MORE TOWNIES: Moonlight Falls
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Alexandra Leach
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Alexandra Leach
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Alfie Brightkin
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Alfie Brightkin
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Alonso Freitas
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Alonso Freitas
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Arthur Lorenzen
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Arthur Lorenzen
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Darrin Parkinson
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Darrin Parkinson
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Devi Bahl
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Devi Bahl
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Fatma Fofana
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Fatma Fofana
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Geri Skoll
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Geri Skoll
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Gloria Tanaquill
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Gloria Tanaquill
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Gwenda Samuel
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Gwenda Samuel
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Gwyn Nudd
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Gwyn Nudd
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Hector Sandalio
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Hector Sandalio
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Henry Janda
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Henry Janda
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Hugo Hollingsworth
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Hugo Hollingsworth
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Inez Waterhouse
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Inez Waterhouse
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Isabela Dolor
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Isabela Dolor
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Jeanne Tremble
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Jeanne Tremble
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Kazimir the Conqueror
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Kazimir the Conqueror
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Loren Tripp
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Loren Tripp
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Lupita Suero
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Lupita Suero
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Lyall Shaw
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Lyall Shaw
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Mara Krall
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Mara Krall
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Morgan Burt
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Morgan Burt
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Nina Morse
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Nina Morse
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Randall Farkas
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Randall Farkas
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Samira Vetala
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Samira Vetala
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Seelie Lyne
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Seelie Lyne
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Silja of Alatskivi
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Silja of Alatskivi
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Sybil Lusk
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Sybil Lusk
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Tychon Rhodes
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Tychon Rhodes
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Vaughn Michaels
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Vaughn Michaels
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William Peaseblossom
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William Peaseblossom
PS: Four of the vampires were inspired by characters in one of my favorite TV shows— let me know in the comments if you recognize them!
What you get:
Each zipped folder contains 8 sims. In total, there are 32 sims available for download: 8 adult males, 8 young adult males, 8 adult females, and 8 young adult females.
The occult breakdown: 8 human (non-occult) Sims, 6 witches, 6 vampires, 6 werewolves, 6 fairies.
The sims are all saved wearing Pyxis's Huckleberry Pie default skin, which will be replaced with the default skin in your game (cc or EA).
How to install:
.sim files go in Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/SavedSims
In order to have these sims appear as homeless townies, move them into a house via Edit Town and then evict them.
You can also use MC to assign specific roles to sims, if you want a certain sim for a certain role. You can also assign careers to them this way.
