Tali' Zorah Nar Rayya from Mass Effect; Also Quarian gene set

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I lie dormant for many many moons...

And finally an alien that isn't a twi'lek or Na'vi, plus she could single-handedly take both of them

My newest creation, and second upload to MTS2: Tali' Zorah Nar Rayya from Mass Effect 1. Me and my girlfriend are huge fans of the series and both find Tali to be lovable and adorable.

Quarians are mysterious space faring beings that were forced off there home-world by the Geth, a race of sentient machines ironically created by the Quarians. They now float through space in a flotilla of discarded and remodeled ships. They live inside Exo-Environmental Suits because of an unusually weak immune system. When a Quarian comes of age, they venture on a pilgrimage into the terminus systems and Citadel space, to find something of value to bring back to the flotilla; be it new technology, ships, materials or information that could be useful. Now i offer you your very own Tali, in search of love and something to bring back.

Be careful though, Quarians have Dextro-amino based DNA meaning that they cannot eat most sugars (or human food) and like Turians, may cause allergic reactions (or in a worst case scenario, Anaphylactic Shock) in human beings if one were to ingest bodily fluids.

But enough with the techno-mumbo jumbo. Like all Mass Effect fans should know is that Tali has yet to be unmasked, meaning the face underneath that i built isn't actually what she may look like.

The story behind this image is that somebody created this (not a bioware employee either) and a group of Bioware employees stumbled across this and were so impressed that they tweeted it to the rest of the company, or so rumors have it. If this rumor is true, I think it may actually impact her appearance. Thus the reason why i chose her default skin color to be a darker/ flatter shade of brown. Also her voice and appearance gives of a type of middle eastern or maybe even Egyptian/Indian appeal so i figure she might actually have a darker skin tone rather than a sterile pale. But just for kicks i threw in a purple hue as well, cause there's enough of that kind of fan art lying around.

Everything below the waist is barbie dolled so no worries

The helmet is binned into the black hair and is a hat. When she is in her underwear it changes to black hair (it was supposed to be when she was naked, but it did this to me and and i cant fix it.) And the visor and mouth piece are an accessory that she always wears (and again with the naked thing and i cant fix it >:[ ) But on the plus side, the visor is alpha so a quick recolor will remove it leaving just the mouth piece.

I intend to do Kal Reagar (a male Quarian) and make a male counter part to the skin tones. Then i can create a whole set of Quarians, young and old, so you can make a proper family.

Garrus and Legion soon follow too, Woot!!

Blah, Blah...

7Z package contents (All content by me of course):
Quarian Af body.package - the naked full body mesh
quarian AF bottom mesh.package - genetic bottom AF mesh
quarian AF Top mesh.package - genetic top AF mesh
Quarian Dark Skin.package - Quarian skintone with gene meshes
quarian eyes.package - Hmmm, i wonder...
Quarian Purple skin.package - Quarian skintone with gene meshes
Quarian skin.package - Quarian skintone with gene meshes
Qurian F nude body.package - texture for the af body package
tali mask mesh.package - the mesh of her helmet
tali mask tex1_Black.package - the texture for the helmet
tali mask tex1_hair_Black.package - the texture for the hair counterpart
Tali Mesh.package - the mesh of her exo-suit
Tali Tex.package - texture for said exo-suit
tali visor mesh.package - mesh for the accessory visor and mouth-piece
tali visor tex.package - texture for said visor/mouth-piece
Tali' Zorah.Sims2Pack - obviously so you can unsim2pack

Poly Count
Tali Mesh.package: 4289!!! It was an alpha to retexture easily but i merged the groups and deleted overlapping faces

tali visor mesh.package: "frame" 210 + "lens" 328 = 538
tali mask mesh.package: 1140

Quarian Af body.package: 2812
quarian AF Top mesh.package: 1418
quarian AF bottom mesh.package: 1394

Additional Credits:
Thanks to Bioware for the great games, Hp, Tig, Cat of evil genius, Dr. Pixel and, (any one else i forgot) for making those amazing tutorials and plugins and as always TURBOSQUID.COM for providing FREE textures (even if you are a hit or miss)
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