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[Public Beta] The Randomizer Mod - REWORKED!

by Lyralei Posted 16th Jun 2022 at 5:30 PM - Updated 7th Jan 2025 at 3:14 PM by Lyralei
252 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 211 Feedback Posts, 40 Thanks Posts
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Lab Assistant
#76 Old 27th Jun 2022 at 1:45 PM Last edited by Knight : 27th Jun 2022 at 2:05 PM.
@Lyralei, wow, thanks for the quick response!
Try something like this:
dialog = new ThreeButtonDialog("Text", "First button", "Second button with custom tooltip", "Third button", new Vector2(0f, 0f));
if (dialog != null)
                         (dialog.ModalDialogWindow.GetChildByID(3U, false) as Button).TooltipText = "Cool long tooltip";

Upd: One more question. In the first two strings of the core package {1.randomRumor} and {1.randomRumor } are they different strings or just an extra space at the end?
Test Subject
#77 Old 28th Jun 2022 at 9:51 AM
I'm so glad the sims 3 modding community is still alive and thriving
Virtual gardener
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#78 Old 28th Jun 2022 at 12:13 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Knight
@Lyralei, wow, thanks for the quick response!
Try something like this:
dialog = new ThreeButtonDialog("Text", "First button", "Second button with custom tooltip", "Third button", new Vector2(0f, 0f));
if (dialog != null)
                         (dialog.ModalDialogWindow.GetChildByID(3U, false) as Button).TooltipText = "Cool long tooltip";

Upd: One more question. In the first two strings of the core package {1.randomRumor} and {1.randomRumor } are they different strings or just an extra space at the end?

Hrm that may work, but it can cause for some unexpected crashes that way.

Because dialogues are usually fired as a oneShotFunction. Meaning that they can only be triggered once on a different thread (which if not done, can crash the game been there done that). But it does make it harder to grab the ID of the UI element (which it gets from the LAYO file).

However, I did notice there is a "Clamp if needed" function EA has inside this UIUtils class that seems interesting for exactly our problem So may play around with that today! Thanks for sharing it though!

Regarding the space, I don't believe it's necessarily game breaking if the bracket has a space? I think? Will have to check this! Although in this case, the {1.RandomRumor} is no longer in use, as that was causing the empty rumor problems. Instead i'm basically pasting the 2 strings together
Test Subject
#79 Old 28th Jun 2022 at 1:13 PM
Really amazing idea! I tried it out but I got like A LOT of events, four power outages, seeds, sadness and.... PIZZA! Three pizza deliveries for one message. I tried increasing the number on the time between events options, but they kept going. Any advice lol?
Lab Assistant
#80 Old 28th Jun 2022 at 6:23 PM
I downloaded the recent version and I'm finally getting more stuff coming into the game. One thing though: I think the outages aren't working right. Once, I got an alert that there was a power outage, but everything electrical still worked. Another time, it said the plumbing would be out for a while, but all the plumbing worked, too.
Virtual gardener
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#81 Old 28th Jun 2022 at 7:35 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Nieri
I downloaded the recent version and I'm finally getting more stuff coming into the game. One thing though: I think the outages aren't working right. Once, I got an alert that there was a power outage, but everything electrical still worked. Another time, it said the plumbing would be out for a while, but all the plumbing worked, too.

Yeah I'm not sure how that bug even came to be because this was something that used to work (and i didn't touch the code either) buuut that's programming for you. You fix one thing, and you break another thing in the meanwhile I'll look into it! Thanks for the report
Virtual gardener
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#82 Old 28th Jun 2022 at 7:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Laconia
Really amazing idea! I tried it out but I got like A LOT of events, four power outages, seeds, sadness and.... PIZZA! Three pizza deliveries for one message. I tried increasing the number on the time between events options, but they kept going. Any advice lol?

@Laconia Lol, I'm still trying to figure out the best values of things triggering Currently, in the XML they're set to 10 to 72 hours. Though, what You can try is to use Nraas Retuner and tweak the triggering hours

To do that, click on the City Hall > Nraas Retuner > Settings > General > By Tunable XML > Sims3.Gameplay.Lyralei.TheRandomizerCore

Then, You should see these options:

Now, the thing you want to tweak is the "kTimeBetweenRandomEventsFiredMax" and "kTimeBetweenRandomEventsFiredMin". The Min variation is the MINIMUM hours that need to have passed from the previously fired event to show up. the MAXIMUM one is the Max time it should take till the next event is called.

