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retired moderator
#6826 Old 28th Mar 2024 at 12:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Oh, there's always a few customers that lose stars no matter what you do. businessrunyou's "Bugger Off" is immensely helpful for them.

I like SimWardrobe's CustomersLeaveAfterPurchase, it pushes them to leave after they've bought something.
(Available from the link in Bulbizarre's signature in case anyone wants it).
Field Researcher
#6827 Old 28th Mar 2024 at 7:27 PM
I use Cyjon's version of that mod. It only works for player-owned businesses though, I'm not sure about SimWardrobe's.
#6828 Old 28th Mar 2024 at 9:05 PM
I think they could stay on a commlot, but not home business. On a commlot they can use other facilities like food and coffee, which by themselves don't make a profitable business.

I think a good place to patch in a population limit is in the... Populator. It counts the number of items on the lot, but the limit doesn't apply to owned business. The default count is also a bit generous and wrong. Count all lead tiles in world with their master definition community sort non-zero, and function sort not decorative, including disabled that are set for sale. This would also limit populations of graveyards and small square parks.
Field Researcher
#6829 Old 31st Mar 2024 at 7:03 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Amalia81
Out of curiosity, what was it? Name and shame, I say!

I think it was one of the ufbottombaggypants files. I can't remember who made it, possibly Rudhira? I've changed a lot of my defaults lately.

All's fair in love, war, and video games! ~LyokoGirl5000
Mad Poster
#6830 Old 31st Mar 2024 at 5:19 PM
Oh my goddd apartment neighbours why are you so LOUD. My sims (families of 5-10) live in a 6x7 room and every 1-2 sim hours they get woken up or distracted etc because the neighbour is too loud. Ugh, I mean I live in a terraced house and can definitely hear my neighbours (especially my 89 yo neighbour who blasts her tv from 6am until 6pm ) but even then... this seems a bit extreme...

~Your friendly neighborhood ginge
#6831 Old 31st Mar 2024 at 7:08 PM
You hear apartment neighbors if they use a drill or other power tool on the walls, several rooms away. Seems like today nobody uses a screwdriver anymore when they need to do a few screws without predrilling. And apartments are usually made of concrete where they need to drill a long time.

My neighbor has some kind of rattler device attached to the window or the surrounding wall. He or his pet uses it randomly. It sounds like a noisy wheel or a flap rebounding a dozen times every hit. I imagine anything that is coupled to walls could be heard.

Maybe they had been drinking vodka juice and are dancing on the floor and shouting obscenities. You hear that too.

In the spring you might hear birds that step onto the steel plate that protects the wall under a window, or try to extract something around the wooden frame of a window, and also chirp randomly.
e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#6832 Old 31st Mar 2024 at 7:54 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Bigsimsfan12
Oh my goddd apartment neighbours why are you so LOUD.

I love making my sims go around to complain to them, the animations are funny! Also a great way to make enemies for MOAR communal space fighting!

Strategic furniture placement can help too (apparently having achair against the wall makes it soundproof in the Simiverse.
Mad Poster
#6833 Old 1st Apr 2024 at 1:59 AM
Putting up a zillion posters prevents sound from leaking through. I wish it was like that in real life.

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

Looking for SimWardrobe's mods? | Or Dizzy's? | Faiuwle/rufio's too! | smorbie1's Chris Hatch archives
#6834 Old 1st Apr 2024 at 6:29 AM
Really? I wonder how it is implemented.
Mad Poster
#6835 Old 1st Apr 2024 at 6:45 AM
The 'noise' can only spawn on blank areas of the walls. I think with moveobjects on you can even pick it up and delete it.

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

Looking for SimWardrobe's mods? | Or Dizzy's? | Faiuwle/rufio's too! | smorbie1's Chris Hatch archives
e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#6836 Old 1st Apr 2024 at 9:41 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Putting up a zillion posters prevents sound from leaking through. I wish it was like that in real life.

Light fixtures don't seem to block noise though.
Mad Poster
#6837 Old 1st Apr 2024 at 12:23 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
Light fixtures don't seem to block noise though.

That makes sense. I remember reading that things on the wall block out noise, but I'm playing a Test of Time challenge, so I just put candles on the wall and it didn't work.

~Your friendly neighborhood ginge
Mad Poster
#6838 Old 4th Apr 2024 at 1:16 AM
I swear the "WooHoo in Car" want only ever shows up when there's no car present.

