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#1 Old 1st Nov 2011 at 2:00 AM
Default CAW-Enabled Desert Plants (Porkypine's Macarossi Conversions)
I am working on a world I wanted some more desert plants for, so I checked permissions and threw together CAW-enabled versions of Porkypine's Desert Plant Conversions

I did not clone/rename them, so they are tricky to find in CAW, you have to look up the actual plant names in the filter (sorry! I was in a hurry!)

SET of 8 Flowering plants
* Arisaema Candidissimus
* Beavertail Cactus
* Brighamsia Insignis
* Desert Rose (Adenium Obesum)
* Disocactus on a tree stump
* Echinopsis Candicans cactus
* Flowering Cacti
* Guzmania

Set of 7 Non-flowering shrubs
* Agave
* Arisaema - (shading issues)
* Cacti and Stones
* Cacti Round
* Pachypodium Namaquanum
* Succulent Aeonium - Aeonium Arboreum
* Zamia

SET of 2 Trees -
* Dragon Tree
* Flowering Madagascar Palm

These were fairly high poly models (I think over 1K is 'high'?) so may not want to overload world with them, but they go well with the saguaro from SleepAllDay

There's several of them in pic, I'm having serious CAW issues on current computer and got frustrated trying to find them all =/ (Catalog filter crashes after I use it about four uses)
Attached files:
File Type: 7z  Porkypine Desert Plants.7z (4.51 MB, 1276 downloads) - View custom content
Description: Zip of all plants, enabled for CAW
Test Subject
#2 Old 1st Nov 2011 at 6:23 PM
Thank you so much! Thay just come in handy :-)

A dump question: Do I (and others) have to download the ingame version, too or will the caw plants be exported with the world?
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#3 Old 1st Nov 2011 at 8:11 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Tahera
Thank you so much! Thay just come in handy :-)

A dump question: Do I (and others) have to download the ingame version, too or will the caw plants be exported with the world?

You should actually be able to even chuck the CAW versions into your 'regular game' folder as near as I can tell, and they'll work there too for you, without you grabbing the 'normal'. (Not 100% on this, I should test it I suppose..)

However, the players who download your worlds will just need Porkypine's originals, not these edited ones.

Editing to clarify- You do need either these or the originals in your game mods to have things show up outside of CAW.
Test Subject
#4 Old 2nd Nov 2011 at 8:50 AM
Thanks for letting me know.
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retired moderator
#5 Old 2nd Nov 2011 at 11:46 AM
Thanks for these, Bakafox!

To clarify, if you put these versions that Bakafox made into your Game Mods folder, they will also show up in the world editor catalog. That means you will be able to add them to your world (outside of lots) in-game.
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