Frikets Sims Building
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It is a 15 level residential skyscrapper for a top level business Sim familly.
Inside you find 4 appartments : 1st for 2 sims have 3 levels, it is in the brick part. Second is for a 4 sims family on the levels 6 to 10.
The bachelor one is on 11 & 12, last one is at the top with the boss office and the sky observatory.

There are also common parts : a large tropical privative inside garden (gardenable) with swiming pool and party place ... and a fully furnished service room

I improve the previous 9 levels bulding with a 15 one with additional storey with the same principle explained in this tutorial : TS3 Nine livable levels (illusion) (updated to 15 levels)
It is limited to 15 because the ground level cant be elevatted more than about 10 wall levels
For the name.... just the random name of the hyper-motherloaded familly I used to test it.

Lot Size: 4x3
Lot Price: 673 398 /358 134
Frikets Sims Building.rar
Uploaded: 5th Aug 2009, 2.89 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Click the file listed on the Files tab to download the file to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
2. Select the .sims3pack file you got from extracting.
3. Cut and paste it into your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Downloads folder. If you do not have this folder yet, it is recommended that you open the game and then close it again so that this folder will be automatically created. Then you can place the .sims3pack into your Downloads folder.
5. Load the game's Launcher, and click on the Downloads tab. Select the house icon, find the lot in the list, and tick the box next to it. Then press the Install button below the list.
6. Wait for the installer to load, and it will install the lot to the game. You will get a message letting you know when it's done.
7. Run the game, and find your lot in Edit Town, in the premade lots bin.
Extracting from RAR, ZIP, or 7z: You will need a special program for this. For Windows, we recommend 7-Zip and for Mac OSX, we recommend Keka. Both are free and safe to use.
Need more help?
If you need more info, see Game Help:Installing TS3 Packswiki for a full, detailed step-by-step guide!
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Updated: 5th Aug 2009 at 5:18 PM
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