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#1 Old 30th Jan 2008 at 1:22 PM
Default TS3: Needed or Not?
Ever since EA announced there would be a Sims 3, it seemed like a lot of people quickly wrote of TS2, and anxiously awaited the next version. Since then, there hasn't been any real official announcement about what the game is going to be like. There's been a lot of speculation by a lot of sites and people not employed by EA and working on Sims devolpment. I'm not counting statements made by SimMasters or Maxoids on the official site. As far as I know, these people do not work or, nor release information to the press about future game plans. I put them in the speculation category with everyone else.

In various places, I've asked people this question, and no one seems to have a real answer. I've heard things like "Maxis thinks it's time, so it's time," or "If they make it, I'll buy it," or "There was such a big improvement from TS1 to TS2, so how can there not be a big improvement from 2 to 3?"

The fact of the matter, for me at least, is that just because it's made doesn't mean that it needs to be made. Textbooks, for example, could have seven editions, but if you buy the first edition for considerably less than the seventh, you'll still have all the same information. They make new versions to make money, not because a new version needs to be made. As for the graphics issue, there was a lot of room for improvement graphics wise. I'd like us all to do an exercise: think about the amount of time you play each day. Think about the amount of custom content you have in your game. You have lag? Yes? Well, think about that lag if you had graphics, for example, on the scale of Far Cry (sorry, not able to post links yet, but do a google images search if you want to know what I'm talking about). There's no way in hell people with a low end graphics card are playing that game.

The Rules:

-Give a reason for having a sims 3. Please, don't just say if EA makes it, you'll buy it. If it's truly your reason, I can't say you're wrong. I'd like it if you say, this is my reason, and there's nothing more behind it. It'd be nice if, when challenged, reasons could be backed up.

-If I've missed some official information, by all means, please post it. I don't frequent the official site (I check there every now and then), and it's very possibly that I've missed some announcement or other information. I don't consider something from SnootySims official information unless it's something quoted from the official site or a company rep. They're still a fansite.

-Please don't get nasty or defensive. If someone challenges you on why you feel a certain way, and you feel like you've already explained yourself to the best of your ability, that's fine. You can say as much. "I don't know any other way to explain how I feel about this. There aren't any underlying issues, it's just the way I feel."

-Have fun! Things may get heated, but it's still just a game
#2 Old 30th Jan 2008 at 2:08 PM
I would really have to see more about TS3 to be interested in buying it... oh and (if the graphics are going to be that much better) buy a new computer. I'm not ruling it out but I don't think I'll run to the store the min it comes out. I'm fairly happy with what I can do with TS2 so TS3 has to have something really special to make me want to buy it. I do agree that it could be a ploy to make more money but.... isn't everything? Whether or not you can spend said money is the problem... and i'm going to bank on the fact that when it does come out, I won't have money... lol
Lab Assistant
#3 Old 30th Jan 2008 at 2:12 PM
Well, I've thought about that a lot recently.
And the thing is, I have some doubts that EA will improve the Graphics so much that it'll be totally different from TS2. And if they do, that won't be enough to get me to buy it. I want more gameplay features, more reality, more choices in clothing (like changing shoes).
If they release it and it looks really good, I'll get it. My graphic card is good, but if the graphics will be like the ones in Far Cry it won't be able to handle them. But my boyfriend and I have already thought of buying a new "gaming" PC which will be able to handle games like that.
#4 Old 30th Jan 2008 at 2:13 PM
VERY needed. I for sure will but TS3 the minute it hits the store
Mad Poster
#5 Old 30th Jan 2008 at 2:15 PM
Well, given the FreeTime previews reports, it seems that there is indeed going to be a Sims3. Moreover it was confirmed by several articles and interviews that it is indeed in development.

As for the reason why it should be, I am not that much concerned with picture-like graphics, I'm quite happy with what we have now; however, I think that there's lots of improvements that can be made to gameplay itself. More interactions, more meaningful relationships between the sims, better developed personalities. A unified neighbourhood, without lots loading individually would also be wonderful to have. And usable banks, firestations, policestations, courthouse, newspapers, amusement parks. And a real economy, that actually affects our sims incomes and job decisions, and that each sims plays a part in that economy. I'd like to see sims saving up for college, or for a new car, or looking for rent or a roomie. And chinese and pizza delivery should come from a real working restaurant, not from nowhere, and sims could get themselves employed there if they want to. So, if you ask me, there's plenty of room for lots of improvements in gameplay and if that can be achieved in TS3, then by all means I'll buy it.
Lab Assistant
#6 Old 30th Jan 2008 at 3:02 PM
New technologies are being developed all the time and once they become viable, they are incorporated into games. For example, games were 2D until realtime 3D became possible. Now, photorealism is close, just look at Crysis. Physics are becoming viable which enable the environment reacts almost like real.

