Plaid Bedding Super Pack
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Phew! I finally did it! I finally made bedding! I always wanted to, and with the help of tiggerypum, for her tutorial, and Schaapje82 for her updated template, I did it! I stuck to very basic for my first set, but I got carried away with the idea and made 55. Oops. I’ll try to keep it to a more reasonable number next time, and make them a little more extravagant.
I labeled the pictures as they are numbered in the zips, so it should be easy to reference and delete the ones you don’t want. Once you have downloaded that, I suggest looking at the thumbs and just cross referencing so you can delete the ones you don’t want.

Check out the pictures for more colours, details, and other things!
Additional Credits:
tiggerypum, Schaapje82, SimPE, Photoshop and the Compressorizer.
Image Credits:
iCad for her wonderful bright carpets.
This custom content if it is not clothing, may require a seperate download to work properly. This is available at Colour Enable Package (CEP) by Numenor.
Uploaded: 19th Feb 2016, 10.82 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64:
/Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
Need more information?
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 19th Feb 2016 at 7:39 PM - File Replacement
#plaid, #bedding, #super pack, #retro, #modern, #tomboy, #cool, #lumberjack
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