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Modding Reference by Category

Sims 3 :DBPF | File Types | RCOL(Scene) | Catalog Resource | String Table | Key Table | TS3 Programmer's Reference 

Index Buffer - IBUF
Game Version:The Sims 3


This is a Sims 3:RCOL chunk found embedded in MODL and MLOD resources. Contains the vertex indices for the polygon faces.

DWORD  version
DWORD  flags                               // see table
DWORD  always zero (pipeline bug); if not zero, safe to ignore
{face data, count and offset given in MLOD}
if compressed, start at zero and add or subtract each signed value for the entire buffer before using the offset

Flag Format

Type ID Name Description
0x00000001 Differenced Indices
0x00000002 Using 32-Bit Indices
0x00000004 Is a Display List

Based on contributions from delphy, karybdis and atavera

Modding Reference by Category

Sims 3 :DBPF | File Types | RCOL(Scene) | Catalog Resource | String Table | Key Table | TS3 Programmer's Reference