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[Public Beta] The Randomizer Mod - REWORKED!

by Lyralei Posted 16th Jun 2022 at 5:30 PM - Updated 7th Jan 2025 at 3:14 PM by Lyralei
252 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 211 Feedback Posts, 40 Thanks Posts
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#176 Old 13th Jan 2023 at 9:49 PM
unfortunally I got some Error [Lyralei's Randomizer (CORE Module) Error]. I love your Mod so much! Thank you! Maybe you can help me? I download the newest Version.
Test Subject
#177 Old 15th Jan 2023 at 9:38 PM
Hi, just wanted to add that I have every module installed but i only pretty much get the guinea pig disease, disaster with power going off or plumbing problems , money, and the seeds and gems ..... also it says it has a cooldown of ten days but i keep getting money added and taken away pretty much every 2 day or every day and my sim is now broke! lol also getting seeds a lot and the pipes getting broken ALOT.... so i dont rlly know what to do but i guess i will just uninstall for now since its in beta... but its a very nice idea so i will wait
Test Subject
#178 Old 18th Jan 2023 at 3:55 AM
Quote: Originally posted by -Lisi-110
unfortunally I got some Error [Lyralei's Randomizer (CORE Module) Error]. I love your Mod so much! Thank you! Maybe you can help me? I download the newest Version.

I got the same error. I'm hoping to find a solution. I love having the mod in my game too!
Test Subject
#179 Old 22nd Feb 2023 at 11:38 PM Last edited by Cat1305 : 25th Feb 2023 at 12:45 AM.
Default Mod not working
This mod seems really cool but so far no events have fired on their own. I have all the modules, its been 3 in-game weeks, my sim has friends, a partner, a job, and an enemy so I figured an event should have happened by now. I turned on debug mode and did the "test random event" and that worked fine but other than that I haven't gotten any notifications or popups saying the mod is trying to fire. I'm sorry if I'm missing something super obvious, I'm just not sure what I might being doing wrong
Edit: It seems to be conflicting with Battery's C# Script Utility mod. I saw a couple other people saying it might cause problems so I deleted it to check and events started firing on their own. Is there a way around this or can I just not have both at the same time?
Test Subject
#180 Old 26th Feb 2023 at 9:14 PM
love this mod so much, such an essential part of gameplay for me! i was wondering if there was any way to turn off certain events from happening or turn them off from happening so often? i've been having a problem recently where the rocks and jewels spawn almost every other hour in my game and it makes my sim's home lot really laggy because its filling up with so many rocks.
Virtual gardener
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#181 Old 7th May 2023 at 1:36 PM
Quote: Originally posted by butterflyl1es
love this mod so much, such an essential part of gameplay for me! i was wondering if there was any way to turn off certain events from happening or turn them off from happening so often? i've been having a problem recently where the rocks and jewels spawn almost every other hour in my game and it makes my sim's home lot really laggy because its filling up with so many rocks.


Is it possible you have an older version of the mod? since each event is only supposed to fire each day, rather than each hour?

Though, you can turn events off through editing the xml If you open up the module that is responsible for the event to trigger, what you want to do is the following:

- Open module in S3PE - Right Click on the "Random[MODULENAME]EventOptions" xml
- Click "notepad" (or text editor if you've assigned that in S3PE already)

Now you see all the events in your text editor. You also see how each event is wrapped between <event> </event> brackets. this is important! If you somehow remove or incorrectly break the brackets (like, only having <event> but the closing bracket </event>, being gone now).

I have added an error checker though if this happens, so if it happens, make sure to read the error message

Anyways! To the editing part:

- BEFORE the <event> bracket, we add a <!--
- Scroll all the way to the first </event> we see, and on a next line we do: -->
- Save and try

For reference sake, your event should now look something like this:


    <TestMethod>Lyralei.TheRandomizerBase.TestMethodsBase, TheRandomizerBase, PlantsGrowthSpurtTest</TestMethod>
    <GeneralMethod>Lyralei.TheRandomizerGeneral.RandomizerGeneralFunctions, TheRandomizerBase, PlantsGrowthSpurt</GeneralMethod>

See how we have <!-- and --> now wrapped around it? This will mean for the xml reader that we no longer want this event.

