War Ship

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Uploaded: 30th Apr 2007 at 3:29 PM
Updated: 1st May 2007 at 8:17 PM
Hello, i may i present my newest ship, i worked very long on this one, so, when you like it , leave a thanx or a comment

the interiour is simple couse i didnt see a warship with full luxury

i hope you like it, problems or questions, leave me a message !!


also, i thank the people who made the crucial and less crucial parts to make this a warship, Thanx

ps: dont forget to say if you like it ,and there is no burglar system in the entrance, so if you dont want that people steal from the ship, dont forget to put a burglar system in it!

is there any person with a request, send one, mayby your ship is gonna be made

(the helicopter is not driveble!)