Meet Coworkers Faster
Holden After.jpg - width=393 height=771
Holden Before.jpg - width=397 height=771
Jacob After2.jpg - width=399 height=769
Jacob Before.jpg - width=1023 height=773
This mod is compatabile with patch 1.67.
Update 6: Showtime/Supernatural/1.38 Compatible: No need to redownload!
Update 5: Pets/1.26/1.29/1.31 Compatible: No need to redownload!
Update 4: According to nogoman and eclipse1982, this mod does in fact work without LN. So if you don't have late night, you can use this mod.
Update 2: This mod is compatible with outdoor living stuff
Update 3: This mod is compatible with Generations
There are screen shots at the bottom of the page of two of my sims right before work and school, and again one or two hours into work and school.
The flavors are as follows:
(Only use one package at a time!)
Default time frame to meet a coworker is from 2-5 hours.
Filename: Chicken0895_Meet Coworkers Faster
Min time to meet someone: 20min
Max time to meet someone: 1 hour
Filename: Chicken0895_Meet Coworkers Faster2
Min: 40min
Max: 1.5 hours
Filename: Chicken0895_Meet Coworkers Faster3
Min: 1 hour
Max: 2 hours
Filename: Chicken0895_Meet Coworkers Faster4
Min: 1.5 hours
Max: 3.0 hours
Filename: Chicken0895_Meet Coworkers Faster5
Min: 2 hours
Max: 4 hours
Filename: Chicken0895_Meet Coworkers Faster6
Min: 20 min
Max: 5 hours
This is fully compatible with J.M. Pescado's awesome mod and any other core mods and story progression mods. This mod is not compatible with other mods that change the time it takes to meet coworkers (if that's not obvious I don't know what to tell you). Other than that it should be compatible with any other mod.
Additional Credits:
ButtKoWitz for original mod idea and flavors.
Chicken0895 Meet Coworkers Faster
Uploaded: 27th Nov 2010, 2.8 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 17th Oct 2014 at 9:38 PM
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About Me
Please do not re-upload any of my mods anywhere (especially pay sites) unless you have written permission from me. PM me if you wish to do this.
I am taking sims 3 xml mod requests, if you are not sure what kind of mod your idea requires, feel free to PM me and I'll see if I can do it. I cannot do custom careers or meshes. I do not currently know how to make food, although I would be interested in learning if anyone knows a good tutorial.
Happy simming!