Doctor Who – Matt Smith’s Costume
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make Dr. Who - Matt Smith's Costume and I agreed to do it.
After a few "too dark", "too bright", "too brown", "too gray" etc etc, I decided
to stop at its current look, which is quite near the look of the costume
worn by Matt Smith, not 100% identical, but... umm, quite near.
So, before I ruin it completely I'll upload it here and don't be too
rough with the whips, it's my first attempt to copy of a costume
from a.. uuuh (I know nada about Dr. Who to be honest)... TV series?
It is for Adult Male and can be worn as Everyday, Formal and Outwear
Anyways, enjoy!
Uploaded: 15th Feb 2010, 299.6 KB.
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- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
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#Doctor Who, #Dr Who, #Who, #Doctor, #Costume
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About Me
things. Mostly, I do that with an Pen and a paper.
Working with Textures is something completely new
to me, I do believe however that I'm doing quite good.
Still got a lot to learn. I'm also getting around to learn
meshing, and I hope I'll make pretty things someday.
My head is always full of ideas, but at this time
I'm unable to realize more than about 1/10 of all
those ideas. Hopefully I'll increase that number in a
near future.