Recolours of Mootilda/Phaenoh's "Mooving sign"
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But there was one issue. I wanted it to say "For rent" instead of "For sale" to better apply to my university situation, and so I loaded it up in SimPE in the hopes that it was recolourable...and it is.
So I went about recolouring it in my standard ten woods, which was incredibly simple thanks to the way the mesh was laid out, and I Googled other types of for sale signs to try to add some other variety. I was reminded of a few simple ones and tried to copy the average of them rather than any particular one--the black one with tall, skinny red letters, a one with a picture of a house, and one with a real estate agent's information on it. (That one took the longest, as I made an estate agent and everything using Maxis content. Gotta practice those graphic design skills somehow!)
I began to joke to my friend about how I had the gamut from fancy realtor all the way down to "this cost me $0.50 at at the hardware store", and it occurred to me to make one in an even cheaper financial situation, straight up sharpie on cardboard, and away I went.
The text on the real estate agent logo reads "Moo Phae Real Estate", after the creators of the original item, along with the name of the Sim (Clare Dachaigh) who is a slap-dash five-minute selfsim of another name, and a number with a non-existent area code, with the numbers given a bit of a Simlish treatment. For the most part, I left the original "For Sale" text that was on the original, except for the cardboard version and the For Rent version. I didn't want to muck up their greatness

Additional Credits:
Shutterstock (Real Estate sign inspiration)
FilterForge for the woods and cardboard
Simply There, Let Lazy Dogs Lie, Sporty Buff (I think), and Cherry Vanilla fonts by the ever-amazing Franzilla
Uploaded: 13th Jan 2019, 815.2 KB.
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Updated: 30th Jan 2019 at 4:57 AM
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About Me
That said, I’m a D&D and World of Warcraft nerd, a Trekkie, a Whovian, a Babylon 5 fan, Marvel comics fan (generally cosmics and mystics), lover of dad jokes, and habitually have too many projects at once. Knowledge and pleasure aspirations, geek trait, fond of reusing things in ways they were never meant to be used.
Any pronouns except it/its are fine.