I am aware this can feel really advanced and kind of scary, though I am hoping in the future to make a more "user-friendly" 'tool' for it, which you can use in-game

Let me know if that helps!
Virtual gardener
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Original Poster
#182 Old 7th May 2023 at 1:47 PM
@Cat1305 I think the conflict should now be fixed? though I checked with battery and we haven't quite been able to figure out what makes it suppress the events. It's just really weird that it's happening and the both of us can't quite grasp what the issue is :/

I do hope that my new update has fixed it? But I can't say for certain, since I too have battery's utility mod and it does work fine for me.

Did you have the latest version installed? I think indeed the general cooldown may be too short, as most general events don't have a special "check" of when they should re-run. I've edited the [Core] file and attached it to my reply to check if this improves things .

@butterflyl1es this may also work for you ^
Attached files:
File Type: zip  [CORE] TheRandomizerCore - Less (32.5 KB, 110 downloads)
Test Subject
#183 Old 9th May 2023 at 2:20 PM
Hello, Lyralei. Thank you for another wonderful mod. I've noticed something that I think might be a bug.When there is a power cut or a water outage, my sims are still able to use electrical items and water appliances. Is there a way to fix this?
Virtual gardener
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#184 Old 15th May 2023 at 12:02 PM
Quote: Originally posted by sarah_sarita
Hello, Lyralei. Thank you for another wonderful mod. I've noticed something that I think might be a bug.When there is a power cut or a water outage, my sims are still able to use electrical items and water appliances. Is there a way to fix this?

Hey @sarah_sarita !

I was hoping that the new fix I put in would fix it, but I noticed that sadly it hasn't :/ However! While working on Interests & Hobbies yesterday, I realised that I was using the wrong way of turning off the interactions, which meant that sometimes it works (mostly when I'm testing it...) And other times it doesn't. So i'll try and see if I can get that fix in by this week or maybe next.
Test Subject
#185 Old 17th May 2023 at 5:47 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Lyralei
Hey @sarah_sarita !

I was hoping that the new fix I put in would fix it, but I noticed that sadly it hasn't :/ However! While working on Interests & Hobbies yesterday, I realised that I was using the wrong way of turning off the interactions, which meant that sometimes it works (mostly when I'm testing it...) And other times it doesn't. So i'll try and see if I can get that fix in by this week or maybe next.

Thanks for the reply. I'll be waiting on the update :D
Lab Assistant
#186 Old 25th May 2023 at 3:26 AM
Is there any way to disable parts of a module but keep others. There are some cases where I'm fine with most of the events but then a certain one not so much and it is kind of sad to have to dump the entire module because of one event.
Virtual gardener
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#187 Old 27th May 2023 at 1:08 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Celiria
Is there any way to disable parts of a module but keep others. There are some cases where I'm fine with most of the events but then a certain one not so much and it is kind of sad to have to dump the entire module because of one event.

@Celiria There is! Though not in-game (as of yet). It does require some minor xml commenting. See:
Test Subject
#188 Old 2nd Jul 2023 at 5:48 AM
Hi Lyralei,

When I loaded up my save for the first time after downloading this mod, I got the error that 'import save data' and 'onworldloadfinished' had a null value where an object instance was required? It is the same error that satanicsugar reported a while ago, but it is longer. For context, the mod did not have this popup with a different family save. Does this error mean anything besides the mod not being used in this save before?
Test Subject
#189 Old 10th Jul 2023 at 11:09 PM
Hello, it is the first time that I comment something.

Lyralei you are amazing! and this mod is great
I have been having an error recently, before I did not have it and now I downloaded the most recent version but I still have this error.