For Sims 3, I would expect the main improvements to be in the Sims. Facial animations has improved so this is one area I expect major improvements. More variation in body shapes, not just fat, normal, skinny. Variations in height and skin tone as well. Multiple clothes and accessories such as bags, umbrellas and jewelry.

For non Sims improvements, better build options, such as having better roof building. I would like to be a house with a courtyard for example. Circular walls and stairs. It would be nice to be non-grid but this might prove to be difficult.
#7 Old 30th Jan 2008 at 3:19 PM
I don' tthink I've seen one post where anyone has written off TS2. In fact most of the posts I've read have people holding off on getting TS3 because of their investment in TS2. Personally Just like when TS2 came out and I dropped TS1 like rock, the same will happen with TS3. I love technological advances in all of my games
Lab Assistant
#8 Old 30th Jan 2008 at 5:17 PM
Quote: Originally posted by kennyinbmore
I don' tthink I've seen one post where anyone has written off TS2. In fact most of the posts I've read have people holding off on getting TS3 because of their investment in TS2. Personally Just like when TS2 came out and I dropped TS1 like rock, the same will happen with TS3. I love technological advances in all of my games

I dropped TS1 when I saw TS2 myself, but the difference between the two is that the Sims 1 was just a fun little game for me... I have invested SO much time in Sims 2 and have SO much stuff for it and made my own creations which I have spent long hours on, that I just can't drop it that fast. I can't just go buy TS3 on release day and uninstall TS2 and delete all my project files, custom content, everything.

Personally, if Sims 3 is going to try and have better graphics, better gameplay and everything else, maybe EA should hold off on making it until most of us have computers that can handle 6 EPs worth of Far Cry graphics and huge hard drives for our CC. It's not as though we're demanding a better game than TS2. TS1 more so, because it had so many obvious limitations (those ANNOYING immortal children...) But we've been able to make TS2 better through mods, hacks, cheats, CC... you have to think really specific to think of things that haven't been done than could be done in TS3.
Mad Poster
#9 Old 30th Jan 2008 at 5:31 PM
I bought TS2 when it came out but never loaded it until Pets - I just can't imagine a household without pets in it so I stuck with TS1. I was never dissatisfied with that game - not expecting anything better - but when I finally did start playing TS2, it blew me away, it was so much better. I NEVER went back to TS1, even though I kept it on my computer for over a year thinking I would. So, I suppose, altho' I might say I would prefer to keep playing TS2 with the mods and custom content availabe, I will probably be blown away by TS3. I will need to get a new computer tho' probably devoted to gaming since my current one is barely limping along with TS2.
Test Subject
#10 Old 30th Jan 2008 at 5:35 PM
Maybe TS3 will make it easier and more flexible to create custom content. They might even agree to host custom objects on their website.
Lab Assistant
#11 Old 30th Jan 2008 at 6:23 PM
- Better landscaping options with water
- a better relationship model for the Sims (which pretty much is still the same as in The Sims Hot Date)
- More individuality; both in behaviour and looks (different sizes and all that)
- More buildign options. There are still a lot of thing I can't realize with The Sims 2.
- A stronger communal aspect. I don't really need a commerce model, but a sense for who the neighbours are, who to go to for help, and how nice the direct sorroundings of a lot are.
- Compared to entities like the Black&White creature and the Creatures of the identically named game, I still find the Sims a bit static in their behaviour. Can't they learn something, even if it is only the best path around their house?