So, as an example, if you set the min to 5 and the max to 10, then the game can choose any number of hours between 5 and 10 (or either of those numbers if it likes).

Hope this helps! If I were you, i'd set the values as so: Min: 72, max 168 (with other words, then it will take 3 to 7 days to fire anything)
Test Subject
#83 Old 28th Jun 2022 at 9:51 PM Last edited by Laconia : 28th Jun 2022 at 11:08 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Lyralei
@Laconia Lol, I'm still trying to figure out the best values of things triggering Currently, in the XML they're set to 10 to 72 hours. Though, what You can try is to use Nraas Retuner and tweak the triggering hours

To do that, click on the City Hall > Nraas Retuner > Settings > General > By Tunable XML > Sims3.Gameplay.Lyralei.TheRandomizerCore

Then, You should see these options:

Now, the thing you want to tweak is the "kTimeBetweenRandomEventsFiredMax" and "kTimeBetweenRandomEventsFiredMin". The Min variation is the MINIMUM hours that need to have passed from the previously fired event to show up. the MAXIMUM one is the Max time it should take till the next event is called.

So, as an example, if you set the min to 5 and the max to 10, then the game can choose any number of hours between 5 and 10 (or either of those numbers if it likes).

Hope this helps! If I were you, i'd set the values as so: Min: 72, max 168 (with other words, then it will take 3 to 7 days to fire anything)

Yes those were the ones I tried increasing but i had like, about 8-10 events play in one sim day? My game is modded to the gills so im probably looking at some kind of conflict, though im unsure what kinds of mods wrestle with this one.
Test Subject
#84 Old 29th Jun 2022 at 2:14 AM
I installed all of the modules except for death and man it was crazy. It felt like there was a new event at least twice a day! Also, my sims had gone from §1k to §75k in two days through frequent inheritances and tax returns lol. And they get free pizza every other day. Anyway, I still love this mod, I'm just going to modify how frequently everything occurs!
Test Subject
#85 Old 29th Jun 2022 at 3:27 AM
When i clique to accept fish from other sims it always freezes my game but i'm really liking the mod!
Test Subject
#86 Old 29th Jun 2022 at 10:44 AM
This message popped up randomly
Virtual gardener
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#87 Old 29th Jun 2022 at 11:26 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Laconia
Yes those were the ones I tried increasing but i had like, about 8-10 events play in one sim day? My game is modded to the gills so im probably looking at some kind of conflict, though im unsure what kinds of mods wrestle with this one.

Hrm, that's interesting? What did you set the values to? Note that it doesn't immediately take effect though when you tweak it. The last queued event still has to be fired before your changes will be considered by the code.

Alternatively, what you can do is also tweak the "kChanceFor... " effects (so the ones where you see the module names). By default in code they're set to 30, but i'm wondering now that if you tweak it though nraas Retuner, retuner will have the code look at the Retuner edited XML here... Should probably experiment that as well.

Anyways I'll be looking into this anyways today playtest it myself a bit. Maybe I should start playing with a bigger family, because mine are usually beginning families :p
Virtual gardener
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#88 Old 29th Jun 2022 at 11:41 AM
Quote: Originally posted by snsofanarchy
When i clique to accept fish from other sims it always freezes my game but i'm really liking the mod!

Ai that's not good! I'll check it out on my side
Test Subject
#89 Old 29th Jun 2022 at 11:52 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Lyralei
Ai that's not good! I'll check it out on my side

There is the same problem with a seed packets event
Test Subject
#90 Old 29th Jun 2022 at 1:04 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Lyralei
Hrm, that's interesting? What did you set the values to? Note that it doesn't immediately take effect though when you tweak it. The last queued event still has to be fired before your changes will be considered by the code.

Alternatively, what you can do is also tweak the "kChanceFor... " effects (so the ones where you see the module names). By default in code they're set to 30, but i'm wondering now that if you tweak it though nraas Retuner, retuner will have the code look at the Retuner edited XML here... Should probably experiment that as well.

Anyways I'll be looking into this anyways today playtest it myself a bit. Maybe I should start playing with a bigger family, because mine are usually beginning families :p

I decided to test a little myself, I set the max to 75 and min to 50, I also lowered the reroll on fail to see if that did anything, in one day I had, the following in order, Rumor, Pizza (only one pizza guy this time), Rumor, Seed spawn, Power outage, Power outage.