The error says "[Lyralei's Randomizer (CORE Module) Error] An exception(NullReferenceException) ocurred. Message: A null value was found where an object instance was required. stack trace: #0: 0x0018b callvirt in Sims3.Gameplay.Lyralei.TheRandomizerCore.Sims3.Gameplay.Lyralei.TheRandomizerCore.RandomizerCoreModule:importSaveData () () #1: 0x00071 call in Sims3.Gameplay.Lyralei.TheRandomizerCore.Sims3.Gameplay.Lyralei.TheRandomizerCore.RandomizerCoreModule: OnWorldLoadFinished(object,System.EventArgs)([451588A0] [452FA338])".

I love your work, I hope my description helps to find a solution.
Virtual gardener
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#190 Old 12th Jul 2023 at 5:06 PM
Quote: Originally posted by vapor_girl
Hi Lyralei,

When I loaded up my save for the first time after downloading this mod, I got the error that 'import save data' and 'onworldloadfinished' had a null value where an object instance was required? It is the same error that satanicsugar reported a while ago, but it is longer. For context, the mod did not have this popup with a different family save. Does this error mean anything besides the mod not being used in this save before?

Quote: Originally posted by Katysimmer
Hello, it is the first time that I comment something.

Lyralei you are amazing! and this mod is great
I have been having an error recently, before I did not have it and now I downloaded the most recent version but I still have this error.

The error says "[Lyralei's Randomizer (CORE Module) Error] An exception(NullReferenceException) ocurred. Message: A null value was found where an object instance was required. stack trace: #0: 0x0018b callvirt in Sims3.Gameplay.Lyralei.TheRandomizerCore.Sims3.Gameplay.Lyralei.TheRandomizerCore.RandomizerCoreModule:importSaveData () () #1: 0x00071 call in Sims3.Gameplay.Lyralei.TheRandomizerCore.Sims3.Gameplay.Lyralei.TheRandomizerCore.RandomizerCoreModule: OnWorldLoadFinished(object,System.EventArgs)([451588A0] [452FA338])".

I love your work, I hope my description helps to find a solution.

It sounds like you both are indeed having the same issue. I've noticed in another mod I'm working on that the ImportSaveData() tool I made for saving and importing data seemingly has issues when you do the following:

1. Play Save 1, then save said save (what a sentence lol)
2. Go to main menu
3. Play another Save but in the same world (could be a completely different family and townies even)

And somehow the data tool I wrote will think it's the same save

Currently, the only workaround I have for this is to Quit the entire game, start it up again, and then load that save you want to play. Assuming that this is the same flow, you both happen to have the same error occurring?
Test Subject
#191 Old 22nd Jul 2023 at 7:26 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Lyralei
It sounds like you both are indeed having the same issue. I've noticed in another mod I'm working on that the ImportSaveData() tool I made for saving and importing data seemingly has issues when you do the following:

1. Play Save 1, then save said save (what a sentence lol)
2. Go to main menu
3. Play another Save but in the same world (could be a completely different family and townies even)

And somehow the data tool I wrote will think it's the same save

Currently, the only workaround I have for this is to Quit the entire game, start it up again, and then load that save you want to play. Assuming that this is the same flow, you both happen to have the same error occurring?

Some things that have worked for me:
Picking a random save in the same town and seeing if it loads over there (it usually does!), then go back into (troublesome) Save 1, as you said
Quitting the game, then starting it up and loading Save 1 is a variable fix, it doesn't always work. Usually I have to go back and forth between Save 1 and a different save. What helps best is loading an older save of Save 1 itself (if that makes sense - I usually keep 2 to 3 backups around for each family), saving it, then returning to that same family's Save 1.
#192 Old 23rd Jul 2023 at 8:21 PM
Having a lot of fun with this mod . Just added disease module as well and wonder if common flu becomes pheunomia or is it entirely separate deseases?
Virtual gardener
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#193 Old 25th Jul 2023 at 10:11 AM
Quote: Originally posted by chokolady
Having a lot of fun with this mod . Just added disease module as well and wonder if common flu becomes pheunomia or is it entirely separate deseases?

