DOWNLOAD NOW: In the future, after Earth was ravaged by an onslaught of evil cowplants, the Simooligang quickly assembled to begin establishing a new civilization. Everyone had their own ideas about what the future should look like, and buzzwords, like "sustainable", and "eco-friendly" and "bar closes at 10pm" were rather confusing. What do those mean, exactly? This is the very question the Simooli Moderators had to challenge, and thus, each mod pod was created and assigned to their respective inhabitants... for better or worse. Oh, and the bar closes at 3am. This lot was created as part of a challenge hosted by Twitch Streamer Sim_Michele where participants had to create a solarpunk-themed build and upload with the hashtag #SMChallenge36.
Ground Floor
- Hufflepom Pod
- Pugowned Pod
- Nechole_The_Sim Pod
- Modest_Mishmash Pod
- Leppely Pod
- Kevthebuildr Pod
2nd Floor
- Jazz_Of_All_Trades Pod
- Sparklybat Pod
- Party Pod (Bar & Lounge)
- Protein Pod (Meat Farm & Storage)
- Potty Pod
- Shower Pod
3rd Floor
- CasuaiBex Perch
- Sarajacobson Perch
- SimooliSis Pod
- 1Sunny123 Pod
4th Floor
- Farming Pods
- Growing Operation
- Tranquility Pods
- Solar Farm Terrace & Splash'n'slide
Lot Size: 50x40 Lot Price (furnished): $846,084
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The Sims has always been more than just a game to me. Personally, I identify as a Builder and Machinima Artist. I have been a Simmer since 2000, active in the community since 2005, with a 8 year hiatus during college and pursuing my career as a Film Editor. As of 2020, I also became a Twitch Streamer. I am forever grateful to The Sims Community, and am excited to be back creating for a community that has given me so much. I sincerely appreciate your comments, thanks, downloads, and your undying support. I hope you enjoy my creations, each made with heart and soul.