolour
- Floor
- BuildModeDoor
- BuildModeWindow
- BuildModeStair
- BuildModePlant
- BuildModeFireplace
- BuildModeColumn
- BuildModePool
- Roof
- TerrainPaint
- Wallpaper
If an object has no specific Build Mode Function, it shows up as:
- BuildModeUnknown
Other Files
- Automobile
- CareerOrMajor - highlighted in the view
- HackOrGameMod - highlighted in the view
- Sim
- Pet
- Food
Special Types
These types are used to indicate special packages, or when the detection fails mostly, in the case of "Mesh":
- Mesh - Used when the program can't determine what it is, but knows there is a mesh
- Collection
- Shader
- Special - used for CEP, Stuff Packs, etc
- Replacement - used when it's a pure texture mod, or something that replaces something else, but it's unable to determine what.
- Duplicate - duplicate of another package, shows up after a Duplicate Scan
- EmptyPackage - Essentially, they are package files with no resources, no index entries, and consist purely of the package header. They should be deleted.
Selectable Types
These are ones you can select in the dropdown "Package Type" box, but they aren't actually a package type per se:
- (*) - this selects all packages
- Objects (*) - this selects all Object types, ie ObjectDecorative, ObjectAppliance, etc
- Build Mode (*) - this selects all Build Mode types, ie BuildModeWindow, BuildModeDoor, etc
- ZMobies! - this selects all HacksOrGameMods, CareerOrMajor and Replacement types.
The ZMobies! option is especially useful when you want to move things out of your game before installing an Expansion Pack.
If a package cannot be checked against all of the possible above types (which is fairly rare!) then it is flagged as:
- Unknown
In addition, a file called unknowns.txt is created in the Download Organiser program folder with key details than can enable the developers to figure out specific package types. You may send these to Delphy or attach them to a post.