Right now it's seperate Good to hear you're having fun with it! Hopefully there's a nice variety of random things happening, since this seems to be from person to person?
Virtual gardener
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Original Poster
#194 Old 25th Jul 2023 at 10:13 AM
Quote: Originally posted by vapor_girl
Some things that have worked for me:
Picking a random save in the same town and seeing if it loads over there (it usually does!), then go back into (troublesome) Save 1, as you said
Quitting the game, then starting it up and loading Save 1 is a variable fix, it doesn't always work. Usually I have to go back and forth between Save 1 and a different save. What helps best is loading an older save of Save 1 itself (if that makes sense - I usually keep 2 to 3 backups around for each family), saving it, then returning to that same family's Save 1.

@vapor_girl Thanks for coming back to me on it!

Oh huh interesting! This is super helpful info though, since it makes it a bit easier to debug things on my side. I'll check it out and see if I can come up with a fix for this (and some other mods that have this new saving code I made)
#195 Old 25th Jul 2023 at 7:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Lyralei
Right now it's seperate Good to hear you're having fun with it! Hopefully there's a nice variety of random things happening, since this seems to be from person to person?

Yesterday my sim house burned down, so that is pretty random lol.
I see option on hospital "Go to hospital for disease" which costs 200. I assume its the option from this mod, I am wondering how I can change the amount charged if possible?
Virtual gardener
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Original Poster
#196 Old 27th Jul 2023 at 5:12 PM
Quote: Originally posted by chokolady
Yesterday my sim house burned down, so that is pretty random lol.
I see option on hospital "Go to hospital for disease" which costs 200. I assume its the option from this mod, I am wondering how I can change the amount charged if possible?

If your sim has the randomizer diseases then yep! Though currently, 200 is hardcoded in... not sure why i never bothered making it a tuning value... I'll see if I can add it in soon
#197 Old 28th Jul 2023 at 3:59 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Lyralei
If your sim has the randomizer diseases then yep! Though currently, 200 is hardcoded in... not sure why i never bothered making it a tuning value... I'll see if I can add it in soon

Cool, thanks!
Test Subject
#198 Old 29th Jul 2023 at 4:37 PM
Hello! This mod is very fun and I love the scenario's, and the fact that I can choose which modules I want to have. I am especially having fun with the 'work'-module, my sim and his girlfriend just randomly got fired on the same day, and it made for a very fun storyline!

However, I do have a problem, since yesterday. Whenever I start up my save, I immediately get an error from this mod. The mod itself seems to be working fine however. I am not sure what is causing this error, and if anything is not working because of it. I did not change anything about my game since yesterday that could have started this error. Can you help figure this out? I saw that you are on a hiatus, so if not that's no problem
Virtual gardener
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#199 Old 30th Jul 2023 at 12:12 PM
Quote: Originally posted by veerlehond
Hello! This mod is very fun and I love the scenario's, and the fact that I can choose which modules I want to have. I am especially having fun with the 'work'-module, my sim and his girlfriend just randomly got fired on the same day, and it made for a very fun storyline!

However, I do have a problem, since yesterday. Whenever I start up my save, I immediately get an error from this mod. The mod itself seems to be working fine however. I am not sure what is causing this error, and if anything is not working because of it. I did not change anything about my game since yesterday that could have started this error. Can you help figure this out? I saw that you are on a hiatus, so if not that's no problem

This can occur when you jump from save to save. (as in, go to main menu > click save > play save > save the save > Main menu again > Go to next save in same world). But it's not going to screw things up for you It's something to do with the saving mechanism I made but it has some bugs when loading the save from another town and it's missing certain sims, etc.

This is the case with a few of my other mods btw, so I'm currently working through the issue to fix it.
Test Subject
#200 Old 11th Sep 2023 at 9:41 AM
Hi! I sended a message here almost a year ago. I still have problems with the rodent invasion scenario. After the maid/housekeeper comes to clean the house (or I reject the cleaning), the cleaning service resets every day and I have to call them back every day, no matter if I am in another household or another world. Would you please fix it?
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