I am not too sure about the increased lagging with Sims 3. Of course you will need a decent computer, but The Sims 3 will - at the beginning - not have to shoulder 6 EPs. And with the graphics, the methods to run the necessary calculations smoothly also improve.
Test Subject
#12 Old 30th Jan 2008 at 8:40 PM
Well, now that you mind it an I read it, I may have to think about that.
Actually, I think even TS3 is really, really good by graphics and gameplay, it's not needed. And it's like endersgirl said, TS1 was just a fun little game, TS2 is much more time-consuming, I think it's pretty good, and could live with it a few years more.
Of course I will buy it, and I'm looking forward to that, maybe I'll have to wait and first buy a better computer, but it's not like I've waited for it my whole life.
Mad Poster
#13 Old 30th Jan 2008 at 9:32 PM
It's not a question of "need," it's the reality that TS2 graphics are very outdated and is falling behind other games that have better graphics. Plus, let's face it, there are just so many things that can't really be in TS2. The way TS2 was made would be hard to have everything we could ever want in it. A great example... TS2 Sims' feet when wearing a dress are attached to the dress, you cannot see their legs because when wearing certain outfits, they do not have legs. That explains the extreme lack of layered clothing. Besides, people who dislike the idea of TS3 will easily change their minds in the future, it's annoying enough when they say they are not interested and then change their minds once we find more info on TS3. Why even bother typing that they are not interested when most of them will eventually be?
Forum Resident
#14 Old 30th Jan 2008 at 9:36 PM
Textbooks, for example, could have seven editions, but if you buy the first edition for considerably less than the seventh, you'll still have all the same information. They make new versions to make money, not because a new version needs to be made.

erm... thats actually not true... if you have edition one of your college history textbook and the teacher is requiring edition five or six, its a good chance that you are missing quite a bit of information that the fifth edition has because it was updated later than the first one (does that make sense)... It isn't JUST about money though I'm sure thats one of the reasons I paid 150 dollars for two textbooks this year.

As for Sims 3, all the speculations that I have seen, what people have said about it, I don't really think that I want it, or that its really needed... But technology is about growing so thats what they will do. Personally I will not run out and buy it the minute it hits the selves like I did with 2 but I might give it some time, see what others screenies look like and then maybe I will buy it.

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Test Subject
#15 Old 30th Jan 2008 at 10:08 PM
The reason is because, frankly, The Sims 2 certainly could use a sequel, not just due to graphics, but also gameplay, AI, technical issues, and so much more. The Sims is the type of game where it could always be expanded, and expanded, and expanded. And this sort of stuff couldn't be provided in an expansion pack. Of course, I shall wait before buying it. See what the reviews say. I'm not buying a game and then have to wait for a patch for it to be playable.
#16 Old 30th Jan 2008 at 10:13 PM
I'm actually quite happy with the graphics of Sims 2.
Of course there are glitches, but that comes with ANY game.

I have two reasons NOT to TS3:
Sims 2 was expensive enough, i don't have money just lying around..
My computer can barely handle Seasons, so i think TS3 is out of the question.

I have a few reasons TO buy TS3:
It is 'supposedly' good.
There should, and most likely WILL be improvements.
I have a lot of fun playing The Sims and Sims 2, so why not?

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#17 Old 30th Jan 2008 at 11:20 PM
I think the only thing that might compel me to get it is something I have wanted for years...1st person perspective. I would like to be able to turn my Sim home into a virtual home kind of thing. If I can switch between 1st and 3rd person perspectives in other games, why not in a game that seems to be PERFECT for a 1st person viewpoint? Otherwise, I am perfectly content with TS2, if all TS3 can do is offer better graphics, and a few new wardrobe choices and items, without some major innovations that make it a completely new experience, I probably won't bother.

Originally Posted by Obama on ABC's This Week, discussing Obamacare
What it's saying is, is that we're not going to have other people carrying your burdens for you anymore
umm...Isn't having other people carry your medical burden exactly what national health care is?
Mad Poster
#18 Old 30th Jan 2008 at 11:23 PM
Hey, does anyone remember in the earlier chats of The Sims before it was released that there would be a camera feature that allowed us to follow our Sims like in Sims Theme Park? I could be wrong but I remember reading something of that sort. Does anyone else remember?
#19 Old 30th Jan 2008 at 11:38 PM
Unless TS3 offered at least as much of an improvement over TS2 as TS2 offered over the original Sims, both graphically and gameplay-wise, I'd probably take a pass.

What I'd rather see is EA take all the people and associated manhours that TS3 would use and put it towards giving the existing codebase a thorough going-over/scrubbing. Fix stuff that's broke/borked-up. Maybe some new interactions that have been rigorously tested, so we know that they work like they're supposed to.

Like a lot of other folks, I have too much time/money/custom content/hacks invested in the TS2 to just drop it because something new and shiny came along.
#20 Old 30th Jan 2008 at 11:54 PM
So, like a comprehensive TS2 service pack, rather than just another expansion? I could get behind that...