Then I set max to 750 and 500 and reroll to 0 and didn't have any events that day, I'm sure there's a middle-ground somewhere

hmm huh, So my for these days what I did was change the settings at 3am and then let it run for 24 sim hours with the settings before changing them at 3am again, the following is a few days with different settings.

I set it back to max 75 and min 50 but I kept to reroll at 0, no events happened that day

Max 75 and min 50 but I put the reroll back to 5 and the events played yet again! I got: Pizza, Rocks and Gems spawn, Hookup call, Pizza, Montesuma's revenge.

Kept the min/max but set the reroll to 1, event: Hookup call.

Kept min/max again but set reroll to 2, events: Uncontrollable Laughter, Pizza, Gem Spawn, Call from the orphanage.

Am I correct in assuming that the reroll on fail number is the mod rerolling the chance for an event if one didn't get triggered? Something seems to be up with that setting in my game that causes a lot of chaos!

Happy testing to you <3 xD
#91 Old 29th Jun 2022 at 3:54 PM
Thanks, going to try it!!
Virtual gardener
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#92 Old 30th Jun 2022 at 5:35 PM
Hey @Laconia !

I'm currently atm rewriting the whole internal system that grabs and fires the event, to make it much more consistent on what event should be fired.

Basically how I'm rewriting it now is:

- Each event will have a "days to cooldown" before they're considered "triggerable". This will be tunable
- (this didn't happen before, hence the reroll option that it currently has) the mod picks a random sim from your household, and checks all the requirements of said module (including the daily cooldown). With this I mean, if your sim has friends and you have the friends module installed, that it checks that. Then, it gathers the "approved" modules into a list of it's own. After that, it will pick a random module from the list and then also picks a random event.

Because currently the requirements are done at the same time as picking a random module. This means, that there is still a high chance that the game will roll the same event over and over again (We all know how great computers are at shuffling things and grabbing items by random Any music apps will show you this). Hopefully with me rewriting all that, it should be much more consistent and both much nicer on firing "perfectly" rather than "too much" or "too little".

I also feel that as it currently stands, firing it at a random hour just feels not quite right for the mod, and therefore a day-like approach is much better
Test Subject
#93 Old 30th Jun 2022 at 6:08 PM
@lyralei I'm super excited to see and play your rewrites! Happy coding! <3
Lab Assistant
#94 Old 1st Jul 2022 at 12:42 PM
I have the updated version, as I said, and everything seems to be working great (besides the power/plumbing outages that you already knew about). But, ever since I added this mod to my game, the More Scenarios on Moving mod has stopped working.
Virtual gardener
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Original Poster
#95 Old 1st Jul 2022 at 2:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Nicto
There is the same problem with a seed packets event

@Nicto , @snsofanarchy (and anyone else with the issue) If you don't want the game to crash on those events, I have disabled the event in this package (See attachments of this comment)
Lab Assistant
#96 Old 1st Jul 2022 at 7:46 PM
I have a quick question. Does the "can I stay with you for a few days" option end with you always having a roommate? My Sim's dad asked to stay and I clicked yes. But her mom was getting ready to have a baby and there was no way to send him home, so I went to Edit Town mode and moved him back home. Next thing I know, another roommate showed up the following morning.
#97 Old 2nd Jul 2022 at 7:09 AM
Hey! I just want to say thanks (even though as you may see I'm not active in modding nor simming much at all these days due to commitments IRL) - starting simming ages ago and it's really inspiring to see really substantive mods like these still being released!
Test Subject
#98 Old 2nd Jul 2022 at 9:13 AM
Default Adoption and rumour events do not work
This mod brought back fun to my Sims 3 games. However, I have gotten two adoption events only in the form of notifications. The game does not let me choose the life stage of the child, and so the event doesn't take place. Also, my Sims have gotten rumours and the corresponding negative moodlet; but there are no options to comfirm, investigate or deny them.
Test Subject
#99 Old 3rd Jul 2022 at 11:32 AM
I love this mod! It's the best and adds a lot of realism to the game.

One thing I have noticed is that the tax return event is a bit confusing. I think the tax return and the tax payment event aren't tied together because the tax return was the first notification and the tax payment event happened the following day. The inheritance and event was also a bit off. I would be worried if my sims relatives were dying at the rate they are lol. She's a millionaire now but I wanted her to be poor and suffer a bit lol.

Love your work!
Test Subject
#100 Old 3rd Jul 2022 at 4:22 PM
hi there i really like this mod but i keep getting money from an old relative diying bug.
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