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

Looking for SimWardrobe's mods? | Or Dizzy's? | Faiuwle/rufio's too! | smorbie1's Chris Hatch archives
#6839 Old 4th Apr 2024 at 1:27 AM
See simler90's Want Check Tree Fixes:
The game considers the Walk To Lot interaction as a vehicle, and allows sims to roll Woohoo in Car wants/fears even if they travelled on foot, which is an oversight on Maxis' part. This has been fixed. The game will only allow sims to roll these wants/fears if there truly is an ownable vehicle on the lot.
Mad Poster
#6840 Old 4th Apr 2024 at 2:14 AM
That reminds me of the Fallout 3 train hat

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

Looking for SimWardrobe's mods? | Or Dizzy's? | Faiuwle/rufio's too! | smorbie1's Chris Hatch archives
Top Secret Researcher
#6841 Old 15th Apr 2024 at 10:15 PM
How I have to make sims immune to illness in order to use the Sun&Moon chickens since they're cloned from the roaches and still give flu. Frankly I don't know why roaches give flu in the first place, I mean I know bugs CAN carry disease, but it's a bit much if you ask me.

Trans Rights Are Human Rights

Be careful who you hate; it may be someone you love.
Forum Resident
#6842 Old 15th Apr 2024 at 11:14 PM
Quote: Originally posted by StrangeTownChick
How I have to make sims immune to illness in order to use the Sun&Moon chickens since they're cloned from the roaches and still give flu. Frankly I don't know why roaches give flu in the first place, I mean I know bugs CAN carry disease, but it's a bit much if you ask me.

Chickens do carry a lot of diseases, seems realistic to me!
Top Secret Researcher
#6843 Old 16th Apr 2024 at 2:51 AM
Quote: Originally posted by inspiredzone
Chickens do carry a lot of diseases, seems realistic to me!

Yes, but considering they've been domesticated for 8,000 years and people have known how to wash their hands to prevent disease for at least a century and a half, it'd take a little more than four or five interactions to catch anything.

Trans Rights Are Human Rights

Be careful who you hate; it may be someone you love.
Mad Poster
#6844 Old 16th Apr 2024 at 10:11 AM
Quote: Originally posted by inspiredzone
Chickens do carry a lot of diseases, seems realistic to me!

Yes, they do, as witness the current bird flu epidemic that's wiping out huge numbers of domestic and wild fowl/birds.

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
My other downloads are here: https://www.mediafire.com/?r=wbmnd#myfiles
Mad Poster
#6845 Old 16th Apr 2024 at 12:10 PM
Quote: Originally posted by StrangeTownChick
How I have to make sims immune to illness in order to use the Sun&Moon chickens since they're cloned from the roaches and still give flu. Frankly I don't know why roaches give flu in the first place, I mean I know bugs CAN carry disease, but it's a bit much if you ask me.

There's a mod to stop roaches (and anything cloned from roaches) from making sims ill. https://www.mediafire.com/file/wtxw...ckness.zip/file
Mad Poster
#6846 Old 16th Apr 2024 at 3:59 PM
Gotta love forgetting to install a piece of CC and not realizing until you're already in-game.

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

Looking for SimWardrobe's mods? | Or Dizzy's? | Faiuwle/rufio's too! | smorbie1's Chris Hatch archives
Mad Poster
#6847 Old 17th Apr 2024 at 12:41 AM
Also gotta love this.

The guy in the back was just constantly bumping them and routefailing.

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

Looking for SimWardrobe's mods? | Or Dizzy's? | Faiuwle/rufio's too! | smorbie1's Chris Hatch archives
Forum Resident
#6848 Old 21st Apr 2024 at 1:47 AM
When your game crashes in the middle of the the biggest society wedding of the year
e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#6849 Old 21st Apr 2024 at 11:40 AM
Quote: Originally posted by inspiredzone
When your game crashes in the middle of the the biggest society wedding of the year

Oh no!
Mad Poster
#6850 Old 21st Apr 2024 at 11:01 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Gotta love forgetting to install a piece of CC and not realizing until you're already in-game.

Gotta love forgetting you've installed a piece of CC until you try to download it again.

I'm secretly a Bulbasaur. | Formerly known as ihatemandatoryregister

Looking for SimWardrobe's mods? | Or Dizzy's? | Faiuwle/rufio's too! | smorbie1's Chris Hatch archives
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