Polaris - 4 Sci-fi/Futuristic Outfits for Females

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Uploaded: 29th Dec 2006 at 2:16 AM
I've always been frustrated at the lack of sci-fi/futuristic clothing for the sims, so I decided to make some myself. I bring you four outfits for your female simmies, the first in a fashion line I've chosen to call Polaris. I definitely plan on making more, and I'll probably upload them to my website. (limabeanfashions.scribblersabode.com).


- Blue Wrap with Jeans -

- Gold & Black Dress with Pantaloons -

- New Years' Dress -

- Egyptian Style -

Mesh & Hair Credits
1 - Mesh: 2-for-U, Hair: Kavar
2 - Mesh: Noukie Sims 2, Hair: Noukie Sims 2
3 - Mesh: All About Style, Hair: Noukie Sims 2
4 - Mesh: 2-for-U, Hair: Kavar

Hope you enjoy them! Feel free to leave any questions or comments. :o)