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Field Researcher
Original Poster
#1 Old 29th Jan 2008 at 6:30 PM
Default ARGH! Belkin Wireless card won't connect to the internet

Basically, I've had issues with my Belkin Wireless G Card since I got my new computer but I've managed to work with it. But since last night after I finished my Sims 2 game, my Belkin card refuses to connect.

When I or it tries, it gets so far, freezes the entire computer then either says 'no wireless connection' or 'limited or no connectivity' I've also noticed before last night that when I did manage to get onto the internet, sometimes the computer would randomly freeze and start working again. They only way I could rectify that would be to restart the computer.

I'm currently typing this on my old laptop, which has no issues what-so-ever; heck, I can leave it connected all day doing big downloads and it's fine! So, I know it can't be anything to do with the router we have, and more than likely the card.

The card's drivers are all up-to-date, I've run Spybot and Avast and it's found nothing. The only thing I have done recently is update my graphics card's driver (which is a ATI Raedon 2600 XT) via Windows Update (i.e. gone into device manager, opened up the card and selected 'Update Driver...'

Could this be causing problems, do I have spyware/malware/viruses or is the card just crap?

Belkin Card: http://catalog.belkin.com/IWCatProd...oduct_Id=136479

Wireless Router:
http://broadband.sky.com/ or http://www.trustedreviews.com/netwo...d-Revolution/p1

Any help would be appreciated - I really do hope it doesn't mean shipping my HDD back to the warehouse
#2 Old 29th Jan 2008 at 6:56 PM
where is your computer in relation to the location of the router being used?
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#3 Old 29th Jan 2008 at 7:04 PM
The router is downstairs in the livingroom, my computer is in my bedroom with the HDD on the floor, the card aerial pointing up. I'm sitting on my laptop, in my bedroom, next to my computer...and it works fine
#4 Old 29th Jan 2008 at 7:10 PM
Hmm *suggests random things*
Check the IP address? Sometimes mine goes screwy when I install new things and it fiddles around with my wireless settings. When I installed Vista, my wireless card just wasn't compatible full stop so I had to use boring old wires. Or you could try reinstalling the driver, but as you're getting the "Limited or no connectivity" warning, I think it's to do with the connection settings. If it came with software, reinstall that. Otherwise try fiddling around with the wireless card settings. Sorry I can't be more specific, I'm crap at explaining things.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#5 Old 29th Jan 2008 at 7:13 PM
I'll have a go at reinstalling it It doesn't look too hard, so hopefully I won't screw things up anymore. Would the IP address be specific to each desktop/laptop connecting to the router? If so, it would explain why my laptop works okay

edit: Oh and I have XP, so no Vista incompatablity issues.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#6 Old 29th Jan 2008 at 8:12 PM
So far so good - if I let it install so that it doesn't flash up with 'New Hardware Detected' and don't install the Belkin Utility program that comes with it, it seems to connect with no issues. Its when I install the utility program from the disk that I get the problems talked about.

Hopefully, just using Windows' wireless connection program it'll be fine *crosses fingers*
retired moderator
#7 Old 30th Jan 2008 at 3:53 AM
Just don’t install the program.. that's pretty well recommended for any adapter. I have a linksys adapter and I just installed the drivers through device manager and let Windows take care of the connections. Much much more stable and uses far less system resources. It's really not a problem that you went that route, more like a better solution from the get go. It should be peachy.
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