Don't reupload these sims or claim them as your own, but feel free to use them in legacies/stories/what have you, as long as you link back to the download here!
Under the cut is a list of each sim's traits & LTW.
W = Witch
R = Werewolf
V = Vampire
F = Fairy
H = Human
Vaughn Michaels AM (H)
Coward, Flirty, Green Thumb, Light Sleeper, Never Nude
The Perfect Garden
Arthur Lorenzen AM (H)
Ambitious, Brooding, Genius, Great Kisser, Insane
Celebrity Psychic
Tychon Rhodes AM (W)
Clumsy, Green Thumb, Hopeless Romantic, Insane, Kleptomaniac
Mystic Healer
Darrin Parkinson AM (V)
Can't Stand Art, Inappropriate, Mooch, No Sense of Humor, Workaholic
CEO of a Mega-Corporation
Hector Sandalio AM (R)
Childish, Family-Oriented, Good, Loves the Outdoors, Mean-Spirited
Leader of the Pack
Kazimir the Conqueror AM (V)
Ambitious, Brave, Evil, Hot-Headed, Night Owl
Turn the Town
Alfie Brightkin AM (F)
Artistic, Hydrophobic, Lucky, Natural Cook, Slob
The Culinary Librarian
Gwyn Nudd AM (F)
Angler, Brooding, Green Thumb, Natural Cook, Virtuoso
Greener Gardens
Jeanne Tremble AF (W)
Ambitious, Angler, Insane, Proper, Technophobe
Zombie Master
Sybil Lusk AF (W)
Genius, Grumpy, Kleptomaniac, Neurotic, Night Owl
Master of Mysticism
Geri Skoll AF (R)
Athletic, Friendly, Hot-Headed, Loner, Snob
International Super Spy
Isabela Dolor AF (H)
Brooding, Family-Oriented, Light Sleeper, Loner, Loves the Outdoors
Surrounded by Family
Samira Vetala AF (V)
Dislikes Children, Heaavy Sleeper, Hopeless Romantic, No Sense of Humor, Technophobe
Swimming in Cash
Mara Krall AF (V)
Athletic, Childish, Evil, Genius, Over-Emotional
Turn the Town
Fatma Fofana AF (F)
Ambitious, Artistic, Grumpy, Light Sleeper, Virtuoso
Master of the Arts
Alexandra Leach AF (H)
Bookworm, Frugal, Loner, Never Nude, Supernatural Fan
Alchemy Artisan
Morgan Burt YAM (W)
Artistic, Athletic, Mooch, Night Owl, Vehicle Enthusiast
Mystic Healer
Alonso Freitas YAM (W)
Commitment Issues, Gatherer, Neurotic, Schmoozer, Unflirty
Alchemy Artisan
Lyall Shaw YAM (R)
Clumsy, Dislikes Children, Hopeless Romantic, Hydrophobic, Insane
Leader of the Pack
Hugo Hollingsworth YAM (V)
Flirty, Great Kisser, Hopeless Romantic, Party Animal, Proper
Randall Farkas YAM (R)
Artistic, Hydrophobic, Kleptomaniac, Neat, Night Owl
Become a Master Thief
William Peaseblossom YAM (F)
Good, Insane, Loves the Outdoors, Neurotic, Workaholic
Magic Makeover
Loren Tripp YAM (H)
Can't Stand Art, Friendly, Inappropriate, Over-Emotional, Supernatural Skeptic
World-Renowned Surgeon
Henry Janda YAM (H)
Artistic, Computer Whiz, Easily Impressed, Never Nude, Unflirty
Star News Anchor
Nina Morse YAF (H)
Charismatic, Easily Impressed, Evil, Genius, Kleptomaniac
Become a Master Thief
Devi Bahl YAF (H)
Friendly, Good Sense of Humor, Great Kisser, Grumpy. Supernatural Skeptic
World-Renowned Surgeon
Lupita Suero YAF (R)
Commitment Issues, Flirty, Genius, Good, Technophobe
Perfect Mind, Perfect Body
Gwenda Samuel YAF (R)
Evil, Gatherer, Great Kisser, HEavy Sleeper, Night Owl
Leader of the Pack
Inez Waterhouse YAF (W)
Charismatic, Clumsy, Dislikes Children, Never Nude, Perfectionist
Zombie Master
Silja of Alatskivi YAF (V)
Flirty, Great Kisser, Neurotic, Night Owl, Virtuoso
Turn the Town
Seelie Lyne YAF (F)
Angler, Artistic, Heavy Sleeper, Loser, Over-Emotional
Magic Makeover
Gloria Tanaquill YAF (F)
Genius, Heavy Sleeper, Loves the Outdoors, Schmoozer, Technophobe
Greener Gardens
The following custom content is included in the downloadable files:
- Huckleberry Pie Default Skin by Pyxis
- Big Q Eyes by BrntWaffles
Uploaded: 16th Mar 2022, 3.16 MB.
Uploaded: 16th Mar 2022, 3.03 MB.
Uploaded: 16th Mar 2022, 2.96 MB.
Uploaded: 16th Mar 2022, 3.20 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Click the file listed on the Files tab to download the sim to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
2. Select the .sim file you got from extracting.
3. Cut and paste it into your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\SavedSims folder. If you do not have this folder yet, it is recommended that you open the game, enter Create-a-Sim, and save a sim to the sim bin to create this folder, rather than doing so manually. After that you can close the game and put the .sim file in SavedSims
4. Once the .sim file is in SavedSims, you can load the game, and look for your sim in the premade sims bin in Create-a-Sim.
Extracting from RAR, ZIP, or 7z: You will need a special program for this. For Windows, we recommend 7-Zip and for Mac OSX, we recommend Keka. Both are free and safe to use.
Need more help?
If you need more info, see Game Help:Installing TS3 Simswiki for a full, detailed step-by-step guide! Special Installation Instructions
- If you get an error that says "This content requires expansion pack data that is not installed", please use either Clean Installer to install this sim.
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#ts3, #ts3spn, #ts3supernatural, #the sims 3, #the sims 3 supernatural, #sims 3, #sims 3 supernatural, #sims 3 sims, #sims 3 occult, #sims 3 vampire, #sims 3 werewolf, #sims 3 witch, #sims 3 fairy, #ts3 vampire, #ts3 werewolf, #ts3 witch, #ts3 fairy, #vampire, #werewolf, #w
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 3 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Supernatural |