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Modding Reference by Category

Sims 3 :DBPF | File Types | RCOL(Scene) | Catalog Resource | String Table | Key Table | TS3 Programmer's Reference 

Catalog Wall Style
Game Version:The Sims 3



Catalog resource used to define wall types.


DWORD Version
DWORD TGI_offset // see Sims 3:Key table
DWORD TGI_size   // see Sims 3:Key table
--insert Common section 
DWORD WallStyle
DWORD PartitionType
DWORD PartitionFlags
DWORD VerticalSpanType
DWORD PartitionsBlockedFlags
DWORD AdjacentPartitionsBlockedFlags
DWORD PartitionToolMode
DWORD DeletionTools
DWORD DefaultPattern Index (Catalog Wall/Floor Pattern)
DWORD ThicknessType

--insert TGI Block List

Wall Styles

Id Description
0x00000000 None
0x00000001 Normal
0x00000002 Attic
0x00000003 Fence
0x00000004 DeckSkirt
0x00000005 DeckRailing
0x00000006 Foundation
0x00000007 Pool
0x00000008 Frieze
0x00000009 Platform
0x0000000A Foyer
0x0000000B HalfNormal
0x000000FF UnderConstruction

Partition Types

Id Description
0x00000000 Wall
0x00000001 Fence
0x00000002 FenceArch
0x00000003 HalfWall
0x00000004 PlatformWall
0xFFFFFFFF Unspecified

Partition Flags

Flag Description
0x00000001 MayChangeSurface
0x00000002 MayAttachObjects
0x00000004 MayCutAway
0x00000008 RequiresFlatBottom
0x00000010 RequiresFlatTop
0x00000020 Submersible
0x00000040 MayPlaceDiagonally
0x00000080 BlocksLocomotion
0x00000100 BlocksPlacement
0x00000200 BearsLoad
0x00000400 BlocksLight
0x00000800 ShouldRender
0x00001000 RequiresSupportUnderneath
0x00002000 LitIndoors
0x00004000 LitOutdoors
0x00008000 AOMapped
0x00010000 MayCutAwayBelowGround

Vertical Span Types

Id Description
0x00000000 FixedHeight
0x00000001 FloorToFloor
0x00000002 FloorToRoof
0x00000003 FloorToStairs
0x00000004 FloorToFloorBasedCeiling
0x00000005 DoubleFixedHeight
0x00000006 PlatformHeight
0x00000007 HalfFixedHeight
0xFFFFFFFF Unspecified

Partitions Blocked Flags

Flag Description
0x00000001 BlocksWalls
0x00000002 BlocksFences
0x00000004 BlocksArches
0x00000010 BlocksPlatformWalls

Partition Tool Modes

Id Description
0x00000001 Line
0x00000002 Rectangle
0x00000003 All
0xFFFFFFFF Unspecified

User Tool Flags

Flag Description
0x00000001 Partition
0x00000002 Roof
0x00000004 LevelRoom
0x00000008 ModularStairs
0x00000010 WallDrag

Wall Thickness Types

Id Description
0x00000000 Standard
0x00000001 None
0x00000002 Thin
Modding Reference by Category

Sims 3 :DBPF | File Types | RCOL(Scene) | Catalog Resource | String Table | Key Table | TS3 Programmer's Reference