Woodwork Custom Furniture N Toys Menus

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The mod adds categories to EA menu for woodwork table -Toy and Custom Furniture Menus - in the game.
Toys and Custom Furniture to make these menus appear are in separate downloads added as they become available.
Toys and furniture are EA recolors.

The separate downloads of the toys and furniture are EA recolors (some toys are EA sculptures with toy tunings added)

Requires: Custom Toys or Furniture to appear in game
Custom Menus for Woodworking Table
---Creates a Menu for Toys
--- Creates a Menu for Custom Furniture

If you install the v1.1 Remove original because the file is renamed and will not override

Requirement :
1. Custom Toys or Furniture must be added to Mods folder AND Custom Furniture or Toys from separate downloads must also be present for the additional categories to appear in game.
Made with Game PC Version
Base Game Compatible

Conflicts: No known Conflicts but might conflict with any mod using the following resources

E882D22F - 00000000 – 00000005623D533.woodworkingTable_StartCrafting_Sculpture.InteractionTuning
E882D22F - 00000000 – 000000035A19CE4.woodworkingTable_StartCrafting.InteractionTuning

Polygon Counts: None

Additional Credits:
- K9DB
-Sims 4 studio
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