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The Pines - A CC free house

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Uploaded: 6th Jul 2013 at 1:48 PM
Welcomes to the Pines, although whoever decided that was a great name was wrong, the trees around the house are firs.
There's plently of room to move things around, and add your sims possessions to the mix.

Anyway, this small house features one bedroom, one full bathroom, a half bath with laundry, and a sunken living room.

The blues, greens, and purples were the result of too much pop, and a twenty year old on a sugar rush who decided her favourite colours would be perfect.

The house was built in Sunset Valley at 100 Redwood pkwy, just up the road from the Crumplebottoms. It has a lovely few from the backyard of the ocean, if your sim is into that.

There was absolutely no CC in my game at the time of building it. Also, I'm not sure which expansion and stuff pack items were used, I didn't keep track.

Lot size: 25x30
Furnished - 58,916
Unfurnished - 32,189

Lot Size: 2x3
Lot Price: 58,916