Originally Posted by Obama on ABC's This Week, discussing Obamacare
What it's saying is, is that we're not going to have other people carrying your burdens for you anymore
umm...Isn't having other people carry your medical burden exactly what national health care is?
#21 Old 31st Jan 2008 at 12:03 AM
Yeah, something like a Service Pack, for lack of a better name. I'd even be willing to live with less frequent EPs if they'd just use the extra time to test stuff like they should've been doing all along.
#22 Old 31st Jan 2008 at 12:13 AM
Like most people have said, there would have to be a big difference between TS2 & TS3. I don't necessarily mean in terms of graphics (my computer is quite happy with TS2, but I think anything with higher requirements would be pushing things!), but in terms of gameplay and options. Things like more/better/more realistic interactions - for example between babies or toddlers and older sims. Much more variation in sim appearance- different heights, different bodyshapes, etc. I know we have the 'stretchskeleton' cheat, and Warlock's bodyshapes project, but all of these do odd things to the game's animations. Being able to chose different shoes for outfits (all these TS2 female outfits with high heels for example really give me the irrits!!).

I like NVRaptor's idea myself- that I would certainly buy.

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#23 Old 31st Jan 2008 at 12:32 AM
Yes, I do think a Sims 3 can, and should be made. After all, EA knows that a lot of people will buy anything with the Sims name on it, so why not? Anyway, Maxis has already confirmed that a sequel is in the works.
I'm not too concerned with graphics, because my poor little laptop would never be able to load Far Cry-esque graphics. Overall, I like the way the graphics are now. If they could just tweak the graphics a bit so details on Sims don't pixellate and blur even with high graphic settings on, my prayers would be answered.
Gameplay needs a definite improvement. More 'cute' interactions between family members would be greatly appreciated, as well as more Sim-building options, and building-building options! Also, EA should improve the Sims AI in the next game. I'm tired of having Sims stuck in a doorway just because they refuse to wait for the other Sim to pass by!
Would I buy Sims 3? Maybe. I'm not one who buys a game right after it's released--I like to wait a few months and look online for game reviews before I buy.
Most of all, I don't want Sims 3 being released right away. I don't care if I have to wait several years to get my hands on it. I want EAxis to spend time on the game, include as much features as they possibly can, and put some love into it! I would be devastated if they released a crappy Sims sequel!
Original Poster
#24 Old 31st Jan 2008 at 12:41 AM
Been away all day, and I'm thrilled to see people replying!

I've seen here, and over at the BBS when I frequented it so long ago, that people are asking for specific things for the sims. One of the most common is being able to change shoes with outfits. This would mean more individual files, bigger game. I just used Far Cry as an example, I highly doubt that TS3 will be anywhere near that. I also truly and seriously doubt that EA will go back and fix any old mistakes. I also don't believe that anyone who plays this game will get everything they want. There's just too many variables in that.

@ Frankie: Have you ever not liked a movie when you first saw it? After seeing that movie again, later, did you change your mind? Did you not like a book because you didn't understand it? Did you like it better after you found out what it meant? It's the same with the sims. People are going to change their minds, and new information is exactly the thing that's going to do it. People originally post, feeling exactly what they post, but then something happens to change their minds. It's what people do, and there's nothing wrong with that.

I also don't believe it's exactly (for lack of better word/phrase) good to compare the sims franchise to any other game. We've seen numerous times that the sims gaming community is vastly different from just about any other gaming community. How they react to improvements, and what's expected to improve from one game to the next will likely be different for them. I don't really want to get hung up on the graphics issue, though. If there is much of a change, it'll likely be in gameplay.

I've noticed a lot of people talking about "info" about TS3. Any links?
#25 Old 31st Jan 2008 at 1:04 AM
Quote: Originally posted by frankie
Besides, people who dislike the idea of TS3 will easily change their minds in the future, it's annoying enough when they say they are not interested and then change their minds once we find more info on TS3. Why even bother typing that they are not interested when most of them will eventually be?

Um... How do you know? Why do you even care? Of course we're going to change our minds as more information comes out; we're working with very little here. There aren't even screenshots.

Unless the improvements are as dramatic as those in the sims 2 compared with the original, I'm perfectly happy with having a game with "Omg lik teh w0rst graphics evur!" (I don't know that much about computer games... But I find very little to criticize in the Sims 2)
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